Water Margin

Chapter 17

Chapter 17


Huma hissed the wind and dust, and the flags fluttered and mixed with drums.Huang Ranfan will straddle carved saddles, insert arrows and bend bows to line up.Shake the reins and let the horse look south, all of them show off their power and show off their martial arts.Slay the red-bearded dragon in the North Sea with the sword, and the white-fronted tiger in the Nanshan Mountain with the sword.All the heroes in Liangshan Po swallowed Changhong with vigor in their chests.Once he surrendered and obeyed the righteousness, he vowed to punish the evils in the world.Fengxuan went straight to Youyan Realm, made great achievements in building the city, Wuyan commanded the army, a good general, cleverly tricked Feixiong.Under the city of Youzhou, the decisive battle is over, and the green grass, mountains, rivers and dusty shadows are red.It is easy to capture Hu Polu, and it is all in the hands of fame and fame.

At that time, General Wuyan Yanshou led more than [-] soldiers and horses, joined Taizhen's son-in-law and Li Jinwu, and led a total of [-] troops.A spy came to Youzhou city to report to Song Jiang.Song Jiang then asked Wu Yong, the military adviser, to discuss: "The Liao soldiers have been defeated. This time we must select elite soldiers and fierce generals to fight. What should we do?" Challenge. If he is incompetent, he will retreat naturally." Song Jiangdao: "The military division is highly educated." Then he dispatched troops and horses out of the city, ten miles away from the city, the place is named Fangshan, the terrain is flat, surrounded by mountains and rivers, forming a formation of nine palaces and eight trigrams.While waiting, I saw Liao soldiers coming in three teams.Little General Wuyan's soldiers and horses are the soap flag, Taizhen's son-in-law is the red flag, and Li Jinwu's army is the green flag.The three armies arrived together and saw Song Jiang in formation.That Wuyan Yanshou was under his father's hands, he had learned the formation technique and knew the mystery very well.Seeing Song Jiang laying down the Jiugong gossip formation, he ordered the Qingqi Second Army to divide into left and right and set up camp.Since I went to the Chinese army to set up the ladder, I saw that Song Bingguo was in the form of Jiugong Bagua.Coming down the ladder, he sneered.The lieutenants on the left and right asked: "Why did the general sneer?" Wu Yan Yanshou said: "Who doesn't save his nine palaces and eight trigrams array? He can't hide this array from others, but I am surprised him!" Through the painting drum, erect the general platform.On the stage, two banners are used to wave left and right.After forming the formation, the general came down to the stage, got on the horse, ordered the chief general to open the formation, kissed the front of the formation, and talked to Song Jiang.How did the little general end?But see:
Wearing a three-pronged ruyi purple gold crown, and wearing a silver armor with Sichuan brocade flowers.Wearing green boots with four slits and eagle beaks on the feet, and a yellow leather belt with double rings and dragon horns on the waist.Qiu Chi swallows the head and beats the whip, and Frost Snow cuts the front and kills the sword.On the left hangs a gold-painted and carved bow, and on the right inserts a silver-embedded wolf-toothed arrow.Make a square halberd with a painting pole, and ride a jujube horse with iron feet.

