Cosmic Transcendence Guide

Chapter 9 Winery Invasion

Chapter 9 Winery Invasion
Everything we've done to ants is also illegal. ——Zen Master Kongzhou

Long time no business.This time is different from the past. Many people know about Kong Zhou’s helping the clown to save him in heaven, and there are endless invitations, but it is obvious that there is no reason for this business to suddenly be needed by so many people. Many people just want to see it. What kind of people is this pair of mentors and apprentices.

Kong Zhou decided to avoid the limelight and went to play in heaven.

"But isn't heaven the place with the most people?"

Facing Chedan's question, Kongzhou explained the logic behind it, but Chedan didn't understand it, and probably no one could understand it.

Che Dan naturally stayed on board Nai He, and Kong Zhou said it was just in case.Chedan really couldn't think of what would happen.

However, the boat wandered around randomly, Chedan bought a TV when he returned to the "Pangu" last time, and now he is using this TV to watch "Human Exploration News".

Television has been eliminated many times in the history of human development, and has been revived many times, and human beings just can't get rid of it.When a family is silent, the living room is lifeless, and people want to distract themselves from death at three o'clock in the morning, people instinctively turn to the TV for help.Besides, for something like "news", you have to watch it on TV to have the pleasure of being brainwashed without thinking.

Human Exploration News is reporting on the latest planet discovery by the Earth Fleet.

This is nothing new, humans could discover a hundred planets a day if they wanted to.What is more exciting to mankind is that there is a large amount of Bifer 42 hidden on this planet. After some kind of technological transformation, this substance can become the same as the wine that has been aged for a hundred years on the earth.And that kind of technological transformation is to find a beautiful bottle to put it in.

Beaver 42 has only been discovered by humans in recent years. This is the third time that this magical substance has been detected on a planet, and it has such a large reserve. It was discovered that the fleet of that planet belongs to a winery (yes, in the universe You can call everything a coincidence), and now it is going through complicated legal procedures (there are always many procedures to go through, otherwise people in the universe who know nothing but procedures will be unemployed on a large scale, which accounts for almost 90.00% of the entire universe nine), after which they can be mined.At the end of that piece of news, the captain Chen Niang excitedly announced the estimated annual mining volume, and sincerely recruited stars who would like to endorse this wine to the entire entertainment industry.

"We should go up and take a look." Cao De stared at the news, wiping his wine glass, with a serious expression.

Che Dan: "What are you going to do?"

Cao De: "Mine some Bifu 42 and give it to Master to drink."

"That's my master!" Che Dan felt that no master is worth such a risk. The human fleet will definitely monitor the planet strictly, and Chen Nian must have obtained the sovereignty of the planet. Landing without notification is illegal. Behavior, "Can you learn something better, can't you spend money to buy it?"

Cao De: "I've observed, the wine I bought doesn't taste good to my master."

He was right.

"Don't worry," Cao De put down his wine glass and picked up another wipe, "Master taught me that the main way for human beings to protect themselves is bluffing, and their monitoring must not be so strict, otherwise how could I receive the Pythagorean Theorem Well, let's just fly up, I..."

"What, what is the Pythagorean theorem?" Chedan glanced at the data and found that the Naihe ship was not far from that planet.

Cao De: "I scanned over there when I was watching the news just now, and there are people posting Pythagorean theorem, songs, scenery pictures and so on. It doesn't matter, I..."

Che Dan: "What happened on that planet?!"

However, the ship approached the planet without much effort.That planet was named Louis XIV by Chen Nian. As a promising young man whose father is the third largest brewer in all mankind and who has been preparing to inherit the family business since he was a child, it is not surprising to choose such a name.

Louis XIV is a gray-green planet. There is a huge fleet of the Chen family in the orbit of the planet, as well as some official ships in charge of the government's supervision. There are dense guard posts.

However, the ship flew to Louis XIV without any hindrance.

A sentinel ship sent an inquiry: "Please come to the ship to declare your identity."

Cao De replied with a name and it passed.

That is a well-known movie star on the earth. He is famous for his bad acting skills but he has participated in many movies.Nobody understands how she gets so many appearances and always works with the most famous and talented directors, so people instinctively think that she has an unknown background, and that is not much to ask.

