Invincible daily

Chapter 71 92: The Essence of Soft Fist

Chapter 71 [-]: The Essence of Soft Fist

Hyuga Hyuzu, who was sitting in the auditorium, was stunned: "What is this, why have I never heard of it!"

Standing beside the guardrail, Maitekai suddenly turned his head to look at Rizu and showed his white teeth: "That's my lovely apprentice, who combines Konoha sword technique, crescent moon dance, and his own original soft fist technique!"

Hizuru looked at the field in shock and suddenly turned into three figures, surrounding Hinata in a triangle shape, and the three Neji made an attack posture at the same time: "This is Neji's own soft boxing method? What a genius! !"

Hinata Hanabi sitting next to Hizuru is Hinata's younger sister, a little lolita, but her mouth is very poisonous: "It seems that my sister is going to lose to a split family!"

Hizuru frowned: "Huahuo, remember, from today onwards, our Hyuga Clan will no longer have a family or a separate family!!"

Hanabi asked in confusion: "Why, Father?"

Rizu watched three voices attack Hinata in the arena: "Because of him!"

Huo Hua can't understand, but Wang Dian can understand, because Ning Ci's talent is too high, if he continues to use the theory of separation to suppress him, this genius will sooner or later turn against the Hyuga Clan, and there are not many people in the Hyuga Clan who can become geniuses Yes, maybe Hanabi can do it, but she's too young!
However, the next scene made Nizuzu extremely shocked. Hinata looked at the three Neji who were attacking him, opened his hands, and spun at high speed: "Soft Fist—Bagua Huitian!"

It turned out to be Huitian, this move is very difficult to learn in the Hyuga Clan, and generally only the sects of the Chunin level are eligible to learn the Hyuga Clan!

Then something even more shocking happened. The three figures of Ning Ci did not retreat, and they were still doing the movements of sword fingers and unsteadily launched the 120 eight palms of the flesh, and Ning Ci said mockingly: "My little one Miss Tian, ​​have you forgotten the essence of our Hyuga family's soft fist?"

Huahuo asked puzzledly in the auditorium: "Father, what is the essence of Rouquan?"

Nizuzu has completely conquered Neji's talent. At such a young age, he has already understood the essence of soft fist. Looking at Hanabi's puzzled expression, Nizuzu patted her head: "We are one of the Hyuga clan. Therefore, to become the strongest clan of Konoha, apart from having supercilious eyes that can see the enemy’s situation in 360 degrees without any dead angle and check the opponent’s specific chakra, there is another point, that is the foundation of our Hyuga clan’s foothold in the ninja world, and that It is the soft fist method of our Hyuga clan. Injecting chakra into both hands and attacking acupuncture points by injection can seal the flow of chakra of the opponent so that they cannot use chakra. This is the application of soft fist method, and the essence of soft fist method is to use stable chakra Wrap your hands, and then you can carry out a destructive blow to any element or substance composed of chakra, that is to say, in front of our Hyuga Clan, there is no ninjutsu that our Hyuga Clan cannot use soft fists to destroy!!!”

The corner of Wang Dian raised his mouth, bragging blindly, you Hinata family are so awesome, why didn't you see you beat Nagato, why didn't you see you beat Payne, why didn't you see you beat Sasuke, why didn't you see you beat Uchi Popan defeated, who can brag, I also said that Yakumo can instantly kill you, a shadow-level powerhouse, wait a minute, it seems that this is not bragging, using Yakumo's ability to control the five senses, and then using reality to paint and attack, maybe It can really kill you in seconds!
However, as Nizuzu said, Neji's two shadow clones and Zhengshen three are simultaneously performing soft fists to break up the chakra formed by Hinata's return to the sky at an extremely fast speed, as if they are peeling cocoons. If this continues, Hinata will lose sooner or later, and will be hit by Ning Ci's Sanriyue Bagua 120 Eight Palms. If he really hits, he can basically say goodbye. The 64 main meridians of the whole body are attacked six times at the same time. I'm afraid it's not just as simple as learning the seal, it may even cause damage to the acupoints, and it may impress whether a person can continue to be a ninja!
And as Naruto's future wife, that is, his apprentice daughter-in-law, how could Wang Dian not cheat on him?

Wang Dian secretly had an adventure for Hinata a month ago. After teaching Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura ninjutsu just now, Wang Dian knew that Kaihuang's peeing nature would definitely make Hinata Men Dunjia taught Ning Ci, and in this case, it is impossible for Hinata to beat Ning Ci, and he may be killed by Ning Ci, so Wang Dian secretly went to see Hinata.

And Hinata obviously knew about this situation, so he hoped to find a soft fist technique that could help him defeat Neji in the scroll of the family's soft fist technique. The route is based on extreme speed and strength, using the shortest time to attack the opponent the most times, and as long as one attack hits the target, it can block a chakra running vein, so that the chakra running is blocked, and some Lie doesn't adapt, and in the process of adapting, he uses extreme speed and strength to intensify the blow damage. That is to say, as long as he gets hit once, he will basically get hit consecutively in the future. Therefore, Hinata's soft fist method can't really It is called the soft fist method, and it should be more appropriate to call it the frontal anger and hard fist.

And Wang Dian scanned all the soft boxing methods of the Hyuga family in an instant and found that, good guy, there are only two ways to make the soft boxing method stronger, one is to increase speed and strength, and the other is to enhance chakra. Baguazhang is the main one, and the second type is TM and ninjutsu, so to say that the Hyuga family claims to be the best in physical arts is pure TM nonsense!

The creator of the Hyuga family's Soft Fist is probably a doctor, and only a doctor is proficient in all the main meridian points of the human body. The main attack method of the Soft Fist is to use the Soft Fist to precisely hit these key points with his Chakra when attacking. In fact, these chakras are blocked. This trick is actually very similar to the chakra scalpel used by the pharmacist pocket of Dashemaru Snake. The chakra scalpel can cut off the meridian and muscle tissue in an instant. It is also based on chakra. The main goal is to block movement, and the Chakra scalpel can also cut off your muscles and paralyze the muscles. You can’t even do it with force in a short period of time, so in a sense, the soft boxing method can’t even use Chakra. Worse than a scalpel!
Assuming a user of soft fist method, if the chakra of the soft fist method is wrapped on the fingers of both hands to form a chakra scalpel, it doesn't matter whether I can hit your vital points immediately, as long as you dare to block it with your body , Swish Swish Swish a few times immediately, you can cut and paralyze the meridians and your muscles, and instantly make you lose your fighting power. The power of the Chakra scalpel sneaked into Tsunade from the pharmacist's pocket and almost made Tsunade useless. How terrifying!

 Recommendation tickets, if you don’t want them, you don’t have them at all, so you can only shamelessly ask for them!Ask for a recommendation ticket!How many recommendation tickets are thrown here!Without a recommendation ticket, the book is not even qualified to be noticed by the editor, so I am not in the mood to write it down!Recommended ticket!Recommended ticket!Recommended ticket!Recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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