Water Margin

第6章 吴加亮布4斗5方旗 宋公明排9宫8卦阵

Chapter 6


The Langmiao Huiyou is not Zhou, but the mountains and forests have extraordinary plans.

The phoenix has no six heaps to hold high, and the tiger enters the mountains to be free.

Four fights and five directions are arranged, and nine palaces and eight trigrams are used to move troops.

If the army is trapped, the general will lose his tolerance, and the dogs and horses will know that they are enemies.

It is said that Tong Guan, the privy envoy, accepted the post of Grand Marshal of the Emperor's Army, and when he went to the Privy Council, he issued a troop dispatch test, to send Tokyo to manage the Eighth Route Army prefecture, each with [-] troops, and sent the commander of the soldiers and horses of this department; He also selected [-] points in the Royal Forest Army of the capital to guard the Chinese army.The next affairs of the Privy Council are entrusted to the Deputy Privy Envoy.Two good generals were selected from the imperial camp for the left wing and the right wing.The order has been set, and within ten days, everything will be complete.One should continue the army rations, and Gao Taiwei sent people to transport them.That Eighth Route Army horse?Suizhou Military Supervisor Duan Pengju, Zhengzhou Military Supervisor Chen Zhu, Chenzhou Military Supervisor Wu Bingyi, Tangzhou Military Supervisor Han Tianlin, Xuzhou Military Supervisor Li Ming, Dengzhou Military Supervisor Wang Yi, Weizhou Military Supervisor Ma Wanli, Zhou Xin, the governor of Songzhou soldiers and horses.

In the imperial camp, two good generals from the left wing and the right wing were selected as the Chinese army. Those two?Feng Mei, the general of the imperial flying dragon, and Bi Sheng, the general of the imperial flying tiger.

Tong Guan mastered the Chinese army as the main division, ordered the three armies to be ready, the arsenal was transferred to the army, and the auspicious day was selected for the division.Gao Taiwei and Yang Taiwei held a farewell banquet.The imperial court wrote Yang Zhongshu Province and rewarded the army.It is said that Tong Guan has ordered all the generals to drive the army out of the city the next day, and then bid farewell to the emperor, fly on the horse, and go out of the Xincao gate, five li short pavilion, only to see Gao and Yang Ertaiwei as the leader, leading all the officials, waiting there first.Tong Guan dismounted, and Gao Taiwei held the cup and said to Tong Guan: "Private Minister, this trip will make great achievements with the imperial court, and he will play a triumphant song early. This bandit is hiding in the puddles. You can't enter lightly. You only need to cut the food and grass on the four sides and strengthen the stronghold. To lure the thief down the mountain, first send the responsible people to inquire about the news, and then they can enter the army. At that time, one by one was captured alive, and the concubine was worthy of the imperial commission. I hope that the clerk will judge him." Tong Guan said: "Respect I have been taught, and I will never forget it, and I dare not forget it." Everyone drank and stopped drinking.Yang Taiwei also came to hold the bell and Tong Guandao: "The Prime Minister has read military books and knows the strategy well. It is easy to capture this bandit. It is not convenient to fight the bandit lurking in the water. The location is inconvenient. The Prime Minister will have a good strategy when he arrives there." Tong Guandao: "When I come to the other side, I will act according to the opportunity and have my own rules." Gao and Yang, two Taiweis, drink together and congratulate: "Outside the gate of the capital, look forward to the triumphant return." After saying goodbye, they each got on their horses.Not to mention Gao, Yang Ertaiwei and all the officials returned to Beijing.I don't know the number of officials who are affiliated with each yamen to send them on the way.It doesn't matter if you go back or send you back to Beijing halfway.The three armies, big and small, marched together, everyone wanted to fight, and everyone wanted to fight.A group of people and horses, each following the team, is very strict.The fourth army of the front army, led by the vanguard and marching; the fourth army of the rear army, supervised by the rear general; the horses of the eighth route army on the left and right, and the feathered flag board urged the supervisor; people.Tong Guan holds the whip and directs the soldiers to march.How can the military look be pruned?But see:

