Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 20 "Understanding Power and Strategy", "Using Power and Strategy" and &q

Chapter 20 "Understanding Power and Strategy", "Using Power and Strategy" and "Playing Power and Strategy"

People in the workplace must learn some "office politics" knowledge and skills, to "understand political tactics" and "use political tactics", but must not "abuse" political tactics, that is, never "play political tactics".The popularity of the TV series "Latent" set off an upsurge of discussing "office politics" among netizens.Some people say that "the workplace is like a battlefield."Since it is a "battlefield", it means that there is a "battle" there, and since it is a battle, it means that you must be "courageous and resourceful" to win the battle - the "courage" here, used in the workplace, represents professional ability and technology, as well as a passion for work and even a great ideal for professional life; and "mou", used in the workplace, means to know some "strategies" and some "political" skills.The two complement each other and are indispensable.Working hard in the workplace, "courageous but not scheming", and only relying on a passion to act recklessly, will often end up "returning as a feather", "died before leaving the teacher"; , it is extremely easy to become a person who simply "plays with power" and "plays tricks". land" ending.However, as soon as words like "politics" and "politics" are mentioned, people become extremely sensitive, even "creepy".

Because for the Chinese, the "weight" of these two words is too "heavy", and people tend to intuitively equate them with words such as "conspiracy" and "intrigue", lest they avoid it.In fact, this is a great misunderstanding of these two terms. The word "politics" in "politics" means "things" to put it bluntly. "The word means "doing", or "the correct way of doing things".Therefore, when these two words are connected together, the meaning of "politics" can be simply understood as "doing things" or "directing affairs", and to put it a little more complicatedly, it means "doing the right thing correctly".Therefore, the word "politics" is actually a very "positive" word, and it must not be easily associated with some completely negative words.Once you understand the meaning of this word, you also understand why it is important to say "office politics".

In the final analysis, we work in the society to "do things" for the society and the enterprise, and to achieve personal life ideals and family happiness through "doing things".That is to say, the ultimate goal of "doing things" is to make society, individuals, families and all people around them "better", rather than "benefiting others at the expense of others" and "better".Therefore, great "politicians" are those who benefit mankind and are admired by people; while those who only know "intrigues" and "conspiracies and tricks" can be called people who understand "politics" a little, but they are just "politics". A little knowledge", or even complete understanding, so these people are often notorious for thousands of years, and are cast aside by others. At best, they can only be called "conspirator" and "careerist".There is a girl in our company who is smart and capable. She likes to do things "short, flat, and fast" rather than "sloppy". She is appreciated by the leaders.But the strange thing is that her employees, no matter they are supervisors or ordinary employees, do not obey her management, and even unite to exclude her, which makes her very depressed.Some people persuaded her to think more about "office politics", but she thought it was a waste of time-I could do more serious things with that time!Sorry, I admit that I can't say you are wrong, but I guarantee that if you spend some time studying "office politics", you will not be able to do any "serious things" you want to do, or at least it will be very difficult.In the end, instead of "saving" time, more time may be wasted on the contrary.

This is what we often say "be a person first, then do things".You can't accomplish anything without being a good person.Even if it can be done, it will be doomed to be inefficient.In the process of doing things, you will encounter countless "blind guns and dark arrows", which will make you hard to guard against. In the end, it may kill your own enthusiasm for "doing things" and end up with a "self-defeating" result.Perhaps you would say, "Fighting against injustice proves that I am brave and represent justice."But I want to tell you that your bravery is called "brute courage", and it is impossible for you to get "justice" in the end, because you may have "died" on the "road" before getting it.A person who can't even "survive" is not qualified to talk about "justice".If you want justice, you must let yourself survive first. In this sense, "office politics" is actually an "art (philosophy) of survival", which you must learn, and it is also a skill , a job that is definitely not a "waste of time" - if you really want to "do something good".Chairman Mao taught us that "the shortcut is not the shortest path, but the path of least resistance" (the classic "Long March" cannot be said to be "short", but it was definitely the path of least resistance at the time), and also taught us "'why' not important; the 'what' matters—because the 'why' is subjective and the 'what' is objective".

If you have deliberately prepared countless "thorns and ups and downs" for yourself in order to maintain the "justice" in your mind, and call it "exercise yourself" (or even enjoy "overcoming" these unnecessary "difficulties" , self-appreciation), then you are really not a smart person.Smart people and people who really want to do things must find ways to reduce their resistance to doing things and find ways to take "shortcuts".Because you have to remember that life is difficult, even if you don't rush to find a lot of "thorns and bumps" for yourself, even if you try your best to take "shortcuts", your life is destined to be full of various obstacles. There are all kinds of "tribulations", so why do you take the initiative to find some "extra" "tribulations" for yourself to act as "blockers" on your way forward when you are full?

However, before learning to use the tool of "politics", we must first understand the true meaning of "politics", in order to "understand power and strategy" - as I said before, the true meaning of "politics" is "to do the right thing correctly". "Things" means that what you want to do must be "correct", aboveboard, and represent "justice" (that is, what Chairman Mao called "Yangmou"), and it must not be "wrong" or " Narrow", "reactionary" (that is, what we all commonly call "conspiracy"); at the same time, your method of doing things must be correct, not biased.If people don't understand this point, people tend to slip into the abyss of "politics for politics' sake" very easily, doing nothing serious all day long, thinking about "intrigues", "intrigues", that is, "scheming", and finally end up in the abyss. A "death without a whole body" tragic ending.In fact, this is an out-and-out manifestation of "not knowing tactics".Chairman Mao said that "politics" is to make people who support you more and people who oppose you become fewer.Obviously, the "conspirator" will have more and more supporters, and the "conspirator" will eventually "reveal his true colors", leading to "betrayal of all relatives" and resentment by thousands of people. "Machinery" is "sacred", you must be full of "awe" before you can use it carefully. "Know power and strategy" and "use power and strategy", but you must not "abuse" power and strategy, that is, you must never "play power and strategy".

(End of this chapter)

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