Cosmic Transcendence Guide

Chapter 6 The Cosmic Killer

Chapter 6 The Cosmic Killer

Most people in the universe die by their own hands. ——Zen Master Kongzhou

Many people in the universe know his legend.

No one knows which planet he is from, only that almost every planet has people he killed.His real name is unknown, but his nickname is Cosmic Killer.Chedan bought his posters and put them in the bedroom. He is the idol of many people. He has starred in a movie about his killer story and voiced the game "Cosmic Killer" adapted from his own experience.There are fans of him on every planet, even before he can kill there.

Why is such a person not only not arrested, but also a cosmic star?Sora said the reason is obvious, the universe needs such a killer.

The universe is too big, and some problems cannot be solved by law.

Che Dan: "What questions?"

Kong Zhou: "All questions."

The universe is so big, and there are so many damned people, the emergence of the universe killer is a historical necessity.

The space killer is indeed paid for his work, but he has his own principles. If he thinks that the person he wants to kill should not die, then the person who killed him is likely to be the person who hired him.Of course, the money is non-refundable, not only this one is non-refundable, but you have to find another one from the person who should have died.

The credibility of the space killer has accumulated over time, and it has surpassed most governments in the universe.People who have done something wrong, often hear that the other party has hired a space killer, even if they don't commit suicide, they will quickly find a way to make up for it.In many cases, justice can be done without him actually taking action.

Now that his business is highly mature, he has established a killer company long ago, and all the people who go out to work are his employees.He hasn't killed anyone for more than ten years, and his daily life is acting in movies, giving lectures, doing charity work, and serving as an honorary security advisor for multiple planets.

Che Dan and Kong Zhou are going to see this cosmic killer today, not to ask him to kill someone, but the cosmic killer invited them to do the supernatural.

Chedan was so excited that he was about to meet his idol, he forgot to ask who he was going to save along the way, and only remembered when it was almost there.

Che Dan: "Who is it to save?"

Kong Zhou: "His enemy."

The company building of Cosmic Killer is very grand, the door is open to welcome customers, and there is an endless stream of people, all of whom line up with their numbers in a regular manner.No one would cause trouble here, no matter how much killing intent accumulated in their hearts.

Different windows provide different services, and there are professional receptionists who patiently explain the charging standards and precautions for you.The windows are categorized meticulously and comprehensively, ranging from "He's going to die today" to "I don't really want to kill someone, or come here to calm down". Chedan looked at the window with the most people, and the "husband and wife related business" window was the most crowded. Sitting on the chairs are men and women who no longer have tolerance and tolerance in their hearts.

Chedan passed by and found a couple who accidentally met.

Husband: "What are you doing here? Didn't you go to a reunion with your classmates?"

Wife: "Didn't you also say you were on a business trip? Humph, I'll do whatever you're here for."

Husband: "X, are you going to kill me?"

Wife: "After all these years, why do you keep asking such stupid questions?"

Husband: "You had dinner with your ex-boyfriend, and you went to play meteor shower rafting together, can't I kill you?"

Wife: "Did you go to the heaven brothel and think I didn't know? You still have aliens, and two more! Are you disgusting? Do you know whether it's male or female? Have you considered my feelings?"

Husband: "Can it be the same? I am consuming, decompressing, and taking care of my family better; you are emotional and nostalgic! You are sitting on a shooting star and making a wish! I should die or you should die?"

Wife: "The wish I made is to hope that our children will grow up healthily! All right, I won't talk to you, I will let the killer of the universe judge later... Baldy, what do you think?"

The wife noticed that Chedan was eavesdropping and shouted.Che Dan hurriedly said: "You two benefactors, there is no other meaning...that is, why put people to death? If you two are like this, divorce is enough?"

Husband and wife both looked at Chedan for three seconds before the husband spoke.

"Do you know what love is?" The husband yelled loudly, then turned to look at his wife with tears in his eyes, "We still have love, can divorce solve the matter of love?"

The wife looked at her husband and began to cry too, and the two moved closer to each other and hugged each other.

