Invincible daily

Chapter 70 90: Special Training Naruto

Chapter 70 [-]: Special Training Naruto

Wang Dian watched Sakura's eyes shine: "The essence of this trick is to precisely control the water attribute chakra, enrich the water attribute chakra on the palm of your hand, and fill your hand with the chakra at the moment you swing it out." All the water attribute chakras are attached to the water droplets, so that the water droplets are shot out like a high-pressure water gun. Because the area of ​​the water droplets is small, the damage is great, but if you want to use this trick, you need a lot of skills, Sakura Practice it, I want to learn this trick, if it is simpler, you can practice this, murloc karate - water gun!"

Wang Dian punched out, and the water-attributed Chakra instantly absorbed the water in the rainwater to form a water gun and then shot it out, breaking a tree in front and turning into water and falling down: "This move only It needs to use shape change, just quickly condense the water into a water gun and then attack the enemy, and there is also this trick of murloc karate-the water flows over the shoulder and falls."

A water-like film suddenly appeared on Wang Dian's entire back, and then the film instantly turned into a water-like movement. The arm made a grabbing movement and then threw it out: "This move is suitable for close combat. , when the enemy attacks from behind you, use the water attribute to protect your back, then use the water attribute chakra to form the water arm to grab the opponent and throw him in front of you, and then you can launch the Rock Crusher, In addition, the hundred-style ancient martial arts will severely damage him!"

Sakura nodded, this move is much better than the swamp monster just before, fighting in the rain looks very romantic, Wang Dian then raised his hand and made a circular palm and hit it out. The rain rushed forward in bursts as if it had received some fluctuations, and then a big handprint was printed on the tree: "This is murloc karate - water shock, gather the water attribute chakra in the hand and then violently Swing it out, you can transmit the water attribute chakra of the attack through the water, turning the melee attack into a long-range attack, you can attack through the water in any way, it is best to use it on the water surface, and the murloc karate Almost all skills need water as an attack manual, so when you use murloc karate, try to use the rain calling technique first, otherwise you may not be able to use it if you don’t have enough water. I’m teaching you a few water escapes, water After using it, Dun will leave a lot of water on the ground for you to use murloc karate!"

Then Wang Dian summoned a shadow clone, and taught Xiaoying the water substitute technique, the water body technique, the water dragon bullet technique, and a large waterfall technique that creates a large amount of water environment, and then Wang Dian slapped Naruto : "Still pretending to be dead, do you want to learn ninjutsu?"

Naruto quickly jumped up from the ground: "I think! What kind of ninjutsu are you going to teach me, Mr. Kakashi?"

Wang Dian opened his right hand, and a spiral pill appeared in Wang Dian's hand. Naruto's expression changed suddenly, and he pointed at Sasuke and Sakura who were training: "Mr. Kakashi, you are biased, why can Sasuke learn power?" Huge Thunder Dungeon and Fire Dungeon, Sakura can learn Water Dungeon, but I want to learn this ball that I don’t know what kind of ball it is?”

Wang Dian showed an embarrassing expression for a moment, Naruto, your father knows how you comment on your father's ninjutsu, will he teach you to be a man?

But it is true that the Helix Pill does look like a plop. Wang Dian pressed the Helix Pill on the ground, and the ground was overturned in an instant, as if a big hole was blasted out. Countless rubble flew out towards the surroundings. Wang Dian Looking at Naruto, who was almost buried, standing on the platform at any time: "Do you still think this trick is rubbish now, do you want to learn it?"

Naruto lifted the stone from his body: "Learn, learn!!"

Wang Dian jumped up, and suddenly a huge spiral pill with a width of one meter condensed in his right hand: "Spiral pill—second stage: Dayu spiral pill!"

However, Wang Dian did not press down the spiral pill. If he did, the ground might sink into a giant pit of more than one meter deep. In this case, the repair fee would cost a lot of money. Daiyu Heliwan was about to drool, and Sasuke stared at the huge Helix Wan in Wang Dian's hand for a moment, and then launched Sharingan, but found that this move was not ninjutsu at all, but controlled with the ultimate chakra. A ninjutsu composed of force, that is to say, this spiral pill is composed of pure chakra energy, and the amount of this chakra is not trivial. For the huge spiral pill that Wang Dian is holding now, at least four A-level pills are needed. The amount of chakra in ninjutsu, if you let yourself use it up to two times, there will be no chakra, Sasuke shook his head.

Wang Dian's shadow clone: ​​"This move is only suitable for useless chakrado idiots like Naruto, so don't envy him, your Rachel's three stages of transformation are very powerful, and There is still a fourth paragraph, but your current strength can't be used at all, and if I teach you, you will definitely try, so I didn't teach you!"

Sasuke looked at Wang Dian's shadow clone next to him: "Is there a fourth stage?"

Wang Dian's shadow clone smiled: "Accurately speaking, there are five sections in total, the fourth section is called: Lightning Induction, and the fifth section is called: Electromagnetic Field!"

Sasuke raised a smile at the corner of his mouth: "I'm looking forward to learning them!"

With the existence of the king point, the king point can quickly heal any damage received, so Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto didn't say they were afraid of getting hurt. At 1000 meters, one person and one position began to practice the ninjutsu taught by Wang Dian.

Regarding Sasuke's requirements, Wang Dian asked Sasuke to learn Raikiri, and to make at least five consecutive flashes of Raikiri's second stage to be considered qualified

Sakura is required to be proficient in the teaching of the king point. Although there is water escape, it is enough to practice murloc karate. To put it bluntly, murloc karate is to apply the precise control of water attribute chakra, which is not difficult for Sakura , and proficiency in the other few water escapes is the key point.

As for Naruto's requirements, Wang Dian asked Naruto to rub the balls with one hand, and asked Naruto to think of at least ten different ways to use the balls to be considered qualified.

Time passed quickly, a month passed quickly, Yueguang Galefeng came to Wang Dian several times during this month, but Wang Dian was beaten to death and refused to admit that he was a time traveler, but Yueguang Galefeng had completely identified Wang Dian It's a time traveler, whether you admit it or not, I really want to have only one forever!
Moonlight Gale has grown extremely fast during this month, and has reached the level of a ninja, and he is not dead. Although he discovered Maji's secret operations as in the original book, he found that there are several hidden monsters around Maji. Because of Xiao Li's outburst, Dashemaru didn't know where he went, maybe he ran away, maybe he went to find a secret weapon.

 Recommendation tickets, if you don’t want them, you don’t have them at all, so you can only shamelessly ask for them!Ask for a recommendation ticket!How many recommendation tickets are thrown here!Without a recommendation ticket, the book is not even qualified to be noticed by the editor, so I am not in the mood to write it down!Recommended ticket!Recommended ticket!Recommended ticket!Recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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