Chapter 412
This matter may be difficult for others, but for Chen Mo, such an apex shot from the center line is extremely simple.

Because his position does not move, the trajectory of his turning back and forth to shoot is certain. He only needs to remember the strength of his hand, and then repeat the previous movements and strength continuously, so that all the balls can be shot, and all of them are hollow. shoot.

As for the problem of rhythm, it's just a problem of shooting rhythm, and it has nothing to do with basketball.

But what is extremely simple to Chen Mo is a miracle in the eyes of others.

Everyone knows that Chen Mo's shots are accurate and powerful.But as time went by, they found that the strength of Chen Mo's shooting was still refreshing their cognition again and again.

"I always thought I imagined his shooting to be very powerful, but I didn't expect him to be more powerful than I imagined." Chris Paul said.

Soon, other stars also appeared on the stage, and the All-Stars of the Eastern and Western Leagues slid out from both sides with moonwalks.

These athletic guys have mixed talents in dancing, and although their movements are not standard, they are full of entertainment.

After the opening ceremony, which is enough to be recorded in the annals of history, tonight's highlight will be staged.

"How did you do it?" Curry asked Chen Mo while the staff were clearing up the field and the players were waiting to play.

Chen Mo shrugged and said, "It's nothing difficult."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't believe it." Paul also said.

Chen Mo smiled and said, "Haha! I'm Jack Chen! For me, who is the most accurate shooter in the world, this matter is not difficult."

Someone wanted to refute Chen Mo, but he opened his mouth but couldn't find anything to refute Chen Mo.

His shooting is indeed the most accurate in the world.

Soon the game began, and Bynum lost to Howard in a jump ball.

Howard's physical talent is unquestionable. Fans who don't like him can question his skills, his diligence, and even his professionalism, but absolutely no one can question Howard's physical talent.That's definitely one of the perfect gifts God created, but He just keeps squandering and squandering his gifts.

The ball was controlled by James, and he handed the ball to Rose immediately.

James wants to win, and Rose is an important force he needs to rely on. He certainly can't just leave Rose aside and fuck himself.

After Rose got the ball, he passed halftime quickly, and Paul quickly matched Rose.

Chen Mo and Paul teamed up to play the backcourt. Naturally, the shorter Paul played the 1st position, and Chen Mo, who was more capable of scoring, played the 2nd position.

Paul didn't take the defense seriously, and Rose, who came out of anger, completed the breakthrough with a huge sideways pass.

Rose's breakthrough movement is known for its speed and large range. Using a high-speed camera to slow down Rose's breakthrough movement can clearly see that at the moment of his breakthrough, the degree of deformation of his sneakers can be called terrifying.Perhaps this is also one of the reasons why his shoes sell well, because the quality of his shoes can be seen intuitively from the game.

After passing Paul in one step, it was too late for Chen Mo's supplementary defense, so Kobe pretended to take it back, and Rose went straight to the basket.

Rose took off in front of Bynum, folded his body, and after an obvious gliding trajectory of his body, he opened his body again and threw the ball to the backboard.

This ball can be regarded as a layup that shows the beauty of the body to the extreme on the basketball court. This layup aroused huge applause from the fans at the scene.Comparable to the physical display of a gymnast, this ball is the pinnacle of Rose's layup.

Rose pointed at Chen Mo when he returned to defense, and said, "Don't always shoot, go to the inside to compete."

Chen Mo smiled, and said softly, "Why don't you come from outside to compete in shooting?"

Ross kept silent. Chen Mo said that there was nothing worthy of his complaints, but he didn't have anything to say.Otherwise they'll be stuck in an endless loop of "you up." "you down."

However, Chen Mo changed the subject immediately, "But I'll go in today and show you my layup level."

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he reached out to ask Paul for the ball.Paul has no reason not to give him the ball. After Chen Mo got the ball, no teammates came up to pick and roll him.

Chen Mo was facing Wade, and Wade's defense was not as strong as in the official game.

Chen Mo completed a breakthrough with a sharp change of direction, and then he rushed to the basket to face Howard, also folded his body after taking off, and then turned around in the air, and he threw the ball from behind his head to the basket.

