Water Margin

Chapter 26 Lu Junyi Divides the Troops in Shezhou Road, Song Gongming and Wulongling

Chapter 26 Lu Junyi Divides the Troops in Shezhou Road, Song Gongming and Wulongling

There is the sound of drums and horns at the head of Qili Beach, and the battle dust at the foot of Wulong Ridge.

Bai Yan, Huang Yue, Hengshan Road, and tiger brigades and wolf soldiers all over Shecheng.

God helped Song Jiang to help the country, so he taught Shao Jun to show his might.

After the general pointed out that he succeeded in the day, he decided to envoy Lu Yan to congratulate Taiping.

It is said that at the moment Zhang Heng heard that his brother Zhang Shun was gone, he was so troubled that he fainted, but after a while he was saved and regained consciousness.Song Jiangdao: "Let's help him adjust in the tent, but ask him about maritime affairs again." Song Jiang ordered Pei Xuan and Jiang Jing to write down the credits of the generals, and they all gathered in front of the camp at Chensi.Li Jun and Shi Xiu captured Wu Zhi alive, three female generals captured Zhang Daoyuan alive, Lin Chong stabbed Leng Gong to death with a snake spear, Xie Zhen and Xie Bao killed Cui Yu, and only Shi Bao, Deng Yuanjue, Wang Shili, Chao Zhong, and Wen Ke were left Let five people.Song Jiang issued a list to appease the people, rewarded the three armies, sent Wu Zhi and Zhang Daoyuan to Zhang to recruit the army, and beheaded them.Yuan Pingshi Shenwen, who offered food, recommended him to be the magistrate of Fuyang County.Zhang's recruiting office, Guan Ling's short-term official's patent, is nothing to worry about.

All the generals went to the city to rest.Reports from left and right: "Ruan Xiaoqi came ashore from the river and entered the city." When Song Jiang called to the front of the tent to ask, he said: "My younger brother, Zhang Heng, Hou Jian, and Duan Jingzhu led the sailors. We found a boat by the sea and went to Haiyan and other places. , hoping to send them into the Qiantang River. Unexpectedly, the feng shui was not smooth, and they went out into the ocean. They had to come back in a hurry, but the boat was broken by the wind, and everyone fell into the water. Hou Jian and Duan Jingzhu didn't know the nature of water, so they fell Go to drown. Many sailors in the sea escaped for their own lives and scattered in all directions. The younger brother went to Haikou, entered the Zheshan Gate, and was swept by the tide to Banlufan Mountain. After going to the water and returning, he saw brother Zhang Heng in the Wuyun Mountain River. I was going to come ashore, but I didn't know where he was. Last night, I saw the fire in the city, and heard the continuous cannon fire. It must be my brother fighting in Hangzhou City, so I came ashore from the river. I don't know that Zhang Heng has ever been to the shore. Never?" Song Jiang said that Ruan Xiaoqi knew about Zhang Heng's affairs, Ling and his two older brothers met, and led the ships as before.Song Jiang sent an order to transfer the leaders of the water army to the river to pack up the river boats and wait for them to march into Muzhou.Thinking of Zhang Shun's psychic manifestations, he went to build a temple near the West Lake outside Yongjinmen, and named it "Jinhua Taibao".Song Jiang personally went to the festival.Later, he made great contributions to the imperial court in subduing Fangla. Song Jiang returned to Beijing to learn about it.There are poems to prove it:
He was brave and invincible during his lifetime, and after his death, his heroic spirit assisted him.

The incense burns in the forest temples, and the blood is still eaten in the West Lake.

