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Chapter 125 118. The End of Biological Evolution Is Actually the Camera

Chapter 125 118. The End of Biological Evolution Is Actually the Camera

At the science base near the Navy headquarters, Vegapunk looked helplessly at the shells that filled the laboratory floor.

Numerous researchers are busy classifying these shells.

Bai Ye stood opposite Vegapunk with a small box and smiled.

"These shellfish are too unscientific..." The corner of Vegapunk's mouth twitched as he looked at the special shellfish from Sky Island brought back by Bai Ye.

"Why do natural shells have these weird abilities?" Vegapunk felt that these shells were jumping around repeatedly near his scientific bottom line.

There are fire-breathing flame shells, sound shells that can release sound, water shells that spray water, wind shells that blow wind, heat shells that heat food, and taste shells that collect smells...

Forget about these things, it actually has a platoon shell that releases shock waves, a laser shell that emits laser light, and an image shell that shoots pictures...

"Why... have these shells eaten devil fruits?!" Vegapunk scratched his head frantically.

Crucially, these shells are fertile and look just like natural shellfish.

"Lasers and shock waves can be tolerated by me, and they can be regarded as a means of defending against enemies evolved by creatures." Vegapunk felt his scalp tingling, "What's going on with the image of this shot?!"

Why did natural shells evolve into something they couldn't afford.

What's the point of it evolving into a camera? !

Is the end of biological evolution is the camera? !
"Okay, don't worry about it." Bai Ye patted, "There are too many unscientific things in this world."

"The key point is that it doesn't make sense. I can understand that a giant snail like a phone bug can evolve into a communication device."

"It can be regarded as that their race uses electromagnetic waves to communicate. Then this is used by humans, and it has been cultivated in a targeted manner to become a communication device that humans can use." Vegapunk looked helplessly at the image that he had just taken with the image shell in front of him. Clear picture.

"The existence of this camera... is meaningless to their shellfish." Vegapunk said helplessly.

"Give up thinking, you haven't studied things like devil fruits thoroughly yet." Bai Ye resorted to his unique heart-piercing comfort method.

"..." The corners of Vegapunk's mouth twitched, and he looked at Bai Ye speechlessly.

"The blueprint you brought back is amazing." Vegapunk began to change the subject helplessly, "The Proverbs of the Ark...a ship that can fly."

"This technology is very powerful, and this blueprint is very... how should I put it, right!"

"Back to Basics!"

As soon as Vegapunk's eyes lit up, this blueprint should be described in this way.

The introduction to various concepts is too easy to understand, which shows the high level of science and technology of the creator of this drawing.

"I believe that even a group of guys who don't know anything can build this ship with a bunch of ordinary materials based on this blueprint." Vegapunk asserted.

Isn't that right? In the original book, Enilo commanded Sky Island and the group of vulgar turtles could build this ship.

Bai Ye secretly complained in his heart.

"And the performance of its electric drive is much stronger than what we use." Vegapunk frowned, "Applying this technology to our warships can at least double the overall performance of the warship."

"So the most powerful part of this blueprint is its flight system and electric drive system?" Bai Ye asked.

"Well, this electric drive system can be used on the third-generation warships I'm researching after I learn it." Vegapunk looked at the blueprint carefully, "As for the flight system... It seems that the Air Force Development Record explained by Wu Laoxing has some landed."

In order to prevent Lucy from passing away in the past few decades, the Five Old Stars will collapse overnight because there is no fluttering fruit.

Therefore, the continuous collection of devil fruits with the ability to fly has become the focus of the ninth century plan of the world government.

And urged Vegapunk to conduct research on mass-produced flight equipment.

At the same time, deepen the research on the mechanism of the reappearance of the devil fruit, and strive to be 100% attached to the nearby fruit when the fluttering fruit reappears.

"This flight system is very unique, and it inspires me a lot." Vegapunk kept admiring it.

Seeing Vegapunk's eagerness to start researching immediately, Bai Ye interrupted him with a smile.

"Don't be in a hurry to study it, let's see what good things I brought back for you." Bai Ye showed a mysterious smile, and handed over a small box.

"Yo, you kid will give me a gift?!" Vegapunk looked at Bai Ye in amazement.

Various organizations under the World Government often send gifts to try to establish a good relationship with him.After all, no one knows the importance of Vegapunk.

Vegapunk is not used to presents or anything, the key point is this is a gift from Bai Ye.

After receiving Bai Ye's gift outside of his birthday, Vegapunk always felt that the person in front of him was not Bai Ye.

"Are you so kind?" Vegapunk gave Bai Ye a suspicious look, and slowly opened the box.

"This is!!!"

The pupils shrank suddenly, and Vegapunk stared at the things in the box.

As a great scientist with profound attainments in devil fruit, Vegapunk can memorize the devil fruit illustrated book back and forth.

He shouldn't be too familiar with this devil fruit, which is rated as the strongest nature-type devil fruit in the illustrated book.

According to historical records, there were three people who ate the Thunderbolt fruit, and all of them gained a great reputation in the sea.

As a scientist, he has a deeper understanding of how powerful this fruit can be than ordinary people.

When he was studying the devil fruit, he imagined what would happen if he ate this thunder fruit himself.

But now, this fruit was placed in front of him.

 Looking at the results of this book, I always feel so pitiful (_)
(End of this chapter)

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