Water Margin

Chapter 25

Chapter 25


Huang Yue marched south and crossed the river by himself, and the wind flew across Qiantang.

Looking back at Wu Xiang, Jiang Tao is dangerous, and looking forward to Yanling, the road is long.

Hitting the boats and Song Jiang Zhenzu ti, planning Wu Yong to compete with Zhang Liang.

After leaving the teacher, he won the victory and received his achievements, and his name and surname are fragrant for thousands of years.

It is said that the place of West Lake in Qiantang, Zhejiang is indeed naturally beautiful, with beautiful water and bright mountains.It is the place where the emperor built his capital, the name and reality match Fu, and the prosperity is the first.Since ancient times: Jiangsu and Zhejiang used to be cities, and Qiantang has been prosperous since ancient times.Stop talking about the scenery in the city, and talk about the scenery of the West Lake:
There are [-] hectares of green and clear glazed glass, and [-] green and emerald emeralds lined up.On the spring lake, the colorful peaches and plums are like a picture; in the summer pool, the green cover and red lotus are like a painting.In the autumn clouds, you can see the tender chrysanthemums piled up in gold in the South Garden; in the winter snow, you can see the cold plums and broken jade in the North Ridge.The green smoke of Jiuli pine is thin, and the water of Liuqiao is green and lingering.Xiaoxia shines for three consecutive days, and Muyun locks the second peak.The wind is born at the entrance of Yuanhu Cave, and the rain comes to the top of Longjing Mountain.By the side of the Sanxian Hall, a turtle's back invades the sky; in front of the Temple of the Four Sages, a hundred feet of auspicious clouds are lingering.Sugong Causeway, Dongpo Historic Site; Gushan Road, Hejing Former Residence.Visiting friends and guests cast their spirits away, and the people with hairpin flowers come chasing after the pure and compassionate.In the past, I only heard that the three islands were far away, but I didn't know that the lake was better than Penglai.

There is an ancient name "Huanxisha" as evidence:
The Zhuqiao on the lake rings the painting wheel, the melting spring water soaks the spring clouds, and the blue glaze is smooth and dust-free.

When you are on the road, you are greeted by drunken guests, and you are called by flowers and yellow birds to passers-by.The sun is slanting and returning to Naihechun.

The words of this poem only talk about the scenery of West Lake in Hangzhou, which has been neat since the creation of King Qian.Before the old Song Dynasty, it was called Qinghe Town, and it was changed to Hangzhou Ning Haijun in the hands of King Qian.After Gaozong drove southward, he called it Huahua Lin'an Mansion.At the time of King Qian, there were only ten city gates, but after crossing south to build the capital, three more city gates were added.At present, when Fangla was occupied, there were Caishi Gate and Jianqiao Gate in the east; Houchao Gate and Jiahui Gate in the south; Qianhu Gate, Qingbo Gate, Yongjin Gate and Qiantang Gate in the west; Beiguan Gate and Genshan Gate in the north.The radius of the city is eighty miles.Sure enough, the city of Hangzhou is very beautiful, and the scenery is superb.There are poems to prove it:
Chian Yintao rolls snow and cold, Longwo tide is white and long.

Miao Gaofeng's head is raised frequently, and I especially look at the painting towers.

But it can't be said that Song Jiang and Dai Zong were paying homage to Zhang Shun on the Xiling Bridge. Unexpectedly, Fang Tianding knew about it and ordered ten generals to divide into two groups to get Song Jiang and fight out of the city.The five generals of Nanshan are Wu Zhi, Zhao Yi, Chao Zhong, Yuan Xing and Su Jing.Beishan Road is also short of five chief generals, namely Wen Kerang, Cui Yu, Lian Ming, Mao Di, and Tang Fengshi.There were ten chief generals in two groups of southern soldiers, each led 3000 troops, opened the door around midnight, and the two soldiers came out together.Song Jiang was drinking wine with Dai Zong, only to hear loud shouts from under the bridge.There are Fan Rui and Ma Lin on the left, and Shi Xiu on the right, each leading 5000 people to ambush.Hearing that the road ahead was on fire, they raised the fire together, and the two roads separated to drive and kill the army horses in the north and south mountains.Seeing that they were prepared, the southern soldiers rushed back to the old road.Song soldiers on both sides chased after them.When Wen Kerang led the four generals back across the river in a hurry, he didn't pay attention to the back of Baoshu Tashan, knocked out Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, and Meng Kang, and led five thousand troops out. Di, randomly shot Tang Fengshi to death.Wu Zhi of Nanshan also led four generals to catch up with the soldiers of Song Dynasty, and hurriedly retreated, not to beware that Dingxiang Bridge was hitting Li Kui, Bao Xu, Xiang Chong and Li Gun, and led [-] infantry troops to fight out.Those two players rushed straight into their arms, waving wild cards in their hands, flying their knives out of their sheaths, and chopped Yuan Xing down early.Bao Xu killed Su Jing with a knife, and Li Kui killed Zhao Yi with an axe.Most of the soldiers went to the lake and were drowned.When they threw themselves into the city to rescue the army and came out, Song Jiang's army and horses had all gone into the mountains, and they all went to Lingyin Temple to collect them, and each asked for his merits and received rewards.Two roads won more than [-] good horses.Song Jiang ordered Shi Xiu, Fan Rui, and Ma Lin to stay and help Li Jun and others manage the West Lake cottage and prepare to attack the city.Song Jiang only brought Dai Zong, Li Kui and others back to Gaoting cottage.Wu Yong and others entered the tent of the Chinese army and sat down.Song Jiang said to the military adviser: "With my plan, I have won the head of his four generals, captured Mao Di alive, and will behead him before sending him to Zhang to recruit the army."

