Cosmic Transcendence Guide

Chapter 7 The Dream Musician

Chapter 7 The Dream Musician
Of course, not everything that happened in the dream was real. ——Zen Master Kongzhou

Che Dan often felt that he had chosen the wrong profession, but this profession was not chosen by himself in the first place.It is not right to say that the wrong master was chosen, and the master was not chosen by oneself.

Che Dan felt that this was a good choice. He didn't choose it by himself. If something went wrong, he took a firm stand when he complained. No one could say that he deserved it.Most of the choices that can be given to people in this world are illusions, and the most false ones are the choices that people think they have.

Chedan felt something was wrong right now.At a young age, it’s okay to deal with dead people all day long, it’s fine to deal with dead people from various planets, it’s fine to live with dinosaurs in the Jurassic period, it’s fine to never be able to explain the truth to Master, what Che Dan doesn’t understand is that he Why do you want to study the music works of the most popular idol niche in "Pangu", if that thing can be counted as a work—no, if that thing can be counted as music.

Che Dan: "Why? Can anyone tell me why?"

Hunhu couldn't answer, Kongzhou didn't want to answer, and Cao De didn't have time to answer—he was indulging in the concert performance of the idol named Ouyang Shunxi and nicknamed "Shunbao".The holographic concert service allows you to be at the scene. Cao De spent all his savings to sit in the first row. Now he has stood up and is shouting with the little girl next to him. He may not be able to hear what he is shouting.

If you want to see the scene Cao De yelled, you have to pay for it. This is called the "Live Watch Fans" project. Entertainment companies that package idols like Ouyang Shunxi have already discovered that some people will pay attention to an idol even if they don't like it. He gets a strange sense of superiority from his newsfeed, watching his fans, and sarcasm as they watch their frenzy.So why not make them pay for the superiority?There is no money in the universe that cannot be earned.

Che Dan didn't want to watch it, and Che Dan didn't lack a sense of superiority, but Kong Zhou said he had to watch it—Kong Zhou ordered Che Dan not only to study Ouyang Shunxi, but also to study his fan group.

Kong Zhou: "A person cannot become a person alone, the people around you determine you."

Che Dan: "Master, if you say that, I will be even more worried about my life. Look at the people around me."

Kong Zhou: "You are content, you look at me again."

Chedan didn't have the energy to argue with his master, all his energy was exhausted by the rich and developed entertainment industry.

Chasing a star like Ouyang Shunxi, time and money will never be available.Not to mention the live concert, as long as the money is enough, you can be a part in the movie he starred in, you can pretend to be a flight attendant on the spaceship he is on, and you can get the chance to appear downstairs for three seconds— —Of course, it depends on luck whether you can get his attention, after all, not everything can be solved with money.

Chedan figured out through this period of research that it is more interesting precisely because the solution cannot be solved with money.When the price is not clearly marked, the suitors seem to have obtained a fair stage, and everyone has obtained a pathetic equality...

Don't think about it, it's not worth watching a broken idol and making yourself depressed.

Che Dan turned off Ouyang Shunxi's video and went to find Kong Zhou.Kong Zhou was listening to the song, shaking his head.

Che Dan: "Master, do you think his song is good?"

Kong Zhou: "Whose? Ouyang Shunxi, I didn't listen to it. I'm listening to the recording of my chanting when I was young."

Che Dan was a little angry: "You asked me to study and you didn't listen!"

"It doesn't matter whether his songs are good or not," Kong Zhou stopped listening. "So many people like him, it's not because his songs are good."

Che Dan: "Why is that?"

Kongzhou: "Didn't I ask you to study it, why do you say?"

Che Dan: "Why is it possible, handsome, young, hyped by the company..."

Kong Zhou: "There are so many people who can meet these conditions, why is he so popular?"

Che Dan: "I don't know, it's none of my business. People in the universe like him and I don't like him, and I don't want to study it anymore. If I have the time, I'd rather listen to your chanting."