The ball went into the net crisply and hollowly, and this ball once again showed Chen Mo's good touch.

Chen Mo's ball was not as stretched as Rose's, but he showed all the charm that his thin body can show in the air.

Some Chinese fans feel that Chen Mo's action is a bit like the rain in the south of the Yangtze River in the poem, soft and gentle.

American fans can't find the words to describe it, but they think it's beautiful.

There are also those with more vicious eyes, such as Barkley, "Reggie, Kenny, do you think that Jack Chen's movements are almost the same as those of Derrick Rose before?"

"It is indeed the same. The breakthrough movements are very similar. The moment of the breakthrough is not so large. The folding in the air during the layup is almost exactly the same. The subsequent attacking movements are different, but the rhythm of their layups is exactly the same." Miller said.

"This should be Jack - Chen made a fight back." Smith said.

It is said that the authorities are fans of the onlookers, but the players on the field saw Chen Mo's layup and could see that Chen Mo was very similar to Rose's action before. This was obviously Chen Mo's response.

Hit the response ball with the same action as the opponent, this is the highest state of the response ball.

Rose naturally understood his breakthrough and layup rhythm, he gritted his teeth and was very angry.

Chen Mo stepped back and said to Rose, "I'm here for you."

Rose responded: "You're going to lose today!"

"You say that every time, but you lose every time!" Chen Mo felt that Rose had to understand the historical confrontation between them before speaking.

Chen Mo's ability to respond in this way is due to the newly upgraded ability of the brain.

Brain enhancement made another breakthrough in the last game when Chen Mo completed double figures in a single game, and the new ability brought to Chen Mo by that upgrade was the enhancement of short-term memory ability.

Memories within 3 minutes can be deeply engraved in Chen Mo's brain like a knife.His physical hardware can't allow him to fold and drift for a layup, but he can make up for some physical hardware shortcomings through the continuous memory of his brain.However, he still can't imitate exactly the same, but he can use his body hardware to the best level when simulating to achieve the best simulation effect.

Chen Mo named this new ability - Sharingan.Of course, he is actually more like Murong Fu in Jin Yong's novels that were once popular in the Chinese community in North America.

Chen Mo uses the deep memory of the brain to make up for the lack of hardware in the body, just like the CPU of a computer, its hardware level is only so high, but there is a way to make it play more powerful functions by optimizing the software.

For this attack, Chen Mo took the initiative to find Ross.The confrontation between the two of them caused screams from the fans, and the fans instantly realized that these two people might start to fight for real from now on.

The first three quarters of the All-Star Game were all for fun, and the last quarter was the real game.This is almost a matter of convention, but this will always be changed.

The grievances between Chen Mo and Rose have long been heard by almost all fans through the developed Internet. Judging from the grievances between Chen Mo and Rose, it is really normal for them to really fight at the beginning
Ross almost used all his skills this time, he must play a beautiful game so that Chen Mo can't imitate it.Chen Mo's imitation just now made Rose feel a burning pain on his face.

Rose's ankle was almost bent to [-] degrees, and such a drastic change of direction was almost the biggest change of direction Chen Mo had encountered when facing Ross.

Chen Mo's action just now really stimulated Ross very much, and he can be considered to have performed exceptionally this time.

Rushing all the way in, Ross flew up to Bynum.

He wants to dunk Bynum!
Everyone was exclaiming.

As for Bynum, he hasn't figured out the situation until now. His EQ and IQ are not high, and he didn't even see that there was a real fight between Chen Mo and Ross.

Rose completed the dunk, but he was still confused. Didn't he agree to play in the first three quarters?

Rosella yelled at the rim, "Come on! Dunk!"

Obviously, he was provoking Chen Mo.

The fans who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal cheered frantically, and shouted at Chen Mo: "One more, one more!"

Ross looked at Chen Mo with a sneer, "Didn't you claim that you will participate in the slam dunk contest next year? Let's warm up first!"

