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Chapter 23 The relationship between "principle" and "flexibility"

Chapter 23 The relationship between "principle" and "flexibility"
Learn from the "Master of Philosophy" Bruce Lee, and achieve "taking the impossible as the law, the intangible as the visible, and the infinite as the limited."In life, we can often see such a kind of people—they always talk about "principles", as if they are covered with "principles", so they seem to be the embodiment of "justice".But the irony is that these people are often the ones who are most likely to "hit the wall" in real life. Good news."Therefore, having many "principles" is not necessarily a good thing.Too many "principles" often mean a lack of "flexibility". These "principles" are like iron chains that tie people tightly and cannot move.And if you think about it, how can there be so many "good things" in the world that can satisfy all your "principles" one by one, so that you can do them comfortably and happily?So, don't have so many "principles".If a person has too many principles, these "principles" will lose their "seriousness", which is equivalent to "no principles".Moreover, a person who is full of "principles" all over his body, although he looks like "bronze head and iron arm" and "invulnerable to a hundred poisons", is actually very fragile, as fragile as a piece of glass, such a person On the contrary, it is extremely vulnerable, thus showing a sensitive and irritable character weakness.

A management master once said that the highest state of management is actually two words—compromise.The compromise mentioned here is not a random compromise without principles, but a voluntary abandonment of some insignificant "small principles" in order to achieve the final "big goal" on the basis of not hindering the final "big principle", in order to It is a "meaningful" compromise that seeks the effect of "seeking common ground while reserving minor differences" and "synergy and cooperation".Only in this way is the responsible attitude towards the ultimate "big principle", otherwise it is "stubbornness", and "stubbornness" will make people stick to some irrelevant "small principles" and cannot extricate themselves, eventually leading to "big principles" Take damage (thus causing the miscarriage of the "top goal").This is the principle of "throwing watermelon and picking sesame seeds".Therefore, the compromise on the "small principles" is precisely to "adhere" to the "big principles".This is what "compromise" really means.Just because this kind of "compromise" is for better "persistence", it is precisely a manifestation of the principle of "persistence".But in our real life, we think that we "adhere" to the principle, but it often leads to disintegration, nothing can be achieved, and there are so many people!Sending such people and things three words - not enlightened. "Take the intangible as the law, take the intangible as the tangible, and take the infinite as the limit." This is the theoretical basis for the creation of "Jeet Kune Do" by "Master of Philosophy" Bruce Lee.Please note that I use the term "philosopher master" instead of "martial arts master" here.Because Bruce Lee studied philosophy in college in the United States, and his martial arts achievements are inseparable from this solid philosophical foundation.

Bruce Lee called on people to learn "water" in his "martial arts theory" - because he believed that "water" is the most powerful substance in the world - put it into a round container and it will become a circle, and put it into a square container No one can hurt the water, no one can hit the water, but "dropping water wears away the rock", "the tsunami falls on the city", water can almost hurt all the substances in the world.Therefore, "water" is the perfect medium that best embodies the philosophical theory of "taking the impossible as the law", "taking the intangible as the tangible", and "taking the infinite as the finite".

It's a pity that although Bruce Lee realized his "philosophy" in the Kung Fu "Jet Kune Do" he created, he ran counter to the life philosophy created by himself in his real life (too "hard", too "incapable") Flexibility, too "reality"; too much care about "shape", too much care about "law", too much care about "limitation"), which eventually led to his own "untimely death".When Chairman Mao visited the Soviet Union in the [-]s, he once said to his friends in the Soviet Union, "There are two candidates for my successor. One is Liu Shaoqi, who is more than principled but not flexible enough; the other is Deng Xiaoping, who is both principled and And flexible, don't look at the small size, the future is boundless."Within a year, the two revolutionaries mentioned in his old man's words fulfilled their respective destinies described in this passage—Comrade Liu Shaoqi unfortunately died young in the intricate political struggle, failing to complete the career he had longed for all his life; And Comrade Xiaoping, after experiencing the miraculous "three ups and three downs", finally led a great revolution in his twilight years that completely changed the destiny of the Chinese nation-reform and opening up, and reached the pinnacle of his career that a single person can achieve.

Therefore, being both principled and flexible is an essential quality for a leader.Only talking about "flexibility" but not "principles" is slippery; on the contrary, only talking about "principles" but not "flexibility" is going to be rigid.Give up some useless "principles"!Learn to untie yourself and let yourself take a breath, otherwise you will suffocate to death.

(End of this chapter)

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