Cao De: "Look, they don't dare to verify their identities."

Che Dan thought, in terms of "wisdom" in this aspect, Cao De seems to be more like Kong Zhou's apprentice than himself.

The Naihe boat searched for the location where the signal was sent, and as it flew closer and closer, Chedan saw through the porthole that it was a grassland with a small river and a flock of sheep... It really was an undeveloped planet, and the air was filled with primitive vitality. A little closer, Chedan saw it, and there was a radar.

Che Dan: "Cao De, help me look up the earth's laws and regulations. Planets with civilizations are forbidden to mine, right? Forget it, don't need to check, what's the use of laws and regulations."

But when the boat stopped on the prairie, Chedan ate his words and prepared to communicate with the local civilization, thinking of what to say to convince them that their planet was being targeted by a winery.

"Aliens! They are finally willing to negotiate with us!" "Call fighter jets and artillery to prepare to attack!" "Send negotiators and bring all the pictures drawn!" "Don't move the troops, don't let them discover our hostility !" "This may be the last hope of our human civilization!" "Wait, let's talk about it when the leaders come." "Stop arguing, they may listen! We don't understand their civilization level!"

Che Dan had indeed heard it all.

Chedan regrets his decision to come to this planet to do justice, and at the same time misses his master terribly - only he can handle this situation.

Through several careful and brief radio exchanges, Chedan let the other party understand that he was not with the human fleet that surrounded them, and that he came only after hearing the Pythagorean Theorem, and out of a certain intuition, Chedan If they don't want to leave their spaceship, they can send people to the spaceship to talk.

After a secret meeting (of course Chedan monitored the whole process), the other party sent a young man.This young man has no special identity, but a researcher at the base. The reason for sending him is that he is the person in charge of writing and launching the "Friendly Sound Wave". "Friendly sound waves" are those things received by the Naihe ship, Chedan thought, the drunken fleet outside the atmosphere at the moment probably came from this, and their attitude was quite "friendly" (Chedan didn't even know whether to use double quotation marks here ).

A long time ago, human beings also sent something like a "friendly sound wave" into the universe, and the adverse consequences it produced have not been completely shaken off by human beings until today.

The young man was named Liu Bai, and at the moment he was carrying the hope of all mankind on his shoulders. Before leaving, many politicians patted and hugged him, and even shed tears, expressing that they only hated that they had important tasks to do, and for the benefit of the wider people, Can't come for him.

Cao De took Liu Bai into the cabin.Fearing that Liu Bai would be afraid, Chedan told Hunhun not to scream, and adjusted the simulation cabin to the original courtyard, and poured tea for him.

The life on this planet looks very different from the people on Earth: the head is at the bottom, and the "mouth" for negotiating with people is on the back, but Chedan can see that their dressing style is very similar to that of humans.

Liu Bai was wearing a suit that was popular before humans entered the universe civilization. Of course, it was worn on him with a strange tailoring method.While waiting for his tea, he nervously fiddled with his phone—another thing that's been popular among humans for a while.

Che Dan: "I probably told you about the situation. I don't know how I can help you. Anyway, your situation is very dangerous."

Liu Bai's downcast expression was sad, and Che Dan guessed that he might think it had something to do with the friendly sound waves he emitted.

Che Dan: "Don't blame yourself. Many civilizations in the universe have done such stupid things. In fact, they still have to thank you. If it weren't for your sound waves, I wouldn't have come—if I didn't come, you might really want to come. was mined."

Liu Bai still didn't speak, and continued to fiddle with the phone.

Che Dan recalled that the mobile phone was actually a communication device, and he forgot to monitor its radio waves.

Che Dan found himself dizzy, and saw that Hun Hun in the distance also fell to the ground.Liu Bai fired something like an electric current from the mobile phone in his hand, knocking down Cao De.

It seems that this phone can not only receive tasks, but also execute them.Weird direction of scientific and technological development, why not use this ingenuity on the research spacecraft, and fall into today's surrounded by people...

Chedan's consciousness became more and more blurred.

Master is going to scold me when he comes back.

Che Dan lost consciousness.

