Chapter 13

Don't torment others because of jealousy. ——Zen Master Kongzhou

Everyone knows that they will die, but not many people can really face it.

Maybe sometimes you think about what it would be like if you were dead, who was at the funeral, where you will go in the afterlife, being a bird or a worm, or unfortunately being a human again.But if you just think about it, there are not many people who make a will for themselves immediately, let alone how to properly arrange how to say goodbye to the remains.

"So from a business point of view, posting advertisements and waiting for customers is very passive." Kongzhou is very satisfied with the horn cup he recently received from UP Star, and he is playing with it in his hand, and has not yet decided which wine to drink.

The UP star does not produce wine glasses. There is a cow-like creature there. The horns are hollow and have no points. They are very flat and can be sawed off to make good wine glasses.In the process of dealing with drunkards from all over the universe, these cows have learned how to sell their horns for a good price, but the supply is still in short supply, so they sometimes go to other planets and use other artiodactyls. The horns are fake.People really have no right to ask animals to be pure and kind forever.

But Kong Zhou knew that the one in his hand was real, because he saw it off with his own hands.The sawed cow was very cooperative, and repeatedly begged Kong Zhou not to tell his lies.Once animals are not pure and kind, their weaknesses will naturally be no less than humans.

Kongzhou then explained to Chedan how to promote Naihechuan's super speed business: "You have to know such a person, he can always know who is going to die in the first time. It doesn't matter whether he is from the Bureau of Statistics, from the hospital, or from the monitoring of sports data. How do you know, this person is our important partner, no matter how much he hates himself."

Chedan was sitting on the ground with a necklace at the moment, not answering Master's words.

Kong Zhou: "I know that Mr. Jiang sometimes does things without consideration..."

"Ignorant?!" Che Dan stood up, "Master, I know you love money, and I love money, but we can't forget who we are just because of money, right? What is this Mr. Jiang doing!"

Kong Zhou: "Can you let him down first?"

"Yes, yes, I'll come down first, and I'll apologize. I'm getting old, Brother Dan." Mr. Jiang pleaded from a high place. "High place" specifically refers to the mouth of Hun Hun, hanging on the lower teeth.

Hunhu was also very upset, and stood behind Chedan with Mr. Jiang in his mouth, confronting Kong Zhouxuxu.Cao De stood beside Kong Zhou as always, waiting for Kong Zhou to give an order to go up to save people.

Kong Zhou finally decided what wine to drink, and asked Cao De to pour himself a glass of Green Carbon Bear Brew.

Kong Zhou: "How did he offend you?"

Che Dan: "Didn't I say it, it's not me, it's Hunhun. He sneaked onto the boat and wanted to steal Hunhun's necklace!"

"It's not stealing, it's not stealing, I just look at it, who doesn't want to see a dinosaur wearing a necklace." Mr. Jiang complained.

Che Dan: "See if you don't tell me straight, why don't we watch while we are asleep?"

Mr. Jiang: "Aren't I afraid of waking you up? Besides, brother Cao De saw it too and didn't say anything. We've seen it so many times..."

Che Dan: "If he doesn't say anything, then..."

Kong Zhou: "Okay, is the necklace that Xiaobei sent Hunhu?"

Che Dan didn't speak.

Kong Zhou: "Don't torment others because of jealousy. You are angry, let him come down."

Che Dan: "I'm not jealous! It's just that he is sneaky and a villain. We shouldn't associate with this kind of person."

"We shouldn't associate with anyone, except the dead." Kong Zhou took a sip of his wine, "It's a pity that a dead person always involves many living people."

Mr. Jiang: "Master Kongzhou, if you don't let me down, I'll be a dead man. I brought business with me. Let's settle the account after the business is finished. Do you agree?"

Hun let him go, looked at Chedan, Chedan put the necklace on it, and it ran away happily.

Mr. Jiang: "Master, this time is a good job. The sons of the man who is about to die are rich."

Kong Zhou: "Your words are too ugly."

When the "Pangu" was built, rumors abounded that the earth would be destroyed, and if they couldn't get on the ship, they would die together.As a result, those who have money pay money, and those who have connections seek connections, all want to join the "Pangu account".But those who are really rich know that this has nothing to do with the destruction of the earth, it is that there are too many people on earth and they have nothing to do.Everyone says they love to lie down, but in fact they can't accept that they have nothing to do.There are not many blessed people, so we need to build a space station.This gave Lao Ou the opportunity to board the ship. He is one of the builders of the "Pangu", and his specific job title is "Inspector of the Cleanliness of the Outer Wall of the Ship". The bot checks it out.

