Water Margin

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

The sky and the earth are black in the wind of the sheep's horn, and the desert clouds in the yellow desert are gloomy.The soldiers of the Liao Dynasty destroyed the mountains and destroyed the mountains, and the universe lost its color for thousands of miles.The soap carving flag spreads dark clouds and flies, and the salix shoots arrows to shoot meteors.The serial horses are in a hurry, and the tiger arms and strong bows are chasing after them.Thousands of ponds with lotus leaves and green felt hats, armored shop soldiers reflecting the cold sun.Zhu Ying sticks out the jackal's teeth, and Bao Diao's bow pulls the black dragon's spine.Hu Jia congratulates the Tianshan Song together, and the drum beats the white camel.The king of Fan holds ax and axes on his left and right, and he is in command of the army.The vast sea breeze stirs people and horses, and the cheese is fragrant, feasting on you.Haiqing let go of the swan geese and worry, and the ghosts are afraid when the leopard crows.Fan Nuping wears a mink robe, and Jianer plays with a fish-belly knife.Hundreds of thousands of soldiers show off their valor, and the tiger's tendons groan loudly.The city of Youzhou was full of people and soldiers, and the sky was ringing with cannon fire.The divine soldiers flew down to the nine heavens, and thousands of people looked up to them in the boundless fields.

At that time, Song Jiang saw the strength of the Liao army at Gaofu, so he hurried back to his horse and came to the front, and taught the general to return to Shankou Tunza, Yongqing County.Then he discussed with Lu Junyi, Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, etc. in the account: "Although he won for a while today and lost two of his vanguards, I went to Gaofu to watch the Liao soldiers. They are so powerful that they come all over the sky. This is the army of the brigade. In the future, we will use it in a big battle with him. I am afraid that I will be outnumbered, what should I do?" Wu Yong said: "The soldiers are small and the generals are few. In ancient times, those who were good at using soldiers could make the enemy outnumbered. This is beautiful. In the past Jin Xiexuan has 5 horses, and Fu Jian's million soldiers retreated from the battle. It seems that this incompetent enemy is against me. Why should we be afraid of the vanguard! You can send orders to the generals of the three armies. The sword is out of its sheath, the antlers are planted deep, the camp is guarded, the moats are ready, the weapons are deployed together, the ladders, artillery stones, etc. are rectified, and they are served in advance. Only the nine palaces and gossips are arranged. If he comes to fight, one by one, let him go There are millions of people, don't dare to fight!" Song Jiang said: "The military master's words are very clever." Then the order was completed.All the generals and the three armies obey orders.At the fifth watch, the villages were set up in Pingming, and they arrived at the border of Changping County.In the front is the horse army, Qin Ming, the general of the tiger army, in front, Hu Yanzhuo in the back, Guan Sheng on the left, Lin Chong on the right, Suo Chao in the southeast, Xu Ning in the northeast, Dong Ping in the southwest, and Yang Zhi in the northwest.Song Jiang guards the Chinese army, and the rest of the generals remain in their posts.The infantry in the back, another place to do a while behind, Lu Junyi, Lu Zhishen, and Wu Song are the main three.Among the tens of thousands, all are generals who are accustomed to fighting, and they are all gearing up and ready to fight.The battle is over, waiting for Fanjun.

Before long, I watched the Liao soldiers coming from afar.In the front, there are six groups of Fan soldiers and horses, and they are numbered on the sentry road, and they are also called on the formation. There are six groups of Fan soldiers, each with [-] people, three groups on the left and three groups on the right, and they go back and forth in a circle.Its momentum is uncertain.Looking at the rangers in the front, when the brigade came to cover the land the next time, the front army was full of Zaoqi flags, with seven flag gates, each with a thousand horses, and each with a general.Zensheng dress up?He wears a black helmet on his head, black armor on his body, a soap robe on his back, a black horse on his seat, and a general military weapon in his hand.Within the seven gates, there will be a general who will be the general, according to the Xuanwu Mercury in the north of the upper realm.Zensheng dress up?His head is covered with fine hair of blue silk, and his yellow forehead is tightly tied with dark clouds. He is wearing a soap robe with bare sleeves and a silver-pressed armor with half a bag of air-conditioning.The lion's belt is tightly buckled with the black oil armor, and the brocade carved saddle is stable across the black horse.Hang a pair of beasts, flying fish, sand willows, hard bows and long arrows, and hold a three-pointed, two-edged, four-lensed and eight-ringed knife.Nai Fan took Qu Li out of the Qing Dynasty, led three thousand men and horses with black hair and black armor, and ordered them to follow Beichen Wuqi Xingjun.There are countless soldiers under Zao's flag.It is exactly: the frozen cloud cuts off the eastern sun, and the black air swallows the northern sea wind.There are poems to prove it:
Soldiers follow the northern basalt elephants, black flags, black armor, black swords and guns.