Chedan was locked in a room with a big mirror on the wall. Chedan guessed that there should be many people standing behind it.What a good place to be nostalgic, there is such a fashion on earth now, it is the trend to decorate with such outdated technology, such an interrogation room can be regarded as a good quality antique.

I hope Cao De and Hunhu will be fine.

Che Dan sighed, and tried hard to recall the methods of escaping from desperate situations taught by his master, but he couldn't remember them all.Masters are generally not in desperate situations.

Liu Bai came in and changed his clothes, which were similar to human military uniforms, which should be the military uniforms of this place.Che Dan also wondered how he saw that the thing with the neckline below his body was a military uniform. He might pay more attention to fashion than he thought.

(Why am I such a person, everything is like a dream, why do I always pay attention to these things, and now my life is dying, why am I still thinking about why I pay attention to such things...)
"Hello," Liu Bai's words interrupted Chedan's thoughts, "Let me introduce myself again, my name is Liu Bai, and I am the special commander of the MI[-] of the Shaqiu Holitan People's Republic."

"Why do you trust strangers?" Che Dan seemed to hear Kong Zhou questioning himself.

Liu Bai: "We have informed your fleet of invading our side that you have been detained by our side. I hope you will cooperate with us and clarify the purpose of your invasion of sand balls."

(No, this matter should be blamed on Cao De, mining wine, he is crazy, if he said that mining wine, I would not come. But in the end, I am pretending to be kind, I really want to save them, I should negotiate with Chen Niang Ah, what to put here...)
"Please answer my question!" Liu Bai's tone was tough, but he lacked confidence. He didn't seem to want to ask this question very much, "Tell me the purpose of your invasion of maracas."

Chedan: "Wine."

Liu Bai: "What?"

Chedan: "Purpose, wine."

Liu Bai showed that sad expression again. Ever since he came in and self-reported his identity, Chedan felt that he was very uncomfortable, and he always looked in the mirror to show that he was completing his work.He just got the job done, and this guy who made a career out of sending out friendly sound waves, met such an end, his world view may have collapsed before his world.

Che Dan: "Where's my friend?"

Liu Bai: "They are..."

Liu Bai suddenly helped the earphones, and didn't say any more. This should be something that needs to be kept secret.

Liu Bai: "First explain your question, who are you?"

Chedan: "Earthlings."

Liu Bai: "What work are you in charge of?"

Che Dan: "I'm just passing by."

Liu Bai: "What exactly are you going to do?"

"I just want to drink some wine," Che Dan was still very worried about Hun Hun and Cao De, although they seemed to be stronger than himself, "Don't ask me, I don't understand why, we obviously have Wine, and it's not a scarce resource, you won't die if you don't drink it, but they, Chen Niang, just want your wine..."

Liu Bai: "Just because of the wine, are we going to be destroyed?"

Liu Bai's expression became even more sad.

Che Dan looked at his upside-down ugly face, speechless, and acknowledged his sadness.

The door opens and more men in uniform enter, one of them in a suit, obviously a leader.

The man in the suit: "Hello, our Maracas are a civilized world. No matter what kind of invaders you are, we don't want to use inhumane methods, but if you don't cooperate, we can only do this."

The soldiers brought some equipment, and Liu Bai's expression became even more sad.

Che Dan: "I didn't lie to you. I really came to help you. It's useless to abuse me. You should hurry up and try to communicate."

"Communication? Didn't you just cause it?" The man in the suit glanced at Liu Bai, who lowered his head in shame (from Chedan's point of view), "We will definitely resist to the end!"

Liu Bai: "We should still communicate."

Liu Bai raised his head (that is, lowered it again, and put his head back to the original position), "We should believe in civilization, and force cannot solve problems, General."

The man in the suit: "I'll let you see if I can solve the problem."

Those people holding the utensils approached Chedan, and Chedan silently recited the Great Compassion Mantra in his heart, thinking that he might have to save himself today.

There was a gunshot and the man in the suit was shot in the head.After a moment of confusion, Liu Bai and the soldiers quickly lay down on the ground and dropped their guns.

Che Dan opened his eyes, and several people wearing another military uniform came in, and then Chen Nian, who Che Dan had seen on TV, also changed into a military uniform, his face full of excitement.Beside him are Cao De, Hun Hun, and Kong Zhou.

