Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 3 "Professionals" and "Generalists"

Chapter 3 "Professionals" and "Generalists"

"All-round talents", that is, "compound talents", may not bring "high efficiency".Sometimes it is better to use "experts" than "generalists". "Professional", as the name suggests, refers to a person who "can only do one thing", the so-called "one trick is popular all over the world"; "all-rounder" refers to a person who "can do many things", that is, We often say "compound talents" (generally refers to people who are "both but not skilled". Of course, there are also people who are "both rich and skilled", but they are very few, and they can even be called "heterogeneous".) Which kind of people should we use? it is good?First of all, it depends on the situation. Generally speaking, the best situation should be (especially for larger enterprises): "all-rounder" and "specialized".That is to say, it is better for talents to be "combined", but it is best to use them in one position.But in real life, people often have too many expectations for "all-rounders", even close to "myth".

Therefore, here I mainly analyze the shortcomings of "compound talents", but this does not mean denying the significance and value of "compound talents".The reason why people like "compound talents" is simple and logical. "Compound talents" can improve work efficiency (can do any job), and can also reduce labor costs (hire one person to replace three people). Therefore, bosses who don't like this kind of talent must be out of their heads.However, there is also a huge trap in using "compound talents".That is, "compound talents" are also "people", after all, energy is limited.He may be able to do [-]% of everything, but it is impossible to do [-]% of everything.However, using "experts" may greatly increase or improve the efficiency and results of doing things.For example, compared with one "all-rounder", ten "specialists" may improve the effect of all things to "ninety percent", and the extra "ten percent" will become an extremely valuable "productivity" of the enterprise And "competitiveness", the potential benefits brought by this kind of competitiveness will far exceed the cost saved by using "all-rounders" instead of "specialists".

"All-rounder" has another drawback.Because of "completeness", he has to "do everything by himself", and his time is limited after all, which will make him have no time to take care of others, exhausted, and have to spread the limited time among too many "items", which makes the original time abundant. You can do [-]% of things, but you can only do [-]% to [-]%.In the end, everything is neither good nor bad, neither up nor down, awkward, and lifeless.The waste of "productivity" brought by this situation to the enterprise will also be huge, so the gain outweighs the loss.From this point of view, being more "specialized" and more "leisure" may also be a superb "way of employing people".In many cases, ideas such as "full capacity" and "all-round talent" are probably just our "wishful thinking" or a "curse" that we put on ourselves.This may be what the so-called "preconceived ideas" and "painting the ground as a prison" mean.

(End of this chapter)

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