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Chapter 128 121. They are all gangsters, who doesn't have a few trumpets

Chapter 128 121. They are all gangsters, who doesn't have a few trumpets

Mary Gioia - seat of the world government headquarters.

Located between the first half and the second half of the Great Route, the summit of the Red Earth Continent is one of the two routes to the New World.

The prosperity here is unimaginable to outsiders. After all, this is the residence of the so-called world nobles.

Of course, the darkness hidden here is also disgustingly deep.

After all, the political and class system is never so clean, and the highest leaders of the world's political circles and countless aristocratic classes are gathered here, and the behind-the-scenes here is also the largest gathering place of darkness.

Bai Ye stood at the foot of the Red Earth Continent, looking towards a hidden space inside the mountain wall and waiting.

To climb to Marie Gioia, which is located at the top of the Red Clay Continent, you need to take a special elevator.

Bai Ye was going to get on the latest elevator to Marie Gioia.

Looking around, there are quite a few people waiting for the elevator.

After a while, a tapered golden elevator slowly descended from the hidden space.

Bai Ye stepped onto the elevator with the people around him without changing his expression.

In the elevator, some government personnel came back to report on their work, and some naval officers came to take over the defense work outside Mary Joa.

There are also CP organization personnel who have returned from their missions, and fish and dragons are mixed in the small elevator.

Most of the people in the elevator were silent.

A member of the CP organization frowned looking at Bai Ye in regular clothes.

Came to the holy land of Marie Gioia without a uniform or formal attire?This wretched-looking guy is a bit strange...

The cp members felt a little puzzled in their hearts, but they didn't say much.

Alien infiltrators?

Impossible, there is no one who dares to sneak into Mary Gia to make trouble.

Even the so-called Four Emperors, who are well-known in the sea, dare not come to Marie Gioia to make a scene. This is tantamount to courting death.

Nodding secretly reassuringly, the cp organization stopped paying attention to Bai Ye.

The elevator has been running for a long time. After all, the height of the Red Earth Continent is not low, and Mary Gioia, which is located at the top, is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round.

There is really a feeling of seeing all the mountains at a glance.

The elevator does not directly reach the top of the Red Earth Continent, but stops at a certain distance, and then needs to walk up the stairs to reach the top of the Red Earth Continent.

After waiting for a long time, everyone stepped out of the elevator.

Looking at the stairs dotted with clouds in front of him, Bai Ye felt a little shocked.

It's really shocking to watch...

Bai Ye still remembered that the last time he came here was to refute the Qiwuhai system.

But no matter how many times I see it, I am shocked by these landscapes.

At the top of the stairs is a door, and inside the door is the Holy Land of Mary Gioia.

On both sides of the long staircase is a plastic statue, tall and magnificent.

"No more, no less, exactly twenty..." Bai Ye's eyes were a little deep.

The so-called twenty virtuous kings back then...

Your eyes are so bold and courageous...

What a pity for your descendants...


Thinking so in his heart, Bai Ye walked to the gate.

Members of the cp organization were checking the identity of the personnel at the door.

Bai Ye calmly lined up to check their identities one by one.

The one in front of Bai Ye was the former CP member who had some doubts about him in the elevator.

"A? You came back so soon?" The person in charge of registration and verification looked at the person in front of him in surprise.

"Yeah." A nodded, didn't say anything, but used lip language to the registration staff: the person behind me, check carefully.

The registration personnel were stunned, but after all, they were elites who could have the letter C as their code name, so they quickly realized it.

Smiling, he completed A's verification procedures as normal, and C carefully stared at the next Bai Ye who checked his identity.

"Take out your ID card." C was expressionless, looking the same as when he went through the formalities before.

"Okay." Bai Ye nodded and handed over the ID card.

He had already thought about the fake identity of Polusalino, and he had been forging all kinds of information a long time ago.

After all, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, who doesn't have a few trumpets?

In case of trouble, throwing the pot away, or escaping the golden cicada, all of these require the use of a trumpet.

Some identity information may be false and empty, not perfect.

But Polusalino's trumpet is quite perfect, after all, he has been preparing for this vest for many years.

Even if the world government sends the cp organization to investigate, as long as they don't investigate carefully, they won't be able to find any loopholes.

"Porusalino?" C looked at the photo and information on the identity card, and looked up at Bai Ye's cheap smiling face.

"It's right here." Bai Ye tried hard to imitate Polusalino's yawning expression, and the tone of his voice was drawn out.

At this moment, he seemed to be possessed by a movie king.

"Check Polusalino's identity." C ordered to the phone bug on the table that was connected to the intelligence department.

(End of this chapter)

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