Chapter 389
Jackson jumped on Chen Mo from behind. Today, Jackson scored 14 points and 7 assists. He was very excited.

"Jack, you've grown fat!" Jackson touched Chen Mo's chest.

Chen Mo pretended to be angry and said, "You fucking GAY, get the hell out of here."

"Hahahaha!" Jackson laughed and said, "I just like you as a youthful and arrogant young man. Tonight I will love you a little bit."

"Get lost!" Chen Mo said, "You go to GAY Curry."

Jackson pulled off his jersey, sighed and said: "You are really much stronger than last year, and the texture of your chest muscles is different."

While changing clothes, Curry blinked and said, "Did you touch it a lot?"

"Stephen, don't pay attention to that dead gay, he's a little bit wrong now." Chen Mo said.

Jackson's suppressed emotions for a long time were finally released, and he jumped up and down in the locker room like a convulsion.

When Chen Mo came out of the shower, Jackson suppressed his excitement and changed his clothes to take a shower.

Just now he was harassed by Jackson tirelessly, and his teammates looked at them a little differently.Fortunately, there was a sensible McGuire who stood on the side of justice and exposed Jackson's lies. McGuire, who spoke as a former teammate of Jackson and Chen Mo, still has some credibility.

David Lee looked bored, and Biedrins also looked disappointed. They all thought there was a story between Chen Mo and Jackson!
Chen Mo hated his teeth, and when he came out, he threw Jackson's underwear into the refrigerator, and said to his teammates: "Don't tell him, whoever tells him I won't pass the ball to anyone in the next game .”

Chen Mo changed her clothes and went to the press conference with Curry.

At the press conference this time, the reporters asked the most questions about the Warriors' tactics, as well as the bet between Chen Mo and Sean Williams on social networking sites.

"Our team is moving fast in a good direction and we're running in really well."

"Our goal this season is undoubtedly the championship. The tight schedule of the shortened season is very beneficial to us, because our core lineup is very young."

"About Mr. Sean Williams, I am very happy that he can have a meal of top leather shoes. You should know the value of that pair of shoes better than me, not to mention that he comes from NBA legend Irving Johnson. His meal was worth roughly what the average American family spends on food for a week. He should be honored."

Chen Mo praised the team and made fun of Sean Williams.

Since Chen Mo came to the Warriors, Curry is no longer the first choice of reporters at the press conference.Although Curry performed very well tonight, scoring 9 points on nine three-pointers, he still didn't become the first choice of reporters in the press conference.

But Curry always has a special way to steal the spotlight. He is gnawing on his fingers boredly, coupled with his cute appearance, he looks like a baby.

Curry looked at Chen Mo, like a primary school student thinking, "Will he buy me spicy strips later?"

Curry was thinking about spicy strips, Chen Mo was talking in front of the microphone, and Jackson was more fun dancing in the locker room with his bare butt than just now.

"Where's my panties? It must be Jack Chen. Fuck..." Jackson knew that the other teammates knew where his panties were, but no one told him, which was annoying.

"Andris, tell me, where did they hide my panties?"

"Paul... Andre... you all..."

"McGuire, you should have told me, right?"

"You..." Jackson wailed, "You were all bought by that little watch?"

Seeing that the reporters were about to come in at last, Jackson ran into the bathroom with a whoosh.He is a carefree person, and it is not the first time he has been interviewed by reporters in the locker room wearing only his underwear.But he has not experienced interviews with reporters without wearing underwear, and he does not want to try it for the first time.

By the time Chen Mo and Curry came back from the press conference, Jackson was already going crazy.As soon as he saw Chen Mo coming back, he almost called his father.

In the end, Chen Mo took out his already frozen underwear from the refrigerator, and said, "You can blow it with a hair dryer!"

Jackson is going crazy...

Chen Mo smiled and went to have supper with Curry, and Curry said that he had something to talk to him about.

Curry and Chen Mo went to Mr. Chen's restaurant in Chinatown for supper. After sitting down, Curry immediately ordered his favorite steamed dumplings.

