Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 11 "Single Education" and "Individual Prescribing"

Chapter 11 "Educating Together" and "Prescribing Individually"

Everyone has their own characteristics, and a "one size fits all" approach to education may not really work.Therefore, instead of "wasting effort", it is better to "find another way".Our managers can learn from the practice of doctors and set up a separate "medical record book" for each of them.In the business department of my company, there are a few "thorny" employees who make the department manager scratch their heads - they have been in the company for more than half a year, their performance is always good or bad, their status is always neither high nor low, and their product knowledge is always vague ... In a word: dawdling.However, after all, several of them have been in the company for a long time, and they are so-called "veteran" employees. In addition, their overall performance is still so-so, and there is no obvious phenomenon of "violation of law and discipline". It is not easy for the company to dismiss them. .This made it difficult for their department managers—they would always “beat” these employees in small meetings. In private, they also did “ideological work” and held some “training” courses for them from time to time. ...

In a word, it can be described as "exhausting the organs" and "taking painstaking effort".But if you look at this side again, these "thorny heads" appear to be extremely "understanding" on the surface—they are always very "cooperative" and take the initiative to accept the manager's opinions and suggestions, admitting that it is for their own good ; but in terms of actions, they "do what they should do", they still "do their own way", the whole thing is "not steamed, boiled", "you have no temper".The ending is also predictable.After trying his best and seeing no obvious effect, the department manager simply gave up his efforts and came to "out of sight, out of mind" - you have lost, so do what you like!In fact, I am not the only one who is familiar with this little "bridge", and the managers of other companies may not be familiar with it—basically no matter where you go, you can always meet three or five such "thorny" employees.

For such employees, it is really difficult to educate and reform them.Therefore, it is a good way to decisively "give up" (dismiss).Otherwise, it will be like "chicken ribs", "tasteless to eat, but a pity to discard", which makes everyone feel awkward.However, such employees are often very "talented", and their problem is not "stupid", but "lazy".Just because I am "not stupid", I always want to be "smart" and take "shortcuts", so I am always in a state of "sights are high and hands are low".Once such employees are "reformed", their "talent" will be concentrated and exploded, and it will be easy to reach a higher level.Therefore, "education" and "transformation" for such employees, although "difficult", is sometimes worth a try.From my little "experience", there are two main points here: first, instead of "educating together", it is better to "prescribe individually".

In fact, for such "thorny" employees, "holding meetings" to discuss matters, or any other method of "teaching big lessons" will not work.Because they won't eat it at all.Moreover, these "thorny heads" often have very distinct personalities, and each has its own unique characteristics. The "one size fits all" education method may not really work.Therefore, instead of "wasting effort", it is better to "find another way".Our managers can learn from the practice of doctors and set up a separate "medical record book" for each of them, which records in detail the different symptoms of each of them, and after a certain period of running-in and exploration, find out the "pathology" for these "symptoms". prescription".To give a simple example, Xiao Li in the business department of our company avoided receiving customers in order to be "lazy".He always "sneaks away" when he should be handling clients by himself, using excuses such as "going to the toilet" or "helping other departments".His department manager Xiao Zhao is very angry and always criticizes him in department meetings.But no matter how Xiao Zhao criticizes and educates, Xiao Li's problem just doesn't get better at all, which makes Xiao Zhao a headache.After my "teaching", Xiao Zhao gave up the method of "criticism and education" that was not effective.Through careful observation and thinking, he found the "unique trick" to "cure" Xiao Li - as soon as Xiao Li "disappeared", Xiao Zhao would call him immediately, and if the answer he got was "in the toilet", Xiao Zhao would call him immediately. He will go straight to the toilet and "wait for him at the door"; if he gets other answers, Xiao Zhao will immediately go to the scene to "confirm" on the spot.

Now Xiao Li had "nothing to do", so he had to come back obediently to receive his clients.It can be seen from this small case that in fact, as long as you are willing to use your brain and find a way, you will always find a "unique prescription" for certain "special diseases" of these employees.In this way, even if those "thorn heads" are "Monkey King", they are destined not to fly out of the palm of your "Tathagata Buddha".Second, treating the "laziness" of these "thorny" employees requires you to pay a lot of "patience".The reason why these "thorny heads" "can't be steamed or boiled" is actually because they want to compare "patience" with you.And they know very well that you are not an opponent and will give up sooner or later.Therefore, to deal with this kind of people, you have to "cure evil with evil"—they are "reliable", you have to be more "reliable" than them, and it depends on who "holds" for a long time.As long as you grit your teeth and persevere, let these "thorny heads" really "fear" you, and you don't have to worry about subduing them.I have always believed that often some "stupid" methods are actually the most "worry-free" and most efficient methods.

"One size fits all", seems to be extremely efficient. Although the management of "eyebrows and beards" seems to be very "happy" on the surface, as long as it fails to achieve the expected effect and becomes a mere formality, the result is actually "zero".The most "tiring" thing is the constant repetition and accumulation of "zero".Instead of this, it is better to "come one by one". Even if only one employee's problem is solved in a month, twelve employees can be "solved" in a year. This is also a remarkable achievement.It's better than working blindly for a year, and the employees are still "standing in place" or even "slipping down".This is the principle of "one is greater than zero".Although this truth is "simple and unpretentious", it is "incomparably powerful".

(End of this chapter)

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