Chapter 388

According to past practice, the Warriors should stand up and respond to the opponent's provocation should be Chen Mo.Or they also changed to a small lineup to face the opponent, but this time the Warriors were not in a hurry to call a timeout for substitutions, and Chen Mo didn't intend to let his teammates play singles.

The ball came to Stephen Curry.

Sean Williams would be foolish to accept such a gamble. He didn't think Chen Mo could help his teammates score points against the mighty Miami Heat.But Chen Mo just had such ability, and he also blatantly helped his teammates score points.

After Curry got the ball, he moved laterally to the left, and Chen Mo went over to help Curry pick and roll.

It is rare for Chen Mo to help a teammate with the ball pick and roll like this. Now he is obviously doing this deliberately to create opportunities for Curry to perform.

Although Chen Mo and Curry have never played a pick-and-roll in a game, the effect of this first pick-and-roll turned out to be good.

James and Wade had a defensive misunderstanding in an instant. After all, Chen Mo had always been a dangerous person, and their first reaction was to go to Chen Mo.

James, who has been in charge of marking Chen Mo, believes that switching defenses directly cannot give any space to the two brothers Chen Mo and Curry.And Wade felt that in this crowded position, Curry couldn't shoot directly in such a small space, and it was the most reasonable not to change defenses or disrupt their own defensive system.

Curry seized the opportunity and directly took another step back. Wade realized that it was too late to turn around and kill. Curry stepped on a half-step outside the three-point line and directly shot a three-pointer.

This distance is just a normal shot range for him, and the ball fell into the basket accurately and gracefully.

Why do you say elegant?

Because the ball fell directly into the ring from the top of the basket like a three-point ball again, and the loosely tied net didn't even shake.

Chen Mo went up and gave Curry a hug, "Kick their ass hard with a three-pointer."

In the past 3 minutes, Chen Mo has completely played a supporting role for Curry, and he has been screening and covering for Curry.And Curry also threw 3 three-pointers very powerfully. 4 of 3 three-pointers allowed Curry to score 9 points in a row, plus Chen Mo threw a 3-pointer and assisted David Lee to score a dunk.The Warriors played a wave of 14 to 10. They allowed the Heat to play three high-quality counterattacks without changing the lineup, but still took the lead in the score.

"When the Miamis played high-quality counterattacks one after another, the Oaklanders still played an advantage. This is all due to Stephen Curry's performance." Miller praised Curry again, and he was actually telling the truth.But when he said this, he obviously spoke from the standpoint of Chen Mo and the warrior.

"If Jack Chen played by himself, they may have a greater advantage now." Kevin Harlan said.

"This is not necessarily the case. No one can say that he has done better than Stephen. Even if it is me, I can only make three three-pointers in that time when I am in excellent condition." Miller said: " I admit that Jack Chen is stronger than me, but he can't play like this all the time."

Miller and Harlan argued in the commentary booth, and James looked very uncomfortable.To sum up, his current mood is probably "blue thin", "mushroom".

"I don't suggest that we change the lineup, just continue to confront them head-on. We continue to speed up, I don't believe it is worse than them." James was ruthless.

Battier was already tired from running just now. The small lineup pays attention to high-frequency supplementary defense, and the sudden high-intensity defense in a small area has made such a veteran's physical fitness almost to the limit.But since the team leader still insists on playing a small lineup, he decided to grit his teeth and stick to it when he first arrived.

The Warriors changed the small lineup after this timeout, and the lineup they changed this time is the same as the lineup they had in the first quarter.

Jackson's appearance made James' gloomy eyes a little more hopeful, "That guy can't run fast, we will wear them down if we play faster."

After the Miami Heat failed last season, James has become the absolute core of the team. Even if fans always think that this is Wade's team, it is actually James' team.

Wade did not make any comments, and it is impossible for him and James to have a rift over this trivial matter.

The game resumed soon, and Chen Mo firmly controlled the rhythm of the team.

Using pick-and-rolls and screens with ball movement, the Warriors quickly found opportunities in the positional battle.Jackson ran to the big open space in the left corner, and Chen Mo raised his arm and threw the ball directly.