Song Jiang is in the stronghold, but he doesn't know the news of Dusongguan and Deqing.Then he sent Dai Zong to visit and returned in a hurry.Dai Zong went for a few days, and when he came back to the stronghold, he saw Xianfeng and said, "Lu Xianfeng has passed Dusongguan, and he will arrive here sooner or later." Song Jiang heard this, half worried and happy.He asked again, "How about the generals?" Dai Zong replied, "I know the preparations for fighting there, and here are the official documents. Please don't worry about the vanguard." Song Jiang said, "Could it be that you have hurt some of my brothers again? Don't you?" Hidden, you can tell me the truth." Dai Zongdao: "Since Lu Xianfeng went to Dusong Pass, there are high mountains on both sides of the pass, and there is only a road in the middle. There is a pass on the mountain, and there is a big tree beside the pass. Tens of feet, you can see everywhere. There are clumps of pine trees below. Close the guards and three generals, the leader is called Wu Sheng, the second is Jiang Yin, and the third is Wei Heng. At the beginning He went to the pass for several days, fought with Lin Chong, and was stabbed by Lin Chong's snake spear. Jiang Yin was stabbed. Wu Sheng did not dare to go to the pass, but only guarded the pass. The next time, Li Tianrun led four generals to the pass to rescue him. They were Li Tianyou, Zhang Jian, and Zhang Tao. Four generals, Yao Yi and Yao Yi. The next day they went to the pass to fight. Li Tianyou, the bandit soldier, went out first, and fought with Lu Fang. After about fifty or sixty fights, Lu Fang stabbed Li Tianyou to death with a halberd. Come down. Waited for several days at the pass. Lu Xianfeng sent Ou Peng, Deng Fei, Li Zhong, and Zhou Tong to go up the mountain to find the way because of the precipitousness of the mountain. Don't beware that Li Tianrun wanted to avenge his brother and led the bandit soldiers to rush down Guan Lai, first cut Zhou Tong with a single blow, and Li Zhong left with his wounds. If the rescue was too late, he would have retired. The three generals who were rescued returned to the village. The next day, Dong Ping, the general with two guns, was anxious and wanted to take revenge. He reined in his horse and yelled at the thieves at the gate. If he was not careful, he closed a cannon and shot it down. The blast of the cannon injured Dong Ping's left arm. When he returned to the village, he blocked the gun and tied his arm with a splint. He must go to revenge the next day. .Lu Xianfeng stopped and never went. After one night, the arms were well prepared. I didn’t teach Lu Xianfeng to know. I discussed with Zhang Qing. The two of them didn’t ride horses, so they went to the gate first. Li Tianrun and Zhang Tao came to fight after the gate. Dong Ping wanted to catch Li Tianrun, and he used his spear on foot. Li Tianrun also came to meet him with a long spear, and fought ten times with Dong Ping. Dong Ping only wanted to fight, but Zheng Nai's left hand couldn't use the spear, so he had to retreat. Li Tianrun rushed to the gate. Zhang Qing stood up The gun went to stab Li Tianrun, but Li Tianrun dodged behind the pine tree, but the gun in Zhang Qing's hand was stuck on the pine tree. When he was about to pull it out, he couldn't take it off. On the ground. Seeing that Zhang Qing had been knocked down, Dong Ping rushed to fight with two spears. Zhang Tao was not on his guard, but he stabbed him in the back and chopped Dong Ping into two pieces. Lu Xianfeng knew that he rushed to rescue him, and the soldiers had already gone to the gate. There is nothing left to do. The couple, Sun Xin and Mrs. Gu, pretended to be refugees and went to find a small road in the deep mountains. They led Li Li, Tang Long, Shi Qian, and Bai Sheng to pass the small road to Guanshang. But in the middle of the night, they touched the pass and set fire to it. The thieves saw that the pass was closed and the fire started. Knowing that Song soldiers had passed through the pass, they all abandoned the pass and left. When Lu Xianfeng went to the pass to order soldiers, Sun Xin and Mrs. Gu captured Yuan alive. The gatekeeper Wu Sheng, Li Li and Tang Long captured the former gatekeeper Jiang Yin alive. Shi Qian and Bai Sheng captured the former gatekeeper Wei Heng alive. All three of them were released and handed over to Zhang Zhaojun. The bodies of Dong Ping, Zhang Qing, and Zhou Tong were collected and buried in the pass. Lu Xianfeng chased the pass for 45 miles, caught up with the bandits, and fought with Li Tianrun. After fighting for more than [-] bouts, Li Tianrun was killed by Lu Xianfeng. Cun Zhang Jian, Zhang Tao, and Yao Yi led the defeated and remnant army horses, reluctantly met the enemy, retreated when they got it, and only arrived in the morning and evening. If the commander doesn't believe it, he can read the official document."

