Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 74 Don't "Negiate" Employees Easily

Chapter 74 Don't "Negiate" Employees Easily

In front of employees, the IQ of managers is always the lowest.If you underestimate the "wisdom" and "strength" of employees, you will suffer a lot.You can deny the "things" that employees do, but you must not easily deny the "personality" of employees. "This thing you made is not even at the level of elementary school students." "Are you a pig brain?" "You are a bunch of trash, idiots, bumpkins!" "You are completely unsuitable for your current position." "You don't even have a little management ability. None." "I guess you can only do this for the rest of your life." "For someone like you, you won't make any progress in the new year." "Your credit for the past year is completely zero. Maybe there is some hard work."

... Are these words familiar to you?If you are a leader, you may not feel much; but if you are an employee, these words may be quite "unforgettable".Yes, these are the words that "leaders" use to "reprimand" employees on weekdays, and some have even reached the level of "mantras".As the saying goes, "the speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart".For leaders, these words may just be "blurred out" in a fit of anger, or even just a "habit" of speaking, which may not represent any special meaning; but for employees, these words are nothing more than "five thunderbolts" , has a strong "destructive power" to employees' self-esteem and self-confidence, and often makes employees feel depressed, and they can't recover for half a month.The crux of the problem is that these words all have a common feature—they are not right for people.What they deny is not the "thing" that the employee does, but the "person" of the employee.But what we Chinese are most afraid of is this kind of negation of "people".

Because we are the nation that loves the most "face" in the world, any kind of ruthless tearing of "face" will fundamentally destroy our confidence, and make us feel a great sense of "frustration" and become depressed Sluggish.Over time, we will become extremely decadent, not enterprising, and eventually degenerate into the typical "dawdling" people.Therefore, any kind of negation of the "personality" of employees should be done with caution, and it must not be done lightly.Maybe some managers will be very disdainful about this-you are too serious, right?In fact, I did this precisely for the purpose of educating the employees and for their benefit.Because if they can "know their shame and be brave", they will redouble their efforts to win a better future for themselves.So, they should thank me!There is some truth to this statement.The more "face-worthy" people are, the easier it is sometimes to motivate their own "motivation" through the "humiliation" given by others.This does fit with a general principle of psychology.

There are no shortage of such classic figures and examples in ancient and modern China and abroad.But there is a huge "misunderstanding".That is, is it a good management method to motivate employees to "motivate themselves" by "humiliating" them?The answer is obviously no.Let's sort it out along the lines of "psychology".Why do people get the power to "forge ahead" from "humiliation"?Because "humiliation" will bring "shame" and "injury", it will arouse "anger", and for "revenge" and "revenge", people will often burst out a huge "rise up" energy.This is why people often say "thank your enemies".However, although we can be "thankful" to the "enemy" who inspires our determination, we will never have any "feelings".Therefore, if this kind of "motivation" comes from "outside", it is understandable; but if it comes from "inside", it will be very ridiculous-could it be that our managers have to become employees' "enemies" (or "opposites")? Textbooks") to "motivate" employees?

This method can only do great harm to the "emotional communication" between managers and employees, and even the construction of the entire corporate culture, because no one would imagine that a leader who is "hated" by employees can bring out a whole new world. A highly cohesive and combative team.Therefore, those leaders who think that bringing "humiliation" to employees is "for the good of employees" must "wake up" as soon as possible—unless you want to be an "enemy of the people."Pushing yourself to the "opposite" of employees is really harmful to others and yourself.Of course, this does not mean that employees cannot be "denied", criticized and educated.It's just that when it comes to "negating" employees, we must abide by an iron principle - treat things not people.If an employee does something wrong, you must try to focus on this "event" as much as possible, and avoid easily "putting" the employee's "personality" into it.This point, we must be extremely careful.Then, if possible, you should try not to "negate" as the ultimate goal, and try to tell employees where they went wrong, why they made a mistake, what to do to avoid making the same mistake next time, and so on.

In a word, "criticism" is not an end, but a means, and "education" is the ultimate goal.Therefore, in the face of employees' mistakes, you must be "persuading and persuasive".In fact, every "mistake" made by an employee is an excellent opportunity for them to be "promoted".You must show plenty of patience.Only by doing these can you become a qualified "good leader" who is supported by employees.Finally, as I have repeatedly emphasized in this book, you must be good at discovering and digging out every strength of your employees, even if it is a very small improvement, and then give you sincere praise and encouragement in a timely manner.You know, we are the nation most eager to be "affirmed" and "rewarded" in the world. "Affirmation" and "recognition" will make us burst out with endless passion, so that we can create miracles that even ourselves will feel "unbelievable"!Remember, for a boss or manager, employees are your real "wealth", your "customers" and "parents", so you must take good care of them and never "offend" easily.Being an "enemy" with employees will definitely get retribution.

(End of this chapter)

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