Chen Mozhen couldn't learn this kind of dunk. He could imitate Rose's extraordinary moves before, but he couldn't handle the last dunk.He can learn moves to be absolutely similar, but he can't dunk the ball through Howard.Even if Howard just stood there and didn't guard against him.

Chen Mo was going to completely imitate Rose's extraordinary moves, and he wanted Durant to cooperate with him in the final finishing move.But he didn't know that before he sent Durant a signal, he had already received Howard's signal.

Chen Mo smiled, and thought to himself: "There is a traitor among you, you deserve Ross' luck!"

Almost exactly the same extraordinary, no one expected that Chen Mo could make such a drastic change of direction.Chen Mo's brilliance has always been known for its speed, slickness and precise timing.But this time he showed a different demeanor.

Ross almost watched Chen Mo pass by with wide eyes, he was really shocked.But he was even more curious. He wanted to know how Chen Mo would complete the dunk.With a sneer, he was ready to read a joke.

Chen Mo, who had completed the extraordinary work, felt a little regretful. He could imitate the movements through the memory of his brain, but after a period of time, Chen Mo could no longer restore that kind of movements.Because the memory in his mind that was deeper than that of himself doing this action disappeared.

When Chen Mo came to the restricted area, he quickly calmed down and jumped up in front of Howard.

"Really want to buckle?" Rose's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, but immediately he began to think about how to laugh at Chen Mo for a while.

"It's a similar move, but you're dunking a schoolboy-sized hoop?" Rose thought it was a great way to say that.

But then, amidst the exclamation of the fans, Howard hugged Chen Mo's waist and lifted him up.

Howard and Chen Mo were not too happy, but this guy was smiling and didn't hold grudges.There are always news that he has conflicts with his teammates, but it is really never heard that he has any indissoluble feud with any opponent.

This is probably the advantage of his countless shortcomings!
Chen Mo dunked the ball into the basket heavily with one hand, Chen Mo swore he had never dunked so well.This feeling is so good, Chen Mo is looking forward to the effect of body enhancement more and more.

The referee saw it, but he didn't blow the whistle.

Seeing the crazy behavior of the fans, the referee also knew that he was too puzzled to blow off the ball.

James also laughed. The three on the commentary stage were a little climaxed. Ross was probably the only one in the arena who was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

James immediately realized that he had to help Rose find the referee to argue, after all, Chen Mo was their common enemy.He asked the referee to say a few words, but the referee didn't mean to whistle at all.

Chen Mo smiled meanly at Ross, who almost bit his back molars.

"My copy is okay!" Chen Mo said.

In all fairness, no one would be able to tell who was who without seeing Howard's slap, shadowing the bodies of the two of them.

Chen Mo said to Rose: "You can call him Sharingan. If you have a chance later, you can see my matching skills——Shenluo Tianzheng."

Ross was so angry that he just turned his head away and ignored Chen Mo.He still wanted to hit Chen Mo again, but James wanted the ball over there, so he couldn't continue playing willfully.

James sent an assist to Wade in an air cut, and Wade scored a layup.

Chen Mo pouted, and said, "I don't even have the idea of ​​copying this kind of movement, and passing the ball with my feet casually is more beautiful than this."

James was choked by Chen Mo's words, but when Chen Mo came to the frontcourt, he actually planned to pass the ball with his feet.

"Kevin, you can just cut inside later and wait for the ball," Chen Mo said.

James probably felt uncomfortable being stimulated by Chen Mo. He directly matched up with Chen Mo, probably wanting to see how Chen Mo passed the ball with his feet.

Chen Mo made another big change of direction before, and Chen Mo still had a deep memory of what happened tens of seconds ago.

But this time Chen Mo turned back and didn't make a direct breakthrough. He pulled the ball back, and then he made a cross step.

When Durant saw Chen Mo make a breakthrough, he had already cut to the basket. When he saw Chen Mo pull the ball back again, he felt that he had cut too early, and secretly lamented the lack of tacit understanding.

But at this moment, the ball flew into Durant's hands.

Durant didn't know how Chen Mo sent the ball out, but the information he captured through hearing, Chen Mo passed it in... with his feet.

(End of this chapter)

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