The soldiers are divided into nine teams, and the flags are in five directions.Green sinking guns, point steel guns, and crow-horned guns are all over the field with light; Qinglong swords, Yanyue swords, and Yanling swords are full of murderous aura.Sparrow-painted bows, iron tire bows, and precious carving bows are inserted into flying fish bags; tiger arrows, wolf-toothed arrows, and willow-leaf arrows are all stored in lion pots.Carriage crossbows, lacquer crossbows, and foot-mounted crossbows line up the front army; mountain-opening axes, moon-cutting axes, and Xuanhua axes follow closely behind the squadron.The bamboo-jointed whip, the tiger-eye whip, and the water-grinding whip all hang on the elbows; the meteor hammer, chicken-heart hammer, and flying hammer are all carried by the side.Fang Tianji, the tail of the leopard is flipping; Zhangba spear, the beads are scattered.Long Wenjian draws Wang Qiushui, and the tiger head card draws a few strands of spring clouds.Pioneers are fierce and brave, leading the elite soldiers who pull mountains and open roads; marshal heroes, leading the heroes who drink water and break bridges.The left-handed army is powerful and prestige, and has the means to kill generals and seize the flag; the right-handed army is magnificent and courageous;Under the green oil building, the Privy Council of the East Hall is in charge of the Central Army.By the side of the Baoyu flag, the escorting army is the wings.Shaking the sky and drumming the mountains, reflecting the sun and banners to avoid ghosts and gods.

That day Tong Guan left Tokyo, and the army was on the road.The soldiers marched for fifty miles and lived in settlements. They set off again the next day and moved forward in a meandering way.In less than a day or two, it has reached the boundary of Jeju.The prefect Zhang Shuye went out of the city to meet him, and the army settled outside the city.I saw Tong Guan leading Qingqi into the city and dismounting in front of the state Yamen.Zhang Shuye invited him to the hall. After worshiping and living, he stood in front of him.Tong Shumi said: "Waterhole grass thieves kill good people and invite business travelers to do evil. They often suppress and arrest people who are not suitable for them and cause them to grow. I am now commanding an army of [-] and a hundred generals. One day we will clear the fortress, capture all the thieves, and bring peace to the people." Zhang Shuye replied: "Prince Shu is at the top, this bandit is lurking in the water, although it is a wild bandit in the mountains, there are many resourceful and brave men among them. Prime Minister Shu Don't use your anger to motivate yourself and lead the army to drive; you must use a good strategy to achieve success." Tong Guan was furious when he heard this, and scolded: "It's like you who are afraid of cowardly people, afraid of swords and avoiding swords, greedy for life and afraid of death, and made mistakes. The state's major affairs have led to the formation of thieves. I am here now, so why should I be afraid!" Zhang Shuye dared to speak again, and prepared wine and food for delivery.Privy Tong went out of the city immediately.The next day, he led the army and went to the village near Liangshanbo.

In addition, Song Jiang and others have been investigating for many days.Song Jiang and Wu Yong have already discussed their plans like an iron barrel, and they are only waiting for the arrival of the army.Inform all generals that they must obey and make no mistakes.

Besides, Tong Shumi dispatched the army, so that Duan Pengju, the military governor of Suizhou, was the leading vanguard, Chen Zhu, the governor of Zhengzhou, was the deputy vanguard, Wu Bingyi, the governor of Chenzhou, was the leader, Li Ming, the governor of Xuzhou, was the deputy leader, and Han Tianlin, the governor of Tangzhou, was the deputy leader. Wang Yi, the capital supervisor of Dengzhou, served as the left whistle, Ma Wanli, the capital supervisor of Fuzhou, and Zhou Xin, the capital supervisor of Songzhou, served as the right whistle, and Feng Mei and Bi Sheng, the two dragon and tiger generals, served as the wings of the Chinese army.Tong Guan is the marshal, who leads the army, wears all over his body, and personally supervises.Three links of war drums, all the armies are up.It was only ten miles away, where the dust started, there had already been enemy sentry routes, and they were approaching.At the place where the Luan bell rang, there were about thirty sentinel horses, all wearing green scarves, each wearing a green war jacket, and red tassels on the horses, with dozens of copper bells tied to each side, and a pheasant tail inserted behind them, They are all long silver spears with thin rods, light bows and short arrows.Who is the leading warrior?Zensheng dress up?But see:
The horn of the crow is crossed with the gun, and the knife is inserted into the snake's skin.The gold-stamped scarves are green with Buddha heads, and the embroidered war robes are green with parrots.The velvet sash at the waist is really purple, and the feet are covered with airy and soft fragrant leather.Behind the carved saddle is a hanging brocade bag, which contains stones for fighting generals. A copper bell is hung next to the horse, and a pheasant tail is inserted behind it.General Hussars has no feathers and arrows, and Zhang Qingshao leads the way.