Besides, in the palace, Song Jiang was very sad because he thought about the loss of many generals since he crossed the river.But he went to Jingci Temple to build a land and water Taoist temple for seven days and nights. He was sentenced to give Dendrobium food, save the gods, save the generals, and set up spiritual seats to enjoy sacrifices.Destroy all the forbidden objects in Fang Tianding Palace.All gold and silver treasures, such as Luo Duan, will be rewarded to the general schools.The people of Hangzhou City all peacefully held a banquet to celebrate.When discussing with the military division, dispatch troops to recover Muzhou.It was the end of April at this time, and suddenly there was a report: "Liu Guangshi, the deputy governor, and the angel of Tokyo have all arrived in Hangzhou." Song Jiang immediately led the crowd out of the North Gate to welcome them into the city, and read the imperial decree at the palace: "The pioneer envoy Song Jiang and others Conquering and suppressing Fangla has made many great achievements. The emperor bestowed 35 bottles of royal wine, 35 collars of brocade clothes, and rewarded the generals. The rest of the generals were rewarded with Duan horses according to their names." It turned out that the court only knew that Gongsun Sheng had never crossed the river to capture Fangla. But I don't know that many people and horses have been lost.When Song Jiang saw Jinyi Yujiu, a member of the 35th member, he was suddenly sad and couldn't stop crying.When the angel asked, Song Jiang broke the words of the generals and told the angel that he knew.The angel said: "How does the court know if the general is so broken? When the next official returns to Beijing, he must hear about the emperor." Immediately set up a banquet to wait for the angel, Chairman Liu Guangshi, and the rest of the generals and assistants to sit in order.The banquet given by the emperor, everyone is grateful.The dead general is the assistant, leaving a brocade clothes and royal wine as a reward.The next day, set up a seat far away to enjoy the sacrifice.Song Jiang took a bottle of imperial wine and a collar of brocade clothes to Zhang Shun Temple to call his name and enjoy the sacrifice, and the brocade clothes were worn on the body of the clay god.The rest just incinerated brocade clothes in the distance.The angel stayed for a few days and was sent back to the capital.

Unconsciously, time passed quickly, more than ten days earlier.Zhang recruited people to send documents to urge the vanguard to advance.Song Jiang and Wu Yong asked Lu Junyi to discuss: "This is going to Muzhou, and we will go straight to the thief's nest along the river. This is going to Shezhou, but we will go through the Yuling Pass path. Now we divide the troops from here to suppress. I don't know where the virtuous brothers will take them?" Lu Junyi said. "The main soldier sent the general, obeyed my brother's strict order, dare to choose?" Song Jiangdao: "Even so, let's see the destiny." The two teams were divided into two lots, and they burned incense and prayed, one for each lot.Song Jiang cast lots to win Muzhou, and Lu Junyi cast lots to win Shezhou.Song Jiangdao: "Fangla's thief's nest is in Bangyuan Cave, Qingxi County. My brother took Shezhou, and he can live in the army and horses. Shen Wenfei will report to the police and make an appointment to attack the Qingxi thief's cave together." Lu Junyi asked Song Gongming to make an appointment. Transferred to the Military Academy:
The vanguard envoy Song Jiang led 36 generals and officers to attack Muzhou and Wulongling: military advisers Wu Yong, Guan Sheng, Hua Rong, Qin Ming, Li Ying, Dai Zong, Zhu Dian, Li Kui, Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, Jie Zhen, Jie Bao, Lu Fang, Guo Sheng, Fan Rui, Ma Lin, Yan Shun, Song Qing, Xiang Chong, Li Gun, Wang Ying, Hu Sanniang, Ling Zhen, Du Xing, Cai Fu, Cai Qing, Pei Xuan, Jiang Jing, Yu Bao Four.

The leader of the water army is leading seven generals, leading the ships, and marching into Muzhou with the army: Li Jun, Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, Ruan Xiaoqi, Tong Meng, Tong Wei, and Meng Kang.

Deputy vanguard Lu Junyi, in charge of 28 generals and generals, received Shezhou and Yuling Pass: military advisers Zhu Wu, Lin Chong, Hu Yanzhuo, Shi Jin, Yang Xiong, Shi Xiu, Shan Tinghao, Wei Dingguo, Sun Li, Huang Xin, Ou Peng, Du Qian, Chen Da, Yang Chun, Li Zhong, Xue Yong, Zou Yuan, Zou Run, Li Li, Li Yun, Tang Long, Shi Yong, Shi Qian, Ding Desun, Sun Xin, Gu Dasao, Zhang Qing , Sun Erniang.

