Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 80 "Face" and "Lizi"

Chapter 80 "Face" and "Lizi"

All the "face" is for you, just leave the "liner".It is said that "money worship" is becoming more and more popular in society, and it seems that Chinese people are more and more "love money", but if I ask you, for most ordinary people, assuming that there is one thing in the world that is more important than "money" important, so what would it be?I believe you will immediately show a knowing smile.By the way, it is "face".We Chinese are recognized by the world as the nation that cares about "face" the most.Therefore, everything in our life is inseparable from "face" - "face" culture, "face" philosophy, "face" economy... When someone else built a five-story building, I will build a six-story building; I will buy an inch color TV; if other people's children enter Peking University, my children must enter Tsinghua University...

In short, everything is "face".No wonder the line from a comedy movie became popular all over China - whoever gives me face, I will give him gold!As a member of the auto industry, I found that the "car consumption culture" of Chinese people has a closer relationship with "face", and is more amusing and "classic".Obviously China's per capita national income has just passed the line of "well-off", but many of our people want to buy "big cars". The various benefits of a "small car"—saving money, fuel, and space; easy to drive, easy to park, and easy to maintain—are not considered by many people in the country.Because all the above-mentioned advantages are not worth one disadvantage: no "face".Therefore, they would rather risk the risk of being scratched and scratched every day, and the trouble of finding a suitable parking space, and "scrape" on the road like snails, watching the "little guys" file by. Even if the life is embarrassing, you have to stay in your comfortable "big car" and enjoy your "face".Ever since, there are those "sophisticated" foreigners who have developed a car for the Chinese that cannot be sold abroad for 1 years-a body with a displacement of [-] and a motor with a displacement of [-] .It can be described as a "small horse-drawn cart". Although the "gas fee" is skyrocketing, the "face" is quite high.It's really "no need to worry about spending oil, as long as you have face".Not only that, in fact, in the small arena of the "company", "face" is everywhere.I have discovered a characteristic. If it is a meeting of the company's top management, especially a meeting with a large number of company high-level people, it is generally difficult to discuss the "why".

I am afraid some people will say that this is because of the high-level "sense of responsibility" and the prudence in doing things.But I don't quite think so.In fact, rather than talking about "responsibility", it is better to say that there is one more important thing, that is "face" - after all, I am also a "character", so it is so easy for you to gain the upper hand.So we will find that many people are actually "looking for something to say when they have nothing to say", and they have to "disturb three points" if they have nothing to say.

They are typical "opposition for the sake of opposition", and they will not feel at ease if they don't say a few words of "opposite opinion".I have encountered such embarrassment more than once.The company I used to work in had several "mother-in-laws" (senior leaders). No matter what you do, you have to "breathe" to these "mother-in-laws" one by one, and give you "little shoes" to wear once they are not in place.Later, I finally learned to be smart, no matter what I did, I would inform all the "mother-in-laws" of my "Qi'er" in advance, no matter what I did, it would never be troublesome.This trick really worked, and these "mother-in-laws" never troubled me again, and I could finally let go of things.In fact, think about it carefully, they are not necessarily interested in the "things" you do, the key is whether you give him "face".But the irony is that we Chinese don't think that everyone has a good face, but we can't escape a "strange circle": everyone hopes that others will give him face, but he is extremely "stingy" in giving others face, because giving others face is the most important thing. It means that you lose face.

For example, if two people crash into a car on the street, or two cars "meet" on a one-way street, you can rest assured that basically the two sides will immediately enter a state of "war": both people will jump around and "swear" , forcing the other party to "concede", but he himself "not giving in an inch" and "fighting for every inch of land".So things that can be easily done with a few "sweet words" can be done easily, but we often consume him for an hour or two, which makes our heads bleed and hurt both sides.In fact, in many cases, we don't necessarily want to "blackmail" the other party, but just hope to hear three words from the other party's mouth: I'm sorry, just do it.However, these three words are absolutely difficult for us to say, because this is a "major event" that "concerns face", and it is a matter of "principle", which requires us to "swear to the death" to defend it!It's really "the head can be broken, the blood can be shed, and the face can't be lost!" It's so epic!

Therefore, the reason why "harmony" is so important and yet so difficult in our Chinese society is self-evident.Because the existence of "face" has provoked too many "wars", in the midst of "smoke", "harmony" is easier said than done!Why does Japan seem to be very "harmonious" even though it doesn't talk about "building a harmonious society" every day?In my experience, the reason lies in this "face" culture.The Japanese culture is just the opposite of the Chinese culture. Their culture is to give face to "others", while our culture hopes that others will give face to "ourself".So our culture will bring about a situation of "fighting" every day, but their culture is always "calm down".For example, you are walking on the road and accidentally step on the foot of the pedestrian in front of you.If it is in China, nine out of ten that person will turn around and say a few "ruthless words": You are blind, where are you looking?But in Japan, [-]% of that person will turn around and apologize to you, saying "I'm sorry" - because he thinks that you stepped on his foot because he "blocked your way".Therefore, if China is a "restless" country, then Japan is a "quiet" country.Of course, if someone criticizes Japanese culture as a "coward culture" and Chinese culture as a promising "spine culture", I have no objection.

I just hope that Chinese people can use this "spine culture" in a bigger and more important place, instead of using it in our daily life and using it on our own compatriots.In fact, those who really do great things don't want "face", but "face".I think that the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao took the initiative to withdraw from Yan'an, leaving an empty city for the enemy, but this was enough to make Lao Jiang so happy that he went to Yan'an to reward the three armed forces happily, and used various media to publicize and report. It really earned enough "face".But Chairman Mao smiled lightly: "Although we evacuated Yan'an today, we will exchange Yan'an for the whole of New China!" What courage and boldness this is!

Chairman Mao used a typical strategy of throwing away "face" (Yan'an) for "lizi" (the whole of China).In fact, not only in wartime, but even in peacetime, this idea and tactics of exchanging "face" for "liner" can be widely used in our daily life and work.Just because the vast majority of us Chinese can't pass the "face" test, we just gave you an excellent opportunity!Because this shows that "face" is almost all of us's "super dead spot", and it is an open "failure spot", so as long as you can be different and give up "face" voluntarily, you will occupy it alone "Big deal".Gritting your teeth and persevering through this hurdle, and learning the life philosophy of taking advantage of the tricks and pushing the boat along the way, then you will surely have a "flat river" in front of you, and your gains will be far greater than the "face" you lose.For example.It's as if you accidentally bumped into a car full of "gold bars" while walking on the road, and the golden "gold bars" were scattered all over the ground.Don't worry, that driver will definitely not bother to come down to pick up gold bars. I can guarantee that nine times out of ten he will hop around and curse the street, holding back his energy and wanting to argue with you, so as to earn back his "face".But you must never mind, he is arguing with him, you just need to pick up your "gold bars" with a dull head.In the end, all he gets is illusory "face", but what you get is real "gold".Such a beautiful thing, why not do it! All the "face" is for you, just leave the "liner".

(End of this chapter)

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