Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 69 Cherish every "idea" and "idea" of your subordinates

Chapter 69 Cherish every "idea" and "idea" of your subordinates

Regardless of how "clumsy" the "ideas" and "ideas" your subordinates show you or tell you are in your mind, as long as they really put their heart and effort into something, you will definitely Take it seriously.Otherwise, any kind of "ignoring", "disdain" and "negligence" of yours will deal a heavy blow to their "enthusiasm".Many of our managers often show insufficient respect for the "ideas" and "ideas" of their subordinates.Whether subordinates report "in person" or "in a report", they are extremely impatient - I don't have time to listen (see) these things, you can figure it out.In fact, they are not really "no time", but feel that their subordinates' things are "not on the table".

Conversely, if it is their own "masterpiece" and their subordinates don't treat it well, you can see how they will react.This shows that many of our managers are too "narcissistic" and seriously "ignored" the feelings of their subordinates—no matter how "not high-grade" you think their stuff is, it is because they have really used their brains and worked hard to come up with it something!Do you know how badly your "ignoring" can hurt them?It takes a long time to work hard, but they don't get the "attention" from the leader, which will make the employees extremely depressed and seriously "damage" their enthusiasm for work.And what will happen to employees who lack work enthusiasm and "active thinking" ability?It will exhaust their superiors to death!Because you "can't twist a few nails even if you are covered in iron" alone.However, many of our managers are used to showing "strength". They always "deny" their subordinates too easily, rudely, and arbitrarily, and naively think that doing so is the best "education" for their subordinates.

But contrary to expectations, this "strong education" often has little effect.Subordinates will become even less confident, "trembling" everywhere, dare not do anything and can't do anything, don't know where to put their hands and feet, and will be reprimanded for anything wrong, but nothing will happen. If you do it, you will be scolded-the whole person is not human inside and out.With a large group of "subordinates" in this state, one can imagine how busy that "strong" leader will be.An interesting phenomenon is that the more "powerful" the "leader", the more "weak" the subordinate.Such enterprises often lack vigor, and there is a "terror atmosphere" in the air, as if there is a "time bomb" hanging there, which may explode at any time; ".Such companies tend to have more confident employees and more enthusiasm for work, and the corporate atmosphere will be relatively relaxed and gentle, with a relatively obvious "vigor".There is a Chinese saying that goes, "A scholar dies for his confidant".In fact, each of us is longing for a "confidant", and employees are the same.

Moreover, for employees, it is a particularly "exciting" thing to be "affirmed", "valued" and "appreciated" by their leaders.As long as you treat employees like this, they will immediately regard you as a "confidant" and willingly "loyalty" to you.If you can become the "confidant" of each subordinate, you will have an invincible "dream team"!Why not do it?Maybe you will say: "It's not that I don't value their opinions and ideas, but that I really don't have that much energy!" It doesn't matter, your subordinates are actually very easy to be satisfied.No matter how impatient you are in your heart, even if you pretend to be fine! ——If you really can’t read it, just flip through a few pages and tell him that you have read it; if you really can’t listen to it, just listen to a few sentences and make him think that you are “listening”.Of course, if you have enough "energy" and "sincerity", it would be great to give your heart and take the ideas and opinions of your subordinates seriously.Doing so is easier to arouse the mentality of employees who "die for their confidants", and effectively enhance the loyalty and execution of your employees.Don't be so stingy, always thinking about keeping the "most glorious" things for yourself.If you want to have a "dream team" that is extremely loyal to you and has high execution ability, you must try to leave "brilliance" and "sense of accomplishment" to your employees.

(End of this chapter)

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