At present, Lu Xianfeng led a total of 29 generals in Zhengbiao, accompanied by 3 soldiers. He chose a day to resign from Dudu Liu and Song Jiang.But it is said that Song Jiang and others rectified the ships, army and horses, assigned the generals and schools, and chose the day to sacrifice the flag to leave the army.At this time, the plague was prevalent in Hangzhou, and six generals, Zhang Heng, Mu Hong, Kong Ming, Zhu Gui, Yang Lin, and Bai Sheng, had fallen ill.So I called Mu Chun and Zhu Fu to see the patients. There were eight people in total, and they stayed in Hangzhou.The rest of the generals followed Song Jiang to attack Muzhou.A total of 37 members.Take the road along the river to Fuyang County.

Not to mention the departure of the two armies and horses, Chai Jin and Yan Qing left Song Xianfeng from Liting, Xiuzhou, went to Haiyan County, took a boat by the sea, crossed Yuezhou, meandered to Zhuji County, and crossed the fishing boat. Pu, go to Muzhou boundary.Stop the general school at the pass.Chai Jin said: "He is a scholar of the Central Plains. He knows astronomy and geography, is good at understanding Yin and Yang, understands the situation in Liujia, distinguishes the three lights and colors, and knows everything. Looking at the south of the Yangtze River, there are emperors who come here. Xianlu?" The guard officer heard that Chai Jin spoke well, so he asked his name.Chai Jindao: "A certain surname is Ke, named Yin, one master and one servant, and came to the country. There is no other reason." The guard said to keep Chai Jin, and sent someone to Muzhou to report to the right prime minister. Shi Yuan, Shen Shou, Qianshu Huanyi, and Marshal Tan Gao reported to him.Then they asked people to pick up Chai Jin and meet each other in Muzhou to talk about the cold and temperature.Chai Jin's words stirred up the four, and Chai Jin's appearance was extraordinary, there was no doubt about it.Yuan, the prime minister of the right, was overjoyed, so he called Qianshu Huanyi, and led firewood into Qingxi Da Nei for a pilgrimage.It turns out that Muzhou, Shezhou, and Fangla all have palaces.In the main hall, there are five government and six general systems.In Bangyuan Cave in Qingxi County, there is also a place to go.

Let's say that Chai Jin and Yan Qing followed Huan Yi to the Qingxi Imperial Capital, and first came to see Zuo Prime Minister Lou Minzhong.Chai Jin talked eloquently, and Lou Minzhong was overjoyed, so he left Chai Jin in the prime minister's house.Seeing that Chai Jin and Yan Qing speak well, know the book and pass the ceremony, I am very happy.This Lou Min Zhongyuan is a teacher in Qingxi County. Although he has some articles, his suffering is not very high.He was overjoyed to be told by Chai Jin.After a night, the next morning, I waited for Prince Fang La to ascend to the palace.Inside are the imperial concubines, concubines and Cainu, outside are the nine ministers and four ministers, two classes of civil and military, warriors in front of the palace, and attendants accompanied by gourds.Lou Min, Prime Minister of the Zuo, came out to start the class and said: "The Central Plains is the hometown of Confucius. Today there is a wise man named Ke Mingyin. He is both civil and military. , All the schools of thought are well-connected. Look at the weather of the Son of Heaven, and see him outside the gate of the court, and serve my Lord to preach." Fang La said: "Since there are wise men coming, they will be ordered to meet in white." Chai Jin arrives at Your Highness.Worship and dance for daily life, the mountain shouting long live is over, and it is announced in front of the curtain.Fang La saw that Chai Jin looked extraordinary, he looked like a son of a dragon and a grandson of a dragon, so he was very happy at first.Fang La asked: "Where does the sage say that you come to look at the look of the emperor?" Chai Jin said: "Chen Ke Yinbai lives in the hometown of the emperor in the Central Plains. Both parents are dead. He studies alone. The Xuanwen. Recently, I watched the Qianxiang at night, and saw that the emperor's star was bright and shining, and it was shining on the Eastern Wu. Therefore, I worked hard to look forward to the aura, especially to the south of the Yangtze River. I also saw a ray of the five-color emperor's aura, originating from Muzhou. Today I got it Looking at the holy face of the Son of Heaven, embracing the posture of a dragon and a phoenix, and holding up the appearance of the sun, it is in line with this spirit, and I am extremely fortunate." After saying this, I bowed again.There are poems to prove it:
The five-color dragon illuminates the blue sky, and the lush greenery is amiable and auspicious.

