Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 34 You can be "complacent", but don't "get lost"

Chapter 34 You can be "complacent", but don't "get lost"

There is actually nothing wrong with being "satisfied", and "lonely admiration" may not be a bad habit, but we must pay attention to one thing-don't "get lost".As the saying goes, "get carried away with complacency".It is said that when a person is successful in his career, happy in life, and full of ambition, he will inevitably be "smug", and once a person is proud, he will often forget his "weight" or even "flying" because he feels too good about himself. Get up, it is to "forget one's form".Of course, I don't need to say more about what happens to people who "forget" their "shape".Therefore, it is obvious that "smugness" is a derogatory term and an "unpopular" word. It is like a "wake-up call" hanging high, reminding people to stay away from it.Actually, I don't really dislike the term.I've always thought there's nothing wrong with "self-appreciation," "feeling good about yourself," or even "narcissism."

On the contrary, such people are often very passionate people. They are ambitious, aggressive in doing things, rich in imagination, strong in action, and often have a strong leadership temperament and a strong aura, so it is relatively easy "Becoming a master".At the same time, such people often have another side that is unknown—they often have a more sensitive and fragile inner world than ordinary people, are extremely vulnerable, and cannot listen to negative comments.Therefore, once such a person loses the spiritual pillar of "narcissism" one day, he will quickly wither and become wilted, and he will never regain his former passion and demeanor.Therefore, for such people, "satisfaction" is not a bad thing, it is the source and drive of self-confidence, passion and action. "Satisfaction" and "narcissism" can make them high-spirited and full of pride, to create one miracle after another in life.Throughout the ages, this kind of "narcissist" has many great figures who have left their names in history.However, "satisfaction" can be retained, but "forgetfulness" must never be. "Forgetful form" will make a person lose himself and misjudge the situation, which will lead to "faint tricks", and finally lead to the result of "losing everything", ruining the originally good situation and future.There are countless such cases and "negative teaching materials" in ancient and modern China and abroad.

But now comes the problem. "Forget one's form" is absolutely unacceptable. Although everyone knows it, few people will think that their "satisfaction" has reached the point of "forget their form", and few people will notice that they have begun to "forget their form".In other words, the evaluation criteria of "forgetful form" itself is a very difficult subject.Because of this, I don't expect to be able to find this "standard" and solve this problem. Here, I just want to introduce a rough solution to you-no matter how successful you are or how "prosperous" you are, please You take a deep breath for no less than 1 minute at least every three days, let yourself calm down, and then say to yourself "everything is just like this".As long as you can persist in doing this, I guarantee that you will not lose your mind.Remember, everyone has the right to be "proud" of their own achievements and advantages. This right is sacred and inviolable, so there is no need to blame yourself for it.However, in order to prevent the occurrence of "extreme joy begets sorrow", one thing must be kept in mind-don't "get lost".

(End of this chapter)

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