Water Margin

Chapter 7

Chapter 7


The red sun has no light, air and haze, and there are spears and halberds lined up on both sides.

Zheng Nao overturned the sea and turned Jiang Zhen, and the iron cavalry came chasing the wind.

Four buckets and five square flags and shadows fly, and the door of the nine palaces and eight trigrams is opened.

The treacherous boy can break the heart and gallbladder, but it seems like the big meeting back then.

It is said that the front vanguard of Song Jiang's formation, the three teams of soldiers and horses rushed over to face each other.The sergeant threw gold and drums, halberds and guns, looking for sons and fathers, calling for brothers and brothers, killing more than ten thousand people and horses, retreating thirty miles away to tie up.Wu Yong called for gold to withdraw the army in the formation, and sent an order: "And you can't chase and kill as much as you want, so report a letter to him." All the people and horses in Liangshanpo took back the cottage, and asked for rewards for their contributions.

Let's say that Tong Guan lost for a while, lost his troops, and set up a camp early to rest.Feeling depressed, I gathered all the generals to discuss.Generals Feng Mei and Bi Sheng said: "Don't worry about it. This bandit knows that the army is coming, so he arranged the formation in advance. When the army first arrived, they didn't know the reality, so they were tricked by the bandits. I think this grass bandit is just leaning on the mountain. For the sake of momentum, set up more horses and bluff. I lost the right place for a while. I will train the soldiers on horseback and rest for three days to cultivate their vigor and stop the horses. After three days, all the generals will be divided into formations of long snakes. The infantry is going to kill the generals. This formation is like a snake on a long mountain. If you hit the head, you will respond to the tail. If you hit the tail, you will respond to the first. He said: "This plan is great, and it is exactly what I want." Immediately, an order was issued to purge the three armies, and the training has been set.

On the third day, meals were made at five o'clock, and the generals were full. Horses wore leather armor and men wore iron armor.Generals Feng Mei and Bi Sheng were the first to lead the army, and they rushed to Liangshanbo in mighty strength.The horses of the Eighth Route Army were divided into left and right, and three hundred iron-armored sentinel horses were sent in front to explore the road. When they came back, they reported to Tong Guanzhong's army and said, "I didn't see a single army horse on the battlefield the day before yesterday." Ask Fengmei and Bi Shengdao: "How about retreating?" Fengmei replied: "Hugh lives and retreats, and only cares about the conflict. The long snake formation is set up, what are you afraid of doing?" The officers and soldiers meandered forward until they reached the edge of the water , Sure enough, there was no army horse, but there was a vast expanse across the water, full of reeds and wildfires.From a distance, I saw an apricot-yellow flag waving on the top of Shuihu Village, but there was no movement.Tong Guan, Feng Mei, and Bi Sheng reined in their horses before the army, and saw a small boat in the reed forest on the water on the opposite bank. There was a man on the boat, wearing a green bamboo hat and a green coir raincoat, leaning on the boat, with his back to the west of the bank. Fishing alone.Tong Guan's infantry called the fisherman across the bank, and asked, "Where is the thief?" The fisherman refused.Tong Guan told those who were able to shoot arrows to let them go. Two horsemen approached the shore and the beach. They grabbed the horses near the water, climbed up the bow and set up an arrow. Looking at the fisherman, he shot an arrow in his heart. The arrow hit the bamboo hat. There was a sound, and the arrow fell into the water.This horseman fired an arrow, which hit the coir raincoat, and with a sound, the arrow also fell into the water.Those two cavalry soldiers were the first in the Tong Guan Army to shoot bows and arrows.The two were taken aback, pulled back their horses, came up and leaned down to tell Tong Guan, "Both arrows hit, but they couldn't penetrate. I don't know what he is wearing." The beach heads were spread out, and they all watched the fisherman shoot the arrow.When the random arrows were shot, the fisherman did not panic.Most of them fell into the water, and some shot at the boat, but those who shot at the coir raincoat and straw hats all fell into the water.Seeing that he didn't die from the shot, Tong Guan sent the soldiers who knew how to swim to take off their armor and went into the water to catch the fisherman.As early as 50 people went to the drive.The fisherman heard the sound of the water at the stern of the boat and knew someone was coming, so he put down his fishing without haste and took the pole by his side.Those who came near the boat, one with a pole, the one with the sun on, the one with the head on, and the one with the face on the door, all fell into the water.Seeing a few sinking in the back, they all went to the shore to find Yijia.Seeing that he was furious, Tong Guan ordered five hundred soldiers to go into the water, and he was determined to capture the fisherman; if anyone came back, he would be stabbed twice.Five hundred soldiers took off their armor and shouted loudly. They all jumped into the water and rushed over.The fisherman turned the bow of the boat, pointed at Tong Guan on the shore and cursed: "The traitors of the country, the beasts that harm the people, come here to take their lives, and they don't know they will die!" Tong Guan was furious, and ordered the horsemen to shoot arrows.The fisherman laughed loudly and said, "A military horse has arrived from Wu." Pointing his finger, he threw away his coir raincoat and straw hat, turned over and buried himself in the bottom of the water.The five hundred troops were going to the side of the boat, only to hear screaming in the water, and they all sank.The fisherman was Zhang Shun, who was jumping white in the waves, with a straw hat on his head, wrapped in Ruo leaves, and made of copper inside; the inside of his coir raincoat was made of cooked copper, which looked like a tortoise shell, but he knew the arrows Impossible to shoot.Zhang Shun dived to the bottom of the water, pulled out his waist knife, and only wanted to poke people at the top price, they all sank, and blood boiled.Some obedient ones went and escaped with their lives.Tong Guan stared blankly on the bank, and a general beside him pointed out: "The yellow flag on the top of the mountain is flying there."