The general who is coming soon, clearly wrote on the flag: "The leader of the patrol has no feathers and arrows Zhang Qing".On the left is Gong Wang, and on the right is Ding Desun.Just whistle to the front of Tong Guanjun, not far away, only a hundred steps away, rein in your horse and go back.The two vanguard generals of the former army were not allowed to be ordered by the army, and they dared not move indiscriminately, so they reported to the Chinese army.The coach Tong Guan came to the front of the army in person, and Zhang Qing sent a whistle to the future again.Tong Guan wanted to send people to chase after him, so he said from left to right: "This man's brocade bag behind the saddle is full of stones. Don't let it go, and don't chase him." Zhang Qing sent three times in a row, but Tong Guan didn't see Tong Guan's army, so he returned.After walking less than five miles, I saw the sound of gongs behind the mountain, and five hundred infantry troops came out early. The first four infantry leaders were Li Kui, the black whirlwind, Fan Rui, the demon king of the world, Xiang Chong, the eight-armed nazha, and Li Kui, the flying sage. Dagon, come straight forward.But see:
Everyone has a tiger body, and all of them are sturdy.First the two evil star gods, and then the two really killed Yao.Li Kui holds double axes, and Fan Rui holds Longquan at his waist.Xiang Chong's card depicts jade-clawed 狻猊, and Li Gong's card depicts golden-eyed Xie Zhi. 500 people were dressed in crimson clothes and red jackets, and one part was from red and red tassels.A group of demons walked out of the green hills, and samadhi burst out in the green forest.

The five hundred infantry were spread out on the hillside, and the regiments on both sides were tied together.Tong Guan led the army to see him in front of him, so he moved the tail of the jade stag, and the army and horses of the brigade rushed forward.Li Kui and Fan Rui led the infantry to separate into two directions, holding their barbarian cards upside down, and walked across the foot of the mountain.Tong Guan's army drove out of Shanzui, and saw a group of Pingchuan wilderness, so they formed a formation of soldiers and horses.Looking at Li Kui and Fan Ruiduling Chuanlin in the distance, they are all gone.Tong Guanzhong's army set up a Zanmu general platform, and ordered the two judges to go up, move left and right, move together and fall together, forming a four-door fight.The battle was just over, only to hear the sound of cannons behind the mountain, and then a big army flew out from the back mountain.The vanguard in front has been set, just waiting for the enemy to come to fight.Tong Guanling gathered the horses from left to right, and when he looked from the admiral's platform, he saw the army horses from the Shandong Road coming out. The first team had red flags, the second team had mixed colored flags, the third team had green flags, and the fourth team had mixed colored flags.I saw people from all the way in Shanxi also pouring in. The first team had mixed-colored flags, the second team had white flags, the third team had mixed-colored flags, and the fourth team had soap flags.The back of the flag is full of yellow flags.The generals of the brigade rushed forward first, occupied the center, and formed a formation inside.Seeing from a distance is not true, but seeing it closely is clear.

The team of troops going up to the south is full of flaming red flags, red armor and red robes, and red tassels and red horses.In the front is a red flag for leading the army, with the six stars of the South Dipper pinned in gold on the top and the shape of a red bird embroidered on the bottom.Where the flag is raised, a general emerges from the red flag, how can it end?But see:
There is a red tassel floating on the top of the helmet, and thousands of flowers on the orangutan robe.The lion man wears a purple jade ball, and the suanni armor reveals a golden lock.Spike wooden sticks and iron nails are rowed, and the dragon horse is covered with rouge.The red flag is waving for half a day, and it is pressing the fire of Bingding in the south.

The flag clearly reads: "Pioneer General Thunderbolt Qin Ming".There are two lieutenants on the left and right, Shan Tinghao, the general of Shengshui on the left, and Wei Dingguo, the general of Shenhuo on the right.The three generals, with weapons in hand, all rode red horses and stood in front of the battle.

A group of people on the east wall are full of green flags, green armor and green robes, and green tassels and green horses.In the front is a green flag for leading the army, with four stars pinned in gold on the top and a green dragon embroidered on the bottom.Where the flag was waving, a general emerged from the green flag.Zensheng dress up?But see:
The indigo scarf is full of light, and the emerald robe is clustered with flowers.The armor pierces the beast's spit ring, and the treasured sword flashes and the dragon swallows jade.Qingcong is covered with powder and flowers, and the war jacket is green with parrots.The blue cloud flag moves the distant mountains and is bright, and it is pressing the east Jiayi wood.

It is clearly written on the banner: "General of the Left Army, Da Dao Guan Sheng".There are two lieutenants on the left and right, Ma Xuanzan of Choujun on the left, and Hao Siwen on the right.The three generals, with weapons in their hands, all rode green horses and stood in front of the battle.

