Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 2 "Idle People" and "Busy People"

Chapter 2 "Idle People" and "Busy People"

In the workplace, the more "busy people" the better.Sometimes, "idle people" will "show their talents".All bosses will be concerned about the "full load" of an employee's workload.This itself is the most basic management topic, and there is nothing wrong with it, but it will be biased if it is "absolute".Because it can be said with certainty: For all employees, it is definitely not that the busier the better.As long as everyone is busy and busy, the boss will be happy and satisfied. This is definitely a "low-level" way of thinking.Because, as the saying goes, "the busier the more chaotic", people tend to forget the word "efficiency" when they are busy. Use the energy of breastfeeding and "just finish it".Therefore, nine times out of ten the efficiency is low when "busy" (at least it is very easy to fall into this situation).At the beginning, the most important business department of our company had only one female manager, but after a period of time, I found that she was really too busy, and she had no time to take care of the piles of problems in the department.Reluctantly, I had to assign another deputy manager to her, thinking that the situation would improve, but after a while, I found that the two managers were too busy, and the mountain of problems in the department had not been solved at all. On the contrary, there is a trend of "accumulating more and more" and "intensifying".

In desperation, the company had no choice but to assign them two "full-time" manager assistants, thinking that this would always lead to a complete change in the situation.However, the result was extremely disappointing—the number of "leaders" in the department changed from one to four, and although each "leader" would immediately become a "busy body" from the beginning of taking office, the problems within the department remained No sign of a solution.I couldn't figure it out, so I had to use the most primitive method of "stalking" to observe the work process of these department leaders "closely" one-on-one, hoping to see some clues.After several days of "personal tracking", I finally discovered the "mystery".It turned out that these department leaders did not perform any "management functions" at all, and all their energy was occupied by some trivial business matters, which made them tired and had no time to care about them.Their mobile phones are always ringing all day long, and employees "push" them for solutions to all trivial matters, and they always "do not refuse" and "conscientiously" answer them one by one. deal with.They are like "firefighters" one by one, and they "fly" there as soon as something goes wrong.They always "put out the fire" themselves, but never seriously think about the origin of the problem and the solution to the problem, let alone implement these methods.Therefore, all problems cannot be fundamentally solved, and they keep recurring, and what they can do is to keep repeating "fire fighting".

Although they were exhausted to death, they were still surrounded by "fires everywhere", which made them "exhausted physically and mentally".To put it simply, this is a typical management method of "treating the symptoms but not the root cause".Although they also understand the importance of "treating the root cause" in their consciousness, the matter of "treating the symptoms" has already occupied almost all of their time, and there is no extra energy to "cure the root cause".In the end, even though he was "extremely dedicated", he could only end up with the result of "hard work but no credit".The boss is dissatisfied, and he is also depressed.I believe that this phenomenon in my company is by no means unique, and it will also be a "daily landscape" in many other companies, and all managers will be familiar with it.Therefore, there must always be a few "not busy" people who watch quietly, discover problems quietly, think quietly, and think of solutions quietly.

Someone has to calm down, not all "busy people".Those who calm down patiently observe for a week and solve a problem may be worth the time wasted by a few busy people for two weeks.Therefore, such "quietness" is definitely not a waste of efficiency, or raising "idle people". On the contrary, such "quietness" and "leisure" are precisely to ensure the realization of "high efficiency".Of course, such people must be of high quality, and it is impossible for people with low quality to take on this important task.Such a person must be selected by the boss himself, and the qualification judgment must be made through long-term observation.Otherwise, there will be a risk of raising "idle people".Therefore, I think that all companies, and even all key departments, should have one (or several) "idlemen".They are mainly responsible for "management" work and must be freed from heavy "business" work.

Of course, they must have a deep understanding of the business, but they are never restricted by the business (the specific "business" can be done by other professionals).They are only responsible for "watching" from the sidelines, discovering and solving problems.And to do this kind of work, they need "time", so they have to "leisure".People who are subject to "business" and "troublesome" cannot be "idle". If they are not free, they will inevitably join the "busy" team, thus losing the opportunity to make more "constructive" contributions to the company. Chance.If we can think of the post of "political commissar" in the army, we can roughly understand the true meaning of this role.No matter how strong the business "division head" is, he also needs a "good political commissar" to check for him.Otherwise, the "heroes" who are as big and as good as they are will also suffer defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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