In the shadow of dark clouds, Xuan Ming descends, with an unstoppable majesty.

The left army is full of Qinglong banners, and there are seven banner gates in the area, each with a thousand horses and a general.Zensheng dress up?He wears a four-slit helmet on his head, a willow-leaf armor on his body, a green robe on top, and a green horse sitting on the bottom.Holding a general military weapon in his hand, he is pressing Dongfangjiao, Kang, Di, Fang, Xin, Tail, Ji.Within the seven gates, there will be a general who will be appointed as the general, according to the Eastern Canglong Jupiter of the Upper Realm.Zensheng dress up?He wears a lion helmet, a suanni armor, a green robe embroidered with emerald greens, and a golden jasper belt.Sitting on a carved saddle with a bow and arrow hanging from the waist, and stepping on treasure stirrups and eagle beak flower boots.The moon ax in the hand is a gold wire rod, and the body is sitting on a dragon horse and a jade block.It was Fan Jiang, Ji Er Fu Lang, who led three thousand men and horses of blue treasures, and pressed Dong Zhen Jiu Qi Xing Jun.There are countless soldiers around the green flag.Just like: emerald green points open the yellow road, and green clouds cut off the roots of purple clouds.There are poems to prove it:
The green dragon drove down the heavenly cao, covered with green flags and green jerseys.

Together, they presented their bravery to the front of the mountain, and their murderous aura soared to the sky.

The right army is full of white tiger flags, and there are seven flag gates in the area. Each gate has a thousand horses, and each has a general. How can they dress up?Wearing a water-milled helmet on the head, wearing a rotten silver armor, wearing a sura robe, riding a snow-white horse, each holding an ambush weapon, pressing Xikui, Lou, Wei, Subaru, Bi, Qi, and Shen.Within the seven gates, there is a general who will be the general, and he will be the gold star in Xianchi, the west of the upper realm.Zensheng dress up?He wears a phoenix-winged helmet on his head, a flower-silver double-hook armor on his body, and a jade belt around his waist that shines coldly.It was Fan Jiang Uli Ke'an who led three thousand people from the Baiyingsu Banner to the Qiqi Xingjun of Xidui.There are countless guarding soldiers before and after the white banner.It's just like: the camels are conquered and the snow in the Yinshan Mountains is exhausted, and the generals are obliquely covered with jade well ice.There are poems to prove it:
Taibai divided his troops for nine days, and Bai Yunguang embraced plain robes.

The giant spirit is invincible, disturbing the Canglong sleepless at night?
The rear army is full of crimson flags, and there are seven flag gates in the area, each with a thousand horses, and each has a general. How can you dress up?Wearing a vermilion lacquered hat with a box on the head, and a gown stained with orangutan blood, pink mail armor with fish scales, and the dragon colt named Chitu.Each of them puts down their arms and presses the wells, ghosts, willows, stars, Zhangs, wings and Zhens in the south.Within the seven gates, there is a general who will be the general, according to the southern Suzaku Mars in the upper realm.Zensheng dress up?With a crimson crown on his head, Zhuying is beautiful.Wearing a crimson robe, her color is radiant.The armor is covered with a red glow, and there are several flower slits on the boot thorns.The waist belt is made of red leather, and the arm is hung with a hard bow and long arrow.Holding an eight-foot fire dragon knife and riding a rouge horse.It was Fanjiang Dongxian Wenrong who led three thousand red Luobao men and horses, and left Sanqi Xingjun to the south.There are countless soldiers in Zhu Ying and Jiang Yi under the red banner.It's just like: leaving the palace to leave the Liuding God, and the thunderbolt shakes away the samadhi fire.There are poems to prove it:
Zhu Rongfei ordered to go down to the Nangong Palace, and a hundred thousand Pixiu were blazing red.

Shining red clouds and valleys, who dares to be the front?
There is a group of [-] fierce soldiers on the left in front of the formation, all of them are gold-threaded hats, gilded bronze armor, scarlet robes and red tassels, flaming red flags, and crimson saddle red horses, surrounded by a general.He wears a gold crown of clusters of hibiscus and wishful strands on his head, a golden armor with chains of animal faces and chains, a scarlet flame embroidered robe, and a seven-treasure belt inlaid with jasper.Make two sun and moon swords, ride a five bright red horse.It was Yelu Dezhong, the royal younger brother of the Liao Kingdom, who was acting as the sun star king of the upper realm.It is just like: the golden crow came out of Fusang country, and the fire umbrella left the East Ocean for the first time.There are poems to prove it:
The God of the Sea came out of Fusang heroically, and Yelu raised his troops to attack the sun.