"You really like hiding underwear."

"I have hidden yours before, you still remember this shit." Chen Mo said with a smile.

After chatting for a while, Curry got down to business, "I don't think I'm suitable to be a playmaker. It's better for me to be a scorer."

Chen Mo nodded. He also saw that Curry was not suitable to be the team's second playmaker.Curry can be a strong part of their lineup, but he can't be a second playmaker.

"Well, just do your own thing! Our current game mode can be roughly determined from these few games." Chen Mo said: "When Jackson is on the court, our small lineup can get a certain amount of support. advantage, in the third quarter you and I singled out the victory.”

Curry swallowed what was in his mouth and said, "Well, this is my favorite and the best style of play for me."

After a pause, Curry said again: "Actually, we can develop another similar model. You serve as the fulcrum to attract the defense at the top of the arc, and Clay and I have no ball to cover. His shooting is still good, but The understanding of the game is still a bit worse now. But your ability to attract defenses is definitely better than Jackson, and I believe the effect will not be too bad, especially after he continues to grow."

Chen Mo agrees with what Curry said, the database's evaluation of Klay Thompson is a guy who is very suitable for their style of play and lineup, if he can really grow to that point.Judging from the situation that came first, Clay is indeed making progress in that direction.

When Chen Mo and Curry were eating supper, the social networking sites were already buzzing.

The agreement between Sean Williams and Chen Mo has become the dominance of the hot headlines on social networking sites, and no one can shake this matter to dominate the headlines.After the dust settled on this matter, people who followed this matter suddenly became active, and the nearly 30 comments on Sean Williams' social networking site were enough to show the popularity at this time.

There are many messages in Chinese pinyin, which are obviously traces left by Chinese fans after they overcame the wall.

Those who support Sean Williams have been completely submerged in the ocean of people. Just when everyone suggested that Sean Williams eat more cumin or pepper, the magician updated his personal status.

He posted a photo of the leather shoes after packing, and attached a text, "I will send UPS tomorrow. I know the address of Mr. Sean Williams, and the goods will arrive the day after tomorrow."

Under this state, there are many more replies in an instant.

"Isn't there a bottle of ketchup included? You're so petty!"

"Obviously it tastes better with pepper."

"I think mustard is a good choice."

"The magician is careful to smoke the courier brother."

"I think it might taste better than a skunk."

At the end of the supper between Chen Mo and Curry, Curry took out his mobile phone and looked through social networking sites, he almost laughed his abs away.Sean Williams has never posted any status to reply to this matter, but it is undeniable that there will be an extra delicious dish on his table the morning after tomorrow.

"I suggest he find a better chef, otherwise there will be problems." Curry said with a smile.

"Do you think it's Chinese style or French style?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

Curry said seriously: "I think the Chinese style is good, and I suggest making it spicy. In addition, the Mexican style is also good."

Chen Mo and Curry left with a smile. The day after tomorrow they will face the Magic at home. They met at noon to have lunch with Mr. Sean Williams through video playback.

"You have great taste," Curry said.

Chen Mo patted Curry on the head, and said, "Obviously you are the one who looks after you, okay?"

"Can you respect the senior?" Curry said, frowning.

After Chen Mo sent Curry away, he drove home immediately, and both Ajiali and Jessica had already arrived home.Because Curry said he wanted to talk to Chen Mo about something, Chen Mo asked Jessica and the others to leave first.

The meeting with Chris and Falke was scheduled for tomorrow by Chen Mo, after all, there was nothing to talk about at night.Besides, tonight is a critical moment for Chen Mo to test the quality of his big bed, time is very precious.

Chen Mo was very satisfied with the results of the extreme test. Even though they made extreme moves, the big bed remained motionless.

"Chris's work is still so reassuring." Chen Mo said while having breakfast.

Ajiali's complexion is not very good, she was in pain and happy last night, that feeling is hard to express in words.

Chris reported to Chen Mo about the company's operations, and his personal clothing brand is expected to be launched on the market after the All-Stars.

