The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 126 The host wants to be the supporting actor 15

Chapter 126 The host wants to be the supporting actor 15
Rongjiu bit the lollipop into pieces, and threw the stick into the trash can next to it.

Seeing this, Xiao Li immediately stepped forward and began to put makeup on Rongjiu.

Seeing that Rong Jiu didn't talk about the topic just now, Mo Jinzhi heaved a long sigh of relief.

If she really lets this little aunt take care of her again, Xia Ling doesn't know what posture she will use to torture herself again.

After putting on makeup, Rong Jiu didn't mention the matter of taking care of him with Mo Jinzhi, nor did he mention the topic of reaching the pinnacle of life.

Mo Jinzhi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as the commercial shooting was over, Mo Jinzhi said goodbye to Rongjiu, and left as quickly as possible.


In the following month, the strongest cheat did not appear again.

Rongjiu enjoys leisurely time. Apart from filming and answering announcements every day, he does shopping (buying candy, milk tea, and small cakes).

Sometimes, you can eat and drink at Pei Yichen's place.

And the task has long been forgotten by her to the country of Java.

After all, the task objects are all wrong, what else is there to do.

On this day, Rong Jiu came to the studio without even having breakfast.

He just walked into the studio and did not see Pei Yichen.

"Where's Pei Yichen?" Rong Jiu looked around, but saw no one.

I searched several places, but couldn't find anyone.

Pei Yichen's absence meant that breakfast was also absent!

When Assistant Director Lin heard Rong Jiu's question, he replied anxiously, "I can't reach anyone, and I can't get through the phone either."

Deputy Director Lin walked up and down anxiously, and made another phone call.

However, the result was that no one answered.

Seeing that Deputy Director Lin looked like an ant on a hot pot, Rong Jiu blinked, took out the phone from his pocket, and opened the address book.

Turned to the note "Pei Yichen, who is an excellent cook", and made a call.

Actually, before, the note on the phone was not like this, but she changed it later.

She still remembered that the note she gave earlier was "Pei Yichen, the dog".

I froze for a moment when I opened it.

I was a little curious, did this body have any enmity with Pei Yichen.

But Pei Yichen's attitude towards her didn't look like a hater.

It didn't even take it to heart.

But every time I find him in the address book, I will remember the previous notes.

Although the call was made, there was no answer on the other side.

"Sorry, you called..."

Rong Jiu put down the phone, went to the stool next to him and sat down.

Sitting on the stool with his chin in a daze.

This is a day without breakfast, so hungry, so hungry, so hungry...

Pei Yichen didn't come, and Deputy Director Lin didn't dare to direct by himself, so the staff had to wait on the scene.

Twenty minutes later, Pei Yichen still didn't come, and no one could contact him.

"Everyone go back today. If the filming starts, I'll let everyone know." Assistant Director Lin couldn't get in touch with Pei Yichen, so he had to let everyone go back first.

Rong Jiu glanced at the mobile phone number that was still not connected, put away the mobile phone, got up and left.

As soon as he walked out of the studio, the phone in his pocket rang.

Rong Jiu took out the phone from his pocket and glanced at it.

Seeing the note, his expression brightened.

Immediately clicked to answer, "Pei Yichen? Where are you?"

"Is it Miss Jiujiu? This is Nancheng Hospital. Three or ten minutes ago, Mr. Pei Yichen had a car accident..." There was an unfamiliar voice on the opposite side.

Rong Jiu "..." Did Pei Yichen have a car accident? !
Then... did breakfast also have a car accident? !

"Go to the city hospital." Rong Jiu didn't have time to hang up the phone, and rushed towards the car like a small cannonball.

Sister Yan was taken aback when she heard this, "Whose call? Has something happened to someone?"

 Good night, oh Sidisi ()
(End of this chapter)

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