Tong Guan looked at it intently, puzzled.The generals didn't make sense either.Feng Mei said: "Divide the [-] armored sentinel horses into two teams, and teach them to send out sentry behind the mountains on both sides, and see how it goes." But when they were assigned to the front of the mountain, they heard a thunder cannon flying from the reeds. The smoke stirs up chaos.The sentry horses on both sides came back and reported: "Ambush has arrived!" Tong Guan was shocked on the horse!Feng Mei and Bi Sheng sent people to teach the sergeants not to move around.Hundreds of thousands of troops have swords in their hands.The flying horses came forward and shouted: "If there is one who goes first, we will kill it!" Hold down the horses of the three soldiers.When Tong Guanqie and all the generals looked at him immediately, the sound of drums behind the mountain shook the ground, shouting loudly, and a group of army horses flew out earlier, all flying yellow flags, and there were two Xiao generals leading the army first.How can you see that the army and horses are neat?as if:

Yellow flags swarm out of the mountains, shining golden light into the blue sky.Horses are like raging waves rushing towards the stone wall, and people are like raging fire shaking the wind.

The sound of the drums shook the Senluo Hall, and the artillery force overturned the Taihua Palace.The sword team hides the winged tiger, and the spear forest flies out of the bearded man.

Two horses with yellow manes, two heroic leaders: the first is the beautiful bearded man Zhu Dian, and the lower is the winged tiger Lei Heng, leading 5000 people and horses to kill the official army.Tong Guanling's generals Feng Mei and Bi Sheng were the first to meet the enemy.When the two got the order, they immediately raised their guns and rushed out, yelling: "The grasshopper for no reason, if you don't come to surrender, when will you wait!" Lei Heng laughed on the horse and shouted: "I don't know if I die before my eyes! How dare you Fight me!" Bi Sheng was furious, he patted his horse and raised his gun to go straight for Lei Heng, and Lei Heng also used his gun to meet him.The two horses meet, and the weapons are raised simultaneously.The two will fight for more than [-] rounds, regardless of victory or defeat.Seeing that Bi Shengzhan could not win for a long time, Feng Mei slapped her horse and wielded her sword and came to help the battle.Seeing this, Zhu Dian shouted loudly, and flew to fight Fengmei with round swords.Two pairs of four horses fought in front of the formation.Tong Guan watched and applauded.When the fight was deep in the room, I saw Zhu Ting and Lei Heng showing a flaw, turning back their horses to look at the formation, and then left.Feng Mei and Bi Sheng were reluctant to give up, and chased after them.The opposing army shouted, looked at the mountain and left.Tong Guanming tried his best to catch up to the foot of the mountain.All I heard was the sound of the horns on the top of the mountain. When all the troops looked up, the two cannons at the front and back flew straight up.Tong Guan knew that there was an ambush, so he asked the army and horses not to chase them.