"You're wearing your own clothes at the All-Stars, and that's the best kind of advertising," Chriss said.

"Well! Let's do it like this!" Chen Mo said: "Besides, female models don't need to be too much trouble, Ajiali is very good."

"How are you going to price me?" Ajiali looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo said: "You talk to Chris!" Then Chen Mo said to Chris: "You try to lower the price as much as possible, she is too embarrassed to ask for too high a price."

Ajiali wrinkled her nose and said angrily: "You are squeezing."

"You're right." Chen Mo said.

Falke showed Chen Mo the recent endorsement cooperation, and Chen Mo said: "You can figure it out! Anyway, I don't particularly care about the income of the endorsement now. As long as it doesn't damage my image, the rest is free. .”

After talking about it anyway, Chen Mo simply called Hua Xiaoou and asked him about the situation in China.Although it is midnight in China, Chen Mo believes that Hua Xiaoou is definitely still awake.

"Boy, you're very lucky. I'm the only one lying on my bed, otherwise I wouldn't be talking to you in this tone." Hua Xiaoou's ruffian voice reached Chen Mo's ears.

Chen Mo secretly said: "It's dangerous."

He only thought that Hua Xiaoou was still asleep, but he didn't expect Hua Xiaoou to be a nightlife madman.It is worse to disturb his night life than to disturb his rest.

"The number of fans of your bib has exceeded 1200 million. In addition, the studio you mentioned is on the right track. The novels and comics about you are already being produced, and they will be launched on the market at the end of this season. This You have to win this season, otherwise the effect of publicity will be greatly reduced." Hua Xiaoou roughly told Chen Mo about the domestic situation.

Hua Xiaoou said again: "The old man thinks that you are not playing tough this year than last season. The old man talks to your father, and your father talks to me. This annoys me, and I will not be able to work with peace of mind."

Chen Mo felt that Hua Xiaoou was more like a boss than him, and he said impatiently: "Just let my dad fool you, don't disturb my rhythm, otherwise how can I win the championship this season?"

After hanging up the phone with Hua Xiaoou, Chen Mo didn't talk too much with Chris and Falk, so he went to training.He is very competent as a hands-off shopkeeper. After all, his main blame is to play well.

During the team training today, Chen Mo felt that Jackson wanted to take revenge. He locked the cabinet after opening the cabinet to get the things. His caution made Jackson have no chance.

"Don't think about it, if he wants to guard against you, you can't find a chance. This person's level of caution has reached the level of pervert." Curry said to Jackson.

Curry had been hidden by Chen Mo in his underwear before. He squatted on Chen Mo for three days, but he didn't let him find a chance, and then he gave up.

Jackson still refused to accept, Chen Mo really didn't let him find a chance for a day.

"Why don't you beg me to give you this chance on purpose?" Chen Mo said to Jackson.

Jackson snorted and ignored Chen Mo, he gave up.

The fact that Jackson wants to get revenge on Chen Mo can only be regarded as an adjustment in the Warriors. What they care most about is whether Sean Williams' ingredients have arrived.

Jackson retaliated against Chen Mo by making a gamble, trying to restore his prestige in the locker room.

The content of the game is about the order in which Sean Williams eats, "Do you think he eats the left shoe first or the right shoe first?"

"I think he may have chopped up two shoes and ate them together," Chen Mo said.

"Go away." Jackson said angrily, "Don't make trouble."

"Then what if it's the third situation?" Raja Bell asked.

"You can choose other situations. The probability of that is only 1 vs. 0.5." Jackson said: "If you are right or left, 1 vs. 20."

There are many people who bet, and the bets are as high as 2 US dollars.

On the day of the game against the Magic on January 1, everyone was paying attention to Sean Williams' meal, but the situation really turned around.It's not that Sean Williams wants to renege on the debt, but that the courier sent the things away...

 I wrote it on two computers, and it was repeated when I uploaded it, which is very has been revised!

(End of this chapter)

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