genius point guard

Chapter 423 These Men Are Really Fast

Chapter 423 These Men Are Really Fast
"We have no choice but to fight violence with violence," Timothy Glenn said.

Chen Mo nodded, he knew exactly what he was afraid of.When the opponent turns the defense into a never-ending meat grinder, he is tantamount to being stuck in a quagmire.

Chuck Daly is the representative figure of utilitarian basketball, and there are such figures in this era.

Pat Riley is such a person. In 07, the Heat's stinking and shameless performance after Wade's injury can explain the problem.In the end, the Bulls used a 1.3% probability to draw the No. [-] pick and selected Rose, while the Heat only got the No. [-] pick and selected Michael Beasley. At that time, some media called this result "a great joy."

Chen Mo didn't know if it was Pat Riley who came up with this method, but he knew very well that the Miami Heat would definitely use this method to deal with him after today.

Miami also has a lot of fringe substitutes, and they have plenty of people to implement this "logging" tactic.

"We must find a way to solve this problem." Chen Mo secretly said in his heart.

At this time, Jackson yelled at Timothy Glenn, "You let me go up! I can at least kill one of their backcourt combinations."

"Stephen, calm down, this is not a boxing ring." Timothy Glenn roared.

Chen Mo took Jackson's hand and told him to sit down.

"We have encountered some difficulties. Maybe we can only use violence to control violence now, but you have to pay attention to proportion." Chen Mo said: "You play with me later, and give Kobe two jump shots when he shoots. You must pay attention , cannot reach the level of second-degree malicious foul.”

The Lakers saw their tactical effect, and the resistance in the players' hearts was not so great.Everyone wants to succeed in their hearts. If you have an opponent who has never been defeated before you, and now you have found a way to defeat him, this method will definitely become your life-saving straw.

At the beginning of the second quarter, the Lakers continued this kind of meat grinder defense, and the Warriors naturally used violence to control violence.The game was fierce, but the referee's whistle became the busiest part of the game.

The intermittent game lasted until the 6th minute of the second quarter. After the official timeout, it was time for Chen Mo to play. The score was 39-40, with the Warriors leading by one point.

"Our offense was fragmented intermittently and couldn't be coherent at all." Curry complained, spreading his hands.

Chen Mo patted Curry on the back and said, "Leave it to me!"

The Warriors can't go in now, and the opponent will foul if they go in. The only way Chen Mo can think of is to shoot from outside the three-point line.If there is no space near the basket, then make the space farther away.

Chen Mo threw a large three-pointer when he came on the court, helping the Warriors re-extend the lead to 4 points.

"The Lakers dragged the Warriors into the quagmire, and they want to fight the Warriors hand-to-hand in the quagmire." Zhang Lili said: "This style of play seems to be very effective, at least the score is very tight now."

"The Lakers' style of play hurts the enemy one thousand and self-damages eight hundred, but this method gives them hope and opportunity to win." Yu Jia said.

This game was a Southern California derby carefully crafted by Stern. He wanted to make the two sides present a perfect game as much as possible, so the referee whistled a large scale.The factor of the referee also gave the soil for the development of "logging" tactics.

Jackson began to act according to Chen Mo's statement. Kobe was slapped to the ground by Jackson's palm in a back-up jumper. He lay on the ground for at least 20 seconds before getting up.

This is the rhythm brought by the Lakers themselves, no wonder others use violence to control violence.

Until the end of the halftime game, the score of the two teams was still deadlocked at 49 to 52, and the Warriors maintained a weak lead.

All of Chen Mo's points in the second quarter came from three-pointers. He threw four three-pointers and scored 12 points.

"This ball looks more like a fight." Yu Jia said: "Some people are happy to see this kind of game, but some people hate this kind of game. However, the intensity of the game has refreshed the history of the Southern California Derby .”

Back in the locker room, Chen Mo obviously felt that his consumption was greater than before.

The original intention of the "logging" tactic was to limit Chen Mo's breakthrough, prevent him from breaking through after the screen, prevent him from scoring, and let him float outside the three-point line.

