Cosmic Transcendence Guide

Chapter 5 Heroes are Immortal

Chapter 5 Heroes are Immortal
Some people live for others, some people die for others. ——Zen Master Kongzhou

Chedan was watching the latest superhero movie, the log61st part of "Function Man" in the cinema.In this play, the function man who is popular in the universe, and other heroes in the same film company are fighting for justice in the universe, saving many people, and at the same time killing many people by blowing up buildings and destroying planets. As for Whether merits and demerits can be offset, Che Dan is not good at mathematics, so he can't figure it out.

Cao De developed a popcorn machine, which was denied many times by Kong Zhou, and now he can finally make the inferior taste of the movie theater.Considering that the ship Nai He hadn't docked for a few days, Che Dan decided not to ask what the raw material was.

Hunhu was very excited and was very interested in popcorn and movies.

At the end of the movie, Function Man and his friends defeated the enemy again, saved the universe, and made a few bad jokes. Che Dan still laughed, and waited for the subtitles to finish watching the easter eggs.Although he didn't think it was funny, he felt that he had seen it all, and he would lose if he didn't laugh.The simulation cabin changed back to the backyard of the temple, and the empty boat strolled over.

Kong Zhou: "Chedan, watching this kind of movie for adults is a sign of lack of intelligence."

Che Dan: "Master, I'm not yet of age."

Kong Zhou: "Minors shouldn't watch it. Hun Hun?"

When Hunhu heard the call of the empty boat, he ran over quickly, even though he was reluctant in his heart.

Kong Zhou stroked Hun Hun's head and asked Che Dan: "Do you think there are superheroes in this world?"

Che Dan: "Is there anything in the universe?"

Kong Zhou: "Do you think now that Hunhu has gone crazy and revealed the true colors of Tyrannosaurus rex, if he wants to eat you, there will be a superhero to save you?"

Che Dan: "You can't save me?"

Kong Zhou: "If I save you, am I considered a superhero?"

Che Dan: "Doesn't count... count?"

"Think about it on the way." Kongzhou rode on Hunhun and walked towards the front hall. "Today you have a chance to save a superhero."

Tan Tanxing Tan Guosan city residents invited Kongzhou and Chedan with a heavy heart, they thought that in two days, it would be the sigh of being highly admired, saving the fate of the whole city many times, and full of statues and imitators everywhere The death of the hero, and what the general public can do is to prepare a salvation for him.

The city of Sigh is shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere, it is not known whether it is because Sigh Man is about to die, or it is just like this.

The Sigh Man appeared in the city at midnight 20 years ago. At that time, the city was full of crimes and the police were incompetent. The Sigh Man wiped out several of the largest criminal gangs in the city within a year-and soon, new ones appeared.

In the past 20 years, the city that Sighing Man and the citizens have faced has been like this. When one is destroyed, two emerge. The policeman who is commended today will die on the street tomorrow.

What is the point of being so chivalrous?Some of the citizens who have read books for a few years think that the Sighing Man is an unhealthy existence, power should always belong to the people, and the people are obviously lack of intelligence, so in the end it still belongs to the government, but the government is fatuous, after all, Still have to ask readers.

Citizens with a conscience will make a statue of the Man of Sighs, and there will be a fixed celebration every year - Man of Sighs Day.That night, everyone dressed up as the Sighing Man and went out to parade in the streets. The Sighing Man would appear occasionally and say a few inspiring words, and the criminals did not do evil that night.When Kong Zhou was a child in Chedan, in order to let him understand evil, he once told him that "most people do evil to live better".Criminals don't have to have a hard time on this day.

Chaodu Sigh Man is not an act of the city government, but an empty boat invited by the non-governmental organization "We Are All Sigh Man".The reason why the government did not come forward, after listening to the explanation given by the elder of the organization, Che Dan felt that it was justifiable.