Kong Zhou: "Then I sang."

Che Dan: "That's all I said, I'm going back to sleep with Hunhu."

Kong Zhou: "If there is a chance to meet him, will you see him?"

"I'll see you!" Cao De came out of nowhere, "Master, I want to see him! I want to see Shunbao! For Shunbao, I will give you anything!"

Kong Zhou: "You gave me everything in the first place."

Che Dan looked at Cao De and shook his head: "I don't see you. Look, whoever likes him."

Kong Zhou: "You can see him even if you don't see him, he is our customer."

Che Dan: "Who is he going to save?"

Kong Zhou: "A person in his dream."

"Pangu" is the largest human space station in the Milky Way. There are nearly 12 billion people living in it, and countless spacecraft come and go every day.The reason for the initial construction of this giant space station is that human beings believe that the earth will not be able to accommodate the population expansion, and it is necessary to plan early. However, during the construction process that lasted for a hundred years, scholars have discovered that the earth's population has not exploded, but has begun to decrease. .

Didn't you say it was going to explode every day?Didn't it mean that the earth can't stand it?Don't you think there are too many of us?People simply don't give birth.The government had no choice but to spend money to encourage childbearing, and forced everyone to hand over their sperm and eggs, causing many human tragedies.Such repeated events are not uncommon in human history, or in other words, such repeated events constitute human history.

No matter how the earth is, the space station has been built after all, and more and more people on earth choose to live on the "Pangu", because most people have an untenable illusion that they only need to change the environment - let alone arrive In space—your own life will improve.When we actually arrive at the space station, the illusion will naturally be shattered, and being there is no different from being on the earth-this is what scientists have done with great effort.But people didn't move away because of this, and human beings have another advantage, that is, there is no obstacle to accept disillusionment—isn't it just alive, who wouldn't.

Slowly, the "Pangu" changed from a symbol of mankind's conquest of the universe to a symbol of meaninglessness.Simply put, it is exactly the same as the earth.

Chedan often came to the "Pangu" with the empty boat.There is a large population here, and Asians account for a large proportion. Many people will choose to pass away after death, and the business is easy to do.

Everything in front of me is as familiar as the earth.Knowing that it is all simulation technology, Che Dan doesn't care whether the blue sky and grass are real or not, and he doesn't care whether the people walking around are real or not. After all, there are simulated landscapes everywhere on the earth that are hard to tell. Solve all environmental problems.

As soon as Chedan arrived in Bianliang (a major city of "Pangu", the residents are mainly Chinese and π-star immigrants), he saw a huge advertisement of Ouyang Shunxi, which was the beauty product he endorsed.It is not accurate to say beauty, the product only uses some genetic means to enhance people's self-confidence, and does not really change the appearance.Ouyang Shunxi's advertising slogan is "You don't need to be as beautiful as me, you just need to think that you are as beautiful as me".

To be honest, although I dislike Ouyang Shunxi very much, Chedan is quite tempted by this product, but think about it or forget it, after all, with Kongzhou by your side, any confidence can be destroyed by you.

Ouyang Shunxi's residence is top-secret, and no one has discovered it even though the fans are so crazy. The paparazzi on the "Pangu" even hired the most famous paparazzi on earth with high salaries, but they failed.The paparazzi even gave up this noble career because of his defeat in the battle, which was too much of a blow, and changed his career to become a lowly politician. With the support of many stars, the election has been going smoothly.

Ouyang Shunxi didn't send anyone to pick him up, he just gave Kongzhou his home address and asked him to come by spaceship.

Che Dan: "This address can be sold for a lot of money, isn't he afraid that we will leak it?"

Kong Zhou: "He gave us much more money than this. Besides, considering the people who are going to be rescued this time, we can leak too much. It's better to build trust from the beginning. Shun Bao is a smart man."

Shunbao's home is in an apartment with more than 20 floors. All the 20 floors should be his, but he only lives in a room on the sixth floor.

