Chapter 124 117. Navy Nursery School
"There is a poor man near the fruit." Bai Ye muttered, walking towards the direction of the devil fruit.

The knowledgeable domineering sensed a little boy beside the fruit.

Skinny and slumped to the ground without a trace of strength.

no wings...

Bai Ye saw that the man did not have the unique wing logo of the Sky Islanders and said, "Is that the Sandia?"

The Sandiya people, who originally lived on Gaya Island in Qinghai, were taken up into the sky by the soaring ocean current along with part of Gaya Island, and were driven out of their homes by the "god" of the empty island 400 years ago.They are called "guerrillas" and have been fighting the Sky Islanders on Angel Island for 400 years.

This is the criminal law called Yunfuliu, right?

Exile people to the island cloud outside the empty island to fend for themselves.

Bai Ye thought in his heart.

"It looks like this guy is going to die." He looked carefully at the person in front of him.

and many more!

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, staring closely at the long earlobe of the man in front of him.

Earlobes of this length appeared in Sky Island without wings...

"This is Enilu?!" Bai Ye looked at the little boy in front of him in a daze.

"What a coincidence?" The corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

"It's really a coincidence, isn't it?!"

"This is so coincidental that I deeply doubt whether there is a so-called author in my head..."

Shaking his head to stop his wandering mind, not to think about the possible truths with great terror.

"I remember that in 1508 of the Haiyuan calendar, Enilo defeated the god of the sky island, Ganfor, with the thunder fruit." Bai Ye thought with his chin in his hands.

"This year is 1505... If calculated according to this time, the possibility of him getting the fruit now is indeed very high."

Picking up the blue-purple devil fruit that seemed to be surrounded by lightning, Bai Ye carefully put it in his arms.

Then he looked at the dying Enilo, "Fortunately, I'll take you away with me."

Bai Ye decided to save the child.

The reason why his character is so bad in the original book is only because he was bullied by the people of Sky Island because he had no wings when he was a child.

Now that he is still a child, it is still too late to start cultivating his character. Such a long time is enough to shape him into a good young man with correct three views.

Besides, Enel's talent should not be underestimated. It is very powerful for a person to develop Devil Fruit to that extent on this empty island with no resources and no knowledge.

Even without being taught by anyone, he fiddled with the heart net commonly known as Sky Island, which is the domineering color of knowledge.

He even combined the color of knowledge with his thunder fruit ability to develop a radar-level knowledge color, which is basically the kind that knows everything within a radius of a hundred miles.

In general, the price/performance ratio of bringing this child back to raise him is quite high.

The figure disappeared, and he came to the residence of the aborigines of Sky Island in a few moments, and then opened an optical camouflage, looking for water and food without anyone noticing.

To hide himself in front of this group of people who don't even have knowledge, Bai Ye doesn't bother to enter the speed force state, and a simple optical camouflage is enough.

He brought back water and food to feed the dying Enilo, and then he underwent a simple treatment according to the treatment method in the army.

Wait, it feels like something is wrong...

Bai Ye thought about it carefully.

Lucy Ashley, the daughter of his deceased, Smoker, who is new to the new barracks, Nami and Nuoqi Gao who were brought back from the Pirate Slaughter incident, Luffy who is going to be brought to Marlin Vanduo for personal education in the future, Kuzan Robin adopted in the O'Hara incident...  

In addition, he is about to take back Enilo.

So the navy has become a nursery...

It seems that they have indeed adopted a lot of children.

Although there are various reasons for the adoption of each child...

Because of sympathy, because of guilt, because of personal feelings, because of optimistic about talent...

"I think we can apply for the establishment of a new army after we go back. Let's call it Boy Scouts." Bai Ye complained helplessly.

But if you think about it carefully, the strength of this boy scout army is not simple.

The future wise man Robin, who has the ability of Huahuaguo, knows ancient characters.

Nami, the future navigating genius, and the Golden Lion are all vying for the navigator.

Ai Nilu, the future master of knowledge and knowledge, used the domineering knowledge and knowledge as a radar.

The future navy will be [-]-[-] Mog, and no one can beat it, but it can even beat Luffy.

Lucy, who may become the Marshal of the Air Force in the future, has fluttering fruit abilities and monster-level talent.

Luffy, who may become the king of the navy in the future, came into being in the original book, carrying the existence of destiny.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's so scary d(д)
After they all join the navy...

This is the power of the new generation of the Navy in the future!

Please call them Navy Supernovas!
Who dares to say that the navy is not as good as the previous generation.

It is said that among the future young generation of the Navy in the original book, only Smoker and Keby can take the lead.

But now in this parallel world of pirates, with the intervention of Bai Ye, the future stars of the navy will shine very brightly!
The era of great pirates?
Do not!
Sooner or later the big nursery...

Oh no.

Sooner or later it will be the age of the great navy!
 It's time for the routine begging, so ask for a ticket and a reward.

  hey hey hey(﹃)
(End of this chapter)

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