Chapter 129 122. Famous Rap Artist
"Please wait for five minutes." C said to Bai Ye, "After verifying your identity, we will let you go."

"It's okay, no trouble." Bai Ye's tone was still deliberately slow, just like the slow and underbeating voice of Huang Yuan in the original book.

"Yeah." C nodded and said nothing more.

Looking at C who was waiting for the call, Bai Ye laughed inwardly.

For the authenticity of this identity, I have been shaping it for a long time.

The secrets buried in the World Government moved a few to change the information inside the World Government.

If you can find out the loophole within 5 minutes, I will eat your desk, even if it is made of Baoshu Adam, I will show you.

At that time, I will use my identity as Polusalino to make troubles and attract everyone's attention.

Who would associate this wretched uncle Polusalino with me, the most handsome admiral of the Navy headquarters?

and many more……

As for why not claiming to be the strongest general of the headquarters?
Whether it is strong or not is just a matter of one version~
Who cares about this kind of thing~
Handsome is the most important thing. (funny)

hey hey hey(﹃)
Boo boo boo boo... boo boo boo... boo boo boo...

The voice of the phone bug rang.

"Hello? How's the check?"

"The verification is basically correct." A voice came from the phone bug, "There is his information in the database, which is no different from what is on his identity card."

"Porusalino, born in Beihai, is a rap artist by profession, and his famous song is called ppap." The phone bug said, "By the way, we even have the audio of his famous song in our database, sir, you want to listen to it." Shall we take a moment?"

"All right, all right." C interrupted the other person's words.

"I listened to it once, and it sounds good. Don't you listen, sir?"

I can vaguely hear the magical lyrics full of melody: i have a pen, i have an apple, ♂e♂n♂, apple pen……………

"Don't listen, goodbye!" C's mouth twitched, and he hung up the phone directly.

Listen to music at get off work, and ask old friends in intelligence to deduct their wages after work.

Looking at the bored Bai Ye with his legs crossed, C said expressionlessly, "The identity check is complete, let's go."

Although A explained the strict investigation, but the identity of Polusalino has not been found out for the time being, so C decided to let him go.

Pushing open the door, the feeling inside is a dreamlike world.

There are forests and rivers. These forests and rivers are all artificially built. From the first glance, the Holy Land feels quite beautiful, and it definitely belongs to a paradise.

Many kings would like to live in this place, but unfortunately they are not world nobles.

Walking on the road inside Marie Gioia, Bai Ye put his hands in his pockets and walked out with a leisurely oriole pace.

As expected of Marie Gioia, the gatekeeper just now was not simple...

Bai Ye thought deeply.

Although he can't be domineering with knowledge and knowledge, but he can feel it intuitively as a strong man, at least he has a combat power equivalent to that of a lieutenant general in the headquarters.

And the guy who was called A by the gatekeeper before...

It feels no less than the person code-named K placed by the world government in the intelligence department inside QRF.

800 years of heritage...

It's scary.

The 0 elites of cp26 alone are a headache.

X, Y, and Z are responsible for personal protection of Vegapunk, and the three of them can even compete with the generals together.

C is in charge of guarding the gate of Mary Joya, and his own strength is no less than that of the lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters like Huoshaoshan.

A and K, with Bai Ye's strength, can both feel a little bit of threat.

And instructor Miki who taught them and also taught Bai Ye for a period of time...

In the eyes of Bai Ye, these strengths are even just the tip of the iceberg of the 800-year-old World Government...

The road to reform is still bumpy...

It would be troublesome if a loophole was discovered just now...Facing an opponent of that level, I might not be able to beat him without a devil fruit...

This time, he was disguised as another identity, using the devil fruit to reveal that he was Admiral Bai Ye of the Navy Headquarters.

The admiral of the Navy Headquarters disguised himself and went to Mary Gioia. Isn't this obviously going to cause trouble?

Bai Ye felt a little scared.

Fortunately, it was not exposed.

The few secrets placed in the world government are still very powerful.

The holy land of Mariejoa has a huge castle surrounded by forests and residential areas of the Draconians.

What Bai Ye was going to was the residential area of ​​the Tianlong people.

The tightness of the defense along the way is staggering. It is no exaggeration to say that there is a sentry in three steps and a post in five steps.

Bai Ye walked along the edge of the road and did not use the automatic way.

The automatic self-willed road is a major feature of Mary Joya. The surface of this road can move by itself, just stand on it and wait for the road to send you to the place by itself.

When this road was built, the Tianlong people proposed to use human power to pull these roads in order to reflect their superior privileges.

Vegapunk, who was in charge of the construction, argued for a period of time, and finally let the Tianlong people give in.

Although in order to reflect the privilege, the path of machine automation proposed by Vegapunk was not adopted.But it was also agreed that only death-row inmates who committed serious crimes would be responsible for pulling the road.

Bai Ye deliberately avoided the "automatic way" that Tianlongren walks. After all, with his current status as a rap artist, he doesn't need to kneel down to greet Tianlongren like he did before when he was an admiral...

Bai Ye can't kneel down to pay respects to this kind of scum, so it's better to avoid it as much as possible.

 Speaking of which, why do many book collections are not as good as mine, but have so many more recommendation votes and fans than me... Contemplation... Is my collection too big...


(End of this chapter)

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