Relying on the benefits won by the trade union, Lao Ou and his family moved to the "Pangu".These benefits are not for workers like Lao Ou, it's just that some people want these benefits and some bigger things, and if they say they want it for people like Lao Ou, they can ask for it.If it's really coming, it's natural to give them some points.Of course, Lao Ou is still very grateful. The characteristic of people like Lao Ou is that he likes to complain when he is fine, and he always knows how to be grateful when he needs to be grateful.

Old Ou has three sons, the eldest Ou Er Ou San Ou.The three sons are good and promising.It is claimed to the outside world that through studying and working hard, they have changed their class and achieved a leap. In fact, everyone knows that it is all luck, and it is the same thing as their father. Wanting something, changing some rules, they squeezed through the gap.Compared with old Obi, they won't feel so much gratitude in their hearts. They know that with their own efforts, they should get more.

The three sons received Kong Zhou's master and apprentice at home, and they didn't talk much, and their respective wives didn't talk much either.Lao Ou was seriously ill for a year, and with the financial resources of his three sons, he couldn't save him.There are some things that neither hard work nor luck can solve.

Da Ou: "According to the doctor's diagnosis, it should be done soon, so I quickly invited two masters to come."

Che Dan: "Doctor's diagnosis, how much time does the old man have?"

The three brothers looked embarrassed, and Sanou couldn't hold back anymore: "According to the doctor, my dad should have left last month."

Chedan thought, this is a good thing.Did not say it.

After doing too many religious rituals, Chedan has a different understanding of family affection.He had seen with his own eyes those who hoped for their father's early death for the inheritance, and they didn't even use euphemisms.But today the situation is different.

Kong Zhou: "Okay, then let's meet the old gentleman and listen to my wishes."

Er Ou: "Is this the rule?"

Kong Zhou: "No, I just want to see it this time."

Er Ou and Kong Zhou looked at each other, then turned around and led the master and apprentice upstairs.

All three brothers went upstairs.

Lao Ou was lying on the bed, and someone was taking care of him. Lao Ou looked at the display screen outside the window, which was the scenery arranged for today.On the "Pangu", what scenery you can see depends on how much money you have.In fact, it is the same on Earth, but the "Pangu" made this matter more calm.

Da Ou: "Dad, the Zen Master Kong Zhou I told you about has arrived."

Old Ou: "Yes."

Er Ou: "Dad, don't worry too much."

Old Ou: "Why do I have so much heart, how can I have heart? Don't be too busy, I can't die, I can't die with peace!"

Sanou: "Why are you saying that again?"

Old Ou: "What? Third child, does Dad love you the most?"

Big Ou and Er Ou sighed, they have seen too much of Lao Ou's trick of wooing one and attacking two.

Sanou: "Yes, Dad, but..."

Old Ou: "Dad, is that just one wish?"

Sanou: "Yes, Dad, but..."

Old Ou: "You guys are rich, why is it so difficult for Dad to beg you before he dies?"

Sanou: "But my mother loves me too!"

After San Ou finished speaking, Lao Ou sighed, and no one spoke.

Chedan wanted to ask where their mother had gone, but after thinking about it, he dared not ask, probably there would be no good answer.

Da Ou: "It's been a few years since my mother passed away."

Da Ou didn't look at Chedan or Kongzhou when he said this, but looked at his father on the bed.

Old Ou: "Don't mention it like that, mention your mother, I didn't mention you when I was with your mother!"

Che Dan thought, what the old gentleman said made sense.

Old Ou: "I have a deep relationship with your mother! Raising the three of you has nothing to do with her. No one can say that I am unfaithful, but I..."

When Lao Ou talked about the excitement, he choked on his own saliva, and Da Ou took the opportunity to interject:

"Dad, pay attention to your health. What you said is mainly due to your current health and other people's conditions. It's troublesome."

Old Ou swallowed his saliva.

Old Ou: "What's the trouble? I'm fine. I'm going to die. What do I care about my body? I've inquired about it a long time ago. There's that kind of medicine for returning to life. If you take it, it will guarantee that you will be a good person a few days before death. There are also other people's medicines. Situation, do you know Dolgo, you don’t know, I know what kind of character Dolgo is!”

It turned out that there was a woman, Che Dan understood.

There is no need to be original, this should have been heard earlier, Che Dan thought again.

Che Dan and Kong Zhou still didn't ask, but Da Ou took the initiative to speak again, still looking in his father's direction.