Xiongluejia plans to spread the Liao Kingdom, and the Yuanyuan soldiers are far away from the eagle.

There is a group of [-] female soldiers on the right in front of the formation, all of them are silver flower crowns, silver hook mail armor, plain robes and tassels, white flags and white horses, silver swords and guns, surrounded by a group of female generals.On the head, the phoenix hairpin is inserted with green silk, the red hair is smeared on the forehead, and the pearls and emeralds are randomly spread, the cloud shoulders are cleverly lined with brocade skirts, the embroidered jacket is deep and silver armor, the little flower boots are stable with gold stirrups, and the green sleeves are light and jade whips.Make a seven-star sword and ride a white horse with a silver mane.It is Dalibo, Princess Tianshou of the Liao Kingdom, according to the Taiyin Star Lord of the Upper Realm.Just like: Jade rabbits leave the cape in groups, and the ice wheel shines brightly on Yaotai.There are poems to prove it:
It looks like peonies caged in spring smoke, and the color is like hibiscus soaked in autumn water.

Yuxian holds the Longquan sword lightly, and has the upper hand in fighting soldiers everywhere.

In the formation of the two teams, once they met, there were clusters of yellow flags, and all the generals rode yellow horses, all wearing golden armor.A yellow cloud rose from the armor-lined robe, and the embroidered scarf dispersed for a long time.In the Yellow Army, there are four generals of the army and horses, each leading [-] troops, divided into four corners.There is a general on each corner, guarding them all around.A general in the southeast, with a green robe and golden armor, a three-pronged golden crown, a beast-face girdle, a bow and arrow, a green tasseled treasure gun, and a pink and green horse, stands in front of the battle. Rong.A general from the southwest, with a purple robe and silver armor, a jeweled crown and belt, a hard bow and long arrows, a precious sword, and a horse riding a sea lizard, stood in front of the battle.A general from the Northeast, with a green robe and silver armor, a purple crown and a treasure belt, a dragon bow and a phoenix arrow hanging from his waist, holding a Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, and riding a five-colored yellow horse, standing in front of the formation. Yelu, the emperor's nephew, was loyal.A general in the Northwest, with white robes and bronze armor, red smeared forehead and green silk scattered randomly, golden box with seven treasures makeup, carved arrows and painted bows hanging from his waist, holding a seven-star sword in his hand, riding a horse kicking a snowy black horse, standing in front of the formation, pressing on Lord Jieyue Boxing is Yelv Dexin, nephew of the Emperor of Liao.

In the yellow army formation, surrounded by the general, according to the star in the center of the upper realm, there is a green flag on the left, a white battle ax on the right, a Zhu Yang in the front, and a soap cover in the back.Zhouhui banner, according to 24 qi, 64 hexagrams, Nanchen Beidou, flying dragons and flying tigers, flying bears and flying leopards, clearly distinguishing Yin and Yang, and coincident with the chaos of Xuanji, Yuheng, Qiankun, how to dress that general?Wearing a purple gold crown with seven treasures on the head, a golden tortoise shell on the shining sun, a brocade gown from Xichuan and Shu, an exquisite jade belt from Lantian, a gold-painted iron tire bow on the left, and a phoenix plume and arrow on the right. Silver horses with iron spines, brocade carved saddles stepping steadily on golden robes, purple silk reins to trip the mountains, swords hanging around the waist to drive the generals, and whips in the hands to command the army.A general in front of the horse holds Fang Tianji with a vermilion painting pole.This group of army horses is brilliant, and the sides are as golden as gold. According to the Saturn in the middle palace, the Qi Tianjun, it is General Wuyan Guangshang, the commander-in-chief of the capital of the Daliao Kingdom.