Wuyan Yanshou reined in his horse to the front of the formation, and shouted loudly: "Who are you going to hide from the Jiugong Bagua formation? Do you know my formation?" Song Jiang heard that he was about to fight the formation, and asked the army to erect it. ladder.Song Jiang, Wu Yong, and Zhu Wu went up the ladder to watch the formation of the Liao soldiers. The three teams were connected and looked at each other.Zhu Wu recognized it a long time ago, and said to Song Jiang, "This formation of the Liao army is the formation of the three talents of Taiyi." Song Jiang left Wu Yong and Zhu Wu on the general platform. Pointing directly at General Liao, he shouted, "It's no surprise to measure your Taiyi three-talent formation!" General Wuyan said, "You know my formation, and I'll teach you how to reform." Then go to the general's platform, unfurl the banner and turn it into a formation.Wu Yong and Zhu Wu looked at it on the general platform: "This is transformed into a Heluo four-element array." They sent people down the ladder to reply to Song Jiangzhi.Little General Wuyan went out of the formation again, and Hengji asked, "Do you still know my formation?" Song Jiang replied, "This is the transformation of the Heluo Four Elephant formation." The little general Wuyan shook his head and sneered, and entered the formation again. In the middle, the admiral raised his banner to the left and spread it to the right, which turned into a formation again.Wu Yong and Zhu Wu looked at it on the general platform, and Zhu Wu said: "This is a circular eight trigrams array." Then let people report to Song Jiang to know.Before the little general came out again, he asked loudly: "Can you still recognize my formation?" Song Jiang said with a smile: "Of course it's just a cyclic gossip formation, it's not surprising!" After hearing this, the little general thought to himself: "These formations of mine were all passed on secretly, but I was discovered by this person unexpectedly. Among the soldiers of Song Dynasty, there must be someone." Little General Wuyan entered the formation again, and he dismounted immediately and unfurled the flags of the generals, left and right Hovering, it becomes a battle formation; there are no roads on all sides, and there are eight or sixty-four teams of soldiers and horses hidden inside.Zhu Wu went up the ladder to look again, and said to Wu Yong, "This is the picture of Marquis Wu's eight formations. The beginning and the end are hidden, and no one knows about it." So he invited Song Gongming to the formation, and went to the general's platform to see the formation. Dharma: "Don't bully Liao soldiers. All these formations must be taught. These four formations have been handed down from one faction and have not changed. First, the three talents of Taiyi gave birth to the four images of Heluo, and the four images gave birth to the cycle of gossip. Bagua gave birth to 64 64 hexagrams, and it has become a diagram of eight formations. This is an incomparably circular and extremely high formation." Song Jiang stepped down from the platform, mounted his horse, and went to the front of the formation.The little general put his halberd on the ground, reined in his horse in front of the formation, and shouted loudly: "Do you know my formation?" Song Jiang shouted: "Little general, you are young and have little knowledge, like a frog at the bottom of a well. You only know this formation and think it is extremely high. Who will hide the hidden head eight formations? You can't hide it from me, Da Song!" Little General Wuyan said: "Although you know my formations, you can arrange a strange formation, and you can't hide it from me!" Song Jiang He shouted: "It's just that my Jiugong Bagua formation is shallow, do you dare to fight?" The little general laughed and said, "What's so difficult about measuring such a small formation! Don't shoot cold arrows in your army, let's fight your small formation." There are poems to prove it:
Jiugong gossip is invincible, and the four images of Heluo are amazing.

Don't exaggerate to the front of the battle, there is a crisis in the confrontation.

Let's say that the little general Wuyan sent a general order to directly teach Taizhen's son-in-law and Li Jinwu to dispatch a thousand troops each: "When I have broken through the battle, I will come to respond."Song Bing also issued a general order to teach the army to beat three battle drums, open the door flags twice, and let the young generals in the formation come in.Na Wuyan Yanshou led twenty or so generals under his command, and a thousand armored horse troops. He counted the fire of the day with his hands, and did not leave his position from the south. White flag, enter the formation.The ones behind were shot by the archers, only half of the army and horses went in, and the rest returned to the main formation.