After reading the document, Song Jiang felt depressed and burst into tears.Wu Yongdao: "Since Lu Xianfeng has won, the army can be transferred to pinch the attack, and the southern army will be defeated. Just meet the army and horses of the Huyanzhuo Road in Huzhou." Song Jiang replied: "It's very appropriate." He then transferred Li Kui, Bao Xu, and Xiang Xiang. Chong and Li Gong led three thousand infantry to meet the general from the mountain road.Black Whirlwind attracted soldiers and went happily.There are poems to prove it:
Zhang Shunying's soul is sincere, and Song Jiang's sacrifice is even more painful.

The ambush soldiers have killed all the traitors, sweeping and driving here.

Let's say that Song Jiang's army and horses attacked the East Gate, and Zhu Ting and others, who originally sent five thousand horse infantry soldiers, ran from the village on Tangzhen Road to the gate of the vegetable market to attack the East Gate.At that time, along the east road along the river, there were all people living in villages and road shops, surpassing the city, and the vast rural areas.At that time, they came to the edge of the city and lined up the army horses.Lu Zhishen was the first to go out into battle, fighting on foot, holding an iron Zen stick, he went straight to the base of the city and cursed: "Brute birds! Come out and fight with you." Seeing that it was a monk challenging the city, he hurriedly reported it to the crown prince's womb.When Deng Yuanjue, the national master of Baoguang, heard that a monk was fighting, he got up and played to the prince and said: "I heard that there is a monk in Liangshanpo, named Lu Zhishen, who is used to using an iron Zen staff. Please go to the east gate city and see the monk and the monk." He fought a few times." Seeing that Fang Tianding was overjoyed, he delivered an order, and then he led eight strong generals, together with Marshal Shi Bao, to Caishimen City to watch the national teacher meet the enemy.When Xia Tianding and Shi Bao sat down on the enemy tower, surrounded by eight generals, watching the battle of Baoguang Guoshi, how did Monk Baoguang end?But see:
Wearing a fiery scarlet straight gown with a tiger tendon round sash.Hanging a string of seven-treasure wreath beads, wearing a pair of nine-ring buckskin monk shoes.The lining is covered with incense thread and a golden beast, and the hands are made of bright iron Zen sticks.

At that time, when the gate of the city was opened and the suspension bridge was put down, Deng Yuanjue, the national teacher of Baoguang, led an army of five hundred swordsmen and galloped out.When Lu Zhishen saw it, he said, "It turns out that the southern army also has this bald guy! The Sajia taught that guy to eat a hundred of my Zen sticks!" Without saying a word, he took up his Zen stick and rushed to the future, and Baoguang Guoshi also sent his Zen stick to meet him.Both together make the Zen sticks merge.But see:
Curling down in the shadow of the poplar, the velvet and fragrant grassland.Two silver pythons soar, and a pair of jade dragons leap.Lu Zhi was deeply angry and had no pure heart; Deng Yuanjue was angry, but he had no compassion.He Zeng respected the Buddha's way and only killed people when the moon was dark;This one was annoyed by the Tathagata at the Lingshan meeting, and sat lazily on the lotus platform; the other went to the Shanfa Hall to confine Jiedi and bring back the golden pestle.One is a peerless repentant who does not practice Liang Wu, and the other knows the Zen of the patriarch all his life.