After the yellow flag, the Chinese army is a phoenix chariot and a dragon chariot.Front, back, left, and right, surrounded by seven heavy swords, halberds, spears and knives.Within Jiuchong, there are 36 pairs of yellow scarf wrestlers, pushing and driving chariots.In the front there are nine golden saddle horses driving the shaft, and in the back there are eight pairs of guards in brocade clothes.In the middle of the chariot sits Lord Daliao.He wears a soaring Tang scarf on his head, a Nine Dragons yellow robe, a Lantian jade belt around his waist, and red shoes on his feet.There are two ministers on the left and right: the prime minister on the left, Youxi Bojin, and the prime minister on the right, Chu Jian.Each wears a sable crown, a fire skirt and a red dress, a gold medal with a purple ribbon, like a simple jade belt.On both sides of the dragon bed, there are golden boys and jade girls, holding Jane and holding hands.On the front, back, left, and right sides of the dragon chariot, surrounded by heavenly soldiers.The lord of the Daliao Kingdom, according to the upper realm of Beixiu Ziwei, the chief commander of Zhen Xing.The two prime ministers on the left and right, according to the upper bound, Zuo Fu and You Bi Xingjun.It's exactly: one day the stars leave their positions, and everything descends into the world.There are poems to prove it:
Banner armor, swords and guns are pressing the central Tudehuang.

How can God's will be defeated by manpower, and life will be killed in vain.

The formation of the Fanjun of the Liao Kingdom has been set up, just like the shape of chicken eggs, garrisoned at a fixed time, and the groups are like raspberries, the flags are arranged at four corners, and the spears are placed in all directions.Put down the battle.Besides, Song Jiang taught him to shoot with a strong bow and crossbow.Pressing the formation and riding lightly, the Chinese army erected a ladder to lead the platform, and led Wu Yong and Zhu Wu to the platform to watch.Song Jiang looked at it and was very surprised.Wu Yong read it, but he didn't know it either.Zhu Wu looked at it and recognized it as the sky formation, so he said to Song Jiang and Wu Yong, "This is the Taiyi Huntian formation!" Song Jiang asked, "How to attack?" Don't make an attack." Song Jiang said: "If you don't fight well, how can you get his army to retreat?" Wu Yong said: "I don't know what is in his formation, how can I fight?"

During the discussion, the Wuyan Commander sent an order to the Central Army: "Today belongs to gold, so we can send four generals, Kang Jinlong Zhang Qi, Niu Jinniu Xue Xiong, Lou Jingou Ali Yi, Gui Jinyang Wang Jing, to follow Taibai Jinxing fan general Uli Ke'an, leave the formation and attack the Song soldiers." Song Jiang's generals were in front of the formation, and they saw the seven gates of the opposing right army opening or closing, thunder in the army, and the formation of the formation.The Yinjun flag turned from east to north in the formation, from north to west, and from west to south.When Zhu Wu saw it, he immediately said: "This is the image of the left rotation of the sky. Today is gold, and the sky moves to the left. There must be soldiers coming." Come.In the middle is the Venus, and the four places are the four constellations. When the Five Banners army and horses are mobilized, they roll over and kill them. The force is overwhelming.Song Jiang's army and horses were caught off guard and retreated quickly after looking back.The brigade held their ground.The Liao soldiers attacked from both sides, and the Song army was defeated.He hurriedly withdrew his troops and returned to the village.The Liao soldiers did not come to catch up.Look at the leader of the army, Kong Liang was injured with a knife, Li Yunzhong with an arrow, Zhu Fu with a cannon, Shi Yong with a gun, and countless soldiers were slandered.Song Jiang taught the former army to plant barbed wire, planted antlers deeply, and stood firm at the gate of the village.

Song Jiang wondered in the middle army, and discussed with Lu Junyi and others: "It's been a while today, so what can I do? If we don't fight again, we will attack." Lu Junyi said: "In the coming day, two armies and horses will bump into his army. Then send two armies and horses to hit the seven gates in the north. But teach the infantry to enter from the middle, and see what's inside." Song Jiang said: "That's right." The next day, according to Lu Junyi's words, he packed up the stronghold, Go forward to prepare before the formation, open the gate of the village, and lead the troops forward.Looking at the Liao soldiers not far away, the six teams of Liao soldiers are in the formation to explore the future.Song Jiang sent Guan Sheng to the left and Hu Yanzhuo to the right to lead the army and horses of the headquarters to knock back the suppressing Liao soldiers.The brigade advances to meet the Liao soldiers.Song Jiang then sent Hua Rong, Qin Ming, Dong Ping, and Yang Zhi to the left, and Lin Chong, Xu Ning, Suo Chao, and Zhu Dian to the right. Two groups of soldiers came to clash against the seven gates of the Zao flag.Sure enough, he smashed through the formation of the Zao Banner and killed the people of the Zao Banner.There are seven flag gates in the north, and the team is not neat.In Song Jiang's formation, five hundred players, including Li Kui, Fan Rui, Bao Xu, Xiang Chong, and Li Gun, moved forward. Behind them, Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, Yang Xiong, Shi Xiu, Xie Zhen, and Xie Bao would lead the leaders of the infantry and collide with them. Get in.In the Huntian formation, only the sound of cannons from all sides was heard, the two armies in the east and west, and the yellow flag army in front of them collided and killed the future.Song Jiang's army and horses couldn't resist, so they turned around and left.The back frame is uncertain, and the defeat is running.Back to the original village, when the army is in a hurry, most of them will be lost.Du Qian and Song Wan were seriously injured again.Li Kui, the black whirlwind, disappeared inside.It turned out that Li Kui's killing instinct was so strong that he just cut into his formation, was caught by his scratching hook, and was captured alive.Song Jiang was puzzled when he heard it in the village.The order was sent to send Du Qian and Song Wan to Houzhai first, and An Daoquan was ordered to treat them.The wounded horse was asked to be led to take care of it with Huangfu.