I saw the apricot-yellow flag flashing on the top of the mountain, with the words "walking for the sky" embroidered on it.When Tong Guan walked across the mountain and looked over there, he saw a cluster of colorful embroidered flags on the top of the mountain, showing Song Jianglai, the unrivaled hero of Yuncheng County, Shandong Hubaoyi.Behind them are military advisers Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, Hua Rong, Xu Ning, golden gunners, silver gunners, and many heroes.Tong Guan was furious when he saw this, so he sent someone to take Song Jiang up the mountain immediately.The army and horses were divided into two groups, but they waited to go up the mountain, only to hear the drums and music on the top of the mountain, and all the heroes laughed.Tong Guan became more angry, gritted his teeth, and shouted, "How dare this thief play tricks on me! I will capture him myself." Feng Mei remonstrated, "Prince Shu, he must have a plan, and he must not come to a dangerous place. And Please go back to the army, and you can only enter the army after inquiring about the facts in the future." Tong Guan said: "Nonsense! How can we retreat after the matter has come to this point! Teach Xingye to confront the bandits. Now that the bandits have been seen, it is impossible to retreat." The words continued. , only heard the cries of the rear army, and the spies reported: "A Biao army rushed out from the back of Zhengxi Mountain, and killed the rear army in two places." Tong Guan was shocked, brought Feng Mei and Bi Sheng, and rushed back to rescue the rear army At that time, another group of people flew out from the sound of drums behind the mountain in the east.Half are red flags, half are green flags, holding two generals, leading five thousand troops to kill the future.The red flag army follows the red flag, and the blue flag army follows the green flag. The ranks are neat, but see:
Facing the green robes between the red flags, fighting for flying horses and turning around the mountainside.The flag is baked in the sun, and the green dragon sees it, and the flag is swayed by the wind, and the red bird is shaking.

The elite soldiers of the second team are all brave, and the two generals are the most heroic.Qin Ming wields a mace, while Guan Sheng tilts the Yanyue Saber.

The leader of the red flag team is Thunderbolt Qin Ming, and the leader of the green flag team is Da Dao Guan Sheng.The second general came immediately and shouted, "Tong Guan has accepted his head early!" Tong Guan was furious, so he sent Feng Mei to fight Guan Sheng, and Bi Sheng to fight Qin Ming.Tong Guan saw that the rear army was shouting very hard, and taught Ming Jin to withdraw the army, and to stop fighting, and to retreat as soon as possible.Zhu Dian and Lei Heng led the Yellow Banner Army to kill the future again, and they attacked from both sides, causing Tong Guan's soldiers to be in chaos.Feng Mei and Bi Sheng protect Tong Guan and run away with their lives.In the middle of the line, another young man flew out from the stabbing angle, and caught the fight.Half of the army and horses were white flags and half were black flags. In the black and white flags, two tiger generals were also holding five thousand soldiers and horses to block the way.This team is neat and tidy, but see:
The cannon is like a thunderbolt, and the rocks are cracked, and the spears are displayed in the depths of the green forest.The plain robe soldiers come out of the Milky Way, and the Xuanjia soldiers come to the black air.

Two whips fly and the wind and rain sound, and one gun makes ghosts and gods worry.On the left is the general Hu Yanzhuo, and on the right is the hero leopard head.