This Lu Zhishen and Baoguang Guoshi have fought for more than fifty rounds, regardless of victory or defeat.Fang Tianding looked at it from the enemy tower, and said to Shi Bao: "I just said that there is a flower monk in Liangshanpo, Lu Zhishen. I don't think he is so famous, and his reputation is well-deserved. After fighting for a long time, he never got the slightest discount with Monk Baoguang." Shi Bao replied: "The young general was also dumbfounded. He has never seen this pair of opponents." There are poems to prove it:
Knowing how to practice Zen and recite scriptures, he has long been famous in the killing field.

There are three thousand Buddhas at the Longhua meeting, and the town day has never recited it.

Just as he was talking, Pegasus reported again: "There is another army under the gate of Beiguan." Shi Bao hurriedly got up and went.In addition, Wu Song, a traveler in the Song army under the city, saw that Lu Zhishen was still fighting Baoguang, fearing that he would make a mistake, he was anxious, so he danced the double ring sword, flew out of the formation, and took Baoguang directly.Seeing the two of them and me, Baoguang dragged his Zen stick, looked into the city and left.Wu Song bravely went straight to kill.Suddenly, a strong general stood out from the city gate, it was Fang Tianding's subordinate Bei Yingkui, he jumped on his horse with a gun, caught Wu Song and fought.The two were colliding with each other on the suspension bridge, but Wu Song dodged it, threw away the knife in his hand, grabbed his gun, and dragged the man and the weapon off the horse with a single yank.Hiccup cut off Bei Yingkui's head.Lu Zhishen then responded and came back.Fang Tianding urgently shouted to pull up the suspension bridge and withdraw his troops into the city.Here Zhu Dian also called to lead the army back ten miles to the village, and sent people to report to Jie Song Xianfeng to inform him.That day when Song Jiang led his army to fight at the Beiguan Gate, Shi Bao mounted his horse with a meteor hammer and a wind splitter in his hand, opened the city gate and came out to meet the enemy.The Song army wins at Dadaoguan and fights Shibao.After the two fights reached more than [-] bouts, Shi Bao turned his horse back and left.Guan Sheng hastily reined in his horse and returned to his own formation.Song Jiang asked, "Why don't you go after him?" Guan Sheng said, "Shibao's sword skills are not inferior to Guan Sheng's. Although he returns to his horse, he must have a plan." , Leaking people deep into the important place." Song Jiangdao: "If you go to chase, you will be murdered. And take the army back to the stronghold." On the one hand, he sent someone to reward Wu Song.

But Li Kui and others led the infantry to meet Lu Xianfeng. When they came to the mountain road, they ran into Zhang Jian's defeated army and rushed in.Yao Yi was killed in the chaos.There are two people, Zhang Jian and Zhang Tao, and then run back to the closed road.When I met Lu Xianfeng, after a while of killing, I looked at the path deep in the mountain and walked away.Chasing behind was urgent, so he had to abandon his horse and run down the mountain to escape for his life.Unexpectedly, two people came out of the bamboo stick, each holding a steel fork, Zhang Jian and Zhang Tao were caught off guard, they were stabbed over by the two forks, and they were caught down the mountain.It turned out that it was Xie Zhen and Xie Bao who poked Zhang Jian and Zhang Tao.Lu Xianfeng was overjoyed to see the two of them coming.He joined forces with Li Kui and others, and together with all the generals, came to the Dazhai of Gaoting Mountain. See Song Xianfeng and others.They all met each other and told each other about the loss of Dong Ping, Zhang Qing and Zhou Tong.All the generals came to pay homage to Song Jiang, and joined forces to go down to the stronghold.The next day, the teacher sent Zhang Jian to Suzhou to recruit the army, where he showed his head to the public; Zhang Tao cut his abdomen and heart out in front of the stronghold, and sacrificed Dong Ping, Zhang Qing and Zhou Tong from afar.

Song Xianfeng and Wu Yongji discussed: "I invite Lu Xianfeng to lead the troops of the headquarters to meet Hu Yanzhuo and other troops on the road of Deqing County. They will come here together and plan to take the city." Lu Junyi ordered the troops of the headquarters and set off. Take the road and look forward to Fengkou Town.On the way of the three armies, they arrived at Fengkou, and they were coming back to meet Si Xingfang's defeated army.Lu Junyi continued to fight for a while, Si Xingfang fell into the water and died, and the rest fled away.Hu Yanzhuo saw Lu Xianfeng, joined forces, and returned to the general village of Gaoting Mountain, and saw Song Xianfeng and others.The generals discussed together, and Song Jiang saw that both armies and horses had arrived in Hangzhou. Xuanzhou, Huzhou, Dusongguan and other places were all recruited by Zhang.