In this way, Chen Mo's performance is only left to shoot.When Chen Mo's playing style changed from a super core guard to a pure three-point shooter, the Warriors were not so scary.

"Chen Mo's shooting touch is unprecedented, but his most terrifying thing is that he can make his teammates better. When he uses the pass to integrate all his teammates, he can let his teammates play a strength greater than his own personal ability. Warriors The chemical reaction of the team as a whole, coupled with his personal scoring ability, finally completed the ultimate suppression of the opponent, which is the most terrifying part of the Warriors."

"The Lakers pulled the Warriors into the quagmire, where they used ugly ways to fight hand-to-hand and fight for muscles. This is to stifle the Warriors' greatest advantage."

Zhang Reasonable's analysis is correct, but there is still one point he didn't mention.

Chen Mo's greatest weakness lies in his physical fitness. This endless meat grinder-style fighting has accelerated his physical consumption, which is likely to cause Chen Mo's physical fitness to collapse at the end of the game.

No matter how good a car is, it needs gasoline. When a super player does not have any physical fitness, his role on the field may not be as good as an ordinary person with plenty of physical fitness.

"I have to think of a way." Chen Mo secretly said in his heart.

If the body enhancement can be turned on now, the warrior will not suffer in this kind of meat grinder-style hand-to-hand combat.They have more people who can play, which means that their "bodyguards" are better at playing than the Lakers' "bodyguards".The reason why the Warriors are suffering in this way is because of Chen Mo. If this style of play continues, Chen Mo will definitely collapse physically in the fourth quarter. At that time, the Lakers can easily win.

Chen Mo glanced at the tattoo on his wrist. The energy bar at the end of the brain enhancement has only increased by half, and it is still halfway to turn on the body enhancement.

"Don't think about physical enhancement." Chen Mo secretly said.

Chen Mo looked up at the ceiling, and suddenly had an extremely crazy idea.

"Hey! Guys." Chen Mo stood up, and everyone's eyes were attracted by his words.

Chen Mo continued: "Just now a reporter said that this match has turned into a fighting match, so now it's time for us to make some changes to the format of this match. Let's turn it into a racing match!"

"Fast! Faster! We trade speed for space. This is not fast in our conventional sense, but as fast as the limit." Chen Mo said: "Grab rebounds, and then run forward crazily. Just like when you first learned basketball Do that, protect the backboard, run like hell, and wait for my pass."

Timothy Glenn frowned and said, "But this will greatly increase our turnover rate. Are you sure you can control this situation?"

Chen Mo shrugged and said calmly: "I can't control it, but there is no other way."

Timothy Glenn sighed and said, "Then do as you say! You arrange the players on the field."

"Me, Stephen, Clay, Paul, Andris. The main job of Andris is rebounding and defense, and the four of us are responsible for offense," Chen Mo said.

Chen Mo's play like this is actually very risky, because his speed is slow, so the passes he sends must be long passes, even if he is not necessarily able to control the situation.But this is the only way, he can't slow down to compete with the Lakers!That's exactly what the Lakers want.And there is another advantage of playing this way, that is, it can make him consume less energy.

The visiting team's locker room next door, although very quiet, has a good overall atmosphere.They actually had the advantage in the first half, and everyone could see that Chen Mo's physical fitness had declined drastically.When Chen Mo was exhausted in the second half, they could easily win the Warriors.Although their style of play will definitely attract countless scolding after the game, but who cares!You can win.As long as this method is applicable, they can cross the hurdle of the Warriors in the playoffs, and they have a good chance of winning in the finals.

Pat Riley got a call from Spoelstra at halftime, and what they were talking about must have been about the Southern California Derby.

Pat Riley poured himself a glass of red wine and was in a very good mood.

Old Larry was rubbing his hands anxiously in the monitoring room. As an old fan who had watched football for half a century, his ability to read the game was no less than that of some professional players.

The Warriors are in trouble, for sure, and if they can't fix it, every other team will follow suit. "The road to the championship is really bumpy." Old Larry sighed. The Warriors' victory had a lot to do with a regret in his heart.

