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Chapter 12 "No step, no progress"

Chapter 12 "No Steps, No Thousands of Miles"

In a word, the ultimate meaning of "If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach a thousand miles" is - to refuse "". "If you don't accumulate steps, you can travel a thousand miles" means that food has to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road has to be walked step by step. Everything needs one step at a time to reach the final goal.But in real life, there are too many "perfectionists"! —"If you don't have the conditions for this job, it's better not to do it!"Of course!Have boldness!Have personality!However, there is also a big pitfall. Do things that are "unsuitable for the conditions" and things that "may not be the best" should not be done (or, it is better not to do them)?the answer is negative.And for good reason.Although "If you don't do it, do it well" is a "proud" saying, but in real life, many "lazy people" have been provided with a safe haven to escape from "doing things"—didn't do anything for a year, It's not because I'm "lazy", but because I don't have the certainty of "doing it [-]% well", because "if I don't do it, I will do it the best" is my "belief", so I didn't do anything at all.

Hearing this sentence, people who can still praise him for being "personal" and "principled" have either their heads flooded, or their heads are probably crushed by the door.If the number "" is used to represent the "perfection" of a thing, in real life, there are really very few things that can really achieve "" (no matter how "perfectionist" people are, it is difficult to do it. , or at least very hard to do on a regular basis).But life has to be lived day by day, and things have to be done one by one.So it's definitely worth doing as long as it's not "".Even if there is only "", it can be achieved by doing it once (similarly, even if there is only "." every time, there will be "").But if you give up trying to "do" because you are not "", and at the same time laugh at the person who can only achieve "" every time, you may still be "" when they have reached "".What's more ironic is that it is very likely that when you finally come across something that you think can be done "", if you actually do it, the result is not necessarily satisfactory, it may be far less than "" or even "" On the contrary, it may be "", then you will really "lose your wife and lose your army", and become a complete "bamboo basket fetching water".This kind of result is really called "laughing and generous".

What needs to be emphasized is that although we absolutely cannot accept the result of "" (because "" means "doing nothing", without any productive and constructive, it simply means a waste of life), but we can accept "negative numbers ".Because a "negative number" at least means that you "did it", but it was "unsuccessful".But it doesn't matter, your harvest will not be "", because you have at least gained "experience" and "lessons", which can ensure your next "success".Saying a thousand words and ten thousand words, the ultimate meaning of "do not accumulate a few steps, you will not reach a thousand miles" is: reject "".

(End of this chapter)

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