Chen Mo's pass was sudden and fast.

Jackson takes the ball and shoots directly, and his top shot is more sure than last season.

The ball rubbed against the inside of the hoop and got into the hoop, and the Warriors hit a three-pointer again.

Reggie Miller said: "When a group of people who can shoot three-pointers appear on the court, the three-pointer hits the opponent too much."

Jackson's speed can still find a gap there, which can only show that the Warriors have just shifted all of the Heat's defensive focus to the left.So that Jackson ran to the position, and no Heat player had time to defend after receiving the pass.

It took 23 seconds for the Warriors to attack the Warriors. The Warriors fought beautifully, but no one thought they were slow.Because the ball has been in motion, the ball returned to Chen Mo's hands after many passes.In the end, Chen Mo gave it to Jackson again, which was the last hammer of their series of passes.

The Heat came back and relied on James to force Jackson to score a 2+1. The Warriors have weaknesses on the defensive end when Jackson is on the court. There is no way around this.

The Heat have always wanted to speed up, and wanted to use Jackson's shortcoming of speed to break the Warriors.However, the Warriors played extremely patiently. They constantly used the pass to find space and gaps, trying not to give the Heat a chance to counterattack.

Instead, the increasingly impatient Miami gave the Warriors a chance to fight back.

James got into the defensive pocket designed by the Warriors, and he rushed out of the basket with an impatient layup.

The warriors who had been playing extremely patiently before, and each attack must last for more than 20 seconds, immediately counterattacked like lightning.

Kirilenko grabbed the rebound, and Curry took the ball and rushed directly to the opponent's basket.

The offensive organization during the counterattack requires more cooperation among the players, especially in a mode like the Warriors now, and Chen Mo is not the only organization point.

Jackson dragged behind, Chen Mo moved to the bottom corner, Millsap cut from the flank waist to the basket, and Kirilenko went straight to the basket from the middle.

Chen Mo was afraid that Curry would stop the ball, so he shouted as he ran, "Don't stop, don't stop, just give it to the basket."

Curry scanned the court, then slammed the ball into Millsap's hands.

Millsap was about to attack with the ball, but the Heat's defense was not slow, and James was already stuck in front of him.

Millsap passed the ball to Chen Mo, and as soon as Chen Mo received the ball, Wade rushed to his side.

There was no sign of impatience on Chen Mo's face. Although the opportunity to counterattack was fleeting, he still threw the ball to Kirilenko after a fake shot.

Kirilenko returned the ball to Curry, and Chen Mo started to move while passing the ball.Wade followed closely beside Chen Mo, and when Chen Mo went around to Curry, Curry pulled the ball behind him and handed the ball to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo turned the ball back again, but Wade hadn't realized that the ball was already in Jackson's hands.

Jackson had a chance to make a shot as soon as he got the ball. He didn't waste this opportunity and raised his hand to hit a three-pointer again.

The Warriors pinched a series of passes just right, Jackson just ran, and their ball came out in a circle and hit Jackson's hands.

Chen Mo turned around and pointed to the TV camera on the sidelines. Anyone who knew the grievances between Chen Mo and Sean Williams knew that he was provoking each other!
James clapped his hands angrily, and they still lost in the confrontation of the small lineup.

Although he understood the weaknesses of the Warriors' lineup, they couldn't bring up their speed.

At halftime, the Warriors led the Heat 69 to 54.

The Heat's small lineup has no advantage in front of the Warriors. They have the most suitable small lineup forwards and shooting guards, but they still cannot find any advantage in front of the Warriors.

After all, they lack a point guard who can control the team's rhythm.

James has always had to assume the responsibility of an organization forward in the Heat, but his organization pass can only pass the ball to open teammates in a positional battle. In a small lineup, he cannot fully control the rhythm of the team.

Not to mention that their opponent is Chen Mo, a super defender who can perfectly control the rhythm of a small lineup and disrupt the opponent's rhythm.

"The gap is in the guards!" Miller said. "If it's a combination of Jack Chan Wade and James, give them three and add some reasonable role players at random, they are enough to break any team. Such power is really unimaginable. It's a pity that we can't see such a combination born."

