Chapter 143 136. Future General Level
Sky Island shellfish, a very strategic thing.

Although Vegapunk has not yet studied the principle, it can already be cultivated in large quantities.

First of all, the sound shells, chopping shells, and flashing shells are mainly cultivated in large quantities.

Then it was piloted in the Navy boot camp to see how it worked.

Happily, it works pretty well.

Sky Island shellfish are very convenient to use.

It is foreseeable that the entire combat system of the navy will undergo a considerable change in the future.

The comprehensive popularization of empty island shellfish will be the general trend.

So this also succeeded in adding an extra course called [Sky Island Shell Identification and Use] to the examination subjects of the Navy Recruit Battalion.

After a period of pilot use of Sky Island shells, the four friends gathered together again.

"The situation is like this." Nuo Qigao straightened his expression, "Two days later, the trial of Sky Island shells in the new barracks will end, and we will also conduct an exam on Sky Island shell illustrations."

"Another exam?!" Enilu, who thought he was definitely a scumbag, broke down a little bit, even if the exam content was the sky island shell in his hometown... But you may not know how many exam papers were formulated by Dr. Vegapunk Disaster……

"I have a good review method," Smoker said.

"Farewell, it won't be another hanging review method?!" Nuo Qigao complained helplessly.

Smoker didn't remember so many things General White Dove said, but you remembered these witty things he said.

and many more……

It seems that General Baige didn't say anything good...

Thinking of this, Nuo Qigao felt a little helpless.

The high command of the navy seems to be such an unreliable guy...

"No, no, this trick is called osmosis review." Smoke said, waving his hand at Nuo Qigao.

"When you sleep at night, put the book between your head and the pillow, and the knowledge will permeate from the book with higher concentration to the head with lower concentration, so as to achieve the effect of reviewing at night, which is very efficient."




Da Siqi, Nuo Qigao, and Anilu now have question marks on their faces, and the three faces are bewildered...


The battleship belonging to Bai Ye slowly docked at the port of the Navy Headquarters.

Bai Ye walked towards the marshal's office with a smile and Gion.

"Report." Bai Ye said, pushing open the door of the marshal's office.

"Yo, you're here, Bai Ye boy." Garp said happily while eating the senbei.

Zhan Guo on the side quickly wiped the corners of his mouth, and looked at Bai Ye with a serious look.

"You're finally back." Sen Guo's voice sounded very serious.

"Marshal, the corner of your mouth." Bai Ye pointed to the corner of his mouth to signal Warring States.

Sengoku wiped the senbei crumbs from the corner of his mouth nonchalantly and stuffed them into his mouth, as if nothing had happened.

"Why did you come back, kid?" Zhan Guo asked, "It was said that he was going to help the Navy headquarters recruit a fierce general, and then he went to recruit for a month?!"

A month ago, Bai Ye came to him excitedly, saying that he was going out to recruit a strong man back.

After stalking for a long time, he finally agreed to grant him the authority to pay a lieutenant-level salary.

Then it's a month.

Kongshima Bei's pilot work was carried out at the same time as him, and he came back only now that the pilot was almost over.


Bai Ye smiled awkwardly and didn't say much.

Could it be possible to tell the marshal honestly that he just didn't want to come to work to enjoy the flowers and grass along the way?

If you really say that, do you still want the five insurances and one housing fund?

Marshal of the Warring States Period, if he finds an opportunity to deduct wages, he will never show mercy.

After all, facing such a money-eating machine as the Navy all day long, the Marshal of the Warring States Period thought about how to split the military expenditure of one yuan in half.

Warring States felt that his hairline had begun to move back a little.

To be able to deduct the salary of a general will save a lot of money.

Thinking about it makes me a little cautious~~

Zhan Guo looked at Bai Ye with bright eyes, looking forward to Bai Ye's next words.

Bai Ye pretended not to see Zhan Guo's eyes, and began to change the subject.

"This is the fierce general I went out to recruit, a person with the ability of gravity fruit, and also a great swordsman, his strength must be at least the level of a lieutenant general."

Yixiao, who is only 37 years old, has not yet reached his peak. In about five or six years, Yixiao should be able to step into the rank of general.

"This will be a general-level expert in the future." Bai Ye introduced to Zhan Guo.

The future general-level combat power...

Warring States' thoughts were suddenly attracted, and he no longer cared about how to deduct Bai Ye's salary.

"I have a smile, I have seen the Admiral of the Navy." With a smile, he bowed slightly politely, and stretched out his hand towards Zhan Guo.

"Well, hello! Hello!" Zhan Guo got up excitedly and held the hand that stretched out with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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