Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 5 Pseudo-"Talent Emphasis Theory"

Chapter 5 Pseudo-"Talent Emphasis Theory"

It is shameful for the bosses who "ignore talents" under the banner of "talent first".Although many bosses today call "talent first" loudly, there are very few who really take "talent" seriously.I call this kind of people's theory "Pseudo-Talent Emphasis Theory".I once worked in a large-scale group company for a period of time. The boss of that company lamented that "there is no talent" every day, but hundreds of employees under him were "losing" every day-the average employees of that company left every year. A one-third drop, and nearly 60 people resigned in a single quarter at most.No matter how vigorously the human resources department recruits, it can't keep up with the speed of personnel loss, and the supervisor in charge of recruitment is so anxious that he sheds tears.The reason is also very simple. The "employee satisfaction" of that company is extremely poor, and I feel that it is not worth scoring 30 points.

The corporate atmosphere is "dead", and it can almost be said that "everyone wants to leave".Some employees jokingly described: "Our company is a 'talent training school'. After the training was finally completed, it was 'poached' away by other companies." Son, the big waves wash away the sand, and all the "elites" are left behind.Hearing this remark, it's really dumbfounding-you are not the movement of big waves washing "sand", but the movement of big waves washing "gold".The elites are all taken away, and all the "unwanted masters" are left behind, right?Perhaps because of his extreme resentment towards the employee's "disloyal behavior", this boss always tries to "block" the employee when the employee "leaves". Also - anyway, I can't let you "get out of the body", it must add some nausea to you.This trick is indeed very effective, and "tripped" many people.But employees are not "vegetarian". They always try to find an excuse to get back what they deserve before they officially "resign", and then quietly "evaporate".

Not only that, even those employees who have not left for the time being, seeing the company treat the resigned employees like this is "half cold", it can be said that "everyone is in danger", and it may be difficult to expect them to serve the company loyally more difficult.This kind of bad corporate culture has no words to describe the "badness" of the "exemplary role" of employees.In fact, there is still an extremely important "account" that the boss has not settled clearly.That is, the account of how much the company needs to pay for training and education for an employee from "young" to "mature".When the enterprise spends huge manpower, material resources, and financial resources to cultivate employees to maturity, and finally can count on them to "achieve achievements", how much "book loss" and "potential loss" will their "leaving" bring to the enterprise? Loss", has our boss seriously calculated it?If capitalists are really "selfish", then letting their own business become a "talent training and delivery school" for others, especially their own competitors, is so stupid that it can be described as "selfless".

(End of this chapter)

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