Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 22 "Survival" and "Doing Things"

Chapter 22 "Survival" and "Doing Things" (2)
If you are a person who can give up "justice" at a critical moment, no matter how good your "geographical advantage" is, you will eventually be destroyed.Remember, to be too clever is to be stupid, and there will be retribution.Second, "doing things" is the ultimate support of "survival".Although above we have discussed many operating skills on how to "survive".However, in the final analysis, these "skills" are not and should not be the only support and pursuit of your career life.I have repeatedly said before that the reason to "survive" is to "do things" better.That is to say, in the final analysis, "doing things" is the ultimate goal of your career life.If you deviate from this ultimate goal, you can't "survive" - ​​no boss will hire someone who "doesn't do anything" for a long time.To put it simply, only "doing things" and "doing things well" are the ultimate support and support of your career life.Therefore, in the workplace, those who can only be "good people" and never do "things", even if they can "survive" for a while, and may even be appreciated and valued by the leaders for a while, most of them will eventually "pack up and leave" "The tragic end.Therefore, in the workplace, "doing things" is the highest goal.And no matter what kind of workplace you are in, if you want to do a good job, you need a good "environment".Without a good work environment, even if you have a great ability, it is impossible to display it.However, a "good environment" cannot fall from the sky by itself, it needs you to create it.

There are two ways to "create" the environment, one is to "adapt" to the environment.Remember, "adaptation" is also a kind of active "creation"; it is called "transformation" of the environment.Let me talk about how to "adapt to the environment" first.In the workplace, people often complain: want to do things but don't have a "good environment".People who say such things are all "worthless" people.You must know that "there is no free lunch in the world, let alone a ready-made lunch." If you want to do anything, someone will provide you with a "comfortable and superior" environment, and you don't need to do it.Remember, the earth does not revolve around you. If you want to survive and do things, you must understand the basic truth that "you revolve around the earth". That is to say, don't expect the environment to adapt to you, you have to work hard to adapt environment.But we must keep in mind that "adapting" does not mean "cooperating with others", nor does it mean giving up "justice" completely.What is good, what is not good, what can be "opened and closed", and what must not be tolerated... These principles must be clarified.Otherwise, when you adapt to "excessive" and "drowned" by the environment, you will regret it.Of course, people in the workplace don't necessarily have to passively "adapt" to everything. It is also a very important workplace skill to see the right time, take the initiative to take action, and transform the environment by yourself.However, it is important to keep in mind that "retrofit" does not equal (or not quite equal) "do it overnight".

Of course, when the conditions are ripe, it is good to seize the opportunity without hesitation and make things happen overnight, but in real life, such opportunities are really rare, so I am afraid that more situations require you For a certain period of time, "be able to endure loneliness" and take out a certain space and time to "hide your strengths and bide your time".However, "waiting" is not productive and constructive. You must "make a difference", come up with the spirit of "drip water wears away rocks", and make solid efforts with perseverance.For example, if you want to do something but cannot get the understanding of your superiors, colleagues and subordinates, then you must not try to "forcibly break through", let alone give up easily.You have to understand that it's not necessarily their fault, it comes down to you not convincing them of the point of doing it.

So, you want to set aside some space and time for yourself and them, and don't rush.But as the saying goes, "If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it." As long as you persevere and continue to "digging the wall" and "mixing sand" through tenacious and continuous efforts, you will be able to achieve the final "big comeback" and create for yourself. To achieve the result of "consummation of merit and virtue".However, it must be emphasized again here, just as I have repeatedly emphasized in this book-we must have the psychological quality and ability of "accumulating small victories into big victories".Many people in the modern workplace are prone to a kind of "impatient disease", that is to say, their workplace philosophy (or even life philosophy) is often a very simple "dichotomy"-black and white.Either do your best, or don't do it at all; if you want to do it, do it to your heart's content, otherwise it's better not to do it; "Bold and courageous", but in fact it is an out-and-out dick!Because this is a typical "stupid philosophy" and "brainless philosophy", they think the world is too simple.Such people can often only end up with "nothing in the end" (maybe the complaints are a truckload).I really failed my "proud spirit" and "great ideal".Therefore, it can only be an out-and-out waste snack.In the end, they are the only ones who can appreciate their "values" with nothing in their hands.

Remember, "strategic thinking" that either "wins big" or "loses completely" cannot make any great "military strategist".Great military strategists (such as our Chairman Mao) are very happy and good at "accumulating small victories", "accumulating small advantages to make big ones" are the real smart people.Then, you have to be good at "finding shortcuts", that is to say, finding the "correct way of doing things" is also an important condition for doing "things" well.To find a "shortcut" to do things, one must learn to "reasonably" allocate one's energy, improve one's life efficiency, and try to avoid unnecessary "battles".Nowadays, many young people, even those who are a little older, like to call themselves "aggressive" in the workplace.It seems that only "fighting" can train people, and only "fighting" can produce results.Therefore, in order to cover up their sensitive and fragile "self-esteem", these people will make their edges more "sharp", make themselves more aggressive and aggressive, and disguise themselves through the strategy of "defensive with offense". "Affirm" yourself, "protect" yourself, and so on.Such a person, even if he can achieve a relatively successful professional life, will pay too much.

What's more important is that there are a lot of costs that are unnecessary to pay, and they could have achieved their goals relatively easily, but the excessive "aggressiveness" has increased these "extra" costs for them.Of course, "taking shortcuts" does not mean "fearing difficulties".Overcoming local "difficulties" is precisely to reduce overall "difficulties" and to make it easier to take shortcuts to serve the overall situation.Therefore, we encourage the spirit and courage of "not afraid of difficulties", and despise the "cowards" who hide when they see difficulties.But keep in mind that this does not mean that the encouragement can obviously "avoid" difficulties, but also find a lot of "difficulties" for yourself to "exercise" yourself, so that you can appear to be very "courageous" and "kind" , not "covered", that kind of "pseudo-heroism" approach.This way of displaying "courage" is really "two".Don't think I'm telling a joke, there are plenty of people in life who like to be "important" (southerners call it "unclear") fools.Maybe you are (had) yourself.

As mentioned earlier, "the shortcut is the path of least resistance".So, how can we reduce the "resistance" in order to achieve the purpose of "taking shortcuts"?In fact, if you can re-understand the Red Army's [-]-mile Long March and Chairman Mao's life's "sweet stroke"—"Crossing Chishui Four" in the sense of "office politics", you will understand" The ultimate meaning of "taking shortcuts".Or, if you are interested in learning Chairman Mao's "Guerrilla Warfare" principle, it will also enable you to fully understand this principle.In my articles in the second half of this book, I will also try to flexibly apply Chairman Mao's exposition on the basic principles of "positional warfare" and "guerrilla warfare" to enterprise management.Here is just a brief description. The basic principle of "guerrilla warfare" is: when the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack; when the enemy retreats, we pursue.That is to say, don't try to "force it" in everything, you must learn to "flexible", and do it according to your ability, environment, and conditions, that is, everything should be "following the trend" as much as possible. Some things do not have the conditions and would rather not do it temporarily, and sometimes would rather Take the long way, never take the short way.Only in this way can we avoid "obstacles" as much as possible and find the path of least "resistance".In the final analysis, the ultimate goal of learning "office politics" is to "survive" and "do things" - "survival" is the premise of "doing things", "doing things" is the purpose and support of "survival", the two complement each other and are indispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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