Dart Master

Chapter 95

Chapter 95
The appearance of Old Man Tu immediately saved the situation. With just one strike, he was able to break the evil eagle's evil method of absorbing essence. But no less than the black-robed weirdo.

Thinking that I was able to come back to life after being so seriously injured, it shows that Tu Lao used a lot of tricks in secret. If Li Ying and others hadn't ushered in the evil eagle, this kind old man would never have revealed his identity.

Papa Tu was wearing a black robe at the moment, holding a crutch with a dragon's head in his hand. Every time he took a step, the ground trembled, and his powerful aura was like a true god descending from the earth.

But seeing him leaning his body, facing the evil eagle coldly, the strong black spiritual energy all over his body shone like a flame.

"Heaven's punishment, what is heaven's punishment? People's hearts are not old, and the way of heaven is about to collapse. In today's troubled times, my generation came out in response to the way of heaven, and the new generation was born. It's because you don't know the current affairs, run counter to the way of heaven, and you don't know it yet. " Xie Diao retorted.

"Qin Jian, you are willing to fall into the way of evil spirits, bring disaster to the world, and harm the gods of the Yin Division. You are in vain as the king of Yan."

"Tu Datong, the most wanted criminal in the Nether Division, the second sage of the Animal Sect is hunting you. It turns out that you have hid in the fief. It just so happens that I captured you today, and it can be regarded as clearing the house for King Zhang." The evil eagle sternly said coldly.

Father Tu is a man of temperament, when he heard Xie Diao's words, he immediately spat on the ground and shouted angrily: "Fuck, Qin Jian, you picky bastard, the poor King Zhang treats you like a brother, even for you He didn't hesitate to destroy his supernatural powers to open the Nine Reincarnations, but he never thought that you would avenge your kindness and cooperate with Yasha to frame my king, you are really a shameless villain."

The evil eagle laughed loudly, "Since ancient times, there is no poison and no husband. King Zhang is violent, and the underworld has suffered for a long time, and he arbitrarily regards the world as nothing to open the nine rounds of reincarnation. He relies on the king's prestige and is domineering. This king is just a substitute for the sky." Just walk the road."

Father Tu stroked his beard and sneered, "Do you think you shameless people can find the Yin Division by trapping King Zhang? The Blood Lotus King God has already appeared in this world. As long as you find the peerless golden armor, once you enter the Yin Division, you will surely welcome him." Return to my king, and regain control of the universe."

"Jie Jie, I am a generation of secrets, all the affairs of the world are under my control, and I will never fail. But you are just a dog beside King Zhang, and you dare to fight against me?" The evil eagle issued a gloomy anger. With a shout, green light suddenly appeared on Xie Diao's body, and dragon-shaped cyclones circled around him.

"Qinglong Jue, you have already refined wood veins!" Father Tu was shocked!

"That's right, today I will let you see my methods."

Roar!Two giant cyan dragons flying out of the evil eagle flew towards Papa Tu with a thunderous force.

The two scolded each other like this, and I have roughly understood it.

Father Tu should be the patron saint here, Tu Shangong, who is one of the guardian gods of King Zhang of the Underworld. King Zhang was killed in Yacha City in the northern desert, and Tu Shangong escaped by luck and returned to the fiefdom.

This also confirms Nan Zheng's last words to me, that King Zhang has indeed been killed, and the Yin Division is now in charge of the Second Sage of the Animal Sect and others, and they are stepping up their efforts to clear the cards.

But the stone sculpture in front of him is undoubtedly Lord Yan.Because only Yan Jun and the successor of the Five Meridians can recast the Five Meridians in the world, and Qinglong Jue is one of Yan Jun's most powerful methods.

At this moment, the upright Xuanmen king in my heart collapsed, and regardless of his previous great achievements, such a shameless person who betrayed his brothers and treated the people like nothing is definitely not goodness.

I'm almost certain that the person who persecuted Qing Wen and captured my father in Baiqiao must be Yan Jun, that is, this Qin Jian who has the same face and the same name as Uncle Qi.

The battle between Tu Laodie and Xie Diao has reached a fever pitch. Although Lao Di is a yin god, he has been deprived of his god position in the Yin Division, and has fled here with serious injuries.

Although he has divine power to protect his body, compared to Yan Jun who has wood veins, he already has more energy than strength.The cyan dragon-shaped evil spirit has firmly controlled the situation, sealing off the black divine light.

Father Tu spat out a mouthful of black blood, and the crutch shattered.