The leader of the black flag team is Double Whip Hu Yanzhuo, and the leader of the white flag team is Lin Chong, the leopard head.The second general immediately shouted: "Traitor Tong Guan, where are you going? Come early and die!" He rushed straight into the army.Duan Pengju, the Metropolitan Superintendent of Suizhou, took over Hu Yanzhuo and fought, and Ma Wanli, the Metropolitan Superintendent of Suizhou, followed Lin Chong to fight.This Ma Wanli fought with Lin Chong less than a few times, and his strength was inferior, but he was about to leave. Lin Chong shouted loudly, panicked, took a spear, and poked it under the horse.Duan Pengju saw Ma Wanli being strangled to death by Lin Chong, he had no intention of fighting, after Hu Yanzhuo's double whip, he hurriedly turned his horse back and left.Hu Yanzhuo rushed in bravely.The two armies fought.Tong Guan only teaches to seize the road and return.I only heard the shouts of the former army, and a group of infantry flew out from behind the mountain, and rushed straight into Gaixin.At that time, a monk and his party led the army and shouted: "Stop teaching and go Tong Guan!" The monk did not practice scriptures and repentance, but was good at killing people.This traveler in Jingyanggang used to fight tigers, the most hero in Shuihu Village, and the famous traveler Wu Song.Lu Zhishen came into the battle with a Zen staff and two sabers.How do you know?There is "Xijiang Moon" as evidence:
Lu Zhishen has a Zen stick, and the martial artist has two steel knives.The steel knife flew out with flames, and the Zen staff came like an iron cannon.The Zen stick opened the head, and the steel knife cut off the waist.The two kinds of weapons are not spared, and they are prominent among millions of troops.

Tong Guan's army was led by Lu Zhishen and Wu Song, and they fell to pieces.The officers and soldiers had no way out and no retreat, so they had to lure Feng Mei and Bi Sheng to break through the siege, kill a bloody road, and run behind the mountain.Zhengfang was panting, and heard the loud boom of artillery and the sound of war drums. He saw two fierce generals leading the way, and a group of infantry blocking the way.How do you know?
Everyone bullied Zilu bravely, and everyone looked like gods.Steel knives and iron spears are in chaos, and war drums and embroidered flags are commensurate.The left hand Jiezhen is outstanding, and the right hand Jiebao is superb.Thousands of armored tigers and wolves smashed the formation of long snakes.

The incoming infantry leaders Xie Zhen and Xie Bao twisted five steel forks each, leading the infantry into the formation.Tong Guan's men and horses couldn't stop them, so they broke through and left.The five-faced cavalry and infantry all chased and killed the officers and soldiers.Feng Mei and Bi Shengli protect Tong Guan and go away.Jian Jianzhen and Xie Bao brothers straightened their steel forks and rushed straight to the horse.Tong Guan hurriedly patted his horse, looked at the stab and walked away.Behind him, Feng Mei and Bi Sheng rushed to the rescue, and Han Tianlin, the Metropolitan Supervisor of Tangzhou, and Wang Yi, the Metropolitan Supervisor of Dengzhou, fought together to escape.Just now he made progress, he was still panting, only to see the dust in front of him, screaming and killing, and another group of horses flew out of the green and velvety forest.The first two fierce generals blocked the way.Who are those two people?But see:
One swallows the mouth of a dragon with a big ax that opens mountains, and the other spits out a tip of a python with a silver spear.One gritted his silver teeth and rushed into the formation, and the other opened his eyes and leaped over the bridge.One Dong Ping wanted to take Tongguan, and the other risked his life to fight for Suo Chao.

These two fierce generals, Dong Ping with two spears and Suo Chao, the vanguard, did not talk, and Pegasus went straight to Tong Guan.Wang Yi held out his spear to meet him, but Suo Chao raised his ax and chopped him down under the horse.Han Tianlin came to rescue him, but was shot dead by Dong Ping.Feng Mei and Bi Shengshi protected Tong Guan and ran for their lives.There was a chaotic sound of golden drums all around, and I didn't know where the army was coming.When Tong Guanyuan looked up the hill, he saw four cavalry teams from all directions, two infantry teams on two flanks, castors circle, dustpan palm, and Liangshanbo army and horses came to kill together.Tong Guanjun's horses scattered like wind and clouds, and they were in chaos.While watching, a group of people came out from the hillside, and they recognized the banners as Wu Bingyi, the governor of Chenzhou, and Li Ming, the governor of Xuzhou.These two led some broken spears and halberds, defeated the disabled army and horses, and turned to Linlang Mountain to avoid it.When he saw the greeting, he was about to go uphill, and hurriedly mobilized his troops, when he saw shouts from the side of the mountain, he flew over a group of people and drove them out, two flags were raised, and immediately two strong generals, each with their weapons, rushed to the officers and soldiers.Who are these two?There are words in "Linjiang Xian" as evidence:

