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Chapter 24 How to Make “As Many People As Possible” Succeed

Chapter 24 How to Make “As Many People As Possible” Succeed

For us, instead of pursuing the unrealistic "best", it is better to choose a more pragmatic "second best".Now when we go to the book market, we will all experience the popularity of "success" books.It is true that in a country like China that is undergoing such profound and dramatic changes, the continuous emergence of a large number of "successful people" of all kinds is like a powerful stimulant, making "longing for success" a strong impulse in the hearts of thousands of people. Therefore, it is not surprising that a large number of "success studies" books have emerged as the times require and continue to sell well.However, although all the "success studies" books have the words "pursuant to all living beings", that is, the "banner" to make "everyone" successful, in the real world, these books have finally created, or are about to create How many real "successful people" are there?This is a very interesting proposition. If someone with a heart or a "good deed" does an actual investigation, I believe the final result will be very "intriguing".

The reason is very simple. The content written in these "success studies" books is indeed not incorrect, or even not exciting, but the "correct" things are not necessarily things that "everyone can do".Many "correct" things seem simple, but in fact the "threshold" is extremely high, beyond the reach of most people.And those who can do those things, that is, those who can reach that "threshold" height, actually already belong to the "elite" class and possess the most basic qualities of an elite. To put it bluntly, they are all born "elite embryos". A "guiding light" is nothing more than knowledge, experience and life experience.In fact, this kind of person is destined to succeed in life even if he doesn't read a "success study" book.It's just that these books may help them shorten the road to success.To give an extremely simple example, everyone knows how much the mastery of a foreign language will be of great help to the success of life. , How many people can there be in the world?
Therefore, more than % of the "success study" books on the market today are actually written for the "elites", without any thought of the "sacred concept" of "pursuing sentient beings".And the real "elites" are those who "can motivate themselves", and they don't need too much "external stimulation".Therefore, the vast majority of people who bought such books were at best just helping the "publisher" earn some money, far from achieving the effect of "guiding the maze" of life as advertised by these books.After listening to my words, some "publishers" may dismissively say, "I just want to 'list' the 'correct' things when I write a book. As for whether the readers can 'do it', that is up to them." I have no control over my own 'good fortune'."This sentence can also be called "correct", because it really makes people unable to find "faults".

However, I still want to say that if you just want to "list" the "correct" things, there is really no need to use the method of "publishing a book".Because, first, no matter how "correct" the things you write are, they are no more "correct" than Confucius; second, you don't need to teach the "correct" things, because in fact, everyone knows these things.When people were young, they had teachers and parents "talking" in their ears every day, and when they grew up, they had company leaders "teaching" in front of them every day.What they want is not to let others tell them what is "correct", but how to "do" these things; third, if these "publishers" only want to publish books for "making money", in fact, the necessity is also not big.Because these people are often some "successful people", since they have been "successful", they will not be "short of money".

So how do you write a book that puts "as many people as possible" (if "everyone" is an unattainable "dream") on the "road to success"?The answer is simple, write a book for "ordinary people" (not "elites").To do this, the most fundamental problem is to figure out the difference between "ordinary people" and "elites".In fact, even if I don't say it, anyone can tell the difference in 1 minute - they just need to list a "quality" that they don't have.Yes, that's the nature of the problem.The qualities possessed by elites, such as self-discipline, perseverance, passion, diligence, persistence, knowledge, wisdom, organization, planning, introspection, good learning, perseverance, etc., are not "mortals", that is, the vast majority Some "ordinary people" can have.For us "all beings", laziness, selfishness, 3-minute enthusiasm, lack of self-discipline, lack of self-control, lack of patience, disorganization, poor planning, refusal to reflect, unwillingness to learn... This is our true face.