"Dad, look, you haven't mentioned this person to us in your whole life, and we don't know if you mentioned it to my mother. It's too big to suddenly say that you want to see her, and we don't know where she is." .”

"On Earth!" Che Dan saw the young man's stupidity and persistence from Old Ou's face. "Your mother knows, but I couldn't see Dolgo when she was alive. Now not only is she dead, but I am also dead."

Che Dan could understand Lao Ou's heart very well, and he didn't think it was a big deal, but he was only invited to do things, so he was not qualified to say anything.Che Dan looked at Kong Zhou, who was sitting on the sofa with no expression on his face, probably thinking about his new wine glass.

Seeing Chedan looking at himself, Kong Zhou spoke.

"I see that Mr. Ou is in good health. We are really disrespectful here, so I will leave first."

After speaking, he turned and went downstairs, and the three brothers also chased him down.

Da Ou: "Zen Master, let me say this, don't say I'm not filial, according to the doctor, my dad is only a few days away."

Er Ou: "Of course we're happy that he's fine, but we have to be prepared. It's been two months, and no matter how medical miracles are, it's almost too late."

Sanou: "Zen Master, if your business is delayed, we will compensate you for the loss."

Kong Zhou: "That's fine."

This third child is indeed worthy of his father's special love.

The master and apprentice of the empty boat returned to the Naihe ship, hovered near the "Pangu", and waited.

Che Dan knew it was not good to say so, but he was just waiting for the news of Lao Ou's death.

As the largest space station of mankind, "Pangu" has a large number of spaceships entering and leaving every second, and there are many spaceships such as Naihe ships hovering on the outer layer that cannot leave for a while due to accidents.

The space station is not as big as the earth, but its population has far exceeded that of the earth.Kongzhou told Chedan that the difference between the space station and the earth is that there is no useless place, but whether it is useful or not is another topic.

Che Dan: "Master, why didn't the three sons let Lao Ou see that Dolgo?"

Kong Zhou looked at Che Dan, and he didn't want to ask anymore.

Che Dan: "Then what shall we do with him?"

This time, Mr. Jiang is no longer in Hunhu's mouth. He is being held by Cao De and laughing.

Mr. Jiang: "Those three sons are rich."

Kong Zhou: "It's okay to have money, but you have caused me trouble."

Mr. Jiang: "Just wait two more days."

Kong Zhou: "You let me appear in other people's family affairs. We Buddhists, wrapped up in the secular world, violate the teachings of the Buddha. This time the commission cannot be given to you."

Mr. Jiang looked at Cao De, looked at Hun Hun who hated him, and said quickly: "Okay, I didn't plan to ask for it at first. We have been friends for many years, so we will cooperate later, right?"

Cao De let Mr. Jiang go.Che Dan thought, Master can really say anything.

Che Dan: "Then we just wait like this?"

Kong Zhou: "If someone gives you money, just wait."

Che Dan: "I think I should take Old Ou to see Dorgo."

Kong Zhou: "It may not be a good thing for Lao Ou."

Che Dan: "But that's his dying wish."

Kong Zhou: "If you meddle in other people's business, it may not be a good thing for us. Have you seen how rich the three brothers are? Rich people make the right decisions."

Che Dan: "If I want to see Xiaobei before I die, I hope someone can take me there."

Kong Zhou: "That's your own business, don't worry about others."

Che Dan put himself in the same situation, thinking that he might be like this when he died, and he couldn't do it even if he wanted to take a look at Xiao Bei, it was really sad.If you feel sorry for yourself, you will also feel sorry for Lao Ou.

"Besides, how do you take Lao Ou away? It is impossible for the three brothers to let you take them, and they are all watching there. Unless someone goes in and pretends to be Lao Ou to win time." Kongzhou said and walked out, "I haven't returned to the 'Pangu' for a long time. I'm going to drink."

After Che Dan and Cao De argued for a long time, Cao De believed that Kong Zhou had indeed approved Che Dan to take Lao Ou away, and asked Cao De to act as Lao Ou's helper.Cao De also heard what Kong Zhou said before leaving, but he just didn't understand, he was so anxious that he was screaming, the robot is a robot after all.

Che Dan successfully brought out Lao Ou, and the three brothers were nowhere to be seen at home.

Lao Ou was very grateful, and told Chedan along the way how he pursued Dolgo when he was young, how he was indifferent, and how he parted ways because of the relationship between the universe.