Song Jiang looked at Hu Yanzhuo's department, but Lei Heng and Gong Wang were nowhere to be seen.Hu Yanzhuo said: "Lei Heng fought with Si Xingfang outside the south gate of Deqing County. After fighting to twenty bouts, Si Xingfang chopped off his horse. Gong Wang fought with Huang Ai and drove across the stream. Fell into the stream and was stabbed to death by the southern army's guns. Miquan was killed by Suo Chao. Huang Ai, Xu Bai, and the generals went forward to capture them alive. Si Xingfang chased and drowned in the water, Xue Dunan Fleeing in the chaos of the army, I don't know where to go." Song Jiang heard that Lei Heng and Gong Wang were killed again, and tears fell like rain.He said to the generals: "The day before yesterday when Zhang Shun and I had a dream, I saw three or four people with blood-stained skirts standing on the right. They were Dong Ping, Zhang Qing, Zhou Tong, Lei Heng, and Gong Wang. It's a ghost. If I win the Hangzhou Ninghai Navy, I will seriously ask the monks to set up a fast and do good deeds, and recommend the brothers to be rescued." It is no problem to behead Huang Ai and Xu Baijie before going to Zhang to recruit the army.

On that day, Song Jiang ordered to kill cattle and horses, feasting the three armies.The next day, we agreed with Wu Yongji to assign Zhengbian generals to attack Hangzhou: Lu Junyi, the deputy vanguard, led [-] generals to attack Houchaomen: Lin Chong, Hu Yanzhuo, Liu Tang, Xie Zhen, Xie Bao, Shan Tinghao, Wei Dingguo, Chen Da, Yang Chun, Du Qian, Li Yun, Shi Yong.

Huarong and other generals attacked Genshanmen with [-] members: Huarong, Qin Ming, Zhu Wu, Huang Xin, Sun Li, Li Zhong, Zou Yuan, Zou Run, Li Li, Bai Sheng, Tang Long, Mu Chun , Zhu Gui, Zhu Fu.

Mu Hong and others sent eleven members to Xishanzhai to help Li Jun and others to attack Kuihumen: Li Jun, Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, Meng Kang, Shi Xiu, Fan Rui, Ma Lin, Mu Hong, Yang Xiong, Xue Yong, Ding Desun.

Sun Xin and others are going to Dongmenzhai to help Zhu Dian attack Caishi, Jianqiao and other gates: Zhu Dian, Shi Jin, Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, Sun Xin, Gu Dasao, Sun Erniang, Zhang Qing.

In Dongmen Village, eight generals were taken back, and together with Li Ying and others, they were in charge of the various villages to investigate and respond everywhere: Li Ying, Kong Ming, Yang Lin, Du Xing, Tong Wei, Tong Meng, Wang Ying, Hu Sanniang .

The vanguard envoy Song Jiang led 21 generals to attack Beiguanmen Road: Wu Yong, Guan Sheng, Suo Chao, Dai Zong, Li Kui, Lu Fang, Guo Sheng, Oupeng, Deng Fei, Yanshun, Ling Zhen, Bao Xu, Xiang Chong, Li Gun, Song Qing, Pei Xuan, Jiang Jing, Cai Fu, Cai Qing, Shi Qian, Yu Bao four.

At present, Song Jiang dispatched generals to take the four city gates.Song Jiang and other ministries led a brigade of troops, and went straight to the Beiguanmen city to fight.Drums and gongs sounded in the city, the city gates were opened wide, and the suspension bridge was lowered.Shi Bao first came out to fight.In the battle of the Song army, Suo Chao, the vanguard, was impatient all his life. He swung a big ax without talking, and rushed out to fight for stone treasures.The two horses met, and the two generals fought fiercely. Before the tenth match, Shi Bao sold an opening, returned to his horse and left.Suo Chao chased after him, and when Guan Sheng hurriedly called Xiu to go, Suo Chao got off his horse with a hammer on his face.When Deng Fei went to rescue him urgently, Shi Bao arrived. Deng Fei was caught off guard, and Shi Bao cut him in two.Baoguang Guoshi in the city led several fierce generals and rushed out. The Song soldiers were defeated, and they looked north and left.But Hua Rong, Qin Ming and others stabbed the future, rushed back the southern army, and saved Song Jiang back to the village.Shi Bao won the victory and went back to the city happily.