There are many posters, trophies, and various artworks in the green wall and green space at home.When Che Dan was feeling how good it is to be rich, he saw an oil painting by Van Gogh.

Che Dan: "Is this the real thing?"

After Ouyang Shunxi opened the door for them, he went back to the bedroom to get dressed, as if these two were his friends for many years.Now he got dressed and came out, he didn't seem to wake up much.

Ouyang Shunxi: "Yes."

Che Dan: "You like him too."

Ouyang Shunxi: "Who? I don't know, it's a gift from a fan."

Che Dan felt that it is good to have fans, maybe it is better than having money.

Ouyang Shunxi sat on the only sofa in the living room, realized that something might be wrong, and stood up again: "Sit down."

Kong Zhou: "No, your time is precious, and so is our time. Let's talk about the person in your dream."

It was a necromancer magma flow musician.

The development of science and technology allows people to explore the universe, fight diseases, protect nature, and develop countless boring things-this even precedes the exploration of the universe.

It's the same in the music world, there are countless genres of music, and even musical instruments can't be classified, and singers appear in a blowout, but the strange but not so strange fact is that there are no more good songs.

The dead baby magma flow is a niche genre. After Ouyang Shunxi finished speaking, Che Dan checked it quickly.How should I put it, if you have to choose between Ouyang Shunxi's popular "Pangu" pop song and the underground music of the dead baby magma flow, Che Dan would rather listen to the former.

But the dead baby magma flow still has its audience, because their performances are basically illegal, so the performers haunt hidden bars, wearing baby masks, drinking magma drinks, and the audience also wear masks, with angry eyes, sometimes Tears.The rule of the performance is that if the singer stops singing, it means that he is going to commit suicide, and this is also the climax of the performance.If the show had been canceled for other reasons, the singer would have died too, as the audience would have sprayed him to death with their fire extinguishers.

Ouyang Shunxi: "I dreamed of him three years ago. Before that, I had never heard that kind of song at all, and I didn't know him at all. I was often woken up by this kind of nightmare."

Che Dan: "Then he is going to stop the show now? Or is it that you won't dream of him anymore? Or... I don't understand."

"What are you thinking? How could the person in the dream die? That's a dream." Ouyang Shunxi's tone was not condescending, but he was not polite either. He just spoke directly and didn't care too much about the listener's feelings.It is said that everyone wants others to talk to them like this, but if they really say it, they will feel offended.Che Dan is fine, after all, Kong Zhou's speech is much harsher than this, and he is used to it.

"But it looks like he's really going to die."

The tone of the second half of the sentence was not so much pity as it was doubt. Ouyang Shunxi didn't understand why a person in the dream would die.

Ouyang Shunxi rested his feet on the table, and only gave way to Kongzhou master and apprentice when he entered the door. Now he seemed to not care whether they were tired or not. He fell into the question that he had thought about countless times: "Who is he?" ?”

Ouyang Shunxi checked countless information on this issue, hired a special robot, and consulted anthropologists.When he asked Kongzhou to come, he explained this complicated situation, although Kongzhou knew that he had accepted the offer and never cared about anything he said.

With the development of human civilization and the expansion of human spiritual scale, human spiritual problems are becoming more and more serious. Basically, everyone has at least one psychiatrist.The music form of dead baby magma flow is by no means a serious psychological problem, and neither is Ouyang Shunxi's dream.People are often trapped by all kinds of dreams. The dream machine and the dream machine have been invented long ago.People can create dreams for themselves, and they can also communicate with other people's dreams.But to my surprise, neither of these two machines was as popular as expected. Entrepreneurs and psychologists learned from the pain and concluded that "accidents" are the root of dreams.

The problem with connecting with other people's dreams is that dreams are too private and even uncontrollable. You can't trust strangers, and you don't want acquaintances.

Kongzhou asked Chedan to study Ouyang Shunxi so that there would be no problems connecting to the dream today. No one knows what will appear in the dream. The more you know about the dreamer, the less surprises you will have.