But when the little general came into the formation, he ran to the Chinese army.I saw the white dangling in the middle like a silver wall and an iron wall, surrounding the little general.When Wuyan Yanshou saw him, his face was ashen-colored in shock, and he thought to himself: "There is such a city in the formation!" He taught the four sides and opened up the old roads to fight out of the formation.When the soldiers looked back, they saw that the vast expanse of whiteness was like a sea of ​​silver, and there was only the sound of water all over the ground, but no path could be seen.The little general panicked and led his troops to the south gate, only to see thousands of fire lumps and thousands of red clouds, rolling on the spot, but not a single soldier or horse.The little general dared to go out of the south gate.Shovel diagonally and throw at the east gate.I saw leafy trees, even branches of mountain firewood, criss-crossing the ground, with antlers on both sides, and there was no way to enter.But when he turned to the north gate, he saw black air covering the sky, dark clouds covering the sun, and he couldn't see his hands, like a dark hell.The little general Wuyan was in the formation, and there was no way out of the four gates. He doubted in his heart: "This must be Song Jiang practicing the demon method. Don't ask how it happened, just rush out here!" All the soldiers shouted in unison. , Kill will go out.A general ran out beside him and shouted loudly: "Little general, go there!" The young general Wuyan was about to fight, but he was caught off guard, and a whip flew on his forehead early.The little general had sharp eyesight and quick hands, so he stopped Fang Tianji.I only heard the double whips coming down, and I broke the halberd pole into two parts.He was about to struggle, but was thrown into his arms by the general, he relaxed his ape arms, twisted his wolf waist, and captured this Wuyan little general alive.Stop the rear army and drink their horses.All the troops touched the ground in the dark, unable to distinguish things, so they had to dismount and accept surrender.The one who caught the little general was none other than Hu Yanzhuo, the general of the Hu army with two whips.At that time, Gongsun Sheng was practicing magic in the Chinese army. When he saw that the little general had been arrested in the newspaper, he accepted the magic.The formation is still the same as before, with blue sky and white sun.

Let's say that Taizhen's son-in-law and General Li Jinwu each led a thousand soldiers, and they only waited for news from the formation before they came to support them, but they didn't want to see some movement, so they dared not kill them.Song Jiang went out to the front of the battle and shouted loudly: "If your two armies don't surrender, when will you wait? I have captured young general Wuyan here alive!" He ordered a group of swordsmen to come out of the front of the battle.When Li Jinwu saw him, he rode a horse and a gun and rushed over to save Wuyan and prolong his life.But there was a thunderbolt, Qin Ming, who was in front of him, flew up his mace, and went straight to Li Jinwu.The two horses met, the weapons were raised simultaneously, and the two armies shouted in unison.Li Jinwu panicked in his heart first, and his methods were too slow, he was hit on the head by Qin Ming, and even his helmet was smashed to pieces.Li Jinwu got off his horse.Seeing that Li Jinwu had lost, Taizhen's son-in-law led the army back.Song Jiang urged his troops to hide and kill them, and the Liao soldiers were defeated and ran away.He won more than [-] horses, flags, swords and halberds, and abandoned them all over the mountains and rivers.Song Jiang led his troops to Yanjing to advance, and he wanted to drive and sweep to restore the king's title.There are poems to prove it:
Determined to retreat the strong army, but it is impossible to use all the strength.

Captured two brave generals alive, the defeated army and the remnants rushed to Liaocheng.

But it is said that the defeated and disabled people of Liao fled back to Liao. When they saw Wuyan's commanding army, they all said, "the little general went to fight against the Song army, and he was captured alive. The rest of the tooth generals all returned. Li Jinwu was also captured by a Qin army from him. Ming was beaten to death with a stick, and the soldiers fled in all directions without knowing their whereabouts. Taizhen's son-in-law escaped and disappeared." Wu Yan Commander was shocked when he heard this, and then said: "My son has learned formations since he was a child, and he knows quite a lot about mysteries. What formation did you catch my son?" Left and right said: "It's just a nine palace gossip formation, and it's not very surprising. My little general has set up four formations, but the barbarian has seen through them all. Now, to my little general Said: "You know my Jiugong Bagua formation, do you dare to fight?" My little general led thousands of cavalry troops and entered from the west gate. He was shot by his strong bow and crossbow, and only half of the troops could enter. Somehow he captured him alive." Wu Yan commanded the army: "It is very difficult to measure the Jiugong Bagua formation, and he must have changed the formation." The soldiers said: "We saw his formation on the general platform. In the middle, the team does not move, the flags and flags do not change, only to see a group of black clouds above, covering the formation." Wu Yan commanded the army: "It must be sorcery. If I don't want to be an army, this fellow will come. If I don't win, I will Kill yourself! Who dares to be the vanguard of the front with me and lead the troops forward? I will drive the brigade and come later." The account was transferred to two generals and they all came out: "The two of you are willing to be the front." One is the official of Daliao. Qiong Yao Nayan; one is Yanjing general, surnamed Kou and double-named Zhenyuan.Wu Yan commanded the army to be overjoyed, and said: "You two are careful, and I will lead [-] soldiers as the vanguard in the front. We will open roads in the mountains and build bridges in the water. I will lead the army, and then we will arrive."