Flames fluttered from the long tassels on the helmet, and scarlet was scattered indiscriminately.He spits out a rainbow with pride in his chest.The battle robe is cut from Shu brocade, and the armor is plated with gold and copper.The two precious sabers are practiced like snow, and the heart is full of prestige.Rush left and right to highlight the hero.The blue-faced beast in the army class, and the nine-patterned dragon in history.

These two fierce generals are exactly Yang Zhi and Shi Jin, two horsemen and two knives, but they managed to stop the two officers Wu Bingyi and Li Ming from fighting.Li Ming raised his spear to fight Yang Zhi, while Wu Bingyi sent Fang Tianji to fight Shi Jin.The two couples were back and forth on the hillside, circling and circling, each displaying their life's martial arts.Tong Guan reined in his horse on the hillside, he couldn't decide.The four of them fought for more than [-] bouts, Wu Bingyi ran towards Shi Jin's heart with a halberd to poke the future, Shi Jin only flashed, and the halberd passed through his ribs, Wu Bingyi rushed forward with his men and horses, and was caught by Shi Jin Raised the knife in his hand and dropped it, only to see a strip of blood radiating from the flesh, and the golden scorpion was beside the horse. Wu Bingyi died at the foot of the slope.Li Ming saw that he broke one first, but when he was about to get back on his horse, Yang Zhi yelled loudly, he was so frightened that he lost his wits, trembling with fear, the gun in his hand was turned upside down.Yang Zhi chopped the saber down from the top door.Li Ming only flashed, the knife was chopping the horse's rear crotch.The horse's hind hooves will go down, knocking Li Ming off the horse.Abandoning the gun in his hand, but waiting to run, this Yang Zhi is quick, and he cuts straight with the knife.Poor Li Ming, a half-life officer, turned into Nankeyi Meng.Both officials and generals died on the slope.Yang Zhi and Shi Jin pursued and killed the defeated army, just like cutting melons and gourds.

Tong Guan, Feng Mei and Bi Sheng watched from the hillside, but they didn't dare to come down, they were at a loss.The three discussed: "How can we kill it like this?" Feng Mei said: "Young Prime Minister, please be relieved. The young general saw that he was going to the south, and Shang Wu had a large army stationed there. The flags and flags will not fall, so they can be rescued. Bi Du commanded the Prime Minister to stay on the top of the mountain, and Feng Mei killed and opened a way to take the army horse to protect the Prime Minister. Tong Guan said: "It's getting late, you can watch it conveniently, go quickly and come early. "Feng Mei held a big knife, flew down the mountain on a flying horse, and rushed to the south. When she saw the army and horses, it was Zhou Xin, the governor of Songzhou, who had arranged the army and regiments, and resisted desperately. In my heart Seeing Feng Mei coming, he entered the formation and asked, "Where is the Prime Minister? Feng Mei said: "Only on the hillside in front, waiting for your army horse to rescue and kill it."Without further ado, let's get started quickly. "When Zhou Xin heard about it, he taught the order that the horses, infantry and soldiers should look after each other, stop losing the team, and work together. The two generals took the lead, and the troops shouted for help, and rushed to the side of the hillside. An army arrived from the stabbing slope. Feng Mei danced his sword and went out to meet the enemy. He recognized Duan Pengju, the governor of Suizhou. The three met each other. They joined forces and went down the hillside. Bi Sheng went down the slope to meet him, and met Tong. Afterwards, one party discussed: "Let's go out tonight?But it's okay to come and go? Feng Mei said: "If the four of us die to protect the prime minister, then we will fight through the siege tonight and escape from the bandits." "