A group of people and horses on the west wall are full of white flags, white armor and white robes, and white tassels and white horses.In front is a white flag for leading the army, with five stars pinned in gold on the top and a white tiger embroidered on the bottom.Where the flag was waving, a general emerged from the white flag.How is life over?But see:
Momo cold clouds protect the sun, and thousands of pear blossoms are stacked.The plain robe is shining, and the rotten silver armor is cold.Saishuang's horse rides a lion, with a white spear and a green sink.A bunch of flags are flying in the snow, just according to the Western Gengxin gold.

The flag clearly reads: "Leopard Head Lin Chong, General of the Right Army".There are two lieutenants on the left and right, the left hand is Zhen Sanshan Huang Xin, and the right hand is the sick Wei Chi Sun Li.The three generals, with weapons in hand, all rode white horses and stood in front of the battle.

A group of people and horses behind them are full of soap flags, black armor and black robes, and black horses with black tassels.In front is a black flag for leading the army, with the Big Dipper pinned in gold on the top and the shape of basalt embroidered on the bottom.Where the flag was waving, a general emerged from the black flag.Zensheng dress up?But see:
The majestic dark clouds rose, and the iron cavalry had a strong bow.The Zaoluo robe wears the body of a dragon and tiger, and the black oil armor hangs on the body of a jackal.The whip is like two oolong whips, and the horse travels thousands of miles like splashed ink.The seven-star flag moves Xuanwu and shakes, and it is pressing against the Rengui River in the north.

It is clearly written on the banner: "After the merger, the general double whip Hu Yanzhuo".There are two lieutenants on the left and right, the left hand is Yusheng General Han Tao, and the right hand is Tianmu General Peng Duansi.The three generals, armed with weapons, all rode black horses and stood in front of the battle.

In the shadow of the flag at the southeast gate, there is a group of army horses, with green flags and red armors.In the front is an embroidered flag leading the army, the Xun hexagram is pinned in gold on the top, and the flying dragon is embroidered on the bottom.Where the flag was waving, a general was held out.How is life over?But see:
He came out of the battlefield in armor and robes, holding two spears in his hands.The carved bow, luan and phoenix are inserted in the pot, and the sword and shark are hidden in the sheath.The yellow brocade belt floats in the mist clothes, and the purple silk reins are vacated in the sky.The green flag, the red flame, the dragon and the snake move, occupying the southeast alone and guarding the Sunda side.

The flag clearly reads: "Dong Ping, General of the Tiger Army with Two Spears".There are two lieutenants on the left and right, the left hand is Moyun Jinchi Ou Peng, and the right hand is Huoyan Suanni Deng Fei.Armed with weapons, all ride horses and stand in front of the battle.

In the shadow of the flag at the southwestern gate, there is a troop of army horses, with red flags and white armor.In the front is an embroidered flag leading the army, the gold pin Kun hexagram on the top, and the flying bear embroidered on the bottom.Where the flag was waving, a general was held out.Zensheng dress up?But see:
Heroes will emerge first, and the majesty and prestige will add to the atmosphere.Fish-scale iron armor tightly covers the body, and a golden helmet with phoenix wings is attached to protect the neck.The rushing horse is shaped like a dragon, and the mountain-breaking ax is like a bow.The red flag and white armor are flying with flames, and they are occupying the position of Southwest Kun.

It is clearly written on the flag: "Hussar General Vanguard Suo Chao".There are two lieutenants on the left and right, the Jinmaohu Yanshun in the left hand, and the iron flute fairy Ma Lin in the right hand.The three generals, holding weapons and riding horses, stood in front of the battle.

In the shadow of the flag at the northeast gate, there is a troop of soldiers and horses, and the soap flag is green.In the front is an embroidered flag leading the army, with Gen hexagrams pinned in gold on the top, and flying leopards embroidered on the bottom.The place where the flag is waving, and a general is held out, how can it end?But see:
A tiger sits on a carved saddle with courage, and a bow and arrow are thrown into a panic.The silver cover with red tassels covers the face of the knife, and the velvet golden bell is attached to the side of the horse.The red flowers on the top of the helmet are scattered, and the armor is covered with willow leaves.Inside the Qingjia smoke cloud of the Zao Banner, the Tianshan Mountains in the northeast are guarding the Gen side.

It is clearly written on the banner: "Hussar General Jiuzhilong Shijin".There are two lieutenants on the left and right, Chen Da, the tiger jumping on the left, and Yang Chun, the white snake, on the right.The three generals, holding weapons and riding horses, stood in front of the battle.