Knowing that there is a passenger taking the yellow house, I specially searched for it to come to Yuqian.

Fang Ladao: "Although I have the land in the southeast, what can I do if the city is invaded by Song Jiang and others, and it is close to my land?" It's hard to get, hard to lose.'Since the establishment of the foundation, Your Majesty's southeast territory has been swept away and won many states and counties. Although it has been invaded by Song Jiang in several places, luck will soon return to the Holy One. Your Majesty is not limited to the Jiangnan territory. In the future, the Central Plains Sheji will also belong to His Majesty, so as to enjoy the endless joy of Tang and Yu. Although Yan Han and Tang Dynasty are prosperous, it is impossible." Fang La was overjoyed when he saw these words, and ordered Jindun to sit and take care of him. The imperial banquet was granted the title of Minister of Zhongshu.From then on, Chai Jin got close to Fangla every day, and he just used some flattery and flattery to get things done.Within half a month, Fang La and the bureaucrats inside and outside all liked Chai Jin.

After the second time, Fang La saw that Chai Jin acted fairly and loved him wholeheartedly.However, Lou Minzhong, Prime Minister of the Zuo, was ordered to act as a matchmaker, recruiting Princess Jinzhi as her son-in-law, Chai Jin, and made him the official, lord, and captain.Yanqing changed her name to Yunbi, and everyone called him Yunfengwei.Ever since Chai Jin got married to the princess, he knew that the inner garden was well prepared when he went in and out of the palace.But Fang La had important military affairs, so he announced Chai into the inner palace for discussion.Chai Jin often said: "Your Majesty's complexion is genuine. He was only attacked by Gang Xing. He still has half a year of uneasiness. Wait until Song Jiang has no generals under his command. When Gang Xing retreats, Your Majesty will restore the foundation, sweep the long drive, and occupy the Central Plains." Fang La said: "I like to have several generals under my command, and Song Jiang killed them all. What can I do?" For righteousness, it will die soon. However, there are 28 constellations, who are coming to assist His Majesty and restore the foundation. In the Songjiang gang, there are also more than a dozen people who have come to surrender. This is also one of the stars, and they are all ministers of Your Majesty to expand the territory .” Fang La was overjoyed.There are poems to prove it:
Chai Jin, the hero Shi Shaoshuang, surrendered when he was useful.

The high-ranking official Houlu's wife and princess, once thought of Yuanlai as Song Jiang.

Not to mention that Chai Jin became a son-in-law.But it is said that the Song Jiang tribe led a brigade of troops, horses and soldiers, marched by land and water, and boats and horses. They left Hangzhou and hoped to go to Fuyang County.At that time, Deng Yuanjue, the national teacher of Baoguang, together with five marshals Shi Bao, Wang Shili, Chao Zhong, and Wen Kerang, led the defeated army and horses to guard the pass of Fuyang County, but sent people to Muzhou for help.Zu Shiyuan, the prime minister of the right, sent two military commanders to lead [-] soldiers and horses to support him.The main commander, Bai Qin, and the second-in-command, Jing De, both have undue courage.When he came to Fuyang County, he joined forces with Baoguang Guoshi and others, and occupied the top of the mountain.Song Jiang and other brigades have arrived at Qiliwan, and the water army leads the horse army forward.When Shi Bao saw him, he got on his horse, took a meteor hammer and a wind knife, and left the mountain in Fuyang County to meet Song Jiang.Just as Guan Sheng was about to go out on his horse, Lu Fang shouted, "Stop, brother, let's see how well Lu Fang fights with this fighter." When Song Jiang was watching in the shadow of the door flag, Lu Fang rode a horse and took a halberd straight for the stone treasure.The stone treasure greeted him with a wind-chopping knife.When the two fight to fifty bouts, Lu Fang is timid.When Guo Sheng saw it, he came forward with a halberd and a horse to attack.That Shibao fought with two halberds with one knife, without leaking a single bit.As the battle progressed, the Baoguang National Division in the south hurriedly rang the gong to withdraw the army.It turned out that the warships in the big river were all coming to the beach with a favorable wind, but they came to the shore.Fearing that he would attack from two places, he rang the gong to withdraw the army.Lu Fang and Guo Sheng entangled and fought, and they were willing to let them go.Shi Bao fought again and again, and Zhu Dian, a soldier of Song Dynasty, rode a horse and attacked with a spear again.Shi Bao couldn't fight against three generals, so he separated his weapons and left.With one finger of Song Jiang's whip, he directly killed Fuyang Mountains.Shi Bao's army and horses could not hold up on the road until they reached the boundary of Tonglu County.Song Jiang marched through Baifengling Xiazhai overnight.That night, Xie Zhen, Jie Bao, Yan Shun, Wang Xiaohu and Yizhang Qing were dispatched to take the east road, and Li Kui, Xiang Chong, Li Gun, Fan Rui, and Ma Lin to take the west road, each with a thousand infantry troops, to Jiezhai, Tonglu County. .Jiangli taught Li Jun, Sanruan, Ertong, and Mengkang to march by water.