Chedan thought that it was reasonable for the Buddha to say that people should let go of their emotions and desires.

"The two of you are the Soul Saving Monks, right?" A staff member appeared beside Kongzhou, "Please follow me."

On the way, Chedan told Kong Zhou what happened just now.

Che Dan: "Master, you said they won't kill each other again, right?"

Kong Zhou: "It's hard to say."

Che Dan: "In a situation like this, how does the space killer decide who deserves to die?"

"The husband and wife window is the busiest, but the order acceptance rate is almost zero," the staff told Che Dan with a smile. "Usually, if a couple really wants to kill each other, they would do it themselves, and it's not our turn."

The cosmic killer was not in the company, and the staff led Chedan and Kong Zhou to a hospital, where the two saw this legendary figure in the ward.

Che Dan was very excited. He looked more like a killer than in the movie. Although he was fat and his round face could be described as kind, the killer's eyes were still there.

Cosmic Killer is sitting on a chair and looking at a comatose old man in a hospital bed, the old man is an alien (absurd to use this concept in the universe) with blue skin and big ears that hang down on the ground .Next to the old man was a man who looked a lot like a person from Earth. With one hand he was adjusting the life-support equipment for the old man, and with the other hand he was holding a gun, pointing at the space killer.

Kong Zhou: "Why did you put yourself in this situation again?"

Cosmic Killer: "No way, that's the way it is."

Kong Zhou: "Why didn't this person kill you?"

Cosmic Killer: "That's a robot. He can only do it under the order of the person on the bed. Or if I kill that person, he can do it too."

Robot: "Or after my master dies naturally, I can act freely."

Kong Zhou looked at the old man on the bed: "This is the person you have been looking for?"

"Yes," the space killer said with no expression on his face, "my father-killer and enemy."

Che Dan: "Master, do you know each other?"

Kong Zhou: "He's in the business of killing people, and I'm in the business of transcendence, shouldn't we know each other? He has created a lot of business for us over the years. You have to thank him."

Che Dan: "Thank you... no, you know each other, why haven't you said it before!"

Kong Zhou: "I'm afraid you asked me for an autographed photo, I can't afford to lose that man."

"Cosmic Killer, I'm your fan." Che Dan had already walked to the side of Cosmic Killer, excitedly took out the poster that had been pasted on the bedside from his arms, his hands were shaking, "Can you sign it for me? "

Kong Zhou: "Can you be more professional when you work?"

"Hahaha, sign it," the universe killer took out his pen, and there is a characteristic of those who always give autographs, that is, the signatures don't look like his own name at all, "I won't be able to sign many in the future, and I won't soon Be a killer again."

Che Dan: "Didn't you stop killing people a long time ago?"

Cosmic Killer: "I mean I don't want this nickname anymore, it's time to retire."

Che Dan: "Ah? When?"

"When he died." The killer's eyes lit up, staring at the old man on the bed.The robot's muzzle continued to aim at the space killer.

Cosmic Killer's father owns a pet shop. He has also loved animals since he was a child, and he is determined to continue running the shop when he grows up.One day, a very beautiful little blue dragon with feathers and melancholy eyes came into the store.Dad said that it was imported from another planet, it was very expensive, and there were already reservations from distinguished customers. After this dragon was sold, the family would no longer need to open a pet shop.

The space killer at the time said: "Why, I just like to open a pet shop."

His father laughed at his ignorance and sent him to school.

When he came back from school, the universe killer knew that his father had been killed and the dragon had been taken away.

Cosmic Killer: "The police said that it involved transplanetary crimes, and it was difficult to catch, and finally let it go. From that day on, I decided to take revenge by myself. I learned a lot of ways to kill people. I also started to take over the job of killing people in the process of finding enemies. It’s been more than 50 years now.”

Chedan looked at the person on the hospital bed, and thought, so did this person do a good deed?There is no way to say about cause and effect.

Cosmic killer: "For more than 50 years, I have been looking for him and killing people. Some time ago, I finally found the little dragon back then, and I also found him."

