Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 35 "Bus" and "Personal Friendship"

Chapter 35 "Bus" and "Personal Friendship"

"Public transportation" obtains "people", "personal relationship" obtains "heart", how to obtain "people" and "heart" together determines the possibility of a leader's career space.Being a leader and manager often has to face a dilemma - how to deal with the relationship between "public transportation" and "personal friendship".The so-called "public transportation" refers to doing things impartially and without favoritism; while "personal friendship" is what we often call "communication in informal occasions".Obviously, looking at these two aspects from the perspective of "only "private" "friendship" purification", the former means to "offend people", while the latter means to "pull relationships" in private as much as possible to restore The loss of the "offended person".Although this way of expression is somewhat "blunt", it is indeed a problem that a "good" manager has to seriously consider, and it is also a problem that needs to be faced almost every day.In fact, a "lazy" manager will easily "choose one side", that is to say, either it is completely "businesslike" and one size fits all; Create a "big brother" image of "justice" to gain "prestige", unity and execution.

But these two methods have their obvious disadvantages. The disadvantage of the former is: the mentality of the employees will become like this-well, I am afraid of you, and I will definitely work hard when you are here. Turn around, I can do whatever I want; more than that, if you are really "annoying" me too much, I will make a little trouble while you are not paying attention, and make you feel sick.On the contrary, the disadvantage of the latter is: the mentality of the employees will be like this-the "big brother" will definitely use the knife for the younger brother, whether you are by your side, as long as it is "the task assigned by the big brother" will be carried out without any discount (this is true "Execution" high performance).However, since we are already "brothers", sometimes it is inevitable that we will "confuse roles", whether big or small, with a hippie smile, and nose-to-face, and may not take your words seriously, because "Anyway, I am sure Big brother won’t do anything to little brother, what’s the relationship between us? Could it be that you will give me little shoes to wear?”, making you dumbfounded.

This is really a dilemma.what to do?In fact, it is also simple, six (public) and four (private) are the best.This is the principle of both "principle" and "flexibility".If the principle is too strong and the flexibility is too weak, it will lose "stiffness", otherwise it will lose "slippery".The grasp of this sense of proportion is really a university question. "Bus" gets "people" and "personal relationship" gets "heart".How to obtain both "people" and "heart" determines the possibility of a leader's career space.

(End of this chapter)

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