Song Jiang discussed with Wu Yong and others: "Today, Li Kui was defeated again. After losing for a while, what can we do?" Change." Song Jiang said: "This change, if you lose the general later, how can you save it?" Wu Yongdao: "Why is my brother obsessed? Let's just look at the present." call.Song Jiang called him into the Chinese army, and the officials came to meet Song Jiang and said, "I was ordered by the marshal to bring one of your leaders to my general army today, and refuse to kill him, so that I can live with him and stay there. The commanding army wants to send it to you, and return his child, the little general. If the general is willing, send the leader back." Song Jiang said: "Since this is the place, I will take the little general to the front of the battle tomorrow and exchange the two. " Fan Guan took Song Jiang's words and got on his horse.There are poems to prove it:
Song Jiang captured the prince the day before yesterday, and Fan Jiang is currently capturing Li Kui.

At this time, the news of heaven and earth is reasonable, so there is no need to be melancholy and sad.

Song Jiang then discussed with Wu Yong and said: "I have no plan to break his formation. If I don't want to take the general, I will settle the formation here, and both sides will stop fighting." It's not too late to defeat the enemy again." In the evening, he sent people to Xingye to fetch the little general Wuyan, and also sent someone directly to Wuyan's commanding army, saying that he knew it and went there.

Let's say that Wuyan's commanding army is sitting on the ground in the tent, the small army comes to report, and Song Xianfeng sends people to talk.Command the army to send orders and teach them to come in.Before arriving at the account, I met Wuyan Tongjun and said: "My Song Xianfeng is under the command of the Yitong Army. Today, I will send the little general back to replace me as the leader. That is to say, it is very cold today and the soldiers are working hard. The two sides have the right to stop fighting. Don't discuss it in the spring. All people and horses will be free from frostbite. Please command the generals." After hearing this, Wu Yan commanded the army and shouted: "I am a shameless son. If you capture him alive, even if he lives, how can he see us? No need to exchange, he took it and beheaded for me. If you want to stop fighting and rest, I will teach you Song Jiang to come down with your hands tied, so that you will not die. If not, I will lead the soldiers here and not leave a single blade of grass!" He shouted: "Retreat!" The envoy flew back to the stronghold to retaliate, and killed the Talk to Song Jiang.Song Jiang was in a hurry, fearing that Li Kui would not be rescued, he set up his camp and took General Wuyan to the front army.He yelled across the formation: "Let go of my leader, and I will return your little general. If you don't stop fighting, you may as well fight against you." I saw that Li Kui was in the formation of the Liao army, and when there was no movement, he sent Li Kui out of the formation on horseback. .There is also a horse here to send little general Wuyan out of the battle.The two families have made a decision, and both sides will receive and release together.General Li returned to the village, and the young general also rode over.Neither side fought that day.Song Jiang retreated back to the village and congratulated Li Kui.

Song Jiang discussed with the generals in the tent and said: "The Liao army is so powerful that there is no plan to break it. It makes me worry about frying and living like a year. What can I do?" Go to be an army soldier, and the eight forces will collide together to decide this battle." Song Jiangdao: "It all depends on the concerted efforts of you and other brothers, and we will do it in the future." Wu Yong said: "If you can't move after two collisions, it is better to wait for him to come. Fight." Song Jiang said: "It's not a good way to wait for him to come, but the brothers should fight with strength, there is no reason for consecutive defeats!" An order was sent that day.The next morning, he pulled out the stronghold and set up an army, divided into ten teams, and rushed forward.The two troops first stopped the soldiers from the back and pressed the formation, and the Eighth Route Army horses did not talk, shouted and waved their flags, and crashed into the Huntian formation.Hearing the thunder inside, the four, seven and twenty-eight gates were all separated, forming a formation of long snakes, and they rushed out.Song Jiang's army and horses were caught off guard, and hurriedly ordered to return to the army. They were defeated and left.Many troops and horses were lost on the road.Song Jiang sent an order that the teaching army would guard the gate of the mountain pass, dig deep into the moat, plant antlers firmly, and survive the cold winter.

