genius point guard

Chapter 411 Historical Wonders

Chapter 411 Historical Wonders
Some people say that he has already begun to look forward to next year's All-Star Game, but this expectation has two sides.

Some people really wanted to watch the fun and see how Chen Mo would perform in the dunk contest.But some people wanted to see a joke, to see how Chen Mo made a fool of himself in the All-Star Game.

Chen Mo's response on the social networking site was extremely simple, "I will know when the time comes."

"Jack Chan thinks he's going to continue to develop? If he's only 13 I'd believe it, but he's 22 now, damn I don't know how he's going to be in the dunk contest next year unless he's just doing it for fun. Or is he suffering from paranoia, thinking that he is only 13 years old and can continue to grow?" The New York Times reporter made such a statement, which has many supporters.

But no matter what, it's all next year's affairs, and this year's affairs must be dealt with first.

Most of the people around Chen Mo opposed and questioned his statement that he would participate in the slam dunk contest next year, but they all chose to believe in Chen Mo. Chen Mo was definitely not delusional, and he was sure of it.

Chen Mo's grasp naturally comes from Vic's ring. Now that the brain enhancement has risen to the ninth level, he can turn on the body enhancement as long as he increases by one level.After the physical enhancement is turned on, he must be able to participate in the dunk contest.

But now is not the time to look forward to next year's slam dunk contest. What Chen Mo can't wait most now is to test his newly upgraded ability of brain enhancement in the All-Star Game.


The competition pressure of western guards is extremely high. Kobe chose the forward position in order to avoid his edge, but the western Conference, which is full of super guards such as Chen Mo, Curry, Paul, Westbrook, etc., is still under great pressure.

In the end, Chen Mo and Paul became the starting guards in the West, Kobe teamed up with Durant as a striker, and the Lakers center Andrew Bynum took advantage of the position and became the starting center in the West.

Compared with the fierce competition of Western guards, the pressure on Eastern guards is much less.Derrick Rose, who was squeezed out of the starting position by Chen Mo last year and refused to participate in the All-Star Game, was successfully selected this year. Dwyane Wade almost got another position as the starting guard in the Eastern Conference without any suspense.

There is no doubt that LeBron James was selected at the forward position, and another position was obtained by Carmelo Anthony, who switched to the New York Knicks last season.The starting center of the Eastern Conference is Dwight Howard, the player with the highest votes except Chen Mo.In other words, he is the American player with the highest votes.

In the past, the All-Star vote king could be described as "the American player with the highest votes", but when he said this sentence in the past two years, the Chinese felt somewhat proud.Because the player with the most votes is a Chinese player!
"I don't know if there will be so many players competing for the MVP in this year's All-Star Game." Barkley said on the commentary stage.

Uncle Miller was successfully inserted into the lineup of Barkley and Smith today, and the three of them served as commentators for tonight's All-Star Game.As a loyal Chen Chui, Uncle Miller said: "I don't know if the MVP competition will be as fierce as last year, but if Jack Chen wants it, others have no chance."

Smith has a different view from Miller on whether Chen Mo can win the MVP tonight as he wishes.

"First of all, does Jack Chen want it? Secondly, Jack Chen's opponent is unprecedentedly strong. What he is facing is really a group of extremely united superstars. And his teammates will definitely not provide him with so much Help," Smith said.

Kobe had already told Chen Mo that he didn't want an MVP this year.

The impact of being swept by the Mavericks last season was too great for Kobe. What he wants most now is to win another championship. He will not choose to waste too much energy on the All-Star.So Kobe will not become an opponent to compete with Chen Mo for MVP, but he will not provide much help to Chen Mo.

However, with that guy's character, after playing high on the court, I don't know if he will really be a quiet audience on the court as he said.

Paul doesn't have any special thoughts about it this year. How to beat Chen Mo in the next two Southern California derbys is what he thinks about now, and his desire for MVP this year is not particularly strong.After all, he was on the same team as Chen Mo, so even if he got it, it didn't prove that he was really better than Chen Mo.

"I think the audience is also the most suitable role for me this year." Chris Paul said to Chen Mo: "But if you still want the MVP this year, the opponent is not weak."

Derrick Rose almost exhausted all his energy to avoid the MVP, and James also had a strong desire to snatch the MVP from Chen Mo.

"Win them first, the MVP depends on the ability." James went to Rose to discuss.

Rose thought about it, he needs the support of his teammates, and in the starting lineup of the Eastern All-Stars, James must have received more support than him.

Dwyane Wade and Carmelo Anthony are both good brothers of James, and they must be with James.If Ross wants to rely on their powerful strength to defeat Chen Mo, they must cooperate.

"No problem, defeating Jack Chen is the most important thing." Rose said.

This year, the Eastern Conference team almost has a common goal. There are four people in the starting lineup who are on the same front as James, and the head coach Spoelzla is also his own, and they are all on the same front.

Barkley analyzed tonight's situation objectively, and then he expressed his opinion, "Almost all the Eastern Conference is Jack Chen's deadly enemy. In the case of leaving aside the MVP trophy, they will definitely be extremely eager to win. .”

"If the Western Conference can't even guarantee victory, how can we talk about MVP ownership?"

Chen Mo also knew that the opponent was strong and would definitely be very united.

"You don't really want to lose, do you?" Chen Mo was irritating Kobe with words.

Kobe gave Chen Mo a blank look, and said, "I'm not 23 years old this year, so your words are useless."

"But you play to win, don't you?" Chen Mo said seemingly flatly.

Chen Mo obviously mentioned Kobe's weakness. If Kobe started a game and let him lose without trying his best, he really couldn't do it.

"Let's see the situation at that time!" Kobe said lightly.

For Paul, this is also the strength Chen Mo needs.