In addition, when Xie Zhen and others led the army to Tonglu County, it was already the third watch.Baoguang Guoshi is discussing military affairs with Shi Bao.There was a sudden sound of cannon, and everyone got on their horses.When looking anxiously, fire broke out in three directions, and all the generals followed Shi Bao, only caring for their lives, and dared to meet the enemy there.The three-way army horses rushed to kill the future. Wen Ke was too late to get on the horse, so he looked at the path and ran into Wang Xiaohu and Yizhangqing.As soon as he and his wife hit each other, they dragged Wen Kerang sideways and captured him alive.Li Kui, Xiang Chong, Li Gun, Fan Rui, and Ma Lin only cared about killing people and setting fires in the county.When Song Jiang saw the newspaper, he urged the army to pull out the stronghold and set up troops until Tonglu County stationed troops.Wang Xiaohu and Yizhang Qingxian Wen Kerang asked for credit and rewarded them.Song Jiang taught Wen Ke to be beheaded before going to Hangzhou to recruit Zhang Zhao.

The next day, Song Jiang mobilized troops and advanced by land and water until the foot of Wulong Ridge, and across the Ridge was Muzhou.At this time, Baoguang Guoshi led all the generals to the mountains to guard the pass and garrison troops and horses.The Oolong pass is right next to the Yangtze River, with steep mountains and swift waters. There is a defense at the top and a row of warships at the bottom.Song Jiang's army and horses stationed near the mountain and set up a stockade.In the infantry, Li Kui, Xiang Chong, and Li Gun led five hundred players out to explore the way.At the foot of Dewulong Ridge, the wooden guns and rocks on the top will come down, unable to move forward, and have nothing to do, so return Song Xianfeng.Song Jiang sent Ruan Xiaoer, Meng Kang, Tong Wei, and Tong Meng to take half of the warships to the beach first.At the moment Ruan Xiaoer brought two lieutenants, led a thousand sailors, and divided them into a hundred boats. They rowed the boats, beat the drums, sang folk songs, and approached the edge of Wulong Ridge.It turns out that the backing of the lower side of Wulong Ridge is Fang La's water village.There are also [-] warships stationed in that village, and there are [-] sailors on board.He is the chief of the first four naval forces, named Zhejiang Silong.The four dragons are:
Jade Clawed Dragon Metropolitan Manager Cheng Gui, Jinlin Dragon Deputy Manager Zhai Yuan
The left assistant manager of Chongbo Dragon, Qiao Zheng, the right assistant manager of Zhulong, Xie Fu
These four managers are nicknames given by Fang La.These four people were originally Shaogongs in the Qiantang River. They defected to Fangla, but they were served by the third rank.That day, Ruan Xiaoer and the others rode a boat, came down from the rapids, and swayed onto the beach.The four generals in the southern army's water village have already known themselves and are about to dispatch fifty companies of fire platoons.It turned out that the fire row was only made of big pine and fir trees, and the row was piled with straw handles. There were hidden sulfur, flame and nitrate in the straw handles.Here Ruan Xiaoer, Meng Kang, Tong Wei, and Tong Meng are just shaking to the beach.The four navy chiefs saw it from above, each with a dry red flag, and drove four fast boats down the water.All four are dressed in general.But see:
The swastika headscarf is half-caged, and the white Luo shirt is embroidered with red waist.

Holding a long spear hanging from the snow blade, there are four dragons on the Qiantang River.