But Zhao Anfu, the deputy privy secretary, has repeatedly applied for documents to go to Beijing, and asked for clothes and jackets.Therefore, the imperial court specially dispatched the 80 imperial guards to teach the guns and sticks of the imperial army, and is currently appointing the Zhengzhou regiment training envoy. His surname is Wang, and his double name is Wen Bin. A jacket of 50 collars will be handed over to the pioneer army of the Song Dynasty; just urge the combined army generals to fight forward and play the triumphant song early.After receiving the imperial decree, Wang Wenbin will take the accompanying military equipment, tie the armor and saddle horse, urge the husband and the army horse, start to transport the chariot and battle, and leave Tokyo to look at Chenqiaoyi.The prison guarded one or two hundred vehicles, with yellow flags on them, and the book "clothes and jackets bestowed by the emperor", and they moved forward meanderingly.After going to the place, I have my own lawsuit to provide rations.One day in Lufeize, he came to the side court, met with Zhao Shumi, and presented the official document of Zhongshu Province.Zhao Anfu looked overjoyed and said: "The general came just in time. Right now, Song Xianfeng is being led by Daliao Wuyan, and he has put his soldiers and horses in a chaotic formation. He has lost several battles in a row. The bosses are waiting, and there are many slanderers. The general will be raised here, and An Daoquan will be healed. Song Xianfeng is stationed in Yongqing County, and he dare not go out to fight, so he is very puzzled." Wang Wenbin reported: "The imperial court sent someone here to urge the soldiers to go forward, and they will win early. Now that he was defeated today, Mr. Wang went back to the capital, and saw that the provincial court officials were unable to return to the sage. Wen Bin was not talented. He had read military books since he was a child, and knew a little about formations. Let the vanguard share the worries. I don't know what the fate of the shuffle will be?" Zhao shumi was overjoyed, gave a banquet to reward, and rewarded the guards in the army, and taught Wang Wenbin to transfer the clothes and jackets to Song Jiang's army before they were scattered.Zhao Anfu first sent someone to report that Song Xianfeng had gone.There are poems to prove it:
The angel Wen Bin undressed and admired his talent and fame.

Since they were heroes and charged into the formation, the Liao soldiers surrendered in a short time.

Let's say that Song Jiang was puzzled in the Chinese army's tent. When he heard that the Privy Councilor Zhao had sent someone, he reported to Wang Wenbin, the coach of the Zhengzhou regiment in Tokyo, and escorted 50 coats and jackets. He came to the army to urge and work hard.Song Jiang sent people to get off the horse in the stronghold, please put it in the account, and take the wine with the wind.After a few glasses of wine, ask why.Song Jiangdao: "Song was sent to the border by the Mongolian court, and he entrusted the emperor Hongfu to Qitian, and got four big counties. Now he is in Youzhou. He doesn't want to be set up by the Liao Wuyan army to set up this chaotic formation with 20 soldiers. Qi, according to the astrology of the week, please invite the lord of the Liao Dynasty to march in person. Song Jiang has lost several battles in a row, and he can't hold out. It's nothing surprising to measure this chaotic formation! Wang is not talented, so he went to the front of the army to have a look, and he has no idea." Song Jiang was overjoyed, and he ordered Pei Xuan to give the clothes and coats to the scattered army generals.After everyone wears it, look south to thank you, and say long live.On that day, the Chinese army bought wine and treated them attentively, and rewarded the three armies for their labor.