Old Man: "The Sighing Man hasn't shown up much in the past three years. A gang offered a reward two days ago. This is the first time in ten years that someone has done so, saying that he will be killed on this year's Sighing Man Day. The government's response is to tell us not to organize celebrations this year, saying that we can't protect them, alas."

Che Dan: "So you think he must die?"

Old man: "He is old. Although he always wears a mask, no one knows how old he is, but he was a middle-aged man 20 years ago. The last time Sigh Man came out to speak, he coughed a lot, and he was still on the way Went to the toilet, alas."

Che Dan: "Then will you still hold the celebration?"

The old man is not young anymore, and he is bald. From his eyes, he can see the disdain when he was young, but now he has grown into unwillingness. Hearing Che Dan's question, the unwillingness turned into anger again: "Do it! How can you not do it! No! Didn’t we lose after doing this for 20 years! Alas!”

"Hey, President, don't get excited." Old Man's secretary was gentle and handed him a teacup.

Chedan thought, "we" is really a vague concept, in order for "us" not to lose, the people who have protected "us" for 20 years are going to die.

There are no special rules for attending the Man of the Sighs Day celebration, except for one, everyone must dress up as Man of the Sighs.According to legend, this was done in the earliest days to prevent the bad guys from attacking. I don’t know which one is the Sighing Man, but everyone is the Sighing Man, showing the determination of the righteous side.Since they were going to do supernatural salvation on the Day of the Sighing Man, Kong Zhou and Chedan had to wear black tights and cloaks, plus a sighing mask.

Che Dan: "But if the bad guys dress up like this, wouldn't they be able to sneak in?"

Kong Zhou: "No matter what you dress up, bad guys can sneak in, otherwise you'd still be a bad guy."

The secretary offered to help the two masters measure the size and send someone to make clothes, Kong Zhou said: "No need, I just went to the street to see how dangerous it is here."

There is a shadow of decay on the street, but that shadow is also cast by the beautiful tall buildings.There is an advanced spaceship in the sky, the secretary drives the two of them, and suddenly a virtual big girl rushes into the car and introduces you to the latest fitness courses. Fortunately, the secretary has become a member of some kind and said something , closed the ad.

Secretary: "I'm sorry, that's how it is in our place, alas."

Che Dan: "Isn't this good? Isn't it like this everywhere in the universe?"

Kong Zhou: "If it's not good, why do you commit crimes here? The bad guys are not ascetics."

Che Dan: "You said that the Sighing Man has not been able to defeat them for so many years?"

Kong Zhou: "The concept of 'they', like 'us', is not clear at all, even who the enemy is, how to defeat it?"

The master and the apprentice randomly found a Sighing Man franchise store, but there were no customers in the store, and it could be seen that the business was not good recently.In addition to the most basic costume props, there are video materials and signed wooden sticks of the Man of Sighs in the store.There is a huge group photo hanging behind the counter, it should be the shop owner and Man of Sighs shaking hands.It's a pity that both of them are wearing the same clothes, so it's hard to tell each other apart.

Shopkeeper: "Aren't you two locals? If you want to visit the Man of Sighing Museum, I have a [-]% discount on the ticket here. If you think it's too expensive, you can also get a [-]% discount, eh."

Chedan: "We buy uniforms."

Shopkeeper: "Oh, I see, the president called and I'll pick it up for the two of you right away, alas."

The proceeds from the Man of Sigh franchise store belong to the "We Are All Man of Sigh" association. It is said that most of it is used for good deeds, but citizens who have read the book often question it, and it is frequently revealed that even the secretary of the president lives in a luxury house news.

Che Dan: "Who is the Sighing Man's enemy?"

Kong Zhou: "Who do you think Tan City's enemy is?"

Che Dan: "Bad guy."

After Che Dan finished speaking, he felt a little regretful. Since Master asked, the answer could not be so simple.

On the TV on the wall, there was a scene of Sigh Man fighting with people captured by the surveillance screen.It is said to be a fight, but it is basically a fight, and the bad guys have nothing to fight back.

