genius point guard

Chapter 424 - Like a Trick in the Park - Prostitute

Chapter 424 - Like a Trick in the Park - Prostitute

The Warriors' approach of using extreme speed to trade offensive space is effective, but they made 9 turnovers in the entire third quarter, which is too many turnovers.

In the past, the Warriors used their fast-break storm to take away the opponent in a wave, but this time they were faster, but they failed to achieve the previous effect.

At the end of the three quarters, the Warriors led the Lakers by 9 points.

"Every team that faced the Warriors knew it was going to consume Chen Mo, but no team has ever been able to succeed. This time the Lakers looked like they were going to succeed with their wild and rough play, but the Warriors used extreme quickness in the third quarter. Offensively resolved their wild style of play. However, the Lakers' approach is obviously effective, and the price of the Warriors' extreme fast break is their turnover rate and the decline in defensive strength."

Zhang Lili made a reasonable analysis after the end of the third quarter, "When they can make the Warriors pay enough, it actually means that the Lakers are successful. Now the decisive battle will be placed in the fourth quarter."

"We all know that Chen Mo will not appear in the first half of the last quarter, so the Warriors' 9-point lead is nothing. The decisive stage of the game will still be put after Chen Mo's reappearance."

Yu Jia asked Zhang Lili whether the Warriors would use the offensive method that reached the limit in the third quarter after Chen Mo came back. Zhang Lili thought it was certain.

"They can't find any other way to avoid being dragged into the quagmire by the Lakers to fight each other. This is the best way."

At the beginning of the final quarter of the game, the advantage of the depth of the Warriors lineup was reflected.The Warriors still gained a certain advantage when the main force of the Lakers did not return. It was not until Paul played that the Lakers regained a certain advantage. After Kobe came back, the Lakers' advantage was consolidated, and they gradually began to erode the Warriors' lead.

Chen Mo didn't wait until the previous 6 minutes to play. He replaced Jackson at 4 minutes and 27 seconds.At this time, the Warriors still lead by 4 points.

Now the Warriors' outside lineup is still Chen Mo, Curry, Thompson and Millsap, and their inside line is replaced by David Lee.With the Lakers' Bynum off the floor, David Lee can protect the backcourt rebounds, and he can also be a good ball-handling attack point when the Warriors are forced into a set game.

"I must win this time." Kobe stared at Chen Mo and said.

Kobe is a talkative person on the court. He likes to talk trash to stimulate opponents.It is said that this is the method Jordan taught Kobe after the Lakers lost to the 01ers in the first game of the 76 Finals.Use trash talk to attack opponents, and Kobe has gradually developed this habit since then.

Chen Mo shrugged and said, "Do you think your probability of winning is higher than the probability of the sun rising from the west tomorrow?"

When facing a swearing opponent, Chen Mo always looks calm and calm, which is very annoying to be honest.

Kobe gritted his teeth and said nothing.

The game restarted, and the Warriors kicked off in the frontcourt. Chen Mo still avoided physical contact with any Lakers players in this inevitable positional battle.

His ability to evade defense is actually very strong, coupled with his choice of a longer movement distance, this makes it even more difficult for Artest, who is currently in charge of playing against Chen Mo, to deal with it.

Chen Mo's play like this reduced the threat of his passing, but he protected himself very well.

If the league introduces the four-point line concept, Chen Mo's threat will definitely continue to increase.He took another shot from a big step from the three-point line.

The Warriors couldn't make the pass and gave Chen Mo a return pass, and Chen Mo directly threw it in.

Kobe clenched his fists fiercely, their defense was already in place, but Chen Mo still scored the ball in this way.

"The defensive range needs to be larger. Don't let it go as long as you have the opportunity. No matter where it is, it's best not to let this guy cross the center line." Bryant shouted to Artest.

The Lakers are attacking, and Kobe will play singles with the ball.

Kobe has a great advantage in playing Curry, but Kobe's hand feeling is not particularly good today.

Kobe hit the iron, and there was a burst of cheers at Oracle Arena.I don't know if the fans are celebrating Kobe's iron strike, or are they excited because the Warriors started a fast break.

Curry received a pass from David Lee, took two steps to reach the center line, and then threw the ball to Chen Mo with his right hand.

Knowing that Artest was chasing him, Chen Mo turned his head and made a grimace, then started at full speed and rushed to the basket.