In the coming day, all five armies will start.Wang Wenbin took the helmet and armor he had brought, put on his horse fully, and went to the front of the battle.When facing Liao soldiers, they saw Song soldiers going out to fight and reported to the Chinese army.The golden drums sounded in unison, and the shouts were loud, and the six teams of war horses came out.Song Jiang divided his troops and retreated.Admiral Wang Wenbin took a look at it in person, and went down the ladder and said, "This formation is just as usual, and there is nothing surprising about it." Not thinking that Wang Wenbin didn't know it himself, and wanted to deceive others to gain reputation, he asked the former army to beat drums and fight. .Against Fanjun, Yeros drums and gold.Song Jiang immediately shouted: "Don't be a gangster, do you dare to come out to challenge?" Before he had finished speaking, a general flew out from the fourth gate of the black flag team.Those officials with disheveled hair, Huang Luo smeared their foreheads, lined with golden hoops and black oil armor, bare sleeves and soap robes, riding a black horse, holding three pointed knives, went straight to the front of the battle, and there were countless teeth behind their backs.Leading the army soap flag to write the silver characters "General Quli out of the Qing Dynasty", and leaping horses to fight in front of the formation.Wang Wenbin pondered: "If I don't just show off my skills here, where can I show off?" He leaped out of the battle with his spear in hand, let alone talking to Fanguan, and suddenly met with horses.Wang Wenbin used his spear to strike, and Fan Jiang greeted him with a sword.After less than twenty bouts of fighting, Fan Jiang turned around and left.When Wang Wenbin saw it, he immediately flew his gun and rushed straight to the general.It turns out that the general will not lose, so he specially wants to sell a loophole, so that he can catch up.Fan Jiang took up the hooded knife, looked at Wang Wenbin's relatives, turned over and cut Wang Wenbin's shoulders and chest in two, and died under the horse.When Song Jiang saw it, he called to withdraw the army urgently.The Liao soldiers rushed over to cover them, and then folded for a while.In a hurry, pack up and return to the village.When many generals saw Wang Wenbin beheaded immediately, they all looked at each other in amazement.Song Jiang returned to the stronghold, moved paper documents, and replied to Privy Councilor Zhao, saying: "Wang Wenbin died voluntarily in battle, and the payment will bring his companions back to Beijing." Upon hearing this, Privy Zhao turned depressed and very troubled.I had to write a memorial for the application, which was closed to the provincial court, and the people I sent went back to Beijing with me.There are poems to prove it:
Zhao Kuo can only read his father's book, so Wen Bin's tricks are so stupid.

Suicide is easy to discuss military strategy, no wonder you lose your body in a moment.

Let's say that Song Jiang wondered in the stronghold, pondered in every possible way, and had nothing to do. How did the broken Liao soldiers come into being?Sleeping and eating are all waste, dreams and sleep are disturbed.Sitting, lying, worrying and frying, it was a severe winter night, and the weather was very cold. Song Jiang closed his tent and sat silently with a candle.It's already two drums, and I'm sleepy, and I lie down with my clothes hidden.Suddenly a gust of wind blew up in Juedao Village, and the air-conditioning invaded people.Song Jiang got up, saw a girl in Tsing Yi, and went forward to beat him.Song Jiang asked: "Where did the boy come from?" The boy replied: "The boy is following the mother's decree. If you invite the general, you will move." Song Jiang said: "Where is the mother?" The boy pointed: "Leave here Not far." Song Jiang followed the boy out of the tent.But seeing the sky above and below is the same color, gold and green are intertwined, the fragrant wind is thin, and the auspicious mist is fluttering, just like the weather in February and March.After traveling for more than three or two miles, I saw a large forest with lush green pines, dense green cypresses, purple osmanthus pavilions, and faint stone fences.Turn around the stone bridge, there is a vermilion star gate.Looking up at the four sides, there are Xiao walls and powder walls, painted pillars and carved beams, golden nails and vermilion houses, green tiles and double eaves, curtains on the four sides with curled shrimp whiskers, and front windows with turtle backs.The girl leads Song Jiang to enter from the left corridor, to a pavilion in the east direction, pushes away the Zhu household, and teaches Song Jiang to sit less inside.When you look up, the cloud windows on all sides are silent, the clouds are full of steps, the ceiling is colorful, and the fragrance is lingering.

The boy went in, came out again, and said: "If you want to invite the empress, the star master will do it." Song Jiang got up immediately after sitting on the warm seat.I also saw two fairies coming in from outside, wearing hibiscus and jasper crowns and golden crimson gauze clothes, with faces like a full moon, light body, and hands like spring bamboo shoots, saluting Song Jiang.Song Jiang didn't dare to look up.The two fairies said: "Why is the general being modest? Your wife will come out as soon as she changes her clothes. If you ask the general to talk about state affairs, then please go with me." Song Jiang did so.There are poems to prove it:
Ruizhu fairy Bixia clothes, graceful appearance is also rare in the world.

Blessed by the Nine Heavens Xuannv's life, he flies into the soul door in his dreams late at night.