Kong Zhou: "Look, with Sighing Man's force, if his enemy is a bad guy, shouldn't the bad guy be wiped out long ago?"

While talking, there was noise at the door, a little fat man rushed in crying, his mother chased after him.

Little Fatty: "Didn't you agree to buy it for me if you do well in the exam? Oh, I want to buy it."

The mother looked irritable, and when she saw the empty boat, she felt a little more ashamed: "Oh, what do you want it for?"

The little fat man skillfully dug out a piece of black cloth in a bag from under the shelf.When Che Dan saw the product introduction, he said that the black cloth was torn from the Sighing Man's cloak in a battle, and it was still stained with blood.Whose blood it is is unknown.

The little fat man didn't explain, he just held the cloth and looked at his mother resolutely.The shop owner came back from behind and said with a smile, "Are you here again? Well, I have to push other buyers away when you come."

Fatty: "Oh, I'll buy it today."

The mother had no choice but to pay the bill, and the little fat man packed the cloth and left.Che Dan thought, living in a city with real superheroes in his childhood would save money on movie tickets.

Che Dan: "Master, do you think the Sighing Man will appear the day after tomorrow?"

Kong Zhou looked at the fat back of the little fat man leaving: "Yes, how will the things he provoked end if it doesn't happen."

The two got into the secretary's car, but Che Dan was still not reconciled: "Master, if he was really beaten to death at the rally, will we really start to save him on the spot?"

Kong Zhou: "Otherwise?"

Che Dan: "We should catch the murderer."

Kong Zhou: "You watched the video just now, this murderer can even kill him, do you think we can catch him?"

Che Dan: "Then will he not come?"

"Oh," the secretary drove the car without looking back, "If the Sighing Man doesn't come because of threats, it's the same as being dead."

Che Dan: "Then do you have any measures to protect him?"

Secretary: "He has always protected us, alas."

At this moment, Che Dan thought back to his master's question, who was his enemy, and was a little confused.

Kong Zhou: "Who wants to kill Sighing Man?"

Secretary: "There are too many people who want to kill him, alas."

Kong Zhou: "If you can't kill him for 20 years, it doesn't make sense that you can kill him this year. Even the people who are saved have been invited. You all know that he must die."

Secretary: "We are also making preparations..."

"Don't sigh yet," Kong Zhou looked into the secretary's eyes from the rear view screen, "You don't know who is going to kill him, but you always know who he is?"

Secretary: "The Sighing Man remains anonymous..."

Kong Zhou: "For 20 years, in a city, participating in events every year, and having his own fan meeting, he can't hide his name so thoroughly. If you don't want to say it, don't say it, but we are just doing business, don't make anything out of it. An accident we don't know about, when the time comes..."

Secretary: "Don't worry, both of you, I will never hurt you."

"Oh," this time it was Kong Zhou who sighed, "I was afraid of hurting you."

After Kong Zhou proposed that in order to protect his own safety, he would ride a Tyrannosaurus Rex to participate in the parade, the secretary had to tell the truth: Sigh Man died three years ago.

I accidentally slipped and fell on my head while taking a shower, and I had a cold for two or three days, and I suffered from severe fatty liver because I liked to eat fried food. After a period of recuperation in the hospital, I died, and I left peacefully without pain.

Sighing Man was lying in the hospital, and through handwriting comparison and recollection of some events, Lao Pan believed that he was Sighing Man - he spoke with an accent and was not from the city.

For the sake of justice in his heart, he protected Tanshi for 17 years. Before he died, he said to the old man: "After all these years, I found that I didn't fight bad guys for you, I just fought for my own self. I don't think so, in my heart The head is not strong. After I die, don’t let others imitate me. Firstly, it’s dangerous, and secondly, it’s really impossible. Look at me for so many years, and the facts have proved that this city needs Bad guys, the city will be better if there are bad guys, hey, you can peel me another apple."