Not to mention that the two generals Qiong and Kou stood up as pioneers to open the way, but Wuyan commanded the army to order all the eleven generals and twenty-eight generals under the headquarters to go out.Let’s talk about the generals of the Eleven Luminaries first: Yelu Dezhong, the younger brother of the sun star, led five thousand soldiers; Talibo, the princess Tianshou of the Taiyin star, led five thousand female soldiers; Yelu Dehua, the nephew of Emperor Jidu Xing, led three thousand soldiers; Yelu Dezhong, nephew of Emperor Ziqi Star, led three thousand soldiers; Fulang, lead three thousand soldiers; Western Taibai Jinxing general Uli Kean, lead three thousand soldiers; Southern Yinghuo Martian general Dongxian Wenrong, lead three thousand soldiers; North Xuanwu Mercury general Qu Li, lead three thousand soldiers; General Wu Yanguang, the general of Saturn in the central town, commanded the army, and the commander-in-chief of each flying soldier was five thousand, guarding the central altar.

The Wuyan commanding army then ordered the 28 generals under its command: "Jiaomu Jiao Sun Zhong, Kang Jinlong Zhang Qi, Ditu Raccoon Liu Ren, Fang Ritu Xie Wu, Xinyue Fox Pei Zhi, Tail Fire Tiger Gu Yongxing, Jishui Leopard Jia Mao , Doumu Xie Xiao Daguan, Niu Jinniu Xue Xiong, female earth bat Yu Decheng, Xu Rishu Xu Wei, Wei Yueyan Li Yi, Shihuo Zhu Zuxing, Bishui Yanyu Chengzhu Nahai, Kuimu Lang Guo Yongchang, Lou Jin Gou Aliyi, Stomach Pheasant Gao Biao, Pleiades Chicken Shun Shou Gao, Bi Yue Wu Guo Yongtai, Ci Huo Monkey Pan Yi, Shenshui Yuan Zhou Bao, Jing Mu Yantong Lihe, Ghost Jin Yang Wang Jing, Liu Earth Deer Leichun, Xingri Ma Bian Junbao, Zhang Yuelu Li Fu, Winged Fire Snake Di Sheng, Zhen Shuiworm Bang Guer.

At that time, Wu Yanguang consisted of eleven generals and twenty-eight generals, who led a brigade of more than 28 elite soldiers and horses.

Not to mention that Wuyan's commanding army raised up a brigade of divisions and came all over the place.Besides, Pioneer Qiong and Kou Er will lead 1 horses, open the way to the mountains, and advance first.There has long been a secret report to Song Jiang, this fight is not small.Song Jiang was shocked when he heard this, and passed down the general order. On the one hand, he taught Lu Junyi's subordinates to count all the troops and horses, and on the other hand, he took the old personnel from Tanzhou and Jizhou to listen.Just ask Privy Zhao to come and supervise the battle.Then the leader of the water army will take all the sailors to land, and they will all go to Bazhou to collect them all and set off by land.

