Give you a company, see how you manage

Chapter 90 Happy "Pressure"

Chapter 90 Happy "Pressure"

If you can learn to enjoy the process of using your own wisdom to "crack" stress, "stress" will become a happy thing.The ancients said: People in the rivers and lakes cannot help themselves.To put it at an extreme point, among people in the modern workplace, "healthy people" in terms of mental health are rare.Our generation of professionals, although we can be called lucky, is catching up with China's once-in-a-century period of major historical development opportunities, and we are fortunate to become "the trendsetters of the times" and "witnesses".But it is also unfortunate: in the early years of birth, you will live a "leisurely leisurely" life under the "planned economic system" with no worries about "basic clothing, food, housing and transportation"; Indulging in the sweet fruits of "modern civilization" in the country.However, it is the "mainstay" of our generation who are on the cusp of the great changes of the times, who have to bear the huge social pressure brought about by the changes of the times.That is to say, the pressure that our generation of professionals must bear may be "unique" in the history of China's century-old development.In this context, how to relieve stress and maintain "mental health" has become a major practical issue that has to be faced by modern workers.In fact, in this increasingly diverse society, "decompression methods" are also "variety", such as "screaming method", "exercise and sweating method", and "eating and drinking methods"... …

In short, it is varied and "dazzling".But I think that all these "decompression methods" are "palliatives, not root causes"-it can only provide you with a chance to solve the problem temporarily, and the next time the same problem comes, you will still "do nothing".Therefore, the real key is to find a method that can "cure the root cause".In fact, think about it, what exactly is "stress"?In our world, the objective "pressure" is actually "very little", and most of the pressure is "subjective pressure".That is to say, most of the stress is because we can't think about it, regard it as "stress", and make us breathless.As long as we can "see it away", at least everyone can automatically reduce the "stress" of %.It's like unloading a heavy package at once, which makes us feel "refreshed" immediately, and we can use more energy and energy to deal with the remaining "objective pressure".

To do this, we need to carry out "mind decompression".The real key here is to improve our "philosophy of existence".Nowadays, there is a wave of "national studies craze" and "retro craze" in the society. In fact, it is a social phenomenon caused by the need to improve the "philosophy of survival".It is really worth encouraging.Let's hope this isn't a fad.I have little talent and little knowledge, so I dare not make any claims about the unfathomable "Chinese learning".Here is just "to join in the fun" and introduce a small way to "decompress" yourself.It may be because of type A blood, I like to get into the "horn" when I was young, and I am also the kind of person who "can't get out after a long time after getting in".Even before the age, the hair is already graying, and the symptoms of "excessive use of the brain" are quite manifested.Until one day, I saw an exclusive interview program with a famous director on TV. What the interviewed famous director said completely changed my "survival philosophy".When she introduced how she overcame the difficulties and obstacles encountered in the filming process, she said: No matter what difficulties I encounter, I always adopt this attitude-face it, accept it, deal with it, and let it go.Hearing this remark, I was really "enlightened" and "suddenly enlightened".

Although this is a "plain and unpretentious" sentence, in my opinion, almost every word is "the words of pearls and jade".First of all, no matter how difficult and difficult you encounter, even if it is something that you think "absolutely should not happen", you must figure out one thing, that is, it "has" happened.This is the "reality" you have to face.Then, since it is a living "reality", no matter how reluctant you are, you must "accept" this reality, there is no other choice.Then, you must calm down quickly, look for a "solution" to this problem, and must do your best to "implement" it.In the end, no matter whether the problem has been solved or not, and to what extent it has been solved, you have to "let go" of it on the basis of confirming that you have "did your best".Whether this "letting go" means "moving on" or "giving up completely".Since then, whenever I encounter a difficult problem in my work life and feel that "the end of the world is coming", I always close my eyes first, take a deep breath for 1 minute, and repeat this to myself in my heart sentence.In this way, when I open my eyes again, I always feel that my heart is full of "confidence", and I have enough energy and energy to fight against the difficulties in front of me.

Not only that, if you can also use the means of "adjusting your mentality", "resolving difficulties" and "exercising your mind" as an even interesting and stimulating "mind game", your gains will be even greater.Let's say you stand in line overnight for a new, in-demand item.But it happens to be sold out by the time it's your turn.what would you thinkUnder normal circumstances, it is a person who feels as awkward as "eating a fly" in his heart-it's really unlucky, why is it my turn?God really wants to fight against me!But if you can change your mind - how lucky I am!No more, no less, unbiased, but it happened that everything was sold out here.This means that I am registered with "God".

I didn't expect "God" to think highly of me so much, and created such a good opportunity to exercise my mentality for me alone in my busy schedule!This is a "great" face, so it must be cherished! ——Everything will be very different, you will not have a "obscure" day, on the contrary, you can enjoy a good mood throughout the day.To use another analogy, someone spreads your "rumors" in the company, making it clear that they want to give you "little shoes" to wear, and they have initially achieved their goal, making you angry and distressed.what would you do?Do you try to defend yourself, or go home and hide in bed and cry?If I were you, instead of worrying too much, I would be very excited.Because for me, an interesting "mind game" is about to begin!Don't you want to "fix" me?No problem, let's have fun and see who has the fastest "brain" and the highest "intelligence".From now on, I will conduct "enemy situation analysis", "situation judgment", and "resource assessment", fully design strategies and tactics, and then display them to the fullest.As long as I play enough and play enough, I don't mind if I lose—it's my own incompetence, and I don't blame others.That is to say, even if I lose, I can still "let go".In fact, if we can think about it from another angle, it is actually a happy thing to have "pressure".

Think about it, if you don't encounter any pressure and difficulties in your life for decades, and everything goes "smoothly", what's the point of such a life!Therefore, a life in which "everything goes well" must be a particularly "dark" and "scary" life.At least it is a very "boring" life.It's like playing a video game. The more "difficult" it is, the more fun and exciting it is, and the greater the sense of accomplishment after success.Therefore, if you can find fun and excitement in the process of overcoming stress and difficulties, in fact, half of the "stress" has slipped away.That's the lovely thing about "Pressure."Let the cute "stress" come more violently!
(End of this chapter)

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