"Chris, you won't be watching as a spectator on the court!" Chen Mo said: "We are teammates! If you want to be a spectator, we will be 4 vs 6!"

Paul cast a glance at Chen Mo and said nothing.

Chen Mo continued: "You don't really want to lose, do you? I've always wanted to be your teammate. If the two of us play in series, we will definitely be able to play a perfect game."

Paul thought for a while, he has always been looking forward to being teammates with Chen Mo, "There is only one ball, how are you going to play?"

Paul doesn't really believe that a good chemical reaction can be produced in the game when the two have not cooperated before. If it is possible, he doesn't mind trying.

If you can cooperate happily with Chen Mo as a teammate, it will also be beneficial to yourself in defeating him.It is also a good idea to understand your opponent from another direction.

"The cooperation between you and Bryant is already very good, whether it is the cross-screening of you and him without the ball at the same time, or the way you play each other after attracting the defense on the wing." Chen Mo said: " And I just join your system directly, you two cover, I pass the ball to you, or I draw on the wing, you cut from the middle, and then either it is Andre (Bynum) or Kobe Bryant Or Kevin (Durant) would be great choices."

"There is one more thing, we can play a more perfect coordination without dribbling." Chen Mo said: "If we serve the ball directly from the backcourt, based on our two passing standards, we can completely be unlucky in a gorgeous situation." The fit of the ball."

Chen Mo opened his mouth and said a few simple cooperations. Paul admired Chen Mo's reaction speed, and he agreed to help Chen Mo.

After Kobe and Paul are dealt with, Chen Mo is going to deal with the third player of the Lakers - Andrew Bynum.

If Chen Mo needs to use the resources on the basketball court to get the help of Kobe and Paul, he also has other ways to deal with Bynum.

After saying hello, Chen Mo said to Bynum: "Have you ever tried a hairstyle designed by a top hairstylist in China? Go to China in summer, and I will take you there. You have to help us win the game tonight."

Chen Mo's attack on Bynum was simple and direct, and Bynum, who had a clear and simple brain circuit, immediately joined Chen Mo's camp.

"No problem, I will definitely help you get the MVP." Bynum said.

The last one is Durant. This is a bit difficult. Chen Mo can't get Durant to help him win the MVP wholeheartedly. He can only analyze the pros and cons for the other party.Because Durant is also extremely eager for tonight's MVP.

"If we lose, neither of us will get the MVP. Win first, and the MVP will be judged." Chen Mo used the same method to Durant as James used to Rose.

"Okay!" Durant answered very simply.

In fact, Durant knows in his heart that if he wants to win the MVP, the most important thing is to win.If he can't win, no matter how he performs, it's useless.Even though he knew that in the same situation of winning, the probability of him snatching the MVP from Chen Mo was not high.But a little probability is better than nothing.

Chen Mo turned around and fooled his teammates, so he was relieved.

"You went around and communicated with them. Why don't you come to communicate with me." Curry tilted his head and looked at Chen Mo and said.

Chen Mo took out a box of popcorn from the cabinet, "One box of popcorn, no more."

"Have an afternoon tea set at Mr. Chen's restaurant at home." Curry bargained with Chen Mo seriously, "You have to take care of it."

"Take advantage of the fire, Stephen, you have learned badly." Chen Mo said.

Chen Mo quarreled with Curry for a while, and they equipped themselves and went out to warm up.

The Los Angeles Lakers have three All-Star starters this year. They are veritable winners, but the one with the most limelight must be Chen Mo.

After the warm-up, the players returned to the locker room to wait for the start of the All-Star Game. When the players all ran into the tunnel, the lights on the scene went out.

Immediately afterwards, a light flashed obliquely on the big screen at the scene, and with the sound of hell, a huge black sickle appeared, and then a huge sniper rifle appeared in front of the fans.

The trigger is pulled, the camera changes quickly, and a guy in a black cloak appears in the shot.The sickle in the left hand, the sniper rifle in the right hand... The fans at the scene were chanting "White Death" frantically.

This is Orlando, not Oakland. It stands to reason that the All-Stars should be the first to promote and play their number one star Howard, but they used Chen Mo as an entry point to start tonight's All-Star event.

The lights were slowly turned on, and some people felt that someone was shooting on the court. When the light became brighter, the fans saw that it was Chen Mo shooting.

Immediately, the cheers began to sound crazily, and Chen Mo stood on the center line to shoot.When the lights were fully turned on, Chen Mo still changed his posture, throwing baskets on both sides alternately.

Mostly, his throws to the baskets on both sides are almost hollow and seem to have rhythm.

At this moment, the music started, and Nicky Minaj, a famous American rapper, appeared with bright green hair.The sound of Chen Mo scoring a goal accompanies Mina.

The fans at the scene went crazy. The fans who originally thought that this All-Star session was nothing to watch no longer have such thoughts at this moment.This opening is so creative.

After that, Howard, the host, slowly appeared from the elevator.

Howard appeared on the high platform wearing a Superman costume, and twisted his body in a mechanical dance.

Howard danced with the idea of ​​imitating the previous Phoenix All-Star Shaquille O'Neal's mechanical dance, but the fans still bought it and gave the warmest cheers.It's not just because this is Orlando, after all, this combination of appearances is still very characteristic.

"He really didn't miss a single shot." Kobe licked his lips, a little disbelieving.

The fans also marveled at the precision of Chen Mo's shooting, but the shock that such shooting brought to those players was even greater.Because as a group of people in this world who understand basketball, they know how difficult what Chen Mo is doing now.

Rose's face became even uglier, and Paul shook his head with a dull face, "God, he threw about 40 of them, all of which are hollow!"

"This is a spectacle in NBA history, not one of them..." Wade also sighed like this.

(End of this chapter)

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