In the shadow of the flag at the northwest gate, there is a group of army horses, with white flags and black armor.In the front is a leading army flag, with Qian Gua pinned in gold on the top and flying tigers embroidered on the bottom.Where the flag was waving, a general was held out.Zensheng dress up?But see:
Carved saddle jade, reining in the horse, hissing the wind, and the black mist on the edge of the circle.The silver arrowhead in the leopard tail pot, and the iron tire bow in the flying fish bag.On the side of the armor, green strands wear double phoenixes, and on the side of the knife, golden flowers are inlaid with small dragons.A cluster of white flags flutters with black armor, and the northwest of Tianmen is Qiangong.

The flag clearly reads: "Hussar general Yang Zhi with a green face".There are two lieutenants on the left and right, the left hand is the golden leopard Yang Lin, and the right hand is the bully Zhou Tong.The three generals, holding weapons and riding horses, stood in front of the battle.

The iron barrels on the left and right sides of the formation are similar. In the gate of the formation, the cavalry follows the cavalry, and the infantry follows the infantry. Each holds a steel knife and big axe, a broadsword and a long spear.Going to the center of the eight formations, you can see that the whole group is surrounded by apricot-yellow flags, with 64 long-legged flags in between, with 64 hexagrams of gold pins on them, which are also divided into four gates.The south gate is full of horse troops.Zhengnan went to Huangqi Yingli, and two generals were held out, and it was generally over.Zensheng put on?But see:
Among the cooked gongs, there are coloratura drums, and clusters gather to form teams.He wears a gold armor and ocher yellow robe, and a fleece jacket with a sunflower dance.Gai Xin's two horses are like dragons, and a pair of people in the formation are like tigers.The apricot and yellow flags are set around, and the central Wuji soil is being pressed.

The two generals all rode yellow horses, the first was the handsome bearded man Zhu Dian, and the second was the winged tiger Lei Heng.All the people and horses are yellow flags, yellow robes and bronze armor, yellow horses and yellow tassels.There are four gates in the central formation, the east gate is Jinyan Biao Shien, the west gate is Zheng Tianshou, the white-faced gentleman, the south gate is Yunli King Kong Song Wan, and the north gate is Xue Yong, a disease worm.

In the middle of the yellow flag stood the apricot-yellow flag of "Walking the Way for the Heavens". Four velvet ropes were tied to the flagpole, and four strong soldiers waved it.Immediately in the middle, there is that strong man guarding the flag.Zensheng looks like?But see:
The crown hairpin has a fish tail ring with gold thread, and the armor is wrinkled with dragon scales to protect the brocade clothes.Linlin's body is one foot long, and the Chinese army is guarding the apricot-yellow flag.

This strong man guarding the flag is Yu Baosi, God of Dangerous Way.

Behind the bunch of yellow flags was a bunch of gun mounts, and the gunner Hong Tianlei Lingzhen stood there, leading more than 28 assistants to surround the gun mounts.Around the back of the shelf, there are hooks and nooses, which are used to catch generals.After scratching the hook hand, there was another miscellaneous colorful flag. The group is the seven-fold embroidered hand. There are 28 embroidered flags on all sides, with [-] stars in gold on them. A golden bell, a pheasant tail inserted on the top, and a goose-yellow flag with the word Shuai.How did the strong man guarding the flag look like?But see:
The armor is obliquely tied with sea animal skins, and the crimson scarf is decorated with flower branches.Qianhong robe and jacket are fragrant and cotton armor, guarding the flag of the commander in chief of the Chinese army.

This strong man who guards the flag has no face.

Go to the side of the Shuaizi flag, and set up two soldiers guarding the flag, both riding horses, and it usually ends.But see:
A battle robe is covered with brocade, and an armor is embroidered with suanni.

One is able to straddle the Huailiu steadily, and the other is able to ride a fine horse.

A steel gun is majestic, and a sharp sword is flying like snow.

One closely guards the Chinese army tent, and the other often rests on the Baoqi flag.

The two strong men guarding the commander-in-chief flag, one is Maotouxing Kong Ming, and the other is Duxing Kongliang.In front of the horse and behind the horse, 24 armored sergeants with maces lined up.The two flags at the back lead the battle embroidered flags, and 24 Fangtian painted halberds are lined up on both sides.Among the twelve painted halberds in his left hand, he holds a brave general.Zensheng dress up?But see:
Sitting on the saddle, the horse immediately flew into the wind, and the armor was shining brightly. The unicorn's girdle was called the wolf's waist, and the Xiezhi swallowed the chest and became the tiger's body.