Looking at the near night, I can only hear the shouts from all sides and the sound of golden drums.At about the second watch, the stars and the moon were shining brightly, Feng Mei was in the lead, and all the officers surrounded Tong Guan in the middle, and with all their strength, they came down the hillside.I could only hear shouts from all around: "Don't leave Tongguan!" All the officers and soldiers only looked at Zhengnan Road to charge and kill.Look at the melee until about four o'clock, and get out of Gaixin.Immediately, Tong Guan raised his forehead with his hand, bowed to the gods of heaven and earth and said, "Shame! I have escaped this catastrophe!" He urged him out of the boundary and went to Jeju.

However, the joy was not over, and there were countless torches along the side of the hillside in front of him.There was another shout from behind, and I saw two heroes in the light of the torch, wielding two simple knives, leading out a heroic general riding a white horse, with a point steel gun lying across the horse.Who is that man?There is a poem "Linjiang Immortal" as evidence:
Among the horse infantry, he was promoted to be the first, but he was respected by others, and the evil stars fell from the sky.The eyeballs are like spots of lacquer, and the face is like engraved silver.Zhang Er is invincible with a steel spear, and he invades and seeks alone on a war horse.Talents and martial arts are outstanding.Liangshan Lu Junyi, Hebei Yuqilin.

The heroic general on that horse is Lu Junyi, the jade unicorn.Ma Qian's two heroes who wield simple knives, one is Suo Yangxiong, and the other is Sanlang Shixiu, who is desperate.In the light of torches, more than [-] people were led to stand up and block the way.Lu Junyi yelled on the horse: "Tong Guan won't get off the horse and be bound, when will we wait?" Tong Guan heard this, and said to the crowd: "There are ambushes in front, and pursuers in the back. What do you do like this?" Feng Mei said: "The young general gave up his life in order to repay the prime minister. You and other officials, protect the prime minister and seize the road to look at Jeju. I will fight against this thief myself." Feng Mei patted her horse and wielded her sword, and went straight to Lu Junyi.The two horses met, and they couldn't fight for a few rounds. Lu Junyi forced the spear and the sword, snatched it into the body, lifted it by the waist, kicked off the horse, and captured Feng Mei alive.Yang Xiong and Shi Xiu came to meet him, and all the troops came up and dragged them horizontally and backwards to catch them.Bi Sheng, Zhou Xin and Duan Pengju sacrificed their lives to protect Tong Guan, rushed to kill the soldiers blocking the way, and fought and left.Lu Junyi came behind him.Tong Guanbaijun hurried like a dog in mourning, and hurried like a fish slipping through the net.Tianxiao got rid of the chasing soldiers and hoped that Jeju would come.While walking, another group of infantry rushed out from the back of the hill in front. The army was all armored with iron armor and scarlet turbans. They were the leaders of the first four infantry. Who was it?But see:

Hei Xuanfeng held two big axes, and the God of Sangmen held a mouthful of Longquan.Xiang Chong and Li Gun are in the middle, and the hand dance troupe is healthy.To kill a tiger, you must throw yourself into a big hole, and to kill a dragon, you must throw yourself into the abyss.The power of the three armies vibrated in the blue sky, and the evil spirits were alive before their eyes.

Li Kui turned two sharp axes, Bao Xu held a sword, and Xiang Chong and Li Gun each played barbarian cards to cover them, but they rolled from the ground like a ball of fire, killing the officers and soldiers and leaving in all directions.Tong Guan and the generals fought and left, only fleeing for their lives.Li Kui hacked straight into the horse army, knocked Duan Pengju's horse's feet over, threw it off, split his head with an axe, and cut off his throat with another axe, so that Duan Pengju was dead.Let's say that the defeated and remnant officers and generals came to Jeju for the first time, but their helmets covered their ears and their necks were half covered.Running to a stream, the army and horses went to drink water, only to hear the sound of a cannon on the stream, and the arrows shot towards the stream like locusts.The officers and soldiers rushed up to the bank of the stream, and a Buggy army horse came out from the edge of the woods.Who are the three heroes on the head?But see:

Bronze bells fight bravely to conquer, flying stones and flying forks are unstoppable.

