Cosmic Transcendence Guide

Chapter 14: Lunar Residents

Chapter 14: Lunar Residents
Living in this universe, why ask these true and false questions. ——Zen Master Kongzhou

Chedan always dreamed of a fish.

I haven't seen the species, and I probably can't name it if I have seen it.Although I have watched many nature documentaries, it is useless to watch them.

It looks like a whale, but is smaller than a whale. It is blue all over and swims in the water. It tells Chedan that it is on the moon and that it is going to die.

Chedan often had strange dreams and didn't take them seriously.I couldn't help it the third time I dreamed, and asked that fish, what's your name?
Fish: "There are no names in our time."

Che Dan: "What age are you in?"

Fish: "Right now, I'm going to die."

In the fifth dream, Chedan felt that even if he was going to be laughed at, he had to tell his master.

After listening to Kong Zhou, he asked, "Are there fish on the moon?"

Che Dan: "No."

Kong Zhou: "Do you think my question just now is stupid?"

Che Dan: "Stupid."

Kong Zhou: "Am I stupid or are you stupid?"

"I'm stupid." Having dreamed too many times, the blue fish lived in Chedan's mind, "But Master, you also often say that things in the universe don't make sense, right? Let's go to the moon to see See, just for my sleep."

Kongzhou: "You know where the moon is, right?"

Che Dan: "I know."

Kongzhou: "How do you say?"

Che Dan: "We've been to even more dangerous places."

The moon is a non-sovereign mining area. Legend has it that something similar to milk and honey can be dug out here. After eating it, you can see the world of bliss. You can take a bath to prolong your life. Cremation with the corpse can ensure reincarnation. be human.

Che Dan has never understood why everyone likes to prolong life so much, let alone why they love being human so much.

But there are indeed a lot of fanatics who love life here. They come from all corners of the universe, and they can be regarded as the most positive group of people in the universe.They demarcated territory on the moon, exploited it crazily, and often conflicted.

Also because of this, people who do not love life so much rarely come to the moon.If it is regarded as someone who also came to rob the mineral deposits, it will be life-threatening.There is therefore no attribution of sovereignty here.

The Naihe ship is now hovering above a mining area, and the people below are working hard with shovels. This kind of work scene is rare in the universe.The reason for this is that it is said that if it is dug out by a machine, it will fail.Looking at the slow movements of those people under weightless conditions, and thinking about their inner anxiety, Che Dan felt that this was a very malicious joke, someone was testing how much these people loved to live.

Kong Zhou: "Okay, here we are, go down and ask whoever has seen fish."

Che Dan: "Master, don't embarrass me. Let's just stay here for one night, okay? If I dream about it again, I'll ask it once. If we don't dream about it, we'll leave. Anyway, there's no other business recently."

Kongzhou ignored Chedan and went to drink tea in the courtyard. He recently claimed to live a healthy life.

Che Dan lay down on the bed, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

Those who mined mines brought him a lot of thoughts, which Che Dan was most unwilling to have, and those thoughts that he finally got rid of, but he still had to think, why do he love living so much?
Fish: "It's all my fault."

Che Dan: "Come on, are you really on the moon?"

Fish: "We sent these people here."

Che Dan: "Do you still need super-salvation service?"

Fish: "Open your eyes."

Che Dan opened his eyes, but he was still on his bed, and did not see the fish he was expecting.

Che Dan sat up and felt that the lights and shadows in the boat were weird, so he went out of the bedroom to see if Kongzhou was tinkering with the settings of the simulation cabin again.

The empty boat was at the porthole, with his back to Chedan.

Kong Zhou: "I hope your fish friend will show up as soon as possible."

Che Dan saw that Nai He's ship sank on the bottom of the sea, the window was blue, and occasionally fish like in his dream swam by.

Watching nature documentaries, I can't remember the names of many animals, but Chedan remembers the origin of the moon.

There was still a lot of controversy at the beginning of several theories. Later, human beings were busy conquering the universe, and no one argued anymore.The final consensus is: Many billions of years ago, a large asteroid hit the earth, and a large piece was knocked away. These materials floated into the universe and were caught by the gravity of the earth. up the moon.