The leader of the water army escorted Zhao Shumi to come later, and all the troops and horses should have reached Youzhou.Song Jiang and others received Privy Zhao.After paying homage, Privy Zhao said: "The general is so troublesome. The pillar of the country has been famous for thousands of years. It is also a virtue that will not be lost. When you return to the court, you must protect yourself before the emperor." Song Jiang replied: "The incompetent young general is not enough. Don't worry. The emperor is entrusted with Hongfu Qitian, and the Marshal Huwei is relied on. It is impossible for humans to make small achievements! Today, some spies came here and heard that Wuyan led the army of the Liao Kingdom. 20 troops and horses came here. Rise and fall, victory or defeat, this battle will be decided. I would like to invite the Prime Minister to set up another camp and set up camp fifteen miles away. Watching Song Jiang do his best, do his best, and work together with all the brothers, to decide this battle. Entrust the emperor Sheng Virtue, win early to repay the court." Privy Councilor Zhao said: "The general is good at looking at the convenience, and the grandson said: 'If you count more, you will not win.' Be good at planning, and be careful in everything."

Song Jiang then resigned from the Privy Councilor Zhao, and together with his fellow Lu Junyi, he raised a large army, turned around the border of Yongqing County, which belonged to the ground of Youzhou, stationed the army and horses, and left the camp.Gather the leaders of the generals, sit together in the tent, and discuss major military affairs.Song Jiangdao: "This time Wuyan commanded the army to personally lead the Liao soldiers to come here. It is by no means a trivial matter! The victory of life and death is a battle here! You and other brothers should work hard to move forward. Don't regret it, but you can win. Small merits, up to the imperial court, the emperor's favor, must be shared, and there is no reason for benevolence." Everyone stood up and said: "Brother's order, who dares to disobey! Do your best, and you should repay the great kindness." During the discussion , The small school came to report, and someone from the Liao Kingdom sent a letter to fight.Song Jiangjiao called to the tent and presented the book.Song Jiang opened the book and read it. It was the vanguard envoys Qiong and Kou Erjun who were in front of the tent of Wuyan Commandery of the Liao Kingdom.Song Jiang criticized the end of the book and told him that the decisive battle will be fought in the future.Call and come to make wine and food, and put them back to the village.In the coming day, the winner will be determined.

At this time, the end of autumn and winter came, and the army put on heavy armor, and the horses wore leather armor, everything was in season.The next day, rice was made at five o'clock, and the stronghold was pulled out in Pingming, and all set out.Less than four or five miles away, Song soldiers greeted Liao soldiers early.Looking at the shadow of the Zao Diao flag in the distance, two vanguard flags flashed out, the drums were loud, and the gate flag opened, and the Qiong vanguard was the first to go out.Zensheng dress up?But see:
Wearing a fishtail curly cloud iron crown, wearing a dragon scale proud frost inlaid armor, wearing a garnet red embroidered robe, a lychee seven treasure gold belt around the waist, green eagle beak gold thread boots on the feet, and silver bamboo knots hanging from the waist Cooked steel whip.Hang a hard bow on the left and a long arrow on the right.Horses cross Lingba mountain beasts, spears overturn rivers and stir up sea dragons.

At present, Qiong Yao Nayan stood in front of the battle with his spear and horse leaping.Song Jiang saw that Qiong Xianfeng was such a hero under the banner of the gate, and asked, "Who will fight this general?" At that moment, Jiuzhilong Shijin raised his sword and jumped on the horse, and came out to challenge General Qiong.Two cavalry horses intersect, and two kinds of weapons are used simultaneously.People fight people on saddles, and horses fight horses while sitting down.When the sword comes and the gun goes, there is a bunch of flowers, and when the gun comes and the knife goes, there is a bunch of brocade.The four arms are criss-crossing, and the eight horseshoes are scrambling.Shi Jin and Qiong Yao Nayan fought until twenty or thirty rounds, but Shi Jin's strength was exhausted, so he turned his horse back to look at the formation and left.Joan Xianfeng came on horseback.Li Guanghuarong was behind Song Jiang in the Song Bing formation. Seeing that Shi Jin had lost, he picked up his bow, put on an arrow, and beat the horse out of the front of the battle.The coming horse was closer, and an arrow swished, hitting Qiong Xianfeng's face, turning over and falling off the horse.Shi Jin fell from the horse behind his back, turned around quickly, and made another stab with the knife, killing Qiong Yaonayan.Poor enemy Fanguan, he must die here.