1975 was the last time the Warriors won the championship. At that time, he insisted on going to the bar to watch the game with his friends instead of watching the game at home with his father.He failed to celebrate the Warriors' championship with his father. He originally promised to celebrate with his father when the Warriors won the championship next time, but the Warriors never got involved in the championship after that.

Until his father passed away, he also changed from little Larry to old Larry, and this became a great regret in his heart.

Old Larry had long decided that if the Warriors made it to the Finals, he would take his radio to his father's cemetery and listen to the broadcast of the game with his father.Until the Warriors won the championship.

When old Larry was distracted, the second half of the game began.

"I thought the Warriors would change to a big lineup to fight the Lakers, but I didn't expect them to use a small lineup." Zhang Lili said: "This lineup has impact, but it doesn't seem to be suitable for shuttling through the Lakers' muscular forest. what!"

At the beginning of the game, the Lakers wanted to use Bynum to set a precedent, but he failed to eat Biedrins alone, and the ball went out of the basket.Biedrins took advantage of his bullet speed to grab the rebound, and he threw the ball to Chen Mo immediately.

The Warriors immediately proved what it means to be fast and lightning with practical actions.

After Chen Mo got the ball, he didn't wait for Artest to get on his body, and threw the ball directly to the frontcourt.

After taking the ball, Curry didn't wait to stand firm, and threw it directly to Thompson.Thompson almost missed the ball, but he shot directly from beyond the three-point line before he could stand still.

The Lakers' defense rushed to the basket. It was an open spot, but this guy threw it without standing still.

The ball bounced out of the frame.

Chen Mo shouted, "It's okay, just fight like this, we just want speed."

Thompson gestured as he ran back, indicating that it was his fault.

The Lakers still played at a subdued pace. Not only were they looking for physical contact on the defensive end, but those who met Chen Mo on the offensive end also consciously sought physical contact, with the purpose of putting physical pressure on Chen Mo.

Chen Mo faced Kobe, he gritted his teeth and hit Kobe on the back.He's good at back defense, he knows when to push and when to back off.Kobe failed to push Chen Mo away twice, and Chen Mo showed enough toughness.

Kobe turned around and missed the basket with a jumper, Biedrins blocked Bynum, Millsap and Artest competed for rebounds, Artest, who has become a floor runner, couldn't grab Millsap at all, and the rebound was once again Get it under control.

Curry, Chen Mo and Thompson rushed to the opposite half at the first time, and Millsap threw the ball forward directly.

Thompson received the ball, and his ability to handle the ball is slightly worse. This is a matter of game experience.His first reaction in this situation was to find Chen Mo, but with Paul closely following Chen Mo, Curry was a better choice for receiving the ball.

Chen Mo came over to watch the ball, and couldn't control so much. He pushed Paul away with a palm and went to catch the ball.

The referee has long been accustomed to the rhythm of hand-to-hand combat in this game, and the ball is blown every time.

Chen Mo knew that he had made the right bet. He took the ball and dunked Paul away. Kobe came to defend and prevented Chen Mo from shooting. Bryant's heel bounced out.

The ball flew into Thompson's hands again, and Gerald Wallace chased Curry who had already run to the basket. Thompson outside the three-point line on the right was open.

He was almost watching Chen Mo pass the ball from an obsessive perspective, but he still didn't understand how the ball hit Kobe's heel and bounced back.

But there was an opening and he had the ball again.The knee-jerk reaction of being a shooter is to shoot the ball...


This time Thompson did not disappoint his teammates, and his three-pointer rushed into the basket.

This ball is really exciting enough, from the Warriors' rapid attack, to Chen Mo's use of Kobe's heel to pass the ball, and finally Thompson's three-pointer.In total, the Warriors took just 4.6 seconds on this attack.

"Just fight like this! Let the people of Los Angeles see our speed." Chen Mo roared with fists, "Let those dirty methods roll into the stinky ditch!"

Zhang Lili looked almost dull, "The Warriors' offense is really good, and their way to deal with it is to speed up. But their first offensive error is very illustrative. This is a very error-prone tactic, but it seems to be a very Good idea."

Yu Jia said: "The most important thing is that they played more excitingly like this! The pass using the opponent's heel is simply amazing."

(End of this chapter)

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