Chapter 142 135. Sky Island Shell
Yixiao now feels like complaining about what he thinks of this so-called salary document.

The three of us add up to four eyes, what do we see.

"Although your official title requires you to be promoted step by step, I can decide on the monthly salary and pay it according to the standard of lieutenant general." Bai Ye smiled.

The lieutenant general of the navy headquarters is the backbone of the navy, and the general is more of a strategic deterrent.

The navy is most frequently dispatched on the sea, and its strength is also quite terrifying, it is the lieutenant general of the headquarters.

So the salary of this lieutenant general level is naturally quite high.

"It's more than enough to supply your monthly gambling money." Bai Ye's words seemed to be full of endless temptation.

With a smile, the idea of ​​being more reserved stopped.

"Salary is not important, the main thing is that I want to join the navy." With a smile, he pulled out a hearty smile.

Although the person on the other side was very funny, many things were said in his heart.

He has many ambitions to achieve.

Indeed, you shouldn’t stop watching because you’re not used to the darkness.

What should be done more is to change!

To get rid of this darkness with my own hands, and restore the world to a brighter world!
Of course, I should have been a bit reserved with the style of a strong man.

But he gave too much.


In the Navy recruit camp, the nautical knowledge test has just ended.

"Smog, how did you do on the exam?" The cute-looking little girl asked the boy beside her.

"..." Smoker just smiled, not wanting to discuss this topic.

"Nuo Qigao, don't talk about me, how are you?"

"'s okay." Nuo Qigao nodded.

As a transfer student temporarily inserted by Major General Gion, she can quickly keep up with the performance of the whole class in cultural subjects, and even surpass it. She is also a very good student.

Even her talent in physical arts is not too bad, and she can barely keep up with the progress of this elite version.

You must know that this is the elite class of the Navy's new barracks. After graduation, they all start as majors.

The only thing Smoker can be proud of is that he is the leader of this class and the strongest.

As for his culture class results of the strongest...

It is better not to discuss this sad subject.

"Look, Enilu is here!" Nuo Qigao pointed to the boy with long earlobes who walked out of the examination room.

Because Enil was also brought back by Bai Ye, and was arranged by Gion to be handed over to Bermer to take care of.

So Nuo Qigao and him are naturally very familiar and close.

She and Anilu under the same roof, together with Smoker and his little follower Da Siqi, naturally formed a very close circle.

"Don't ask about the grades." Enilo said directly.

As he said that, with an angry expression on his face, he lowered his head and walked past Nuo Qigao and the other two.

Looking at Enilu going away, Smoker shook his head: "This world... there is one more sad person..."

"Smog! Smoker!" The little girl with glasses ran over holding a bamboo sword and a big package.

"What's the matter? Da Siqi?" Smoker looked at the super big package Da Siqi was carrying, with some curiosity in his eyes.

"This is the new standard equipment provided by the Naval Science Corps. Give it to our new barracks first to test the effect." Da Siqi said excitedly while opening the package.

"This is... a shell?!" Smoker's eyes were a little strange.

"I know this." Nuo Qigao said thoughtfully, "Master Gion mentioned this when he visited our house before."

"It seems to be a good thing that General White Pigeon brought back from Sky Island." Nuo Qigao nodded.

"Sky Island?" Enilo, who retrieved the key words, came back and looked at the shells spread all over the ground, "Isn't this the Sky Island shell that is a specialty of our Sky Island?"

"That's right, when Mr. Zefa asked me to distribute these shells, he also gave me a picture book compiled by the Naval Science Corps." Da Siqi took out a booklet from his arms.

"Let's try these things." Smoker picked up a shell with great interest, and compared it against the illustrated book.

"This shell is called... the flash shell?" Smoker curiously pressed the button on the top of the shell.

The next moment, a bright light flashed past, and the vision of the four little kids was all deprived.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Enilo covered his eyes, "Smog, what did you do?!"

"Well, I can't see it." Da Siqi pursed her lips and muttered.

"It's so bright..." Nuo Qigao rubbed her eyes.

After a while, the influence of the glare dissipated.

The four who regained their vision rubbed their sore eyes.

"This really powerful!" The corners of Smoker's mouth twitched.

I didn't expect this flashy shell to be so exciting.

Smoker continued to look for it in the shell pile with some excitement.

"This shell looks very nice." Da Siqi held up a shell that was much bigger than her palm.

"Let me take a look." Smoker flipped through the illustrated book.

[Slash shell: (combat shell) absorbs slash and can cause slash damage. 】


Smoker explained the function of this shell to several friends.

"Come on, Dashiqi." Smoker aimed the shell at Dashiqi, "Come and strike at it."

"Yeah." Da Siqi nodded, straightened the frame of the glasses, and then slashed at the shell with the bamboo sword.

The moment the sword approached the shell, it lost all its power in an instant, and slapped the shell feebly.

"This means it has been absorbed." Smoker excitedly aimed the shell at the ground and pressed the button.

The next moment, an invisible slash shot out from the front of the shell.

A trace was scratched on the ground.

"It's amazing."

The three little kids except Enilo sighed and continued to play.

 After watching Frenzy Action I just had one thought, why didn't Bonnie just touch Barrett? !Do you have to do somersaults in the air? !

(End of this chapter)

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