The crown is crowned with a pearl inlaid with Xiaoxing, and the sword in the sheath hides autumn water.Fang Tian painted a halberd with snow and frost, and the wind moved the leopard's tail.

It is written clearly on the embroidered flag: "Little Wen Hou Lu Fang".Among the twelve painted halberds in the right hand is also holding a brave general, how can he dress up?But see:
The three-pronged crown has brilliant beads, and the two pheasant tails are colorful.The persimmon red battle jacket covers the silver mirror, and the willow green skirt presses the embroidered saddle.

The girdle double-spans the otter tail, and the heart armor hangs a small chain.Holding a painting pole, Fang Tianji, fluttering money and five colors.

It is written clearly on the embroidered flag: "Sai Rengui Guo Sheng".The two members will each hold a painting halberd and immediately stand on both sides.

In the middle of the painted halberd, there is a cluster of steel forks, and the two infantry generals generally end.But see:
Tiger skin knocked brain leopard skin girdle, armor cage finely woven gold.

The steel fork in the hand is shining, and the sharp sword in the waist is cold.

Chongjian cave, entering the sword forest, the brothers are open-minded.

Two cover the earth and cover the sky with courage, and a pair of people who kill dragons and tigers.

One is Jiezhen, a two-headed snake, and the other is Jiebao, a two-tailed scorpion.The two brothers, each with a three-pronged lotus fork, lead a group of infantry soldiers to guard the Chinese army.Then there are two brocade saddle horses, two scribes, who are in charge of setting rewards and punishing crimes, how should the one on the left be dressed?But see:
Wusha Tang hat with a rhinoceros belt, plain white silk dry soap boots.

The generosity hides the delicacy in the chest, and the pen is a dragon and a snake.

This is Xiao Rang, a scholar who is in charge of copywriting in Liangshan Bo.How can the one on the right be dressed up?But see:
Jade praying mantises are inserted in the green gauze scarf, and the soap has a long purple belt.

As an official, he dared to bully Xiao Xiangguo, and he became famous all over the world.

This is Pei Xuan, the hero with an iron face who is in charge of history in Liangshanbo.Behind the two horses, there are 24 people in purple clothes holding festivals, holding 24 mozzarella knives.In the forest of knives, there stood two executioners in brocade clothes and three rows of executioners.How is life over?But see:
One is made of leather with red clusters around the waist, and the other is made of strings of colored kicks.

A pair of rings flapping the beast and Jin Ming, and a turban surrounded by flowers and branches.

A white gauze shirt covers the brocade body, and a bald sleeve is half exposed.

One held the Leuchen Slaying Ghost Sword, and the other held the water and fire stick in his hand.

The first hand is Cai Fu with an iron arm, and the lower hand is Cai Qing, a flower.

Two brothers, standing in front of the battle, are holding swords on the left and right.There are 24 golden guns and silver guns on both sides of the back, and a general is set up to lead the team on each side.In the team of twelve golden guns on the left, there is a brave general on the horse, holding a golden gun and sitting sideways on his horse.Zensheng dress up?But see:
The golden saddle horse is purple silk rein, and the golden emerald flower branches are pressed on the temples.The sparrow draws a bow and hangs a crescent moon, and the Longquan sword hangs nine autumn frosts.The embroidered robes are cleverly made of parrot green, and the battle uniforms are lightly cut with willow leaves yellow.The tassel on the top is brilliant red, holding a gold-threaded iron gun.

This heroic general is Xu Ning, the Golden Gunner of Liangshanbo.In the team of twelve silver guns on the right hand, there is a hero immediately, holding a silver gun, and sitting sideways on a steed, how can he wear it?But see:
The brocade saddles and treasures of Shu are bright, and the horses of the Five Ming Dynasties are jade pendants.The tiger's tendons and strings are buckled, and the carved bow is hard, and the swallow's tail is long with feathered arrows.The peacock in the green brocade robe is bright gold, and the red mandarin duck is tied with a bunch of purple mandarin ducks.Gold armour, half exposed, holding a silver wire iron gun.

This brave general is Li Guanghuarong, a young man from Liangshanbo.In both situations, they are both romantic and mighty generals.The golden gunner and the silver gunner each wear soap scarves, and green leaves and golden flowers are inserted on the sideburns.The twelve golden gunmen on the left wear green, and the twelve silver gunmen on the right wear purple.On the back is another pair of brocade clothes, a pair of flowered hats, clusters of crimson robes, and embroidered jackets.On the two walls are green buildings and green curtains, red banners and soap covers, yellow Yue and Baiyan, Qingping and Zidian.Two rows of 24 axes and 24 pairs of whips.