Later, after a long time, humans landed on the moon, planted flags and took steps.After that, it took a long time for human beings to go there again, because human beings discovered that this place is really only suitable for viewing from a distance.On the surface of the moon, you can't recall a single romantic poem about the moon.

I don't know when and who spread the news of the mine, and the moon became prosperous.

But here is always a place outside of civilization, although it has such a great influence on the civilization of the earth-on the "Pangu", there are still many artificial moons for sale.

Maybe this is the crux of the matter, we love the moon, not the moon.Chedan thought.

The more you love the moon, the less you can accept the moon.I don't say anything, but no one wants to live there, except those who have a special goal and know where their life should go.

In all these true and false news, in everyone's memory, in various old databases, no one has ever heard that there is a sea on the moon, let alone fish.

Now, the fish in Chedan's dream finally came to Naihe's boat, surrounded by sea water, just floating in the air without getting any equipment wet, Cao De quickly confirmed that this was not the effect of the simulation cabin.

Things in the universe, if you see a lot, it will not be strange.

Yu: "Thank you for coming, I thought Master Kongzhou would not be willing."

The empty boat didn't speak, Chedan looked at it very fondly, especially the magical effect of the sea water, which made him unconsciously get close to it, Chedan hadn't seen the sea for a long time.

Che Dan: "My master didn't want to come, I insisted on coming."

Yu: "Yes, he expressed it very clearly in his dream."

Che Dan: "Ah? Master, did you also dream about it?"

Fish: "I dreamed about you on the boat, and the dinosaur and that robot also dreamed about me, but their dreams were too messy, so they probably didn't notice me. Especially your master, I have seen many scary things in my life. things, but his dreams were really..."

Kong Zhou: "Okay, I heard you're going to die, how long is it? I'm going to get ready."

Fish: "Anytime."

Yu told Chedan the real origin of the moon, which has nothing to do with asteroids.

This fish population is the earliest living thing on earth.Just many billions of years ago, they were born on the earth, and they had high intelligence as soon as they were born.

Che Dan: "The intelligence you mentioned includes this kind?"

Che Dan pointed to the condensed and flowing sea water.

Fish: "Yes. According to your understanding, it can be called magic, and we are born with it."

This kind of magic is very strong, and it can even predict part of the future. It will not be so specific, but there will be a feeling. On a certain day many billions of years ago, the fish all had a strong feeling: the earth will become very different in the future. Disgusting, it will be covered with many disgusting creatures, and they will bring many terrible disasters.

Yu: "Don't mind, it's just a vague feeling. What we feel may not necessarily be human beings, maybe dinosaurs."

Yu suddenly saw Hunhu, and realized that saying this would still offend the people in the spaceship, and the robot couldn't say it either.The spaceship was as eccentric as the place it lived in.

Kong Zhou: "It's okay, no one likes humans here."

The fish especially don't like it, they decide to leave the earth.That was easy for them, and they used magic to leave the earth with a part of the earth, which of course included sea water.

Fish: "We don't want to go to other planets either. If saying this is any comfort to you, we also feel that the entire universe will become more and more disgusting."

They made the moon by themselves, with rocks and soil covering the outside and sea water inside.

Che Dan: "Then there are so many people mining here, won't they find you?"

Fish: "These people are tricked by us to protect us."

The life of fish is only spiritual life. They are soaked in the sea, drifting with the waves, and rarely open their eyes.They are immersed in consciousness, and due to their innate abilities, consciousness can do many things, such as traveling the universe, drinking and dancing, and giving people dreams.The fish's understanding of the universe is also profound and chaotic. The first criterion is: their existence cannot be discovered by outsiders.Many, billions of years of observation from the sidelines let them know that the original feeling was correct, and the universe is indeed getting more and more disgusting.They released rumors and recruited these people to mine, so that there would be very few highly intelligent creatures to explore here.

Fish: "The same phenomenon exists in the whole universe, that is, these life-loving people may be very smart, but they are covered by fanatical desires, and they no longer have the ability to think about other things, so they can't find us."

Che Dan: "Then what did they poach?"

Yu was silent for a while without speaking, but an awkward atmosphere rose in the boat.

Fish: "After all, we are also living beings, not pure consciousness. As living beings, we have to eat and drink. If we eat, we can drink some sea water, and we can use our consciousness to eat elsewhere, but this excretion must always be discharged into the sea. We are again a Closed space, everyone likes to be clean, this..."