Every "success study" book will "motivate" readers in a clever way-"you can do it too, because the difference between people is actually very small".It is indeed "correct" - the difference between people is indeed "small", but I can tell you responsibly, it is this "small" difference when measured on the big stage of "life". Both will definitely become "worlds apart".This "very small" difference cannot be filled by more than [-]% of people's energy throughout their lives.After Einstein's death, people took his brain out for research, and found nothing different from ordinary people.This is enough to show that although on the surface, it seems that all human beings are standing on the same starting line, but because of these almost "invisible" differences, there are "huge differences" between geniuses and fools, rich people and beggars in the world. "A widespread phenomenon.

Therefore, don't try to "weaken" these "small differences" from the very beginning, but admit that these "small differences" are actually "big" to "ordinary people" and "difficult to overcome". Next, starting from the perspective of "ordinary people", to help them find "concrete methods" to "reduce" as much as possible the obstacles when surpassing these "differences", can it be possible to truly write a "success study" that can save "all living beings" "books.Today's "success" books, in essence, follow a "best" principle-that is, first assume (or imply) that you can "do it", and then tell you what you need to do ".It is equivalent to saying that the most important and fundamental link of "how to do it" is "overstepped" all of a sudden.Because of this, these books all have one thing in common—either do your best in one go, or don’t do anything at all; .This "best" principle is actually extremely "confusing"-everyone will admit that it is "incomparably correct", but [-]% of people will be "intimidated" before the "starting line".

Because this theory advocates a "dramatic change" philosophy of "you have to make up your mind, start a new life, and make a big change!", and this "dramatic change" philosophy is precisely the fatal weakness of us Chinese. "Short board".What we Chinese are good at is "laziness", "conformity", ... For such a person, you just want to shout in his ear, "You are "conservative", "reject change", and you want to change!" It is undoubtedly self-deception," "playing the piano to a cow".Therefore, the vast majority of Chinese people will "show timidity" in front of the word "dramatic change", hesitate to move forward, and find it difficult to make up their minds; One step", but often "good times don't last long", and "can't hold on for a while" before being defeated, it is difficult to see "sustainability".Mr. Ma Sanli's famous "From Tomorrow" cross talk is a classic that most vividly expresses the "national character" of the Chinese.

Therefore, the biggest problem with the "best" principle is that the "threshold is too high", which often exceeds the limit of the ability of the majority of "mortals", and makes most people "look at the door and sigh".What's hateful is that these books that flaunt the "best" principles often put on a "condescending" posture - those who read my books and still fail to "success" are "self" worthless, and deserve to suffer and suffer for the rest of their lives.Therefore, only the "second best" principle is really the only way to allow more "ordinary people" to embark on the road to "relative" success. The core of the "second best" principle lies in "lowering the threshold" - what it advocates is a theory of "accumulating small victories into big victories", that is, if you can't do it, you can just do it, because it will always be greater than; Taishan, just climb the small sand dunes in front of your house, because that is better than "stand still"... In short, as long as you "do" something, it is better than "not doing".But the key is to "persist".Since the "threshold" is greatly reduced, it is more possible for "ordinary people" to "persist", and as long as they "persist" in everything, they will eventually succeed.

It's just that the road to success following the "second-best" principle has a slightly longer "distance".All in all, although the "best" principle is superficially under the banner of making "everyone" successful, that is, "delivering all living beings", what it can ultimately inspire and "deliver" is actually "as little as possible". Even "very rare" "elites"; only the "second best" principle can effectively motivate "as many people as possible" to get as close as possible to the "lofty goal" of "pursuantness" of "all beings".Otherwise, "success study" may still become a "special tool" that only serves a small number of "elites".However, it must be emphasized that the "second best" principle can only motivate "as many people as possible" instead of "everyone" on the road to success. In fact, the key lies in the word "persistence". The "second best" principle only lowers the threshold of "persistence", but it cannot completely "remove" this threshold.That is to say, in any case, "persistence" is the only indispensable condition for success.In the real world, no matter how low the threshold is, those who cannot achieve the word "persist" will always be the majority.This also means that no matter how great "success studies" there are in the world, the people who can really achieve ultimate success in our world will always be destined to be only a very small number of people.

(End of this chapter)

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