Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 75 Give "Credit" to Subordinates

Chapter 75 Give "Credit" to Subordinates

A smart leader should never "compete" with employees, and never allow the company to be filled with an atmosphere of "how godly and powerful the leader is".As long as you are good at giving the "credit" to the employees, so that the company can establish a corporate culture of "employees first", you will have a "dream team" in no time!Many of our managers are accustomed to attribute "credit" to themselves - the reason why the company has achieved such results is thanks to my "wise leadership"!Every time I hear this statement, I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.An enterprise should not push managers into an absolute "protagonist" position, and let the enterprise be shrouded in the atmosphere of "how godly and powerful the leadership is".For a company with a healthy corporate culture, there will always be only one "absolute protagonist" of the company—the employees.This question is actually not difficult to understand.

As a leader, especially as a boss, you should figure out one thing - what exactly do you want?Do you want "money" and "performance" or "name" and "vanity"?If the answer is the former, then who can bring you these?Without a doubt, the answer is "your employees".Even if you are a very "wise" leader and can always make very "correct" decisions, I am afraid that these decisions still have to be realized through your "employees", right?If your employees do not live up to expectations, no matter how "wise" you are, it is impossible to get "money" and "performance".That being the case, why do you care so much about those "external things"?Therefore, a leader who is willing to give "credit" to his subordinates is a truly smart leader, and a leader who always likes to "get all the credit" is the number one "stupid leader" in Tianzi.

Because only if they are willing to give credit to their subordinates, will the subordinates sincerely "push their swords" for the leader without any complaints.And a truly wise boss will never allow his company to "sing praises" and "build a monument" for himself all day long.The famous management consulting and training master Liu Yimiao once said that a smart boss and a good company should talk about the "merits" of "employees" every day, and "set up a monument" for "employees".Why did many of our old state-owned enterprises in the past have a team of highly combative employees under such limited material conditions?One of the most important reasons is that the company at that time really regarded employees as absolute "protagonists"—except for various "advanced person" selection activities, using the names of employees to evaluate a certain team, a certain way, etc. Processes and even certain tool names abound.

Working in such an atmosphere, how can the "sense of responsibility" of employees not be stimulated, and how can they not burst out with fiery "passion"?Therefore, as long as your company can have this kind of "employees first" atmosphere, you will definitely see "miracles" happen - your employees will be full of energy and high-spirited like they have been injected with "stimulants". Make brilliant achievements beyond your expectations!Think back to the "Founding Ceremony" back then, amidst the deafening slogans of "Long live Chairman Mao!", Chairman Mao standing on the tower of Tiananmen Square affectionately shouted "Long live the people" to the vast crowd below the tower The voice of the heart, until the voice is hoarse.The reason why the old man did this was not just to make a "posture", but to thank the "people" for their great sacrifices and major contributions to the revolutionary cause from the bottom of their hearts.He believed from the bottom of his heart that the "people" are the real "heroes"—without the support of the people and "continuing forward", the revolution would never succeed.That's why he named the monument built on Tiananmen Square the "Monument to the People's Heroes".Thinking about the broad mind of the great leader Chairman Mao, and looking at us bosses who "compete" with employees, it is really embarrassing.We must know that even the great leader Chairman Mao can shout the slogan "Long live the people" and not "compete" with the people, so why can't we bosses let it go?

(End of this chapter)

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