Song Jiang and others went back to the Dazhai in Gaoting Mountain to rest, raised the tent and sat down. They saw that the two generals Suo Chao and Deng Fei had been killed, and they were very puzzled.Wu Yong remonstrated: "There is such a strong general in the city, he should only be outsmarted, not against the enemy." Song Jiang said: "If the army is lost like this, what plan should we use?" When the north gate is closed, the soldiers and horses in the city will inevitably come out to meet the enemy, but I pretended to be defeated and lured the bandits away from the city wall. I fired cannons as a signal, and all the gates attacked the city together. But when an army and horse entered the city, I set fire to respond. The thieves and soldiers must not care about each other, and they will achieve great merit." Song Jiang then called Dai Zong to send an order to inform him.

The next day, Guan Sheng led some young troops to Beiguanmen City to fight.Drums sounded in the city, Shi Bao led the army out of the city, and fought with Guan Sheng.Guan Sheng hastily retreated when he failed to fight ten rounds.When Shi Bao's soldiers came, Ling Zhen fired the cannon.When the trumpet was fired, all the gates shouted and attacked the city together.

Let's say that Lu Junyi, the deputy vanguard, led Lin Chong and others to mobilize troops to attack Houchaomen.When the army and horse came to the city, they saw that the city gate was not closed, and went down the suspension bridge.Liu Tang wanted to win the first prize, so he rushed into the city with a horse and a knife.Seeing Liu Tang galloping on a flying horse from the city, he cut the rope with an axe and fell off the gate. Poor and brave Liu Tang died at the door with his horse and people.It turns out that the city of Hangzhou was built by King Qian and established three gates.There is a heavy gate on the outside, two iron leaf gates in the middle, and a row of gates inside.Liu Tang rushed to the bottom of the city gate. The gates had been lowered earlier, and there were soldiers ambushing on both sides. How could Liu Tang not die.Seeing that Liu Tang had been beaten, Lin Chong and Hu Yanzhuo led their troops back to the camp to avenge Lu Junyi.They couldn't get in from all the gates, so they had to retreat and let people fly to Song Xianfeng Dazhai to know.Hearing that Liu Tang was beaten again, Song Jiang was killed by the waiting gate gate, and cried bitterly: "This brother has died! He has been sworn since Yuncheng County, and followed Chao Tianwang to Liangshanbo. He has suffered many years of hard work and has never been happy. Big and small Playing in battles and confrontations, dying out of hundreds of lives is not a loss of spirit. Who would have thought that he would die here today." Because of a poem, he cried:
A hero who has fought a hundred battles, his life history has not been released.Help the country with loyalty, help the country with loyalty.

On this day, the owls are screaming, where will the horses cross the river?Unbearable grief, tears flowed.

Let's say Wu Yong, the military adviser, said: "This is not a good method. This plan will not work, and a brother will be sent instead. And teach all sects to withdraw from the army, don't make sense." Song Jiang was anxious, eager to take revenge, and sighed endlessly.Hei Xuanfeng, a subordinate, said: "Don't worry, brother. Tomorrow, Bao Xu, Xiang Chong, and Li Gun, I will take Shi Bao." Song Jiang said: "That man is a hero, how can you get close to him?" Said: "I don't believe it! I won't catch him tomorrow, and I won't come to see my brother!" Song Jiang said: "You just care about it, don't take it easy." Li Kui, the black whirlwind, went back to his tent and sifted down a big bowl of wine , Dapanrou, invited Bao Xu, Xiang Chong, and Li Gun to have a drink, and said: "The four of us have always fought all the way. Today I cut my mouth in front of Brother Pioneer, and tomorrow I will catch Shi Bao. Don't worry about the three of you." Lazy." Bao Xu said: "My brother will teach Ma Jun to move forward today, and tomorrow will also teach Ma Jun to move forward. Tonight, I will make an agreement. In the future, we must move forward with one heart and catch Shi Bao. The four of us are fighting for breath. .”

The next morning, Li Kui and the other four were drunk and full, and they all took out their weapons and went out of the village to invite Brother Pioneer to watch the fight.Seeing that the four of them were half drunk, Song Jiang said, "You four brothers, don't play with your life." Li Kui said, "Brother, don't underestimate us." , together with Guan Sheng, Ou Peng, Lu Fang, and Guo Sheng, four horse generals, came to the gate of Beiguan, beating drums and waving flags to fight.Li Kui stood in front of the horse with a double ax in a mixed manner; Bao Xu held a plank knife and opened his strange eyes, just waiting to be killed; Lie on the sides.I saw drums and gongs ringing in the city, and Shi Bao, riding a melon-yellow horse and holding a wind-chopping knife, led two generals out of the city to meet the enemy.There are poems to prove it:
Li Kui's heart is on fire when he is used to the battle, and Xiang Chong Li Gun pulls the team card.