Listen to the sound of the golden bell in the hall and the sound of the jade chime.Tsing Yi welcomes Song Jiang to the upper hall.The two fairies went forward and led Song Jiang up from the east steps to the front of the bead curtain.Song Jiang only listened to the faint sound of the pendant in the curtain, and the clang of the jade pendant.Tsing Yi invited Song Jiang to enter the curtain and kneel in front of the incense table.Looking up at the hall, there are auspicious clouds, misty mist, and purple mist rising. On the Jiulong bed in front of you, sits the empress of the Nine Heavens Xuannv.Wearing a nine-dragon flying phoenix crown on the head, wearing a seven-treasure dragon and phoenix crimson gauze garment, a mountain, river, sun and moon skirt around the waist, wearing clouds and pearl shoes, and holding a flawless white jade zhang in his hand.There are about [-] or [-] female fairies on both sides.

Empress Xuannu said to Song Jiang: "I passed on the book of heaven to you, and I didn't realize it was a few years earlier! You can be loyal and stick to it, and you are not too lazy. Today, the emperor of Song Dynasty ordered you to break the Liao Dynasty. How will the outcome be?" Song Jiang fell to the ground and worshiped The memorial said: "I have been granted the heavenly book by the empress, and I have not contemptuously leaked it to others. Today, I was ordered by the emperor to break the Liao Dynasty. I was not expected to be set up by Wuyan's army to set up this chaotic array. I have failed several times. I have nothing to do, and I am in a critical moment. "The empress Xuannv said: "Do you know the formation of the sky and the sky?" If you want to break it, you must follow the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint. And like the Zaoqi army and horses in the front, Mercury is set up, according to the five qi and stars in the north of the upper boundary. You Song soldiers, you can choose Seven generals, with yellow flags, yellow armour, and yellow horses in yellow clothes, smashed through a gate of the Liao army's Zaoqi flag; the next generation ordered a fierce general, wearing a yellow robe, to go straight for the mercury, which is the meaning of the earth's restraint of the water. But with white For the robed army and horses, choose eight generals to defeat the green flag army formation on the left, this is the righteousness of metal overcoming wood. But with the red robe army horses, select eight generals to defeat the white flag army formation on the right, this is the righteousness of fire to overcome gold. But with the soap flag army and horses, choose eight generals, and defeat the red flag army behind him. It is the righteousness of the wood to conquer the land. Choose two more army horses, and order one embroidered flag flower robe army horse to pretend to be Luo Rihou, and break through the Sun Army of the Liao army. The Taiyin army formation of the Liao army. Rebuild 24 mine chariots, press 24 gas, put flint cannons on them, and push them straight into the Liao army. Make Gongsun Sheng spread the wind and thunder sky to rectify the law, and run straight in front of the Liao lord. This strategy is feasible. Complete victory with enough power. You cannot march in the daytime, you must enter in the dark at night. You should personally lead the army, control the central army, mobilize the troops, and succeed with one drum. What I say, you should take it in secret. Protect the security of the country. People, don’t regret it. Heaven is limited, so farewell forever. Don’t meet again in Qionglou and Jinque in the future. You should return quickly, and don’t stay for long.” Tsing Yi was ordered to offer tea. stronghold.There are poems to prove it:
The jade girl suddenly came down from nothingness, and Yanci specially invited Gao Huai to talk about it.

At that time, it was said that it was mysterious and mysterious, and the Liao formation opened up in an instant.

Song Jiang bowed again, thanked his mother, and left the palace.In front of Tsing Yi, lead to the lower hall of Song Jiang, exit from the west steps, turn around the red gate of Punxing, and then climb the old road.Just after passing the stone bridge and pine path, Tsing Yi said with his fingers: "the Liao soldiers are there, you can defeat them!" Song Jiang looked back, Tsing Yi pushed with his hand, suddenly woke up, and had a dream in the tent.Listen to the drums in the army, and the fourth watch has been played.

Song Jiang asked the military division to realize his dream.When Wu Yong came to the tent of the Chinese army, Song Jiang said, "Does the military master have a plan to break the sky formation?" It's settled, please ask the military advisers to discuss. You can gather all the generals and distribute them. After a while, you need to use generals." Wu Yong said: "I hope to hear a good strategy, how to defeat the enemy?" Song Jiang said countless words. Teaching: The lord of the Daliao Kingdom handed over his hands and surrendered, and Wuyan's commanding army died unexpectedly.Exactly: Dongda Tianji implements ingenious strategies to open up the stars and break through the puzzle.After all, Song Jiang used very strategies, how to fight, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down.

(End of this chapter)

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