Che Dan: "Because he is sick, so he can't go down to kill?"

"For more than 50 years, I have been thinking about why people kill people and what kind of people should be killed." The universe killer stood up, and the robot looked at him vigilantly. "I can't kill the killer because he doesn't deserve to die. Damn it's my dad."

The old man was the blue dragon back then.On their planet, before adulthood, the human form is like that.Also because of this strange species characteristic (in fact, no species is not strange, if you think about it carefully, there should be no life in the universe), collectors who like rare and exotic animals from all over the universe always come here to steal children, among them The father of the space killer.

Cosmic Killer: "Due to poor management back then, my family was heavily in debt. My dad heard about this rare creature and wanted to snatch it and sell it to rich people so that he could live a better life from now on. He also did it for my own good."

Robot: "Yes, I read your name before I died."

Cosmic Killer glanced at the robot.Che Dan was terrified at the side, if he was the one being looked at, he would probably have died of fright.

It turned out that this robot was the one who killed his father and enemy, Che Dan thought, karma seems reasonable, but in fact it is the most unreasonable.

Because more and more children were being robbed, people on Blue Dragon Star purchased bodyguard robots in large quantities from all over the universe.This person in front of him is the bodyguard of the old man on the hospital bed. He chased after the universe killer's planet and rescued his master.

"Now that I know who the enemy is, I won't take revenge. In the past 50 years, I have figured out one thing, that is, everyone in the universe deserves to die, so your business has a better future than mine, hahaha." The cosmic killer's face became kind again, "Zen Master Kongzhou, I invite you here to save him after he dies, forget about my worries, and I'll go back to open a pet shop."

The universe killer walked out of the ward and stopped again: "Forget it, let's go to a flower shop, pets are too risky."

People of the blue dragon star will turn back into a blue dragon before they die, and leave in that form.At this moment, the old man on the hospital bed was the same as when he was a child, but he was dying.The robot showed no expression and continued to stand by the bed.

Robot: "Zen Master Kongzhou, without a corpse, can a long-dead soul be saved?"

Kong Zhou: "Just give me the money."

The robot rummaged through its pockets and took out all the money: "Is it enough?"

Kong Zhou: "Who do you want to save?"

Robot: "The father of the space killer."

Kong Zhou: "What's the matter, do you have a sympathy system pre-installed?"

Robot: "I didn't pretend, I didn't kill his father."

When the robot went to save the blue dragon, the father of the space killer begged hard not to save it. "The buyer is our police chief. If I don't give him the dragon, he will definitely kill me! My son is still young, so what will happen if no one takes care of him?"

Robot: "My duty is to save the master, not him. Now that I think about it, maybe my system at that time was too low-level, so I should save him."

Che Dan: "Why didn't you tell Space Killer about this?"

"So what if I told you, this karma should be over," Kong Zhou looked at the robot, "Although there may be a new karma to start."

The robot nodded: "I've checked, and the chief of police has been killed because of other things. I won't say anything. After today's ceremony is over, the space killer will let go of his mind. If I tell him the truth, I'm afraid he will be killed." You will feel that your revenge will never be avenged, so keep suffering. Just stop here."

Kong Zhou: "Your robot has Buddha nature, where did you make it, and do you have a name?"

Robot: "I come from the Milky Way. I am produced by a company on Earth. My name is Cao De."

Che Dan tried his best to persuade Kong Zhou to bring Cao De back to Naihe Boat. He always felt that he and his master needed a robot that could take care of people.Cao De is also very active, and finally impresses Sora with his ability to brew sake and make sushi, and a new karma begins.

Kong Zhou: "Take him back to the boat and wait for me first."

Che Dan: "Why are you going?"

Kong Zhou: "Cosmic Killer gave me a few free killing coupons, don't waste it."

Che Dan: "Ah? Master, who are you going to kill, Master!"

In Chedan's shout, Kongzhou went to get the number.

Kong Zhou: "As long as you think carefully enough, there are always people to kill."

(End of this chapter)

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