The three of them acted like tigers, waiting for their enemy Shi Baolai.

Wu Zhi at the top and Lian Ming at the bottom, but the three generals only came out of the city. Li Kui is a man who is not afraid of heaven and earth. With a loud roar, the four of them went straight to Shi Bao's head, and Shi Bao took the wind splitter away. When we greeted him, he came to his arms early, Li Kui cut off the horse's foot with an axe, and Shi Bao jumped down, hoping to hide in the horse army.Bao Xu had already chopped Lian Ming off his horse.The two cards first flew out of the knife, jumping like jade fish in the air, with silver leaves intertwined.When Song Jiang rushed the Ma Jun to the edge of the city, the city was beaten down with wood, cannons and rocks.Song Jiang was afraid of negligence, so he hurriedly ordered the army to retreat.Unexpectedly, Bao Xu had already entered the city gate, Song Jiang could only cry bitterly.Shi Bao, however, was lying in the gate of the city. When he saw Bao Xu scrambling in, he stabbed him diagonally and cut Bao Xu in two.Xiang Chong and Li Gun rushed to protect Li Kui to come back.Song Jiang's army returned to the village.Seeing that Bao Xu was lost again, Song Jiang became more and more depressed.Li Kui also cried and came back to the village.Wu Yongdao: "This strategy is not a good strategy either. Although he killed one general, he lost Li Kui's deputy."

It was when all the people were troubled that only Jianzhen and Xiebao came to the village to report.When Song Jiang asked about his preparations, Xie Zhen reported: "My younger brother and Xie Bao went to the south gate for more than [-] miles. The place name is Fancun. There are dozens of boats moored by the river. When I went down to ask, it turned out to be Fuyang. The younger brother wanted to kill him when the county commented on the grain boat, so he cried, "We are all good citizens of the Song Dynasty. We are tired of being suppressed by Fang La from time to time, but those who don't follow will be killed by the whole family. We will wait for the arrival of the heavenly soldiers today." Cut off, only hope to see the day of peace again, who wants to be killed again.' Seeing what he said, the younger brother couldn't bear to kill him. He asked him again, "Why did you come here?" He said, "It's close According to Fang Tian's decree, he went down to the counties to wash and clean the villages and squares, and collect [-] shi of white grain. The old man collected [-] shi for his head, and paid it first. Now here, because the army is besieging the city and fighting, I dare not go. Stay here.' My younger brother has obtained the details, and I have come to report to the general." There are poems as evidence:
Xie Bao rushed to the camp and suddenly reported that dozens of grain boats were moored by the river.

Who can say that with Fang Tian, ​​this is the year of successfully defeating the enemy.

Wu Yong said with great joy: "This is a gift from God. These grain ships must make meritorious service." Then he asked the vanguard to send an order: "It is your two brothers who will lead the gunner Ling Zhen and Du Qian, Li Yun, Shi Yong, and Zou. Yuan, Zou Run, Li Li, Bai Sheng, Mu Chun, Tang Long; Wang Ying, Hu Sanniang, Sun Xin, Gu Dasao, Zhang Qing, and Sun Erniang are three couples, pretending to be fathers and mothers-in-law. Afterwards, as soon as they got into the city, they fired Lianzhu cannons. I will deploy my own troops here to respond." Xie Zhen and Xie Bao called Yuan Pingshi to come ashore, and Song Xianfeng said: "You are waiting for the Song Dynasty. Good people, you can act accordingly. When things are done, there will be great rewards." At this time, Yuan couldn't help but judge things.Many generals and schools have already disembarked, but they only left the officers and men on board for miscellaneous purposes.But he took off Shao Gong's clothes and put them on with Wang Ying, Sun Xin and Zhang Qing, and dressed them up as Shao Gong; three female generals, Hu Sanniang, Gu Dasao, and Sun Erniang, dressed up as Shao Po;All the weapons and generals were buried in the cabin, and the boat was put on the bank of the river.At this time, the Song troops surrounding the gates were not far away.Yuan Pingshi went ashore, Xie Zhen, Xie Bao and the few Shaogongs followed until the gate was called at the bottom of the city.