Qinglong's sharp claws tore his body-protecting aura into pieces. Seeing that he was about to die in the mouth of the dragon, I was so frightened that I decided to risk my life to save my father.

"As soon as the underworld comes out, the world moves!"

Without holding back any hand, I used the strongest ultimate move, the blood energy I had accumulated for a long time forcibly broke through the obstacles of physical pain, and condensed on my right hand.

I suddenly realized that, taking advantage of the time when everyone's eyes were attracted by the battle between the two peerless masters, I rushed out, and the phantom of Zhang Yu's blood-red mad knife slashed towards Tu Gongmiao with anger.

Huang Quan's blood knife smashed the sky and covered the earth, and slashed towards Tugong Temple with a thunderous force, boom!Half of the Tugong Temple collapsed in response, and when the temple fell, the sky would be seen immediately.Xie Diao let out a helpless roar: "How could it be possible to use Huangquan's sword technique..."

With a flash of green light, the evil carving immediately shattered. Although it had been forged into wood veins, it would not be able to see the sun and the sun until the immortal body was formed for a day.Seeing the light of day at this moment, he fled away immediately.

Tu Shangong and Xie Diao's enemy rebounded, like a bomb exploded in my body, I was thrown into the air, blood spurted wildly in the air, and even a big hole was smashed into the courtyard wall opposite the temple.


I got up, wiped the blood stains from the corner of my mouth, and blew a horse whistle with my fingers, and Shaotian followed the sound and quickly found it.Without further ado, I will run away behind my back.

"Shaotian, it's not me, it's daddy, daddy." I struggled to jump off his back, Shaotian let out a cry, picked up daddy who was half lying on the ground, and quickly went to the medicine house run away.

He was already high in cultivation, strong and strong, but in the blink of an eye, he was gone.

Wait for me!It's really annoying, this damn fool, what a muscle.

Once the Xie Diao was destroyed, all the people who had been confused woke up. Li Ying and Ye Zixuan saw that the Xie Diao was defeated, and hurriedly slipped away.

In fact, with Ye Zixuan's cultivation base, if we take advantage of the victory and pursue the pursuit, I am afraid that neither of me and Tu Daddy will be able to escape.But a treacherous villain like him has always focused on saving his life. When he saw me slashing with a knife, his morale was like a rainbow, and he lost his courage long ago.

I clutched my chest and staggered towards the medicine hut, admiring myself in my heart that I was almost an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, even though my physical body was not strong, I still couldn't bear the beating.It’s just that in this world, only the immortal evil body and the immortal golden body are eternal. Although I may be the next King Qin Guang, as long as King Zhang doesn’t pass the golden body to me for a day, I can’t be regarded as the real king god.

As soon as I arrived at the medicine house, a figure came out of the house, as fast as a phantom, "Who!" I shouted and chased after him.The man was extremely fast, and he got into the bamboo forest after just a few ups and downs, and disappeared.

But the man left in a hurry, and accidentally left something behind. I looked down and picked it up, and it was a purse.

That's right, a white purse, this purse, the exquisite stitching on it, etc., I seem to have known each other.After thinking about it carefully, it belongs to Uncle Qi.Yes, he would play with it from time to time, and told me that it was given to her by a beautiful woman.

What makes me wonder is, if this person is Seventh Uncle, why is he avoiding me.

I put the purse in my pocket and went back to the medicine hut. Shaotian hurriedly pointed to Old Man Tu on the bed, and said vaguely: "Old, old man is asleep, asleep."

I saw that my father's eyes were wide open, and his face was full of fear and surprise, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world. There was a flying knife carved with runes on his chest.I tried to feel his pulse, and he who was seriously injured had already lost his last trace of heat, and his soul was gone.

The dignified Yin God just disappeared.

I clasped my hands silently, and silently recited a scripture. When I opened my eyes, I asked Shaotian what was going on.

Shaotian said that a man came in just now and said a few words to Dad, who was very scared, and then just as the man left and flew a throwing knife from the window, Dad fell asleep.

I took a deep breath, took out the purse from my pocket, and wished I could tear it into pieces.It was Uncle Qi. Nanzheng died of hatred when he saw him, and now he killed the dying Father Tu!

At this moment, I recalled all the things in the past, and the rift between me and Seventh Uncle grew wider and wider.

He once said an unforgettable sentence to me, in Taoism, never trust anyone!Now that I think about it, he had already given me a hint, but I didn't know it.

I suddenly felt so lonely, I couldn't help but shed tears, Uncle Seven and Heizi were full of scheming, but I had to force myself to be like a hedgehog, facing everyone around me with sharp thorns .

(End of this chapter)

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