Che Dan: "Master!"

After shouting, tears of excitement flowed down.

Kong Zhou seemed to be still drunk: "Boss Chen, this is my apprentice, I'm laughing at you."

Of course Chen Niang knew from the very beginning that there was civilization on this planet, of course he had received the Pythagorean Theorem, but it didn't matter.

What Chen Niang thinks is to only take wine and not harm people, as long as the local people are willing to cooperate.

However, following his family's wine picking business for many years, Chen Niang knew that if he didn't hurt anyone, the chance of the other party's cooperation was zero.

In order to avoid some legal troubles, Chen Niang was drinking on the track, waiting for them to attack, and if they fought back casually, someone would cooperate.

Yesterday received a maraca threat, saying that they had taken hostages, Chen Niang was very happy: "Are you sure it's really a human spaceship? Great, let's go get the wine when they die. Oh, there are always such martyrs .”

The alien female companion who accompanied Chen Niang to drink recognized the Naihe boat in the picture, and told Chen Niang that a man named Kongzhou once drove this boat to our planet, and many girls cried when they left.

Chen Nian: "It's called Kongzhou?"

Chen Niang is a frequent visitor to Paradise, so he has heard the name.He contacted the clown and learned that Kong Zhou was drunk in heaven.Kong Zhou only said: "Whatever, it has nothing to do with me, Chedan is not worthy of sympathy for his mental retardation."

It was the clown's persuasion that Kongzhou decided to come and rescue Naihe Boat with Chen Nianang.

Clown: "Your apprentice is not worthy of sympathy, but there is still my sweetness on the spaceship."

Tian Tian is the former name of Hun Hun.

Kong Zhou came over drunk, and Chen Niang personally led the team, and the process of defeating it was very easy.There has long been a peace party in the local area (there will be peace parties waiting for the invaders on any planet, and sometimes they are the righteous side), they greeted Chen Niang and quickly negotiated terms, and they will transport wine in the future, which will not happen again any casualties.

Che Dan: "There's no need to kill the man in the suit, right?"

Kong Zhou: "I didn't kill it, it was the peace faction on their sand ball who felt the need to kill it."

Che Dan: "So the 42 minerals are home-brewed wine, right?"

Kongzhou: "Yes."

Che Dan: "Chen Niang seems to be doing this to save me, but it's still illegal, right?"

Kong Zhou: "What we have done to ants is also illegal."

Che Dan wanted to say that he never killed ants, but he knew that Master didn't mean that, so he didn't say it.

Che Dan: "Then what did he pay in exchange for his wine?"

"There's no need to change it at all, the wine was given by them on their own initiative." Kong Zhou changed the simulation cabin of the Naihe ship back to the way he liked, and drank the wine given by Chen Nian, "Teach them a little advanced science and technology, they not only give wine , may have already started to write a biography for the statue of Chen Niang. If they have a peace prize here, this year's peace prize will definitely be given to Chen Niang."

Che Dan: "It's also illegal to send technology to low-end civilizations!"

Kong Zhou: "It is illegal to kill them, and it is also illegal to help them. Maybe the law is wrong."

Cao De filled Kong Zhou with wine, looked at Che Dan, and said, look, the free wine really tastes the best to Master.

Che Dan: "Master, why did you save Cao De and Hun Hun first and not me?"

Kong Zhou: "If I save you first but not them, you will definitely feel sad and guilty for the rest of your life, and keep talking about me. I hate it."

Che Dan suddenly thought of something: "Master, why do you and Chen Niang seem to hit it off?"

Kong Zhou: "Who knows, he probably drank too much, and we made an appointment to rescue his father. I said no matter how busy I am, I will help him send the old man away."

Che Dan: "Then you two are so nice, can you help me and let that Liu Bai be a wine delivery officer or something, don't kill him, he is a good man."

"Look," Kong Zhou took out another bottle of wine and threw it to Che Dan, "How troublesome you guys are."

The Pythagorean Theorem is painted on the bottle.Che Dan thought, this is the wine Liu Bai gave him.

It seems that he is fine. Is this a good reward for a good man?
Trouble is trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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