When Kou Xianfeng saw Qiong Xianfeng beheaded, his anger rose from his heart, and his evil turned to his guts. He leaped on his horse and raised his gun, and went straight out of the front of the battle, yelling: "How dare the thief general plot against my brother!" Sun Li flew straight out on his horse, heading straight for Kou Zhenyuan.The battle drums in the army are loud, and the shouts are endless.That Sun Li's golden gun is like a ghost.When Kou Xianfeng saw him, he was very frightened.After fighting for more than twenty rounds, Kou Xianfeng reined in his horse and left.I dare not return to the formation, I am afraid that I will shake the foot of the formation and walk around the northeast of the formation.Sun Li was about to make meritorious deeds, but he was willing to let him go there, so he rode his horse to go.Kou Xianfeng went far.Sun Li held the gun on the horse, held the bow with his left hand, took the arrow with his right hand, put on the arrow, drew the bow full, looked at Kou Xianfeng and kissed him, and with one arrow, the general Kou heard the sound of the bowstring, and fell down. But the arrow was easy to hit, so he just played it with one hand, and the arrow was shot.Seeing this, Sun Li applauded secretly.Kou Xianfeng sneered and said: "This guy is showing off his bow and arrow!" He bit the arrow in his mouth, put the gun on the ring, hurriedly took out the hard bow with his left hand, put the arrow on the string with his right hand, turned around, and looked at Sun Li. An arrow shot in the heart.Sun Li had already seen it with his own eyes, and he was walking around on the horse.When the arrow reached his chest, he looked back and fell, and the arrow flew past him.The horse couldn't be reined in, so it just came running.Kou Xianfeng put the bow on his arm, turned around, and saw Sun Li lying on the horse.Kou Xianfeng thought: "I must have been hit by an arrow!" It turned out that Sun Li had strong legs, clamped the stirrup, and fell on the horse. He pretended to be like this, but he didn't fall off the horse. .The two horse heads were facing each other, and they were walking back and forth within a few feet, but Sun Li jumped up and shouted: "I won't take you, you have to go!" Kou Xianfeng was surprised, and went He replied: "You can only hide my arrows, but you can't hide my spear." Looking at Sun Li's chest, he tried his best to shoot at him. Sun Li straightened his chest and took his shot.From the point of the gun to the armor, slightly to one side, the gun was put through the ribs, but General Na Kou threw himself into his arms.Sun Li picked up the tiger eye steel whip on his wrist and flew down on the head of the vanguard, cutting off half of the sky bone.General Na Kou had been an official for half a life, and died at the hands of Sun Li, and his body fell in front of his horse.Sun Li came back to the front with a gun.Song Jiang made great strides across the three armies, concealing and killing the confrontation.The Liao soldiers had no master, and they fled from east to west, each fleeing for his life.

While Song Jiang was rushing, he heard the continuous cannon fire in front of him.Song Jiang taught the leader of the water army to lead an army of soldiers and horses to hold the mouth of the water; when he sent Hua Rong, Qin Ming, Lu Fang and Guo Sheng to ride on the top of the mountain, they saw a crowd of soldiers and horses covering the land.The scared Song Jiang's three souls are swaying, and his seven souls are leisurely.Exactly: Mr. Rao had Zhang Liang's plan, and he couldn't escape the danger of the white tiger.After all, where is the brigade Fanjun who came, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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