Artest couldn't catch up with Chen Mo, and Gerald Wallace was going to intercept Chen Mo at the free throw line, but it was all in vain. Chen Mo flicked the ball and flew diagonally to the basket.Millsap on the right came from the right and flew into the sky.

He covered the basketball with his right hand, and then slammed it hard into the basket.

Instant explosion!

The Warriors' extreme fast break was once again successful, and the feeling of blood spurting brought by this speed made the Oracle Arena start to boil.

"Fast and Furious!" The live DJ shouted loudly.

The fans continued to shout: "Fast and Furious!"

Chen Mo stroked his muscles towards Artai. Although he didn't have much muscle, it was quite ironic.Then Chen Mo moved closer to Artest's ear and said, "Does it feel good to eat farts after me? Mr. Snail."

Chen Mo deliberately angered Artest, Chen Mo wanted to anger this well-known villain in the league, as long as Artest dared to touch him at this time, he would dare to fall to the ground, definitely better than the acting skills of Pengci on the road times.

In fact, Artest is also soft and fearful. At the Palace of Auburn Hills back then, he didn't dare to do anything to the vicious Ben Wallace, and turned his head to beat the fans, which can explain the problem.

But now he doesn't even dare to touch Chen Mo, and the Lakers have already studied it clearly if they dare to use the "logging" tactic.Mike Brown made repeated orders and repeated orders, and he must not give Actor Chen a chance to perform.

Artest's IQ is not low, he knew that Chen Mo was looking for opportunities to improve his acting skills, so he resisted doing it.

The Warriors once again had the advantage in the game, and Kobe frowned and shouted: "You guard him." He pointed to Millsap and said to Artest.

Then Kobe yelled at Gerald Wallace: "Go and watch Jack Chen, don't be soft."

In fact, the most suitable candidate to defend Chen Mo is Gerald Wallace, but Wallace has a good personal relationship with Chen Mo. They are still former teammates. I am afraid that Gerald Wallace will be soft on Chen Mo. The Lakers Let Artest defend Chen Mo.

Gerald Wallace nodded his head. No one asked him to defend Chen Mo. He must be acting stupid, but Kobe called him, and he couldn't continue to act stupid.Choosing to join the Lakers against Chen Mo is Gerald Wallace's own choice.

In the summer, the Warriors also contacted him. The Warriors wanted to recruit all the three core cores of the Bobcats last season, but Wallace did not agree.

What he said about Chen Mo's aura is too much is false. The most important thing is that the Lakers gave him a lot of money.

Gerald Wallace chose US dollars, and he had already expected to face Chen Mo.In fact, part of the reason why the Lakers gave him a big contract was because he knew Chen Mo well enough.

"Don't blame me," Gerald Wallace said.

Chen Mo said, "We are all professional players."

Wallace nodded.

Gerald Wallace is a tough guy, but the kid can get dirty too.

Even on the offensive end, he was looking for Chen Mo to fight against. As soon as Paul came over, he went straight to Wallace for a pick-and-roll, just to send Chen Mo to Wallace.

The Lakers are willing to abolish Wallace's offensive performance, but also find more opportunities to consume Chen Mo.

"Damn it, who is the defender?" Chen Mo gritted her teeth and complained.

Kobe blasted a super long three-pointer, and this time he finally scored the ball.

"Very tough." Chen Mo did not forget to bury Kobe.

The Lakers played slowly on the offensive end, and they wanted to reduce the number of rounds and the success rate, but the Warriors' defensive strength has also increased a lot at this time.Without Bynum, the Lakers played slowly and couldn't improve the success rate of positional battles too much. In the end, it was Kobe or Paul's singles.

At the end of the game, there were not too many variables. At the end of the game, the Warriors fans were sweating, but it turned out that there was no danger.When Chen Mo's physical fitness was close to the limit, the game was over.

The Lakers lost 105 to 109 in the away game, which is the closest they have come to victory.If it is at Staples this time, perhaps the outcome may not be certain.

"We did a great job this time, mainly because we found a way." Kobe looked very calm at the press conference. The outcome of the regular season is actually not important. Their harvest in this game is more important than the result of the game.

"We found a way, at least now we meet the Warriors in the playoffs, and our chances of winning are not small."