Ouyang Shunxi took Kongzhou master and apprentice to another room, where the dream connector had been set up long ago, and there was no one else in the room except them, and the robots were guarding outside the building.

"Oh, I forgot to say why he died." Ouyang Shunxi explained at this time, "Every singer in the dead baby magma flow will commit suicide on stage during a certain performance, don't ask me why, this is their musical dreams."

Ouyang Shunxi didn't show disdain on his face, but obviously he didn't respect this dream too much.

Ouyang Shunxi: "It's good, it's good to die, I don't have to have nightmares anymore."

If you don't like him so much, why invite someone to save him?Che Dan didn't ask. After all, after all, he got along with him for three years and listened to so many performances by him, he must have feelings for him.Not just feelings, maybe this idol singer fell in love with that dark and ridiculous music.

"Do you want to eat?" Ouyang Shunxi took the sleeping pill and put a piece in his mouth.

Kong Zhou: "No, I have always slept well, so you can give it to him."

Chedan took the medicine and soon fell asleep, and came to an underground performance venue.The aisles smelled of tobacco and cotton candy, dirty and crowded, many people, including aliens.Chedan squeezed to the door and entered the performance venue, but did not hear the expected noise.Everyone in the venue was wearing a mask, and the singer on the stage was also wearing a mask. Seeing that the figure was a girl, the singer suddenly took off his mask.

"Xiao Bei!" Che Dan yelled, trying to squeeze up, but someone behind him held him back, and when he looked back, it was Master.

Kong Zhou: "Wake up."

Chedan woke up and found his master in front of him, and took off the connector. "Hush!"

Kong Zhou signaled Che Dan not to speak, and Che Dan saw Ouyang Shunxi stand up and walk towards a secret door in the room.

Behind the secret door was the elevator, Ouyang Shunxi's eyes were dull, Kong Zhou's master and apprentice followed him on the elevator and went down, and saw the indicator light to the third basement floor.

When you get out of the elevator, there is a compartment with a dead baby magma flow mask and musical instruments. Ouyang Shunxi put it on and opened the door to go out. Chedan saw a stage in front of him. Ouyang Shunxi went up. Good lava drink, let's start playing.

Che Dan couldn't tell whether he suddenly realized or was confused. He looked back at Kong Zhou, who was staring at the stage, and Che Dan also looked at the stage. Fans have been waiting for this inevitable moment.

Che Dan: "No!"

Che Dan rushed to the stage and threw Ouyang Shunxi down. The audience was silent for a moment, they all stared at the stage, and the masked crowd raised the fire extinguishers in their hands, ready to strike.Che Dan thought about how he would die many times, never thought that he would die because of saving someone, or save such a person, and at the moment he is still a little confused about who he is.

Chedan had already heard the voice, heard someone approaching, Chedan felt a little regretful, he didn't know who would save us after he and Master died.

The music started.

Che Dan raised his head, and the people stopped approaching, and all looked at the stage. Someone was singing on the stage. Although he was wearing a mask, Che Dan could still tell that it was an empty boat.

Sora used the pure dead baby magma flow to sing the Buddhist scriptures he used to sing when he was young. The audience put down the fire extinguishers and threw the milk bottles on the stage-this is the highest etiquette for them to express their love.

Ouyang Shunxi lay motionless on the ground, probably still dreaming.

Che Dan was moved by Master's music and his act of saving himself, so he also put on a mask and sang. Just after he sang a few lines, the people in the audience stopped moving again.

Che Dan realized that he was wearing the mask of Ouyang Shunxi, and everyone recognized his face at this time.

There was commotion in the audience, and these music fans didn't know what to do.

Because of the horrific performance of the dead baby magma flow, people are always killed. The performance is held underground, and everyone wears masks for self-protection.

I can't see their expressions now.

