The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 127 The host wants to be the supporting actor 16

Chapter 127 The host wants to be the supporting actor 16
Rong Jiu didn't answer, and rushed into the car.

Sister Yan didn't dare to delay, she quickly ran to the car and got into the car.

As soon as he got in the car, he urged the driver to drive quickly.

Along the way, Rong Jiu held the phone, lowered his head, did not speak, just stared at the phone in a daze.

"Xiaojiu... are you okay?" Sister Yan asked cautiously.

Rong Jiu shook his head, then continued to stare at the phone in a daze.

"Your cutie suddenly appeared." A familiar milky voice sounded in my mind.

"Where have you been?" Rong Jiu asked without any ups and downs.

The strongest cheater didn't find that Rong Jiu's tone was wrong, so he began to explain, "Hee hee, I'm going to check the mission details."

"Result?" Rong Jiu lowered his eyes and looked at the phone, his eyes were clean and deep.

"Hey, what, we're in the wrong time period for the mission. We should have traveled to five years ago, when the plot just started." Otherwise, the mission would not be complete, the strongest cheater said with a guilty conscience.


"So, we have to go five years ago." The strongest cheater said cautiously, and even took a peek at Rongjiu.

Why do you feel that the big baby is weird today.

"Five years ago." Rong Jiu whispered.

"Yes, it was five years ago." The strongest cheater said immediately.

Rong Jiu didn't speak any more, and looked at Rong Jiu quietly, "Baby, shall we set off now?"

"Go to the hospital first." Rong Jiu looked away from the phone and replied lightly.

"it is good."


Ten minutes later, Rong Jiu and his party arrived at the hospital.

At that time, Pei Yichen had already been transferred to the ward.

The doctor said that it was only a slight concussion and a slight fracture of the leg and foot, not very serious.

You can wake up after half an hour.

Standing by the bed, Rong Jiu looked at the pale person lying on the bed, "Qiang Zai, we went five years ago, can we come back?"

"I'll be back. For the current time period, we just left for a second." The strongest cheat immediately explained.

"Let's go." Rong Jiu sat on the edge of the bed and said to the strongest cheater.

"Drip! The space-time shuttle function of the same plane is being activated, time travel, five years ago, location, Nancheng City."

"Please confirm again, do you want to activate the shuttle function? Yes/No"

Let the wine be ordered directly, yes.

With a flash in front of his eyes, he found that the surrounding environment had changed.

You were still in the hospital ward one second, and you appeared in the barren mountains the next second?
"Qiang Zai, where is this?"

Nancheng five years ago was barren mountains?

"This is a mountain in Nancheng City." The strongest cheat answered Wan Rongjiu's question, and then began to educate her, "Because there is no memory about you in this space before, no one would know you under normal circumstances..."

No one knows?

What about sweetness?

She lowered her head, covered the necklace around her neck with her palm, and paused slightly.

Chip, back?

Let go of the necklace, put the necklace back under the coat, and looked around.

"Hey? Big baby, where did this necklace come from?" I have seen this necklace several times, and it looks more and more familiar to me.

"I picked it up." Rong Jiu seemed to reply seriously.

Hearing Rong Jiu's serious tone, he believed it, "Where did you pick it up? I'll try it too."

Such a beautiful necklace, it also has a wow.

Rongjiu "...navigate to the nearest candy store."

"The strongest plug-in will continue to navigate for you." As soon as Rong Jiu said navigation, the strongest plug-in forgot his question just now, and opened a navigation for Rong Jiu.

Following the most powerful external navigation system, Rong Jiu slowly descended the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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