The two tigers follow each other without feathers and arrows, and the Dongchang hussar is Zhang Qing.

It turned out that Zhang Qing, Gong Wang, and Ding Desun led an army of more than [-] cavalry without feather arrows.That team of cavalry troops are all brass bell masks, pheasant tails and red tassels, light bows and short arrows, and embroidered flags and flower guns.The third will head straight to the future.Zhou Xin, the governor of Songzhou, saw Zhang Qing's army and horse young man, so he came to meet the enemy; Bi Sheng kept Tong Guan and left.Zhou Xin rode his horse to meet him with his gun upright. Zhang Qing held the gun with his left hand, and his right hand looked like Zhaobao Qilang. He shouted in his mouth, "Go!"Gong Wang and Ding Desun flew horses to help each other, and stabbed the two forks in the throat, just like frost destroying the grass on the border, rain hitting the forest flowers, Zhou Xin died under the horse.Tong Guanzhi and Bi Sheng fled for their lives and did not dare to enter Jeju, so they attracted the defeated army and horses and went to Tokyo overnight.On the road, he packed up the fleeing army and horses and went down to the stronghold.

It turned out that Song Jiang was benevolent and virtuous, and he always had a heart of submission, so he refused to chase and kill him.Fearing that the generals would not give up and wanted to chase Tong Guan, Dai Zong hurriedly sent an order to all the leaders to clean up all the troops, horses and infantry, and go back to the cottage to ask for credit.Everywhere Mingjin received the army and returned. The generals on the saddle knocked on the golden stirrups, and the soldiers sang triumphant songs together. They all entered Liangshanpo, and all of them returned to Wanzi City.Song Jiang, Wu Yong, and Gongsun Sheng first sat down in the Zhongyi Hall in Shuihu Village, and asked Pei Xuanyan to watch each of them for their merits and rewards.Lu Junyi captured Fengmei alive, untied her to the village, and knelt in front of the hall.Song Jiang untie himself, please come into the hall and sit up, hold a cup to accompany the conversation, and serve wine to suppress shock.All the leaders came to the hall.On this day, cattle and horses are slaughtered, and the three armies are rewarded heavily.Stayed in Fengmei for two days, prepared a pommel horse, and sent him down the mountain.Feng Mei was overjoyed.Song Jiang accompanied him and said: "General, before and after the battle, you blasphemed your majesty and begged for forgiveness. Song Jiang and others have no different intentions, as long as they submit to the court and contribute to the country. They are forced to do so by this unjust and lawless person. I hope the general will return to the court. Good words to rescue. If you see the light of grace again in the future, you will never forget your great virtue." Feng Mei thanked her for not killing, and went down the mountain.Song Jiang was sent straight out of bounds, and it was no problem for Feng Mei to be sent back to Beijing.

Song Jiang returned to the Hall of Loyalty and Yi, and then discussed with Wu Yong and other leaders.It turned out that this time, the plan of ambush from ten sides was all arranged by Wu with a clever plan. Tong Guan was terrified and heartbroken when he was killed, and he was also afraid in his dream.Wu Yongdao: "Tong Guan returned to the capital and played the official house. Why don't you raise troops again! One person must go straight to Tokyo, find out the truth, report back to the stronghold, and prepare in advance." Song Jiangdao: "The military division's opinion agrees with my heart. I don't know which of the ye brothers would dare to go?" I saw one of the seated people responding: "Brother is willing to go." When everyone saw it, they all said: "It must be him who will go, and he will do great things."

It wasn't this person who came, and there were different teachings: outside the city of Jeju, hundreds of warships were built; in Liangshanpo, more than ten thousand stones were added to the army, rice and wheat.It's exactly: the horses rushing to the battle die under the green peaks, and the boats playing with waves sink into the green bushes.After all, who is Liang Shanbo to inquire about, and let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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