Che Dan pushed Ouyang Shunxi hard, but he still didn't wake up.Chedan didn't know what these distorted and violent underground music fans would do to a vulgar idol, he felt that death was approaching again.

"It's Shunbao!" said a girl's voice from the audience.

"Shun Bao!" A man's voice.

The audience in the audience became excited, and many people took off their masks and wanted to rush to the stage.

"Shunbao!" "Shunbao actually sings our dead baby magma flow!" "Ah! I just said that our music is not niche!"

Kongzhou and Chedan pulled Ouyang Shunxi away and fled.

On the elevator home, Ouyang Shunxi woke up and asked, "Is this a dream?"

The next day, all the "Pangu" knew that Ouyang Shunxi had a mental illness, a very common one, schizophrenia, and another identity was a dead baby magma singer.Minutes after the news broke, many people said they had the same symptoms.

His fame soared again, and many people who used to hate Ouyang Shunxi like Che Dan and had a high self-esteem for aesthetics also became his fans, wrote many articles, and found many inscrutable reasons.His label has announced an upcoming CD of Deadbaby Lava Flow.

When the manager contacted Ouyang Shunxi, he was very excited: "Gao! Shunbao, your move is amazing! Hahaha, we are still worried that your popularity will drop soon. You have also reached the top. To tell you the truth, in the past year I’ve been having a headache about how you’re going to transform, but I didn’t expect you to come up with a solution yourself, hahahaha, it’s hard for you to learn such a nasty thing, but it’s okay, we found their most professional musicians, and we’ll create a series for you right away…”

Ouyang Shunxi didn't say anything. After turning off the manager's display page, he said to Kong Zhou: "Look, I can't find people around me for this plan. I can't trust them. It's safer for me to find you. Now the ending That’s right, I will pay for the extra money.”

"No need," Kongzhou said, "The singer who sang the dead baby magma flow is not only dead, but finally alive in front of the world. There is no transcendence. If there is no transcendence, I can't collect money."

Che Dan: "You are using us!"

Chedan was a little angry.Ouyang Shunxi was expressionless and didn't speak.

Kong Zhou: "Let's go, if you are not as skilled as others, you will admit defeat and have some promise."

Che Dan: "I even saved your life, I was almost sprayed to death by a fire extinguisher!"

Kong Zhou: "Let's go, don't be ashamed, who begged you to save someone."

Kong Zhou rushed to Ouyang Shunxi and joined hands, pulling Che Dan away.Ouyang Shunxi looked at Kong Zhou's back, but still didn't speak.

Che Dan: "Master, you actually admit to being played and used by such a youthful idol."

Kong Zhou: "Don't think of people so simply."

Che Dan: "What's simple? He's still simple, how complicated he is! Let us risk our lives to expose his personality, and if we don't give money, he will continue..."

Kong Zhou: "Do you think he is sure we will save him?"

Che Dan: "I saved it! But you saved me."

"I didn't save you, I just wanted to sing," Kong Zhou continued, "I believe that if you hesitate for a while, you won't be able to save him, right?"

Che Dan: "Then he - really wants to die?"

Kong Zhou: "I don't know, people don't know what their actions are for, especially when it involves life and death."

Kong Zhou spoke seriously, but Che Dan suddenly laughed: "Master, you can sing very well, people have thrown away the milk bottle."

"Seeing that you are so happy, maybe I don't need to give you this." Kong Zhou unwrapped a package, which contained the painting of Van Gogh.

Che Dan: "Ah! Shun Bao gave it to me!"

Kong Zhou: "It's called Shun Bao now?"

Che Dan: "Why did he give it to me?"

Kong Zhou didn't speak, but looked at Che Dan.Che Dan thought of what his master had said just now, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Ouyang Shunxi's song was playing in the simulation cabin, and Cao De jumped up and down along with it.

The song sang: "You are a dream, I am a dream, why are you dreaming, why do you have to wake up."

After listening to it for a while, Chedan still felt that it was a very bad song.

But he may have his reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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