Chapter 123 116. Knowledge is Power
"Thunderbolt fruit..." Bai Ye walked on the empty island, talking to himself.

Avoid the aborigines of the empty island, he is not prepared to participate in the war between the aborigines of the empty island and the residents brought up by the upwash current about promises and land.

Knowledge-colored domineering is in full swing, searching every corner of Sky Island inch by inch.

"This is indeed a very strong fruit." Bai Ye's eyes flashed.

Although there are no trash devil fruits, there are only trash espers.

But in the early stage, there are always some fruits that have a considerable early advantage.

A fruit of the level of thunder fruit is basically doomed to the birth of a top powerhouse.

"Then who will it be given to after taking it back..." Bai Ye pondered.

This kind of killer Bai Ye is only going to give it to people he can trust, and he must have a lot of talent, otherwise this god-level fruit will be wasted.

It can be said that the only ones who are completely on his side are Gion, Lucy, and Vegapunk...

Gion yearns for the realm of a pure swordsman, and she insists on not pretending to be foreign, so she probably won't accept this devil fruit.

Lucy already has a Piao Piao fruit, so naturally she can't stuff another fruit. Not everyone can eat two fruits like Blackbeard.

Thinking about it carefully, Vegapunk is more suitable for this fruit...

How terrifying is it when a scientist who is 500 years ahead of the world incarnates and controls lightning?
Coupled with the bragging between Bai Ye and Vegapunk over the years, Vegapunk's research has gone a step further.

How did White Night establish a good relationship with Vegapunk in the first place?

Just based on his knowledge of the 21st century, he casually said something about electromagnetism and wave-particle duality, which instantly attracted Vegapunk's interest.

Although he doesn't know much about these scientific knowledge, he has always heard of some, and he can be deeply fascinated by describing a general idea with Vegapunk.

Their friendship began with Vegapunk listening to him brag.

Then such a monster-level scientist even relied on these bragging words to really research something.

So giving him the Thunderbolt Fruit would definitely not be wasted, and he would definitely be able to develop something incredible.

Think about it, from thunder to electromagnetic waves, from electromagnetic waves to the four fundamental forces, from the four fundamental forces to the grand unified theory, after the grand unified theory is the domain of God...

Of course, this is indeed a bit far-fetched. If it is really developed to that point, the entire universe may be able to be manipulated in the palm of your hand.

But as expected, knowledge is power, the strong are strong wherever they are, and the wise are wise wherever they are.

and many more……

Bai Ye thought about it, and suddenly had a rather interesting idea.

If you give the great scientists on earth a fruit...

Give Newton the fruit of gravity, learn about the three laws of mechanics, and throw a miniature black hole in your face, and the heaven of mechanics is born.

Give Tesla the fruit of thunder, ball lightning, super electromagnetic gun barrage, master the basic force of the universe, electromagnetic force, and the king of thunder and lightning was born.

Give Einstein the shining fruit, raise your hand to be directly exposed to biubiubiu's ultraviolet rays, charge up for a flare bombing, or add a wave-particle dual image sword energy, and the Lord of Time and Space is born.

Even giving Edward Witten a string fruit, Bai Ye was afraid that he would develop an M theory, and then unify matter and energy, time and space in the universe.

After all, the development of Devil Fruit relies on my thinking, as long as it can be justified, it can be realized.

I regard the lines of these strings as the strings of string theory, and there is nothing wrong with that. (funny)

To be honest, those scientists may not be able to develop to such a terrifying level. Devil fruits rely so unreasonably on their brains. Who can compare with these super scientists in terms of brains.

The shocking thing takes three breaths.

It's so scary d(д)
Sure enough, knowledge is power...

Bai Ye suddenly felt that he was still a long way from the brains of those great scientists.

But the essence of Shining and Thunder is the same, they are both electromagnetic waves, but the frequency is different...

If you give the Thunderbolt fruit to Vegapunk...

In the future, the development of fruits can learn from each other with this great scientist.

Maybe I can also develop the shiny fruit into a form other than speed force...

For example... Thunder form? !

Bai Ye touched his chin and thought.

The feasibility is quite high...

The future battle will probably be... Do you think I'm a Shining Fruit?No!Eat my super railgun! ! !

Do you think I am the thunder fruit?No!In fact, I am Bai Speedy Night! ! !

In the future, I will no longer be a flash person, nor a lightning person, please call me an electromagnetic wave person!

"Wait, this title seems to have become more ugly..." Bai Ye rubbed his chin and complained.

Bai Ye's off-line thinking began to go in the direction of whether the name sounds good or not.

Sure enough, after getting along with Mr. Garp for a long time, the whole person became dumbfounded.

Thinking that it was flying, it suddenly stopped.

Shimagumo turned to the right with a domineering look.

In the bulge where the island cloud condenses, there is a pineapple-shaped fruit full of wonderful lines.

"Looks like I found it..." Bai Ye said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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