Only a few people in the "We Are All Sighing Man" organization knew these words. At that time, they decided to conceal these words and conceal the news of Sighing Man's death. The healthier people in the organization continued to play Sighing Man to maintain law and order.

After fighting the bad guys for a year, these fake Sighers realized that it was right for the Sighers to trade for 17 years.The reason for typing this and that is because someone needs that.Some people need to eat, drink, whore and gamble, some people need gray income, some people need to not follow the rules, all in all, people need to be happy.

When people have conflicts with each other, when the police don't care, someone must take care of it.

The Association believes that it is still impossible to announce the death of Sighing Man.In addition to fearing that the citizens will suddenly fall into panic, there is a more important reason that the association's specialty stores and other industries will depreciate in value.

Another year passed with the efforts of the fake Sighers, and the value of the industry still depreciated. There was no shocking scene of Sighers hacking bad guys to death on the spot, and the public didn't buy it anymore.

No way, the association found the government, told the truth, and negotiated a solution together.

At the meeting that day, the president sadly told a certain leader about the findings of the Sighing Man and the association, saying that the city cannot be free from bad people, and that where your government doesn't care, someone has to manage it.The leader said: "You just know? I thought you could be better than those who love to read."

And the gathering the day after tomorrow was the perfect way for the Man of Sighs to exit after the two parties discussed it.

Secretary: "Oh, we can't help it. He can't die silently, can he? He's a superhero."

The rally started as scheduled, with a festive atmosphere, fireworks and firecrackers, everyone dressed as the Man of the Sigh, some of the Man of the Sigh holding a banner, some of the Man of the Sigh standing on the side of the road selling cotton candy, and some with weapons ready to deal with possible dangers The Man of Sighs.

Master Kongzhou and his disciples were invited to sit on the viewing platform, wearing the costume of the Man of Sighs, and the podium in the middle was vacant, waiting for the Man of Sighs to descend from the sky as in previous years.

The crowd was excited and nervous. Although the popularity of Sighing Man has declined in the past three years and there have been more disputes, people who like him still like him. For example, the little fat man who was in the store that day. The figure is really conspicuous.

Lao Pan sat next to Kong Zhou with a solemn expression—this was what Che Dan guessed, and he was also wearing a mask.The little fat man was very close to the viewing platform, holding the black cloth and pen in his hand, apparently waiting for the Sighing Man to sign.

The Man of Sighs arrives, falling from the sky, and the crowd cheers.Kong Zhou noticed that there was a person in the first row moving his hands in his arms, and he guessed that it was probably the arranged "bad guy".The old man let out a sharp "ah", and the crowd, Sighing Man, including the "bad guy" all looked at him strangely, and he waved his hand to indicate that it was all right.Che Dan noticed that he gestured to Sighing Man with his eyes, and Sighing Man followed the old paralyzed eyes to see the little fat man, so he signed the name for the little fat man.After signing, Chedan saw Lao Pan nodding at the "bad guy", and then he rushed onto the stage, and Sighing Man was thrown to the ground.

There was no chance for the crowd to save Sighing Man. More people fell from the sky. It was the government's special police force. The special police quickly subdued the criminals and blocked the citizens who wanted to come forward to observe. No one was injured except Sighing Man.

The mayor appeared and announced the death of Sighing Man together with the old man, saying that the "bad guy" had been brought to justice.The old man delivered a long speech, enumerating the great achievements of Sighing Man, and finally explained that he invited a famous mage in the universe to save him to another beautiful world.

The crowd was shrouded in an inexplicable atmosphere, and most people chose to accept, not only accepting, but also breathed a sigh of relief.

Kongzhou said to Chedan: "Let's start overcoming."

Chedan felt that everything was absurd, and he was not in a good mood, so he said: "No one died."

Kong Zhou didn't speak, and looked at the little fat man who stayed where he was. The little fat man was holding a black cloth, his eyes were full of tears, but his expression was firm, and he was ready to fight someone at any time.

Kong Zhou: "Recite the scriptures, sooner or later someone will die."

(End of this chapter)

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