The four fast boats came down along the current and approached. When Ruan Xiaoer saw it, he ordered the sailors to shoot arrows.The four clippers returned.Ruan Xiaoer told him to take advantage of the momentum and catch up to the beach.The four clippers stayed by the beach.But the four stewards jumped ashore, and many of the sailors left.Ruan Xiaoer saw that there were so many boats in the water village on the beach, he didn't dare to go up, but just looked down from the water.I saw a wave of flags on Wulong Ridge, the sound of golden drums, and the fire platoons were all lit, looking forward to the next beach rushing down with the wind.The big ships behind shouted together, all with long spears scratching their hooks, they all lined up with the fire, only caring about killing the enemy.Tong Wei and Tong Meng saw that it was too difficult to approach, so they put their boats on the shore, abandoned the boats, climbed over the mountain, went up the mountain, and found their way back to the village.Ruan Xiaoer and Meng Kang were on board the boat to meet the enemy, and the fire platoons continued to burn.When Ruan Xiaoer was in a hurry to get into the water, the rear boat caught up with him and caught him with a hook.Ruan Xiaoer was flustered, afraid that he would be humiliated if he took it, so he pulled out his waist knife and killed himself.Meng Kang saw that it wasn't his head, and when he was about to go into the water, the fire platoon fired a volley of cannons, and one shot hit Meng Kang's helmet, making it a meat paste.The four navy chiefs got on the fire boat and killed the generals. Li Jun, Ruan Xiaowu and Ruan Xiaoqi were all in the back boat. Seeing that the front boat was defeated and came along the bank of the river, they had to change boats in a hurry, and just set down on the Tonglu bank along the river. Come.

Besides, Baoguang National Division and Marshal Shi Bao on Wulong Ridge saw that the chief of the navy was victorious, and took advantage of the momentum to lead the army to kill him down the ridge.The water depth cannot catch up with each other, and the road is far away to chase each other. The Song soldiers retreated and stationed in Tonglu, and the southern soldiers also retreated to Wulongling.There are poems to prove it:
It is even more difficult to name Baoguang's military skills if it is clumsy and sparse.

The fireboats and artillery rose from the sky, killing the lone army too mercilessly.

Song Jiang was stationed in the Zhaizha in Tonglu, and saw Ruan Xiaoer and Meng Kang broken again. They were troubled in the tent, sleeping and eating, and sleeping and sleeping restlessly.Wu Yong and the other generals could not persuade him. Ruan Xiaowu and Ruan Xiaoqi had already given up their filial piety, and they came to persuade Song Jiang, saying: "My brother lost his life today because of a national event, and it is better than dying in Liangshanpo and burying his name. Pioneer Master soldier, don't worry, and please take care of the country's affairs, my two brothers will take revenge." Song Jiang listened and turned his head slightly.The next day, the army and horses were still reorganized, and then the troops were to be marched.Wu Yong remonstrated: "Brother, don't be impatient, and it's not too late to think about a plan to cross the mountains." He only saw Zhen and Xie Bao and said, "My two brothers were originally from Orion, and they are used to Bashan Duling. I pretend Be a hunter here, climb up the mountain, light a fire, and scare the bandits, so they must abandon the pass." Wu Yong said: "Although this plan is good, I'm afraid the mountain is steep and difficult to make progress. If you make a mistake, you will die. It's hard to guarantee." Xie Zhen and Xie Bao then said: "My two brothers escaped from Dengzhou prison and went to Liangshanpo. Thanks to my elder brother's blessing, they have been heroes for many years, and they have been ordered by the state to wear brocade jackets. Today they are the imperial court. It is not too much to repay my dear brother." Song Jiangdao: "Don't say such fierce words, my brother, I only hope that I will return to Beijing after doing great work early, and the imperial court will not wrong us. You just do your best and contribute to the country. " Xie Zhen and Xie Bao went to tie their bundles, put on tiger-skin jackets, each had a sharp knife in their waists, and carried a steel fork.When the two came to resign from Song Jiang, they took the small road to look up at Wulong Ridge.