In the middle, there are three golden umbrella covers and three horses with embroidered saddles.In front of the horse, there are two heroes standing.The strong man on the left has a well-groomed appearance, unparalleled in the world.There is "Xijiang Moon" as evidence:
There is a pheasant tail on the side of the turban, and four copper bells under the waist.The yellow Luo shirt is golden and bright, the streamer embroidered skirt is commensurate, the hemp shoes with small socks are tender white, and the leg pads and knee pads are dark blue.The flag mark orders the name of the gods, and it is immediately accepted within a hundred miles.

This is Dai Zong, the leader of Liang Shanbo who can walk fast.Holding a flag embroidered with goose-yellow order characters, he is in charge of flying reports of military situation in the army, dispatching troops and generals to respond to them.The opposing strong man on the right is well-dressed, which is rare among people, as evidenced by "Xijiang Moon":
The brown jacket is covered with brocade lining, and the green scarf is covered with gold pins.There is a delicate emerald flower on the sideburns, and the jade ring is shining brightly.The red string embroidered skirt wraps the belly, and the white crotch plain apron.Falling born crossbows stick to the head, and the army of millions is pretty.

This is the prodigal son of Liang Shanbo, the prodigal son Yan Qing who is capable and secretive.Carrying a strong crossbow, sticking a sharp arrow, and holding a brow-level cudgel in his hand, he dedicated himself to protecting the Chinese army.Looking at the Chinese army from a distance, go to the right under the pin Jinqingluo umbrella, on the embroidered saddle horse, sits a man of high moral character, a famous Taoist priest.Zensheng dress up?There is "Xijiang Moon" as evidence:
Ruyi crown jade hairpin green pen, crimson selling clothes crane dancing Jinxia.The fire god Zhu Lu reflects the peach blossoms, and the ring is worn with a pendant hanging obliquely.The male and female swords are on the back, and the brilliance is sprayed in the box.The canopy of Qingluo has high teeth, and the saddle of purple liu horse is stable.

This is Liangshanbo calling the wind and calling the rain, enslaving ghosts and gods, and practicing the true master into the cloud dragon Gongsun Sheng.Immediately, he carried two swords on his back, and pressed the purple silk rein in his hand.Go to the left under the Jinqingluo umbrella, on the brocade saddle horse, sits the resourceful and victorious military division.Zensheng dress up?There is "Xijiang Moon" as evidence:
The white robes are made of soap along the collar, and the purple silk sash and jasper hooks and rings.The feather in his hand is fanning the sky, and the scarf on his head is slightly banked.Wearing silver armor in the stickers, Gai Xin sits firmly on the carved saddle.A pair of copper chains hung on the waist, a teacher of both civil and military skills.

This is Liang Shanbo who can master strategy, make good use of military opportunities, and is a wise military teacher with many stars and academicians.He immediately held a feather fan in his hand and hung two copper chains around his waist.

Go to the golden big red umbrella that sells in the middle, on the golden pommel horse of the Zhaoye jade lion, sits the benevolent and righteous commander-in-chief.Zensheng dress up?But see:
The phoenix-winged helmet is full of gold treasures, and the muddy gold armor is densely built with dragon scales.The flowers in Jinzheng's robe are full of sunshine and spring, and the waist of Kun's sword hangs with light.

The legs are embroidered and velvet rings are emerald, and Yulinglong is wearing a unicorn.The pearl canopy spreads red clouds, and the first Tiangang comes to battle.

This is the owner of Liangshan Bo, a native of Yuncheng County, Jezhou, and Song Gongming, who is called Baoyi in time for rain in Shandong.When the whole body is finished, wield the sword of Kun and Wu, ride a white horse with a golden saddle, stand in the middle of the battle and supervise the battle, and control the army.After the horse, the big halberd and the spear, the brocade saddle horse, are neat and tidy, and there are thirty or fifty generals, all riding war horses, holding spears and knives, and full bows and arrows.After the horse, 24 painted horns were set up, all of which were played with military drums.After the formation, two teams of rangers were set up, lying on both sides, as protection.The wings of the Chinese army, on the left is Mu Hong, who is not blocking, and his brother Xiaozhe Mu Chun, who leads the horse infantry with 500 people; on the right is the red-haired ghost Liu Tang, who leads the nine-tailed turtle Tao Zongwang, and leads the horse infantry with 500 people. On both ribs.In the rear is another group of Yin soldiers, surrounded by three female leaders on horseback. In the middle is Qinghu Sanniang, on the left is the mother tiger Gu Dasao, and on the right is the mother Yasha Sun Erniang.Behind them are his three husbands, Wang Ying, the short-legged tiger in the middle, Xiaowei Chi Sunxin on the left, and Zhang Qing, the vegetable gardener, on the right.He is in charge of two thousand horse infantry soldiers.That formation is no small matter, how can it be a good formation?But see:

