Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 64 Don't Underestimate "Employee Satisfaction"

Chapter 64 Don't Underestimate "Employee Satisfaction"

Which is more important, "customer satisfaction" or "employee satisfaction"?Answering such a question may surprise many people, because the answer is: "Employee satisfaction" is more important.Straight to the point, which one do you think is more important, "customer satisfaction" or "employee satisfaction"?I believe you will give the answer without thinking: of course "customer satisfaction" is important, "customer is God"!I have to admit that I can't say you are wrong, it is obvious that customers are "parents of food and clothing"!But frankly, I can't quite agree with your statement either.Because I have always been "stubborn" in the belief that it is impossible to have satisfied "customers" without satisfied "employees".Therefore, if we consider the problem according to the logic of "chicken first, egg second", we have to say that "employee satisfaction" is more important.The reason is not difficult to understand. Who is the one who directly deals with your customers face to face every day?your employees.

No matter how "dedicated" you are as a boss, you "can't twist a few nails even if you are covered in iron", in the final analysis, you still have to rely on your employees to contact customers and "earn money" from them.So, if you want to "make more money", instead of thinking about your customers all day long, you should spend more time thinking about your employees.But it is a pity that today's bosses don't look at the "high-profile" such as "emphasis on talents" and "talent strategy" in their mouths, but in fact they don't take "employees" really seriously at all in their hearts. Not to mention "employee satisfaction".Or to put it more extreme, today's bosses have to worry about everything, but "employee satisfaction" is the least "worry" thing - do what you like, don't do it, as long as I am here There is a "vacancy" and no one will come.Such a smart boss, he really let him "forget" - it is not easy to find a job these days, and indeed no one dares to "challenge" the boss seriously.I can only "endure" silently.However, don't be too happy too early, don't think that you have completely "taken" the employees.Don't forget, your "God of Wealth" and "lifeblood"—customers, are "holding" in the hands of your employees!It's easy for them to "revenge" you.That is to say, in this "game" with your employees, you yourself are truly "weak".

To put it to the extreme, employees who are "mistreated" will inevitably "mistreat" your customers.And the terrible thing is that these will happen in places you "can't see", so you can only "know what to do" and "sit and wait for death".I have seen many bosses, each of them have a lack of "passion" for their employees, and a "dead" corporate atmosphere, which is a headache.One of them once asked me in bewilderment: "I really don't understand what these employees think. They can earn more money by doing more performance! Could it be that they have a grudge against money?" Yes, there are not many people in our world who have hatred for money.But there is a premise, that is when there is no "dissatisfaction" in the hearts of employees, or at least very little "dissatisfaction".

If the employees' hearts are full of "dissatisfaction", these dissatisfaction will gradually evolve into "anger". Only by these performances can I earn tens of dollars more, and the boss will earn tens of thousands of dollars more.Exchange my "dozens" for the boss's "tens of thousands", it's so worth it!A few days ago, my family and I went to Shanghai to visit the World Expo.In addition to playing, I can't help but accompany my family to visit the bustling streets of Shanghai.In a very high-end Hong Kong-funded large shopping mall, I experienced a rather embarrassing scene-I thought that in the large shopping mall of China's most developed commercial city, we would definitely enjoy "world-class" and "professional services". Said it was "eye-popping", because all the service staff we saw had a stiff "poker face".

They are expressionless, completely ignoring the "haunting" customers around them. Even if customers ask for product information, they are just perfunctory, which is very disappointing.I was very upset. I was about to "argument" with them, but my daughter-in-law stopped me and whispered in my ear: "Forget it, they must be dissatisfied with the company, not necessarily against us. We didn't Offend them." I heard that it made some sense, so I gave up and left the mall angrily.In retrospect, there were very few customers in that shopping mall. I thought it was because the shopping mall was too high-end and the things were too expensive, so the source of customers was limited. Now it seems that there is still "some other reason".Thinking about it from another angle, the owner of that mall is really "poor".

In a shopping mall of that level, any "thing" is priced in the tens of thousands. If such a group of employees were to sell it, how many sales opportunities and sales would be lost in a day!It's jaw-dropping to think about it, but thanks to the boss, he can still sleep at night.Don't think that being a boss is so "bully", as if you hold the "power of life and death" of employees in your hands, and employees will unconditionally "bow their heads and ears" and "swear allegiance to the death" to themselves.Remember, as long as your products and your customers are in the hands of employees, you will always be an out-and-out "vulnerable group".A boss who doesn't take employees "seriously" is the stupidest boss in the world, and there will be "retribution" sooner or later.In this sense, whether you like it or not, you must temporarily put "customer satisfaction" aside, and re-examine your "employee satisfaction" seriously and "as a matter of course".

(End of this chapter)

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