Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 4 "Management Talents" and "Business Talents"

Chapter 4 "Management Talents" and "Business Talents"

"Management" and "business" are two different things - people who are good at "business" may not understand "management", and people who are good at "management" may not be good at "business". However, in the real world, these two concepts are greatly ignored. Confused.Those who have a correct understanding of the concept of "management" in Chinese enterprises are "very rare".We often greatly confuse the relationship between "management" and "business".In fact, to put it simply, "business" is "things", and for enterprises, it is the specific way and means of "making money", and "management" is the "method" to do things well. For enterprises, it is "how to do it" to make the most money.Although these two concepts seem similar at first glance, after careful chewing and tasting, they are actually "very different".To put it a bit more extreme, the "method" of doing things is far more important than the "thing" itself.As long as there is a good "method", any "thing" can be done; on the contrary, without a good "method", you can't accomplish anything (or, even if you do it, it will not last long. This is "fighting the country" It is easy, but it is difficult to sit on the rivers and mountains" principle).The sad thing about Chinese companies is that they often have an incorrigible (or "stick to") "inertial thinking" that uses "business" to break "management".

To put it bluntly, their "employment" thinking is often like this: promote XX to be a manager because his business is very good, or because they have worked for a long time and have rich business experience.This is really a strange logic. If a person's business is good, it can only represent his own achievements, while a manager is responsible for a "team". Can this be the same thing?Taking "long working time and rich experience" as one of the basis for evaluating whether a person is suitable to be a "manager" is inevitably biased.Because a person "works for a long time", it can only prove that this person has a high "proficiency" in "doing things", but it may not prove that this person has "advanced ideas, clear thinking, creativity, and high efficiency" in doing things.That is to say, a high "proficiency" in doing things may not necessarily prove that the "quality" of doing things is high.This is two different things.On the contrary, rich "experience" and high "proficiency" often lead to "inertia" and "fixed patterns" of thinking and behavior, which makes such people prone to "stubbornness" and "conservative" and lack of initiative and creativity .This is the reason we often say the so-called "empiricism kills people".Of course, saying this is not to deny the value and significance of "experience", but to be a useful vigilance against "empiricism".

We often see such a scene: a person who has worked in a certain industry for a year, in order to deny the "innovation suggestion" of a newcomer, uses such rhetoric-"In this industry, the time you have been working for is the time I have been working for." Long?” This sentence seems very reasonable, but actually it’s a bit “unreasonable” when you think about it—I’m sorry, the “right” and “wrong” of a thing depend on the thing itself, not on See who "does" for how long.If you want to deny me, please come up with sufficient evidence to deny this "thing" instead of showing me "veteran qualifications".In fact, in real life, the "harm" of this kind of thinking is already ubiquitous.We can often see that a good "business" talent quickly withers after being promoted to the position of "manager"; we can also see that in reality, countless "garbage" companies with poor management, In fact, there is no shortage of "business masters" with ten or even decades of business experience.To put it a bit more extreme, "business" can be "bubbled" to a large extent.As long as you don't be too wasteful, if you do one thing for eight or ten years, it will be difficult for you to be "proficient" in business.And management needs to be "learned" and "enlightened". It is a kind of "knowledge" and a kind of "wisdom" (don't argue with me. I say this does not mean that I think business does not need to be "learned". ", do not need "enlightenment", not "knowledge", not "wisdom").

(End of this chapter)

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