"Actually, they became teammates in last year's All-Star Game. It's a pity..." Kevin Harlan obviously also wanted to see how terrifying the small lineup of the three of them would be.

In the locker room, Chen Mo didn't say much. Although he was the team's head coach in the dark, if the team had no tactical problems in the first half, he wouldn't stand in the middle of the locker room and chatter for a long time like the head coach. .Such work is handed over to Timothy Glenn to complete.

Timothy Glenn usually gives a simple speech of encouragement at halftime.

In the locker room of the visiting team next door, the atmosphere was much more solemn.

Spoelz was very dissatisfied with James' insistence on playing a small lineup in the first half. "In the second half, we must seize the advantage of half-court offense and play a good defense. Oakland's low post is its weakness. Find space and opportunities from the low post. .And we're going to grab every rebound, and we're going to grab every second chance we can."

Spoelzla is going to put the key point that determines the outcome of the game on the inside, and he asked James to play power forward.Although James didn't like this arrangement very much, he could only pinch his nose and admit it.

The second half began quickly, with James taking the ball on the wing and directly facing Millsap.

Bosh came over to give James a pick-and-roll. James took the ball and took a step back. After Bosh stopped, James got up and broke through.

James strode forward. Once his speed is up, no one in the league can stop him.

Kirilenko shrunk quickly, and Biedrins pushed forward, retracted his waist, turned his upper body back, and stuffed the ball directly into Bosh's hands.

Bosh dunked the ball easily.

Taking advantage of the inside line, the Heat regained their advantage.Chen Mo decisively signaled Timothy Glenn to call a timeout.

The Heat want to use the inside to make a fuss, so put the key to victory on the inside.

"Let's go to the twin towers!" Chen Mo said calmly: "Use the height of David (Lee) and Andris (Biderins) to forcefully attack their inside line. LeBron (James) and Chris (Bosh) ) is at a disadvantage compared to us in terms of height."

After climbing the twin towers, the Warriors sat down completely and played half-court offense.The offense is slow, but not the same as the smaller lineups with Jackson on the court before.

If the lineup is like a dagger, it uses local speed and flexibility to achieve kills.This lineup is like an epee. Although it doesn't show too much edge, its lethality is still amazing.

From a tactical point of view today, Chen Mo and the Warriors have the absolute upper hand.Every time he adjusts, he hits the weak link of the Miami Heat's tactics.

As the game entered the fourth quarter, the Warriors had led by as many as 21 points.

The Heat seemed to be about to usher in a rout, but the super power of the Big Three's personal combat power broke out completely at the beginning of the fourth quarter.

James and Wade took turns holding the ball and swinging in. I will swing again when you are tired.

To put it bluntly, this team is still a team built with Chen Mo as the absolute core. As long as Chen Mo is not there, the opponent can find loopholes and flaws in their lineup.

But in the end, because the previous pitfalls were too big, and Chen Mo stabilized the situation on the court after returning, Miami finally returned home in Oakland.

The final score of 109 to 118 could not convince the Miami people, and there was an interesting scene on the field after the game.

James wanted to go back to the locker room after leaving the field. He ignored the team's head coach Spoelzla's hug. He bumped Spoelzla away with his shoulder, as if there was no such person in front of him.

This incident was directly named "Shoulder Hit Door" by the reporters at the scene.

After the game, a reporter questioned Chen Mo about the shoulder bump.Chen Mo thought that the Miami Heat might be fighting among themselves, but he definitely wouldn't say these words after the game.

"As an outsider, I can't make a conclusion on this matter. But this is a very interesting matter, and I will pay attention to the follow-up media reports." Chen Mo said.

This game finally played part of the game Chen Mo expected. When Jackson was on the court, they were able to pass the ball to achieve the goal of controlling the opponent.However, Jackson's own weaknesses are too great, and he can't help the team on the defensive end.

"Huh!" Chen Mo took off his jersey after returning to the locker room, and the Under Armour's tight vest on his upper body highlighted his muscle lines to the fullest.

"Let's get used to this lineup first!" Chen Mo said to himself, "This kind of match is more interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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