Dart Master

Chapter 94

Chapter 94
Apart from the excitement, I was more lonely and chilled.

If Uncle Qi is Yan Jun, with supernatural powers, what is his relationship with the evil eagle and Qingwen, and why did he want to kill my father.This evil eagle is so yin, it is definitely an evil god, so Yan Jun is right and evil after all.

You must know that there are animal soldiers guarding Ye Zixuan's company, which means that he should be related to the second sage of animal sect, and the second sage of animal sect is deadly enemy with Yan Jun and King Zhang. Ye Zixuan would never dare to erect a statue of Yan Jun, wouldn't it? Does it show the face of hitting a bull's head and a horse's face?

My scalp was numb for a while, and I was a little confused, but it's a pity that Uncle Seven has disappeared, otherwise I would have to ask him clearly.

I didn't even bother to read the following "Please God", Niuniu was also extremely angry, the three of us squeezed out of the crowd, took Shaotian around the street, and prepared to go back to Laodie Tu's medicine house.

Niuniu and Shaotian walked in front hand in hand, and I followed behind to see that something was wrong.I don't know when there was a red mark on Niu Niu's body. The mark should belong to evil magic. It is so faint that ordinary people can't feel it at all, but I can see it with my magic eyes.

Judging from the imprint trace, it looks a bit like a horse's head.

The sudden appearance of the imprint is by no means a good thing, could it be that Niuniu is being targeted by Ye Zixuan?No, I must not watch her being brutally murdered, the best way is to stay close to her.

I didn't mention Ye Zi's matter to Niu Niu and Tu Laodi. After all, they are ordinary people, and it's useless to know.

In the evening, there was a torrential rain in Qingshan Town, the sky was dark and heavy, and it made people a little breathless. I always felt that something was going to happen, and I felt depressed and panicked.

"Shaotian, may I give you a task?"

Shaotian was gnawing on a pig's trotter, wiped his mouth with his sleeve and asked, "Big brother, is there anything delicious to do the task?"

I smiled and said: "Yes, you go to Niu Niu's room to protect her tonight, as long as tonight is over, I will buy you roast chicken tomorrow."

When Shaotian heard that there was roast chicken to eat, his mouth watered greedily, but he shook his head again after thinking about it, "No, Sister Niuniu will beat me."

I held out two fingers, "Two roasted chickens!"

Shaotian hesitated for a while, blinked his eyes, stretched out his finger and hooked me, "Lagou, pullgou, don't change for 100 years!"

After finishing speaking, Shaotian got up and walked to Niuniu's room. Immediately afterwards, I heard Niuniu's madness and Shaotian's screams. I can imagine how badly he was beaten by Niuniu.

But as long as the tick is checked, even if Shaotian is beaten to death, he will stay in Niuniu's room.

After a few days, I felt a little more relaxed. I sat cross-legged on the bed, performed exercises and circulated around the sky, and practiced.

I don't know how long it took, but in the mist, I vaguely heard the clear and crisp sound of the copper bell, the sound was very soft, passing by from the outside, but it did not escape my keen ears.

Not good, Niuniu!
My heart tightened, I turned over and jumped off the bed, and hurried to Niu Niu's room.

The door was open, and Shaotian was sleeping soundly on the table, but Niuniu had already disappeared.

"Shaotian, where's Niu Niu?" I shook Shaotian awake, calling out my mistake, Shaotian is a fool, how could I entrust him with such an important task.

Shaotian raised his head in a daze, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and said vaguely: "Isn't she on the bed?" Seeing that there was no one else, he jumped up suddenly, scratched his head and said, "Oh, where is the person?"

I shook my head helplessly, and then went to find Father Tu's room, which was also empty.

I screamed that it was not good, and dragged Shaotian to chase outside the house, followed the faint fragrance of Niuniu, and chased straight into the town.

Qingshan Town is not that big, when they chased to a big house in Dongtou, the smell disappeared.

This house is huge, with a big blood-red lantern hanging at the gate of the courtyard, and dozens of bunches of wheat ears piled up, which is a typical opening ceremony for animals.

This family must have something to do with the Animal Clan. It seems that I found the right place.

I gestured to Shaotian, he had been with me for some time, he immediately covered his mouth, followed me cautiously, and sneaked into the yard.

The yard was empty, I jumped up suddenly, hooked my hands on the beams under the eaves, swung my legs up, and landed lightly on the tiles of the roof, pushed aside a tile, and observed the movement in the hall .

The room was lit with red candles, and it was very festively decorated. Sitting on the left was Ye Zixuan, and on the right was Mayor Li Ying. They were drinking flower wine.

"Mayor Li, Lord Yan's dharma body has already been offered. In the future, you will lead more people to offer incense to him. Once Lord Yan controls the Yin Division, you will be a meritorious minister in the future." Ye Zixuan sneered.