Chedan's sympathy for those people deepened.

Fish are not immortal. From the time they left the earth to the present, hundreds of millions of years have passed. The fish have gone through countless generations, but the population has not expanded. There are only a few thousand fish, swimming around, and mating are all in consciousness Finish.

Che Dan: "Then you are actually dying, right?"

Fish: "Yes. But the concepts of life and time are different here. I feel that I have died, and naturally I have lived. I can also feel that I will still be alive."

"Understandable, we are Buddhists after all," Kong Zhou looked at the fish, "You said you can't be discovered by outsiders, how dare you let us in?"

Fish: "First of all, I have been observing you for many years. You, especially Zen master, have dealt with business in the past, which is very unreliable, but you don't have the disgusting feeling that permeates the universe, especially when you are in the black border star. At that time, I felt that I could invite you."

Kong Zhou: "Then I have another question, what are you planning to pay me for in the Moon Sea?"

"Secondly," Yu didn't answer, and continued to explain his reasons, "I knew from birth that I needed to be saved by two Buddhist practitioners, and this was in my consciousness. I felt that I might not have lived on the moon, But an Indian on earth, I will not live on the moon anymore, I will go back to India, continue to be a prince, run away from home again, sit under a tree, and then become somewhere in the universe Some other creature, over and over."

"But," Che Dan was startled, of course Che Dan knew who he was, "but he has already... and you have... how could you..."

Fish: "Things in the universe..."

"You're laughing," Kong Zhou interrupted Yu, "My apprentice is not good at studying the Fa, asking such a crude question will delay your journey, let's start."

With doubts about the chaotic universe, Chedan recited scriptures with his master, and saved this person who meant a lot to him, or rather, the fish.

No one can tell what it is in the universe.

The reward for empty boats is a lot of excrement.The empty boat asked Cao De to seal it quickly, and sell it to the next family of those people on the moon as soon as possible, and he should be able to earn a lot, and the empty boat was very satisfied.

At this moment, the Naihe ship was already some distance away from the moon, and it turned back into the moon again, exuding a yellowish light, illuminating the collective memory of mankind.

The moment the fish disappeared, the Naihe boat appeared in the universe. Chedan felt that this was no different from his previous dream. What they just experienced might just be the consciousness of the fish, or it might be their own consciousness.But that pile of excrement is evidence that the real world still manages to exist.

Che Dan: "Master, what you it true?"

Kong Zhou: "Yes."

Chedan: "Is it really a Buddha?"

Kong Zhou: "We all are."

Che Dan: "No, Master, either explain it this way, or say it, is it really reincarnation?"

Kong Zhou: "Didn't we hear that the Buddha was a producer somewhere before? Is that true? You are old, living in this universe, why do you still ask these true and false questions?"

Che Dan: "Can you answer me directly?"

Kong Zhou: "There is no reincarnation, it is Buddha and fish at the same time. Today is thousands of years ago at the same time, and this is India at the same time, and it is nothing at the same time."

Che Dan still didn't understand: "Then is it the Buddha?"

Kong Zhou: "No. Look at it, after death, there is not even a relic."

After Kong Zhou answered directly, Che Dan felt lonely instead. He really didn't study the Fa very well. What kind of answers could he get if he asked this question? What good would it do for the universe and himself if he pursued truth and falsehood?

Che Dan: "Master, do you really always have that terrible dream? Tell me about it?"

"I told you it's not good for your health." Kong Zhou lay down under the tree, "Maybe we have taken too many jobs recently, and I should take a break."

Che Dan heard that the last sentence of the master said "I", not "we".

It's just that the moonlight is just right, so I don't bother to bother.

Just let Master take a break, since he has been resting anyway.

This is an easy book.

In the past year, I wrote it while flying around and recording.

The two characters, Kongzhou and Chedan, have accompanied me through many difficult times. This time I threw them into the universe, and they seemed to adapt quite well.

It's the same everywhere.

They touch death frequently, and keep it light.

After writing this book, I should not write them for a while, they have to take a break.

Writing is like alcohol, you can get the pleasure that directly affects the nerves. When I wrote it, I already got it. Whether you like it or not after publication still depends on fate.

(End of this chapter)

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