Chedan inevitably thought about the future of himself and Xiaobei again, and felt that Lao Ou's current ending was really not a good revelation.

Che Dan: "Then after you get married, do you still miss Dolgo?"

Old Ou: "Occasionally, for a few years, I really missed it, and for a few years, I completely forgot. It's strange to be old, and many things don't seem to be what I experienced. The moment I heard the news of the death, I suddenly lost my mind. Remembered her."

Che Dan: "Will you forget?"

Old Ou obviously didn't understand what Chedan meant, and devoted himself to the memories.

Che Dan looked at Lao Ou, saw the blue planet in front of him that brought him countless troubles, and worried that he would see the same scene decades later.

When he arrived on Earth, Lao Ou skillfully found Dorgo's home.

Che Dan: "You always remember?"

Old Ou: "No, I paid for it before I came here."

Lao Ou stood in front of Dorgo's door, and the backlight medicine was exerting its effect. Lao Ou stood straight, but hesitated.When I finally reached the door of the person I wanted to see before I died, the determination and stupidity of the young disappeared, and the worries of the old regained the upper hand.

The door opened, and an old lady came out leading a dog. From Old Ou's eyes, it could be seen that this was Dolgo.

Dorgo: "Ah, I was shocked, who is it!"

Old Ou: "I am Ou Quan."

Dorgo: "Oh, hello."

Dolgo turned back and locked the door, Chedan saw that she was leading a robot dog, which became popular more than ten years ago, and he didn't expect that someone could really keep it.

Dorgo: "Who are you looking for?"

Old Ou: "Dorgo, don't you remember me?"

Dorgo: "Sorry, I'm very busy today, if you have something to do, I'll give you the lawyer's contact information."

Dorgo's expression didn't change, he was leading the dog to leave, Che Dan suspected that she had already remembered, otherwise there was no need to rush away.Lao Ou stood where he was, unable to move, watching Dolgo step away.

"Dorge!" Che Dan shouted, "Old Ou is going to die!"

Dolgo: "Then... you must seek medical attention."

Lao Ou boarded the Naihe boat without saying a word.

Lao Ou returned to the "Pangu" without saying a word.

When Lao Ou saw the three sons who were waiting anxiously, he didn't say a word.

When Che Dan saw Kong Zhou, he remembered that his master had said that this might not be a good thing for Lao Ou, so he was speechless.

Da Ou: "Dad..."

Old Ou: "Don't talk about it, hurry up and prepare for the funeral, the effect of the medicine is about to wear off."

Everyone prepared the funeral in an atmosphere of silence.It was ready.

Because of what happened to Lao Ou, Che Dan felt sorry for his master, and even more sorry for the three brothers of the Ou family. After returning to the Naihe boat, he wandered under the volcano, bowed his head to think about things, and was speechless.

Kong Zhou: "No need to go."

Che Dan: "Why don't you go?"

Kong Zhou: "There's no need to apologize to the Ou family brothers. I just drank with them that night. It's not your business to take Lao Ou away."

The three brothers finally gave in.

Che Dan: "How is Lao Ou now?"

Kong Zhou: "It's also strange, there has been no news of death."

This matter can not be asked.

Two days later, the brothers of the Ou family invited Master and Disciple Kongzhou to come over. Che Dan thought that he was finally going to make this tortuous salvation, but it turned out that Lao Ou came out to greet them, and they were healthier than when they went to Earth.

Old Ou: "Thank you, little master."

Da Ou: "The doctor checked, and my dad's illness is cured."

Che Dan Yimeng: "Great! But what are you thanking me for?"

Old Ou: "I just met Dolgo, I'm so angry, I can't die! I have to let her die before me! From today, I will take a good look, I will see when she dies!"

That is to say, from today onwards, Lao Ou will publicly observe Dorgo's every move, and he has a legitimate motive - because of hatred.But what is the reason for the hatred? Maybe one day, I may pursue it again.

In any case, it was a good thing, Che Dan felt very relieved when he thought of this.

"So, my apprentice saved Mr. Ou's life?" Kong Zhou looked at Da Ou and said slowly.

Da Ou: "Yes, Zen master, don't worry, for the grace of saving lives, no amount of money will be given!"

Kongzhou: "Amitabha."

Che Dan was even more relieved, in this way, even Master would be worthy.

Looking at Lao Ou's angry but energetic face, Che Dan decided that regardless of whether he would end up like this in a few decades, he should just do what he should now.

Who can tell what will happen next?That's right, it's useless.

(End of this chapter)

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