Chapter 177 The hero, you are gone 5
Walking to a stall, Rong Jiu stopped, took a bite of the candied haws, and glanced at the items on the stall one by one.

There was a wooden table next to the stall with a tea set and a chair beside the table. A man in a black cloak was lazily leaning on the chair with a book in his hand.

Several people stopped by the stall, but that person didn't mean to say hello.

Instead, she continued to lie lazily on the chair, pinching the book with her slender white hands, turning a page from time to time.

A hat with a cloak attached to his head was covered, and his head was lowered so that he could not see his face clearly.

Rong Jiu's eyes stopped on a palm-sized medicine cauldron, "How do you sell this cauldron?"

A clean and pure voice sounded, and the fingers that were about to flip the book paused slightly, and raised their eyes to look at the girl who was speaking loudly by the stall.

When he raised his eyes, he bumped into a pair of clean and deep eyes.

The hand holding the book tightened slightly, "hissing" the hand that wanted to turn the book didn't turn the page, but tore a hole in the page instead.

The eyes hidden under the brim of the hat narrowed slightly, "Want?"

Rong Jiu nodded.

"Not for sale." The deep and crisp voice was intertwined with a lazy and undisciplined tone, and it seemed to carry an innate sense of charm in the ears, which penetrated into the bones and swayed people's hearts.

Rong Jiu didn't have time to listen to how nice his voice was, she only heard him say "not for sale."

Blinking, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, he let out a soft oh, then turned and left.

Set up a stall and don't sell it, see you soon.

Seeing this, the man in black froze for a moment, and left now?It's too dishonest.

She moved her lips, and when she saw Rong Jiu's leaving figure, she paused. How did she feel, this figure looked familiar.

When I came back to my senses, I realized that the person had disappeared.


Rong Jiu wandered around the town for a long time before leaving for the place where the strange flowers grow.

Although the border of the Demon Realm is easy to reach, there are strange beasts guarding the strange flowers. If you want to get the strange flowers, you still have to spend a lot of effort.

Strange flowers grow at the bottom of the cold pool, and strange beasts are stationed in the cold pool.

The last time the original owner came, he directly fought against the hostess and his party, and did not see the strange beast guarding the strange flowers.

But it seems to be written in the original text that the guardian of the strange flowers is a dragon.

That dragon was finally tamed by the heroine and became the heroine's beast.

Standing by the cold pool, Rong Jiu could feel a bit of coldness, Tan's face was calm and clear, although the pool water was clear, it was bottomless.

He stuck out his tongue, touched the small fangs, jumped deeply, and jumped into the pool.

The water in the pool is clear, and even under the water, you can see the scene around you clearly.

After entering the water, let the wine swim to the bottom of the pool.

"Big darling, you have to protect yourself. In the original text, that dragon is very fierce." Said to Rong Jiu with a worried expression on his face.

"En." Rong Jiu responded, and continued to swim towards the bottom of the pool.

The pool water was as cold as expected, the icy feeling surrounded the whole body, and Rongjiu speeded up.

Soon, he reached the bottom of the pool and swam all the way to the bottom of the pool, but he didn't see the shadow of Jiaolong.

The strange flowers really bloomed at the bottom of the pool,
Also opened a lot.

Rongjiu stopped by the strange lace, stretched out his hand, and was about to pick it.

Before touching the flowers, the pond water shook violently.

Even the flowers at the bottom of the pool were swayed from side to side by the pool water.

Rong Jiu withdrew his hand and looked towards the most violent shaking direction.

I saw a huge head, with a big mouth open, rushing towards Rongjiu.

Rong Jiu flipped his palm lightly, slapped down, and flew towards Tan Mian.

When Jiaolong bumped into him, Rongjiu had already flown up for a long distance.

Jiaolong shook his head, turned a corner, opened his huge mouth, and chased after Rongjiu.

(End of this chapter)

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