Li Yingqian laughed: "Master Ye said that Li must be respected, but Shengjun and Yanjun have always been sworn enemies, so why come here to support him this time, isn't it strange?"

Ye Zixuan snorted coldly and said: "You are not qualified to know the things here, you just need to know that now is the critical period for Yan Jun to forge an immortal evil body. Once the evil body is accomplished, Yan Jun will be able to unify Yin and Yang in this world. "

Immortal evil body, could it be that the Seventh Uncle Evil Eagle took away the relic?He must be trying to use Wanmin's popularity to help him refine his evil body.

It suddenly occurred to me that Ziyi had also enshrined an evil body in the past, which was used to suck people's blood and energy. Thinking about it this way, it might also have something to do with Yan Jun.

Ziyi belongs to the faction of the Empress of the Blood Sea, she hates Qi Shu very much, Yan Jun and Qi Shu are almost the same person, she has no reason to help him enshrine the evil body.There are also the second sage of the animal sect, etc., everything is beyond the scope of my knowledge, which makes people puzzled.

From my observation, the evil body statue in Baiqiao, assuming that he is Yan Jun, has won the relics and the evil wood veins, but he must still have a huge flaw, that is, he cannot appear in the yang world.Therefore, he will find ways to cultivate the immortal evil body.

Once the evil body is refined, it may be the day when the Taoist catastrophe is approaching.

But if you think so, Uncle Qi doesn't seem like this evil Yan Jun.

"By the way, have you selected the gift you will pay Mr. Ma?" Ye Zixuan asked.

Li Ying laughed loudly, "Don't worry, Mr. Ma is guaranteed to be satisfied with the selection this time. We have nothing else in Qingshan Town, except that there are many girls in Mozijun. I have prepared even your share, Master Ye."

"It's so good. The key is to satisfy Mr. Ma. As long as he is happy, he can say a good word for you and me to the two sages of the Animal Clan. In the future, it is not impossible to become an official in the Yin Division and become a king." Ye Zixuan He lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

"Well, it's almost time. It's time for Yan Jun to eat raw food. Let's go there quickly. Recently, it seems that there are many outsiders in the town. At such a critical time, we'd better be cautious." Li Ying said cautiously.

Ye Zixuan stubbed out the cigarette, and the two left Li's house side by side, heading straight for Tu Gong Temple.

When the two were a little far away, Shaotian and I jumped off the roof and followed closely.

Jingle Bell!
It was late at night, but the Tugong Temple was very lively. There were hundreds of people kneeling and worshiping at the gate of the temple, babbling like idiots, and chanting along with the little Taoist priest standing at the gate.

This Li Ying is really insane, he actually exchanged the people of the town for his own glory and wealth, he is really not old-fashioned, a mere mortal wants to go to the underworld to become an official and become a noble, but his appetite is not small.

"Master!" Seeing Ye Zixuan approaching, the little Taoist quickly bowed and bowed.

Ye Zixuan glanced down, nodded in satisfaction, cleaned his hands in the copper basin, lit incense, and worshiped the statue of Yan Jun: "My subject, Ye Zixuan, by the order of Ma Shengjun of the Animal Sect, I respectfully invite the Dharma Body of Yan Jun, Offer your blood, food and spiritual energy to cast a dharma body for your majesty!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Zixuan knelt on the futon and respectfully kowtowed a few times.

Jie Jie!

Faxiang suddenly flickered with black light, and let out a strange laugh. The face of Faxiang, which was originally lifeless, squirmed, and after a while, Uncle Qi's dark green face suddenly appeared.

"Your envoy is in trouble. In the future, I will succeed in my dharma body, and you will definitely benefit from it." Yan Jun said quietly, with green eyes full of evil spirits, he is simply the number one evil thing in the world.

"Thank you Lord Yan Jun!" Ye Zixuan and Li Ying were overjoyed, and they knelt down to thank each other.

Yan Jun snorted coldly and arrogantly, and opened his mouth suddenly. The people who were kneeling on the ground were suddenly shocked, and their human spirit flew out of the sky cap, turning into white light, which was continuously inhaled by Yan Jun.

Not good, if I am sucked out of my popularity, I am afraid I will become an idiot even if I don't die, I gather blood in my hands, thinking about interrupting Yan Jun's ritual.

"The way of heaven is blue, you wait for the crooked way, and do such things that harm the heaven and reason, aren't you afraid of God's punishment?" After a thunderous shout, a black spiritual light struck, cut off the white light, and interrupted Yan Jun's smoking.

Amazing!I looked at the person who made the sound, and it turned out to be Papa Tu.

(End of this chapter)

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