When the city heard about it, he asked Bei about the details and reported it to the Tai Tai's womb. Fang Tianding sent Wu to open the city gate until he reached the river, ordered a boat, and returned to the city to report to Fang Tianding.Fang Tian decided to send six generals to lead [-] troops out of the city and stop them at the northeast corner.He followed Yuan Pingshi to carry grain and rice, and went to the city to pay.At this time, all the generals and others were mixed with Shao Gong and the sailors, and they mixed up to carry grain and rice into the city.The three female generals also went into the city.Five thousand grains were transported in a short while.The six chief generals led the army into the city.Song soldiers came in separately, surrounded the city wall again, and formed a formation three or two miles away from the city.At the second watch of the night, Ling Zhen took out nine boxes of cannons and went straight to the top of Mount Wu to set them up.All the generals took torches and lit them everywhere.The city was buzzing for a while, and I don't know how many Song troops were in the city.Fang Tianding was shocked when he heard this in the palace, and when he hurriedly put on his horse, the soldiers from all gates had already fled for their lives.The soldiers of the Song Dynasty were greatly invigorated, and each fought for the city.There are poems to prove it:
Five thousand grains and rice will be transported, and three female generals will come into the city.

The cannons of the carriages shot up from the sky, witnessing disasters in Hangzhou.

Let's say that Li Jun and others in the west mountain of the city got the general's order, led the army to Jingci port, captured the boat, and sent the general from the lake to rush to Jinmen to go ashore.All the generals went to grab the water gates.Li Jun and Shi Xiu went to the city first, and fought in the city at night, only keeping the south gate and not besieging it.All the desperate and defeated troops ran under the door.But he said that Fang Tian was sure to get on the horse, and he couldn't find a general or school around, only a few infantry followed him, and ran out of the south gate.Busy like a bereaved dog, anxious like a fish slipping through the net.Walking to the foot of Wuyun Mountain, I saw a man walking up from the river, with a knife in his mouth, jumping naked onto the bank.Fang Tianding saw the fierceness coming immediately, so he hit the horse and wanted to leave.But the horse was behaving strangely and couldn't be moved by all kinds of beatings, but it seemed that someone had trapped the bit.The man grabbed Fang Tianding in front of the horse, pulled Fang Tianding off the horse, and cut off his head with a single knife.But he rode Fang Tianding's horse, held his head in one hand and a knife in the other, and ran back to Hangzhou City.When Lin Chong and Hu Yanzhuo led the troops to the Pagoda of Six Harmonies, they happened to meet the Han.The second general recognized Chuan Huo'er Zhang Heng, and was taken aback.Hu Yanzhuo called, "Where are you coming from, brother?" Zhang Heng didn't answer, and rode straight into the city.

At this time, Song Xianfeng's horse brigade had already entered the city, and it was the commander's mansion in Fang Tianding Palace.All the generals guarded the palace, and they were surprised to see Zhang Hengyi galloping towards him on horseback.Zhang Heng went up to Song Jiang, rolled off his horse, put his head and knife on the ground, bowed his head twice, and then began to cry.Song Jiang hurriedly hugged Zhang Heng and said, "Brother, where are you from? Where is Ruan Xiaoqi?" Zhang Heng said, "I am not Zhang Heng." Song Jiang said, "You are not Zhang Heng, but who are you?" Zhang Heng said "The younger brother is Zhang Shun. Because he was killed by guns and arrows outside the Yongjin Gate, a little ghost still floats in the water. I am moved by the West Lake Zhenze Longjun, and he was accepted as Jinhua Taibao and stayed in the Dragon Palace of Shuifu as a god. Today my brother broke In the city, the brothers entangled Fang Tianding with all their souls, and followed him out of the city in the middle of the night. Seeing his brother Zhang Heng in the big river, he came to borrow his brother's body, ran ashore, followed to the foot of Wuyun Mountain, killed the thief, and ran all the way to see him Brother." After saying that, he suddenly fell to the ground.Song Jiang helped himself up, Zhang Heng opened his eyes, and saw Song Jiang and the generals, with swords like forests, and soldiers crowded together.Zhang Heng said: "Shouldn't I see my brother in Huangquan?" Song Jiang cried: "But you and your brother Zhang Shun got married and killed the thief Fang Tianding. You never died. We are all Yang people. You can be energetic." Zhang Heng said Hengdao: "When you said that, my brother was dead?" Song Jiangdao: "Zhang Shun wanted to go down from the bottom of the West Lake to dig the water gate and set fire to the city. He didn't want to cross the city outside the Yongjin Gate. He." Hearing this, Zhang Heng cried loudly, "Brother!" and suddenly fell down.When everyone looked at Zhang Heng, they did not move their limbs and their eyes were hazy.The seven souls are long and the three souls are gone.It's exactly: if you don't go with the five generals, you must be urged by impermanence and two ghosts.After all, Zhang Heng is depressed, what is his life, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down.

This time, nine generals were recruited: Dong Ping, Zhang Qing, Zhou Tong, Lei Heng, Gong Wang, Suo Chao, Deng Fei, Liu Tang, and Bao Xu.

(End of this chapter)

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