"I don't think there is anything wrong with our defense. Should we play against the Warriors? Unless our team is an All-Star."

"What happens on the pitch doesn't affect our personal relationship."

Kobe praised Chen Mo hard at the press conference, in fact, he also thought so in his heart.Give Chen Mo a group of mid-level teammates in the NBA, and he can lead the team to play top-level offense.Kobe also thought so in his heart, so he always wanted to be teammates with Chen Mo, but he couldn't accept being completely second in charge next to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo scored 11 three-pointers in this game and scored 38 points.At the same time, he also sent 16 assists.Including several miraculous passes, the most amazing one is the pass made with Kobe's heel.

Kobe also scored 36 points, but he hit 13 times, and his shooting percentage was not high.

Pat Riley didn't change the channel after watching the game. He stared at the red wine in front of him, wondering what he was thinking.

After a long while, commercials started to play on the TV, and he suddenly laughed nervously.

"What kind of logging tactics are logging tactics that don't aim to send him to the hospital?" The smile on Pat Riley's face gradually faded, "It's best to let him be reimbursed at once! This is the perfect performance of logging tactics. "

Pat Riley believes that the Lakers' loss was due to soft hands and soft hearts, and it is impossible for a woman to bring them a championship.

Pat Riley was also tortured crazy by Chen Mo, and Chen Mo was like a knife piercing Pat Riley's heart.The stronger he behaved, the deeper the knife pierced into his heart.

Last season, the Heat lost to the Bobcats in the tiebreaker, and the ridicule from the media made Riley irritable all summer.

In fact, there are dangers in star grouping. If you don't win the championship, it will become a laughing stock and be remembered by the league.I don't know when someone will come up and say it.

Even if the star who leads the team alone does not win the championship, he will end up with a lonely hero and a good reputation as the uncrowned king.

And now there are three teams in the league that are all stars. The Warriors may not be considered a star group. They only have two All-Stars. Curry still took advantage of Chen Mo's light to make it to the All-Stars.In fact, there are only two teams in the group-the Heat and the Lakers.

When a team with multiple star groups appears in the league at the same time, one team will inevitably become a laughing stock.After all, there is only one championship a year.

Pat Riley drank the red wine in the glass. He is ready, as long as they meet the Warriors in the finals, they will perfect the logging tactics and reach the limit.

On the other side, Chen Mo was blackmailing Kobe for supper.He had the attitude of eating Kobe poor all night.

"You'd better go to the hospital with a perforated stomach." Kobe cursed Chen Mo.

Chen Mo threw the fork away and said, "It's not worth it if I don't eat it next time."

"Let's count the difference in the future and play! Ten thousand for one point, donate to charity." Chen Mo said: "If you lose, you and Chris will share equally, and if we lose, I will share equally with Stephen."

Curry was the first to jump up to express his agreement. Kobe gave Curry a white look and said, "You bet so big, don't you need to go home and ask your parents for instructions?"

They ordered a bottle of wine, and when Curry was pouring the wine, the waiter came over and asked Curry to show his ID. They were worried that Curry was under the legal drinking age of 21.This made them laugh a lot.

Curry pouted, pretending to be cute, but didn't speak.

Kobe agreed to Chen Mo's bet, he felt that they would definitely win next time.After all, they found a way.

And at this moment, Chen Mo's cell phone rang, and he saw that the caller ID turned out to be from Jordan.

Chen Mo didn't know why Jordan called him, but immediately after he answered the phone, a displeased voice came from the other end, "Jack, what do you think of your game tonight?"

"I think it's great! Look at the pass that used Kobe's heel. Now he has assisted us twice. If possible, I want him to give us double figures in the number of assists this season." Chen Mo said on the one hand He was praising himself, but on the other hand, he was also attacking Kobe. It was revenge for Kobe's mocking of Curry just now.

Kobe slashed a piece of steak with a knife in depression, and Jordan roared on the phone: "I think you played terribly, there is no more rubbish game than this. How to describe it? It's like those tricks in the park- whore."

Chen Mo never thought that this game would be dismissed as worthless by Jordan. In fact, he always thought that he played well in this game.But he still wants to hear what the old man has to say. Even if his relationship with Jordan has become complicated, he doesn't believe that Jordan just called to reprimand him, and he will definitely have something to say after that.

(End of this chapter)

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