It clearly distinguishes gossip and coincides with nine palaces.The organ that occupies the sky and the earth, seizes the weather of the wind and cloud.The front and rear are in the shape of turtles and snakes, and the left and right are in the shape of dragons and tigers.Surprisingly upright soldiers, according to the good fortune of yin and yang.Bingding advances like ten thousand fires burning a mountain; Rengui follows behind like a cloud covering the ground.The green air hovers under the left hand, and the white light runs through the right hand.Jinxia is all over the center, and the zodiac is all in accordance with Wuji.The east and west are orderly, and the north and south are multi-directional.There are 28 mansions in four dimensions, and 64 hexagrams in Zhouhui.The vanguard is brave, and the hero after joining forces.The left commanders are all the ones who seize the flag and behead the generals, and the right commanders are all the ones who can lift up the mountains.Twisting and twisting, the team becomes a long snake in the chaos; neat and tidy, the majesty is like a crouching tiger in silence.The horse army clashed one after another, and the infantry was either behind or forward.Everyone is courageous and goes out before the battle to win the battle merit; everyone is talented, plunders the formation, supervises the army and captures the general.Hugh praised the success of the eight battles, and said that the six secrets won.Kong Ming made a clever plan, and Li Jing played a magic trick.

The privy envoy Tong Guan stood on the platform in the middle of the formation, fixed his eyes on the soldiers and horses at Po Liangshan, and arranged them in this nine palaces and eight trigrams formation without moving.Heroes of soldiers and horses, heroes of soldiers and soldiers, were so frightened that their souls flew out of their wits, and their hearts were shattered. They couldn't help saying: "You know, but the officers and soldiers who came here to arrest them returned in defeat. So it's so powerful!" After watching for a long time, only Song Jiangjun heard The gongs and drums in the middle of the battle kept beating.Tong Guan got off the general's platform, rode on his horse, and went out of the front army. He came to the generals and asked, "The one who dares to fight is going out to talk?" Tong Guan said: "The young general is willing to go and ask for Jun's decree." When I saw it, it was Chen Zhu, the governor of Zhengzhou, with a white robe and silver armor, and a green horse with red tassels.Tong Guan then taught the army to launch a three-way ring under the golden drum flag, and raised the red flag on the stage to display the soldiers and horses.Chen Zhu galloped out from the banner of the gate, and the two armies shouted together.Chen Zhu grabbed his horse, held his knife horizontally, and yelled sharply: "The grassroots bandits without reason, the rebellious lunatics, the heavenly soldiers have come here, and if they don't surrender, they will wait for their flesh and blood to be mud. What regrets!" The horse goes out, let alone talk.Dance with the mace stick, and go straight to Chen Zhu.When the two horses meet, the weapons are raised at the same time, one with a stick hits the head, and the other with a knife slashes at the face.The four arms intertwined, and the eight horseshoes fluttered.The two came and went, turned over and over again, and fought for more than [-] times.Qin Ming used an opening to let Chen Zhu rush in, but he cut it in vain.Qin Ming took advantage of the situation to raise his stick and drop it, and put Chen Zhu's helmet on top, hitting Tianling directly.Chen Zhu turned over and died under the horse.Qin Ming's two lieutenants, Shan Tinghao and Wei Dingguo, galloped straight out of the formation, snatched the good horse first, and went to meet Qin Ming.

In the southeast gate flag, Dong Ping, the tiger general with two spears, saw that Qin Ming had won the first prize, and immediately thought: "The army has already stepped up its spirit, why don't we just rush over here and capture Tong Guan, when will we wait!" There was a sound, like a thunderbolt before the formation, with two guns in both hands, he slapped the horse and ran straight across the formation.When Tong Guan saw it, he turned back to look at the Chinese army and left.Suo Chao, the vanguard of the hussars in the Southwest Gate Banner, also shouted: "If you catch Tong Guan here, when will you wait!"When Qin Ming in the center saw the two sides rushing over, he also mobilized his team's red flag army and horses to rush into the formation together to catch Tong Guan.It's exactly: I have done things in the past, but unfortunately they came together.Until several soap eagles chase Ziyan, a group of fierce tigers eat lambs.After all, what is the life of the privy envoy Tong Guan, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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