There is only one more weather at this time.On the road, they bumped into two small soldiers who were on the road, and the two ended up with two.When they arrived at the foot of the ridge, there was already a second watch, and it was clearer in the village on the top of the ridge. The two dared not walk on the main road, but climbed up the ridge step by step.It is night and the moon is as bright as day.Two three stops climbed above the second stop, and I saw the lights shining on the ridge.When the two were lying on the edge of the ridge and listening, the drum above had already played four watches.Xie Zhen called her brother secretly: "The night is short, and the sky is coming to an end. Let me go up together." The two climbed up again.Just as they climbed to the rugged part of the rock wall, among the steep cliffs, the two of them only cared about climbing up, their hands and feet were busy, but they tied their arms to the steel fork and dragged them behind their backs, making the bamboo and vines rattle.The early eaters on the mountains have seen it.Xie Zhen was crawling in the hollow of the mountain, only to hear the cry from above, and a hook was catching Xie Zhen's bun.When Xie Zhen hurriedly pulled out the knife from her waist, the superiors had already lifted him to the ground.Xie Zhen was flustered, and hastily cut off the scratching hook with a knife, but fell from the sky.Poor Xie Zhen, who had been a hero for half her life, fell down from this hundred-foot-high cliff and died unexpectedly.The bottom is full of wolf teeth and rocks, smashing the body.Xie Bao saw that his elder brother was going downhill, and when he hurriedly stepped back down the ridge, large and small stones rolled down from above, and he shot from the bamboo vines with short crossbows and arrows.Poor Xie Bao, for the sake of being a hunter for a lifetime, shot to death together in the bamboo and vines beside Wulongling.Two dead.At dawn, people were sent down from the mountain to weatherize the corpses of Jiezhen and Jiebao on the mountain.The spies were prepared in detail, and reported to Song Xianfeng that Xie Zhen and Xie Bao had died in Wulongling.There are poems to prove it:
Thousand-foot cliffs are steep and vague, and ancient vines are tall and trees are chaotic.

In the middle of the night, he wanted to make a spy plan, but the two generals would die in an instant.

Song Jiang heard Jiezhen and Jiebao again, and cried several times until he fainted.So he called Guan Sheng and Hua Rong to order troops to take Wulongling pass and avenge the four brothers.Wu Yong remonstrated: "Brother, don't be in a hurry. Those who have died are all destiny. If you want to take the pass, you can't make mistakes. You must use a clever strategy to win the pass wisely before you can dispatch troops and generals." Song Jiang said angrily: " Who wants to destroy my brothers and sisters! I can't bear the thieves to weather my brother on the mountain! Tonight, we must raise troops, first go and take the corpse back and bury it in a coffin." Wu Yongzhi said: "The thieves took the corpse It's weathered, I'm afraid there is a plan, and my brother can't do anything wrong." Song Jiang was willing to listen to the advice of the army teacher, and then mobilized [-] elite soldiers, leading four generals, Guan Sheng, Hua Rong, Lu Fang, and Guo Sheng, and marched to Wulongling overnight.It's the second watch time.The small school reported: "There are two people weathered in front. They dare to be the corpses of Jie Zhen and Jie Bao." On a piece of skin, write two lines of big characters on it, and the moon is dark.When Song Jiang ordered to set off the cannon fire, when he blew up the lamp to look at it, it read: "Song Jiang will also order here sooner or later."I saw torches rising all around, golden drums beating chaotically, surrounded by regiments of troops and horses.On the current ridge, early random arrows came.The sailors in the boats in the river all came ashore one after another.Song Jiang cried out "bitter" when he saw it, but he didn't know how high or low it was.When the army retreated in a hurry, Shi Bao was the first to stop the way.Turning his head sideways, it was Deng Yuanjue who came down again. Poor Song Jiang, his loyalty throughout his life was as high as the sky of immortality; today he suffered disaster and died without a place to die.The scale is like Maling Road, and the scenery is like Luofengpo.After all, how did Song Jiang's army and horse escape, and let's listen to the next chapter.

In this round, six generals were lost: Hou Jian, Duan Jingzhu, Ruan Xiaoer, Meng Kang, Xie Zhen, and Jie Bao; the sick stayed in Hangzhou and took care of them, and a total of eight generals: Zhang Heng, Mu Hong, Kong Ming, Zhu Gui, Yang Lin, Bai Sheng, Mu Chun, Zhu Fu.

(End of this chapter)

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